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    Sunday, March 22, 2020

    Ace Attorney Charley is the most powerful being in the Ace Attorney universe

    Ace Attorney Charley is the most powerful being in the Ace Attorney universe

    Charley is the most powerful being in the Ace Attorney universe

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 08:57 AM PDT

    Here's a drawing I did of Trucy! She's one of my favourite characters to draw! (Also hello! I'm new to reddit and the AA scene!)

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 10:17 AM PDT

    Lol I like Fulbright

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 04:00 PM PDT

    sketching ace attorney villians till i give up or run out: day 4

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 07:41 PM PDT

    This dude hasn’t played Phoenix Wright

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 01:26 PM PDT


    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 01:17 AM PDT

    Edgeworth edit I made. Enjoy!

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 01:37 PM PDT

    Laughing at the Cool~

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 02:45 PM PDT

    I got inspired by a similar post in drawing ace attorney characters in different styles so I tried my best to draw pearly in panty & stocking style!

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 06:05 PM PDT

    Volty's channel got hacked. Make noise. Help him out.

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 01:39 PM PDT

    Volty's channel got hacked. Make noise. Help him out.

    I try my best to not browse Reddit or engage with communities because it can prevent me from speaking honestly, and saying the things I want to say. That said, I'm breaking my rule today to talk about something important to me.

    Volty. For those who don't know, is a primarily Ace Attorney based YouTube figure who made a bunch of videos across the spectrum with and about the series. This ranges from Ace Idiot, Phoenix Wrongs, Music Videos and general parodies of the series. While it seems like he's very inactive, it's because he's been working hard on an Ace Attorney related project for years that I can't disclose. (Or maybe I can, I don't know)


    The point is, Volty's been a huge facet of the Ace Attorney community for essentially over a decade and he hasn't stopped. This guy was out here making content for Ace Attorney fans since 08'. That's when AJ came out. A lot of people here didn't even know what an Ace Attorney was in 08'. This guy has been involved in so many different AA things, and inspired so many different people. While I'm not a fan of it, even Ace Attorney Abridged even references his videos a lot. I'm pretty sure he made the Turnabout Substitution trailer too. (The first large scale AA fancase)

    And not that anyone cares, speaking personally, Volty was essentially the reason I started to make Ace Attorney sprite videos myself. His Phoenix Wrongs and Kanagroo Court video blew me away so much that I wanted to be just like him, and attempt to do it just as well.

    I'm saying all of this because his channel was hacked and taken away from him, which served as the foundation for not only his secret Ace Attorney projects, but a lot of his drive to create in general. Volty spent over 10 years essentially grinding for this community. Regardless of his financial situation, he never stopped or switched to something else when he easily could've but he loved Ace Attorney and gave a lot to this community.

    You don't have to like me. Man, you probably don't even know me. But, if you can. Please make some noise and help out Volty. He's a huge facet of this community, and never stopped giving back to Ace Attorney and its fans.

    His backup account.

    submitted by /u/TheStorytellerAJ
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    Finished for the first time and AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 01:13 AM PDT

    Controversial Character Week Day 2: Godot and Iris

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 09:07 PM PDT

    Yes, I'm putting these two in one post, and yes I'm posting this one a little early. Fite meh.

    I love Godot as a character even though he's terribly flawed. But that's the point.

    I don't think it's a secret that I'm pretty much enamored with Iris. She's just such a sweetie and I felt so bad for her. But I do get the argument that her actions are problematic, and yeah they are.

    So what do you guys think of these "Polarizing Dark Horses" of T&T?

