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    Monday, September 23, 2019

    Ace Attorney When you update the Autopsy Report

    Ace Attorney When you update the Autopsy Report

    When you update the Autopsy Report

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 06:45 AM PDT

    When it's the final day of trial and the witness said something they wouldn't know if they were innocent

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 06:44 PM PDT

    Red White is actually pretty fucking scary in the anime.

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 04:49 PM PDT

    *sad Phoenix noises*

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 01:04 PM PDT

    Just tell them already, Phoenix.

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 10:32 PM PDT

    i'm sorry phoenix

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 08:24 AM PDT

    Help me in the most important question

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 09:39 PM PDT

    why tf is there no chairs for the lawyers to sit in during trial, they have to be tired at some point for standing 4 hours straight

    submitted by /u/YourAssIsBooty
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    A fun conversation I had about murder. The anime is pretty decent btw aside from Maya's VA. I'd give it a shot. You'll get a bunch of reaction images too.

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 04:32 PM PDT

    PhoenIX PHOENIX WRIGHT PHOENI PJMD NICK i like making fanart ok

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 08:28 AM PDT

    Just finished the 3rd case in DGS. (DGS Spoilers up to Case 3)

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 06:36 PM PDT


    So that was chaotic. Hah.

    (Again, I have not played the 4th or 5th case.)

    Ramble start!

    From the top:

    Right off the bat, when I saw Megundal, I thought: "This man is guilty." I knew I was supposed to defend him, but I was absolutely certain that it would be another Farewell, My Turnabout style case.

    The case started, and the next thing I thought was that Barok van Zieks seems very... troubled. Maybe it was the talk of the curse, maybe it was the way he spoke about and apologized for drinking in court... Whatever it was, I am very worried about him.

    The facts of the case started showing, and I was already confused. I did the closing argument with the jury, and I was quick to notice the compartment under the seats. Almost too quick. I laughed every time Ryuu mentioned that something wasn't quite right, because I knew it too. Later on, they mentioned the compartment being empty, and I almost lost it thinking that I wouldn't be able to prove that I had actually inspected the compartment beforehand. Luckily, I was able to. I seemed to be a few steps ahead of Ryuu the whole time.

    Again, I insisted that Megundal was guilty. Again, I laughed at Ryuu's monologuing.

    Then, I realized the "truth" about the skylight. A million different thoughts raced through my head at once. Why? How? That would mean that there was a third person on the roof? Or that the two people already on the roof did it? Wait, no, was Megundal on the roof? Are they all conspiring? They must all be conspiring. As Megundal(?) pointed out the detail of the hat on the victim, which, somehow, I didn't notice, I was then absolutely certain that the three had ganged up together to kill Mortar.

    I got very stuck trying to prove that Mortar fell through the skylight, because I didn't notice the bloodstains on the floor or on the side of the hatch-thing. When I noticed the one on the floor, I was very confused because I was absolutely certain (again) that there was no bloodstain before. However, I don't have much faith in my memory, so I let it slide.

    I was shocked about the accusations toward Adam and Oscar specifically, but I still felt like something was very wrong and that Megundal just had to be guilty. Wasn't he?

    Then the forgery was mentioned.

    My face when I realized that there was actually no bloodstain before... and that I was right...

    I was overjoyed that we'd finally get to catch Megundal. Except... I didn't. Ryuu ended up getting a not guilty, and I was left just as unsatisfied as he was. I also assumed that he was dead after the ending cutscene, too, so I would never be able to find the truth behind the case. How annoying.

    Second wall of text rant over!

    Overall, I enjoyed the case for how many times it made me question my instincts. However, I'm not sure if I like it better than the second case. It didn't have as profound of an impact on me, but it was very chaotic and entertaining. The main difference was that while the second case had a very emotional and somewhat resolved ending, the third case had a very unsatisfactory ending. I guess I'll count it as a tie for now.

    submitted by /u/ShadowMSC
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    How come nobody else likes this song? I mean, come on!

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 01:43 AM PDT

    What happened to user flair

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 03:44 PM PDT

    Why can't we use user flair?

    submitted by /u/SauceofReddit
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    [Spoiler] Just finished first game of the trilogy

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 08:39 AM PDT

    Rise from the ashes was harder than 4 cases before it. Had to spend a couple hours but the ending was well worth the effort!

    And now I feel so empty.


    submitted by /u/UrielSigtuna
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    Some questions about T&T... (SPOILERS)

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 03:06 AM PDT

    1- Was Dahlia aware that Mia was her cousin right when she met her? And did Mia know too?

    2- How come Dahlia and Valerie have the same surname? Valerie was already born when Dahlia's father married her mother.

    3- How could Morgan have planned the final case plot in advance? I mean, the plan required that Dahlia died, so does this mean Morgan was aware that her daughter was on death row? Even so, how could she have known that she would be moved to the same detention center where Dahlia was staying so she could talk with her?

    4- How the fuck did Godot get Iris and Misty to agree to a plan whose only purpose was to get revenge on Dahlia Hawthorne? If he only wanted to save Maya, he could have taken another course of action, and surely Iris and Misty would have pointed this out. So I assume he lied to them so they would cooperate, right? And something else, how did Godot trust Iris so easily? She was the twin sister of a sociopath killer, it would have been natural to be suspicious of her in the beginning.

    6- why did they decide that it would be Iris the one who took the blame in case the plan went wrong? I mean, she was the younger of the three, it would have made more sense if it had been one of the other two.

    5- I have a hard time believing Iris was not capable of retrieving the necklace in 8 months. I mean, I get that Phoenix was very possessive of the necklace, but still she could have just borrowed it from him saying something like "I want to show it to a friend" and then claim she lost it.

    submitted by /u/Victoria230401
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