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    Friday, October 25, 2019

    Ace Attorney Welcome to Ace Attorney Rankdown!

    Ace Attorney Welcome to Ace Attorney Rankdown!

    Welcome to Ace Attorney Rankdown!

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 07:34 PM PDT

    Opening applications for an Ace Attorney rankdown, a combination of a game show and a popularity contest. 10 rankers will be chosen to sort a list of 200 Ace Attorney characters going from #200 to #1, with #1 being the highest spot. Chosen rankers will go through 22 rounds narrowing down the entire cast until none remain. The 10 rankers chosen will make writeups in each round detailing why a character should be cut in that spot. Rankers write down their arguments for why characters should leave the Rankdown, say #200 is Armstrong the ranker cutting Armstrong would make a writeup detailing their argument against him. These cuts do not always have to be negative, in the middle someone could write about why they like a character but believe their time has come for instance.

    Nominations are done by rankers selecting two characters for the others to cut, rankers are unable to cut their own nominations or nominate characters two rounds in a row. Rankers cannot change their nominations once they've been made, this has led to some shenanigans in other Rankdowns and I would want to prevent here. Every nominated character will be put into a community poll where 4 characters voted the highest will be allowed to make it past that round. This will be done by a Google Form. Community members will be able to vote on the characters to save.

    Rankers will have a pool of skills available to them for use to get their favorites higher or their least favorites lower, for instance character revival and cutting two characters in a round.

    The list of characters can be found here. We decided on 200 characters, the entire cast of every game minus DGS and DGS2 which we chose to omit since DGS hasn't been out long and is fairly difficult to play and DGS2 isn't translated. Animals and notable victims are included to round out to a nice 200 and Professor Layton and Luke Triton were excluded since it would be hard to talk about them without mentioning the Professor Layton series.

    A good frame of reference for everything in practice is the Danganronpa Rankdown.

    Application form.

    Poll will be up for three weeks with a one week period of picking rankers.

    submitted by /u/ItsHipToTipTheScales
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    Edits I did for a hypothetical PL vs PW 2 that I conceived because I'm a gigantic nerd

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 09:17 AM PDT

    Brought the Older Brother to 3D

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 08:30 AM PDT

    This reminds me of a certain bluffing hope servant... (sigh) If only I knew what his name was...

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 01:14 PM PDT

    [Question] Do you want the main series to drop the "Phoenix Wright" subtitle entirely and just be called "Ace Attorney: ___" in the future?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 09:03 AM PDT

    A fanart I made for NicoB (and forgot to post here)

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 08:44 AM PDT

    Why Phoenix is just Wright for Smash DLC (Discussion Video)

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 01:36 PM PDT

    athena cykes: ace attorney (protag concept art)

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 10:21 PM PDT

    Frustrating testimonies

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 03:27 PM PDT

    So, when I play an Ace Attorney game, sometimes I'll come across a testimony that I can't crack. More often than not I'll find a testimony where I know and understand the contradiction within, but it has to be presented in a specific way that I won't be able to figure out. I'll spend possibly hours wracking my brain, trying to figure out how to break the testimony, feeling so close but getting nowhere, and trying SO hard not to use a walkthrough. Eventually, though, in the name of progress, I'll cave and pull up a walkthrough, wishing that the solution was easier. Despite now knowing the answer, I don't feel satisfied or relieved. The frustration from that one testimony usually lingers throughout the entire case, and can sometimes even ruin the case for me because it feels like I've completed it illegitimately. It's kinda childish, perhaps, but it's an issue I find myself having often. I'm writing this because it just happened, actually, in case 3 of Apollo Justice, and I'm feeling kinda bad about it. So, in an attempt to ease my conscience, I'd like to know: Does anyone else have similar issues to this, or is it just me being picky about my experience? Thanks, friends, and have a great day.

    submitted by /u/JorgTheCurious
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    damn phoenix old tho

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 10:09 PM PDT

    Made a Franziska character in Episode :3

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 02:29 PM PDT

    3-3 Help?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 03:03 PM PDT

    So, in 4-2 Trial, I was at "Tigre's Testimony: Ties to the Victim", where I was supposed to show Mcbomber/Sports paper to the 6th statement, "If that waitress hadn't done what she done, everythin' woulda been over." I was partially following a guide, (only really checking it if I got stuck,) and read that I should press "Ask how things would've been", in which the statement then turned into "I was after the $100,000. I didn't have no other reason to kill the guy!" This is where I should've presented the evidence, but I was curious and pressed this statement further. I was lead to an option of either editing the testimony or not, in which I saved right before editing the testimony. I pressed a few other statements, and by the time I checked the guide again to see how to move on, I had unknowingly saved on top of the two options save. I tried presenting the evidence on the new replacement statement, and all I get are penalties. Is there a way to progress after doing this? The guide and other guides I've looked up haven't mentioned this option, and I'm not sure if I can progress from here. The case is quite long, and while I could redo chapter 3, I really don't want to lol.

    Edit: I don't know if this changes anything, but I'm playing the HD trilogy for the Switch.

    submitted by /u/BrownBirdTown
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    Hang loose, baby!