    Do you like Godot: https://www.strawpoll.me/19589170 Do you like Iris: https://www.strawpoll.me/19589175

    (No, you don't have to)

    submitted by /u/AceDemoMuse76
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    Reminiscence ~ Scars Carved by Fire [Piano Cover w/ Sheets]

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 07:17 PM PDT

    What did you think about 6-5's main villain? *Spoilers*

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 10:23 PM PDT

    And the award that goes to is the sadistic sociopathic megalomaniac "Queen" (Her Unworthiness) Ga'ran Sigatar Khura'in. Who spewed Khura'in into a toxic, blackmailing, and manipulating for hers to abuse after she framed Dhurke for the fire she started. And making a terrible law known as the "Defense Culpability Act". Resulting in draconic legal system in Khura'in to despise. Making Dhurke and his followers as bad people when they aren't. Blackmailing Rayfa and Nahyuta for their parentage and the former's safety. And to top all her crimes, she's nothing more than a dirty coward behind it. She raised the stakes to a despicable degree that you don't even want to respect nor understand why there are still Ga'ran supporters despite her disgusting rule. She even wore a hideous outfit in her prosecuting days and may I remind you that we haven't accused her?

    She's basically a mixture of Manfred and Morgan Fey. An Evil Aunt to Nahyuta and Rayfa. Something that everyone in Khura'in realized when she took power. She's a Hate Sink, a Classic Villain that represents Ambition and Envy, and you'll feel the least sorry for her if she's executed because both she and her husband are awful, AWFUL human beings.

    I wonder, why did Capcom just introduce the Wright Anything Agency to a Pork Bun trial to the origin of Apollo's arc as he is the focus despite not knowing what to do with Phoenix Wright and Maya Fey? And since fans spat at her being the one who declared the starting point of Apollo Justice, even though it felt that it deviated away from what it originally was supposed to be. Considering that it was Shu Takumi's idea and fans prefer him as a writer over Yamazaki, who hypes EVERYTHING in every case. Since he raises the stakes at the beginning of the game. While Takumi does it in the final case of the game.

    So yeah, Capcom wanted to write the most heinous, hatest, pettiest, and cowardly villain in the series. But even if her heinous actions of murdering or imprisoning dozens of people during her terrible law while her piece of shit husband stamped execution forms as stress relief. Blaise Debeste/Bansai Ichiyanagi remains as my most evil character. Because he was involved in many international conspiracies and the overarching villain of the entire franchise. And will always be my poster-board of the TRUE Ace Attorney Greater-Scope Villain titleholder.

    And of course, Apollo had to prove she wasn't worthy of the crown by proving that she can't channel any spirits. And had to help himself and his surrogate brother to rebuild the Kingdom's legal system. But I think that Apollo and Nahyuta are childhood best friends who just forgotten each other until they know again.

    So if we're gonna continue with this, it would be cool if you introduce a catalyst villain to Ga'ran's character to fix the mistakes that fans have with her. Maybe the Former Chief Prosecutor who was excommunicated by Amara Sigatar Khura'in a long time ago decides to exploit the royal family by having Ga'ran in power to get rid of Dhurke who he and his boys were hunting behind his back? By doing so I mean, he gives Ga'ran the lighter and helps secure her victory in power. And over the years, he puts motion into his plan by trying to present the monarchy in the most negative way ever by trashing Rayfa as she is too fragile. So that he could take over under his own disgusting rule. And Apollo and Nahyuta must work together to bring this madman down whatever way they can.

    That's my idea which I want for Ace Attorney 7. Because Ace Attorney is a lot of things, but with too many things jumbled around that Yamazaki placed, it's going to take some time. And I don't usually like Yamazaki as a writer for this main series, I prefer Shu Takumi because he's more talented than those who replaced him after the AJ game.

    You see, Apollo was supposed to be a soft reboot to the series, but Capcom wanted Wright to be there. They brought him back in Dual Destinies, which was the right move as a business move, but it was the wrong decision. Phoenix Wright and Maya Fey have no room for growth development, so they had no idea what to do for them.

    P.S. Going more off-topic, putting Phoenix back in AJ was a total fatal flaw. Because Capcom sees him as a cash grab and to move the plot forward when other attorneys need the spotlight in 3DS games after AJ. Apollo had a focus, great. Now we need Athena to be the next focus? Fans have mixed feelings about this because they would love her and they would hate it. Also, the 3DS games were more overt. To showcase more due to the advancement of technology.