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 02:30 AM PDT

    Just finished playing AAI1 and..

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 11:51 PM PDT

    Like did everyone collectively forget that Manfred Von Karma was a murderer? Like everyone seems to act like the worst thing he did was forge some evidence.. am I going crazy, is this just me?

    submitted by /u/SavageGarlic
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    Thoughts on Phoenix Wright becoming a "mentor" character (and possibly dying) (spoilers for Apollo Justice + onwards)

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 04:10 AM PDT

    Before instantly downvoting because I dared to mention our boy Phoenix dying, let me explain my thoughts.

    We all liked Phoenix Wright in Apollo Justice. He was different from before, had a masterplan to take down an evil man, and overall was a great teacher. When he got his badge back in Dual Destinies I really got disappointed, however, because he reverted back to "oh I'm just bluffing for everything". I really think it's a shame that he's still an active playable lawyer, too, because his character can no longer develop. He's basically overshadowing Apollo Justice and Athena Cykes in DD, and then just Athena in SoJ.

    But what do I have in mind, you may ask? What change would I do? The answer is, make him become a mentor again. We've seen how Athena is still young, loses her temper easily and required Simon's help to keep her trial in SoJ from ending. Phoenix could be a great teacher to her, much like he was to Apollo in the beginning of his game. The way I would achieve that is by involving Magnify Gramarye, his death and the disappearance of Thalassa, while also explaining why Love Justice left the states in the first place.

    Basically, I noticed that Magnify and Zak both hid their daughters away in some way without any explanation. Magnify's death is also unclear - it's a suicide for now, but there could be more to it. We'll have to take some parts of the already existing story and add some more things in it to make our case happen. For starters, a backstory to Magnify; we know he keeps two diaries. One is a personal diary and the other is a magic tricks book that he personally wrote. Let's say Magnify witnesses a murder and the killer elegantly made their escape with a trick. Something that could literally "unlock" a frozen case before his very eyes, Magnify quickly writes what he saw down in his book and leaves. The killer recognises magnify and decides to silence him to keep the murder case frozen.

    So, to begin the case we'll go back to the time when Thalassa was shot. Both guns were supposed to have blanks, but turns out one had real bullets. Say, one of the two shooters was the man who wanted Thalassa to die - he could either shoot her with his own gun or plant real bullets in the other's gun to have him shoot her. Let's also say that the killer threatened Magnify beforehands, much like in the final DD case the spy threatened Yuri Cosmos. Magnify realises that his daughter is alive and hides her away from the world, while trying to figure out which magician tried to kill her. He comes up with a solution while on his deathbed.

    Basically I haven't thought this part through well enough, but by using a machine or mechanism that detects loud sounds (like gunshots) and shoots a hole in the Teddy bear next to Magnify. He places two guns with blanks in front of him and writes to his apprentices that, if they complete the test, they can have the magic tricks book (which could contain the murder information). If the killer comes first, he has no reason not to kill magnify - it'd actually be like shooting two birds with one stone. However, that'd also mean that the bear would have an unexplained gunshot, which would somehow make the killer get caught. If the innocent party shot the bear, they'd pass the test and get told the whole truth. Basically, I'm saying that Valant Gramarye will be the one who was behind the attempted murder of Thalassa, and also that he lied to his testimony in Apollo Justice.

    At the same time, Love Justice has already been long dead in Kurain. But why did he even leave? I'll have him be the one person Magnify could trust - he hides Magnify's personal diary in Kurain before he gets killed (either by an agent of the mastermind behind our case or nothing changes to his death).

    I spoke of a "mastermind" earlier. The reason I'm using that word is because i don't want Valant to be the killer of the original murder. He, like Kristoph Gavin, were recruited to steal the diary of Magnify Gramarye incorrectly looking for the book of magic tricks, while they should've been looking for the personal diary. In one point or another, they'll realise that fact too. That's when Trucy comes into play.

    Trucy wright has the diary of Magnify, and is therefore a murder target. Zak has done well to entrust Phoenix with her as he disappeared. Phoenix, who for half our new game (the first few cases might have tips for our story) has been a great mentor and teacher to Athena, now comes to save Trucy from the killer, who's planning to kill Trucy as an "accidental death" and have Valant get the book. Phoenix, at the last second, saves Trucy and gets killed instead, making him our murder victim. Athena Cykes must now control her feelings, like Phoenix taught her to, to find the truth.

    At the same time, Apollo asks Maya to channel Thalassa Gramarye (which fails, meaning she's still alive) and Love Justice. Love tells Apollo what he knows about the case, and Apollo comes back to the states just as Valant gets arrested as the murder of Phoenix Wright.

    Now our two lawyers will have to slowly uncover the whole truth. Phoenix Wright has been protecting the two heirs of the Gramarye name (and book) from this assassin. The rest is just gameplay.

    Thank you for reading this far. I'm really interested to hear your suggestions and criticism

    Edit: remember that magician in SoJ who had an accident which resulted in an X scar and got kicked off the group? Yeah he could also be a victim of attempted murder and Magnify kicked him to protect him.

    submitted by /u/Euthimo2k
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