    If Shu Takumi could have hammered those dark moments back then, he would have.

    P.S.S. And could the writers stop raising the stakes for Ace Attorney 7? It worked well in Investigations 2, you don't need to do it over and over again. In Dual Destinies, it was the dark age of the law. In Spirit of Justice, it's if you lose, you will die. What's next? The Moon is gonna crash!?

    submitted by /u/CamperorLOL
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    Apollo is taking a big break from all that Lawyering and went on vacation

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 12:38 PM PDT

    I see most of you on YouTube make Ace Attorney Animations using Adobe Flash. Well, I made quite the exploit and did it in MS POWERPOINT >:')))))))))

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 08:22 PM PDT

    What is your favorite running gag in AA?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 08:23 AM PDT

    This can range from cleaning the toilet, Charley the plant, Franziska whipping people at the best moments, or even the great Step-Ladder argument

    submitted by /u/FloofBoi64
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    Does the Nintendo eShop version of Dual Destinies include the DLC case?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 04:08 PM PDT

    I'm in Europe. I couldn't find an answer, unfortunately. And if it isn't included, how much is it? Same question goes for Spirit of Justice, if that one has DLC as well.


    submitted by /u/MeVasta
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    AA7 Should Focus on Psychology (and other AA7 ideas)

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 07:52 PM PDT

    It seems that most of us agree that the next mainline game should focus on Athena, so I think it is only logical that the game should focus on her main gimmick of psychology. Since SoJ focused on spirit channeling, it would be cool to see what tricks the writers can make with psychology or psychiatry.

    SoJ has some interesting uses of psychiatry, like Uendo's multiple personalities, Inga's inability to see faces, and Sorin's memory loss, so AA7 expanding on it would be pretty cool.

    My idea for AA7 is for the game to center on an asylum where people with mental illnesses go to for treatment. Athena would meet a new character at this asylum: a young man with depression. She would then become his therapist and he would become her court co-counsel. Of the 2 cases led by Athena, both of them had mentors as her partner (Apollo and Simon). In order for Athena to grow as a lawyer and a character, I believe she needs to have a junior assistant instead of a superior; that way there wouldn't be anyone one bailing her out of a case. They don't have to be younger than her or a girl, but they need to be have less legal experience than her.

    One twist in the game could be in a case where Sebastian Debeste is prosecuting; he is actually very competent in this game unlike in AAI2. There's a murder at the asylum and a mysterious masked man was near the crime scene. The game implies that the masked man is the murder, but this is a red herring. The masked man is actually Sebastian and he is not a murderer. He has ADHD and is getting treatment at the asylum. He disguised himself in order to not worry his peers and risk his job at the Prosecutor's Office. The management of his ADHD is the reason why he is now competent at prosecuting.

    These are just some of my ideas for the next game. I'm not sure if it will focus on psychology but I'll be happy if Athena will be the focus nonetheless.

    (Some of my other AA7 ideas is that have Trucy to be Phoenix's main assistant so she will be a main character again and she would be relevant again for the reveal that she is Apollo's sister. Seeing these two take on cases worth each other is long overdue. Also Apollo could lead a filler case in Khu'rain with Ahlbi Ur'gaid as his assistant. Finally, I want Investigations characters to be introduced in the main series by having Sebastian Debeste as the main rival and Kay Faraday or Shi-Long Lang as the main detective.)

    submitted by /u/VonMarvin
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    Apollo Justice... sure is a game. Don’t get me wrong, I loved it, but it has the most mixed cases out there. 1 and 4 are fantastic, 2 is good, and 3 is boring and dumb. But even with my negativity at some points, still amazing through out most of it. Time for some investigations!

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 10:28 AM PDT

    Apollo Justice ~ A New Trial is in Session! (Piano) By Ace

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 07:40 PM PDT

    Phoenix Wright ~ Objection! 2004 Ace Attorney Trials and Tribulations Remix

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 08:43 AM PDT

    second episode of me messing around in Gimp while trying to understand how that work. this time i made Summer Ray.

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 11:16 AM PDT

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