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    Wednesday, February 9, 2022

    Ace Attorney My AA shrine so far.

    Ace Attorney My AA shrine so far.

    My AA shrine so far.

    Posted: 09 Feb 2022 06:53 AM PST

    Franziska and Maya Doodles :))

    Posted: 08 Feb 2022 07:55 PM PST

    Word on the street was that there was a sale on these games, so I took advantage of it. May get HD Apollo Justice as well.

    Posted: 09 Feb 2022 05:42 AM PST

    A totally not controversial at all tier list

    Posted: 09 Feb 2022 08:37 AM PST

    My Ace Attorney Tier List (FTR I never played either Ace Attorney Investigations game or either Great Ace Attorney game....yet)

    Posted: 09 Feb 2022 09:03 AM PST

    What do you mean Baron doesn't look like this

    Posted: 08 Feb 2022 04:10 PM PST

    Fixed these for you

    Posted: 09 Feb 2022 04:47 AM PST

    Dahlia Hawthorne

    Posted: 09 Feb 2022 03:26 AM PST

    Franziska Crying like Spongebob meme

    Posted: 08 Feb 2022 09:18 AM PST

    Fanart I did of Justine Courtney/Hakari Mikagami ⚖ She's one of my favorite characters! She's among the most underrated ones too, Judge Courtney deserves more love ��

    Posted: 08 Feb 2022 06:01 PM PST

    My personal top 20 favorite characters. Thought it’d be fun to do lol

    Posted: 09 Feb 2022 09:12 AM PST

    3D Case Maker Poll #9

    Posted: 09 Feb 2022 08:30 AM PST

    Haven't made the 2nd tutorial yet, but this poll will influence it. Have you tried out the case maker?

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    submitted by /u/FCMakes
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    A surprise nintendo direct. Hopefully Ace Attorney 7 would be announced since we all know AA7 was supposed to be announced on 2021

    Posted: 08 Feb 2022 06:35 AM PST

    The message of the second game is kinda flawed ngl

    Posted: 08 Feb 2022 02:36 AM PST

    My game tier list! Pretty ordinary I think. Thoughts?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2022 09:20 PM PST

    tempurastick: "Has this been done before, and if not… why not… it works creepily well."

    Posted: 09 Feb 2022 10:19 AM PST

    Just finished GAA2: Resolve. Overly long Post about my Thoughts (GAA1+2 SPOILERS!!)

    Posted: 09 Feb 2022 01:40 AM PST

    After writing up my feelings about GAA1 and its cases recently, I felt like doing a follow-up post and sharing my opinions about the second game as well.


    I do feel like Resolve is a step up from GAA1. Not only were they now able to cash in on an entire game worth of build up, the cases also felt more "complete" in a way (After the first game's cases left a lot of questions to be answered). Most cases here follow the multiple-day formular with two investigation and two trial segments (Reminiscent of the classic games) again.

    On the side of visuals and sound, it's just as good as it was in GAA1. The new additions are great however: I love the new characters they've introduced and also the new music tracks. They didn't have to create an all-new sound library for this game, they had the entire soundtrack of the first game to work with and just expanded on it massively by adding new spins on existing themes (Like the pre-pursuit theme) as well as a lot of character-specific tracks, which made for a lot of variety.

    I also LOVED the voice acting. The actors they chose are fantastic, they're so authentic and sound just like they should. I especially liked Susato's, Barok's and Sholmes's voice. The only way they could improve on this aspect would have been having more voice acted scenes. From what I can gather, the localization seems to be very high quality in general. Feels like they really tried here.

    As I said in my previous post, these two games feel more like two halves of one, big game, which is not a big deal for us in the west of course because we only got these games through the Chronicles version. I can definitely see why the first game was met with some criticism when it first launched in Japan though - it doesn't just set up for a sequel, it's completely dependant on Resolve; just like playing Resolve would make absolutely no sense if you haven't played Adventures.

    Let's get to my thoughts about the individual cases then:

    Case 1

    I wasn't the biggest fan of this case.

    First off, Susato appearing as a lawyer was really cool to see. But I would have liked to hear a bit more about how they pulled it off. Like, can any male citizen appear as a lawyer in court? And if not, how did they go about creating the Ryutaro persona? Where did they get the armband that identifies him/her as a defense attorney? And in the end I guess it's not a big deal at all because Hosonaga (A police inspector) and even the JUDGE find out and it's fine, apparently...

    Also, this is one of those times where I wonder why the lawyer wouldn't talk with their client about what happened. Rei could have told Ryutaro a lot more about what went down and just didn't because the plot needed to only have certain facts be revealed as the trial went along.

    This case didn't seem believable to me in a few ways. One thing I'm wondering for example is how did Menimemo even poison Brett's drink without her noticing? They would have been several feet apart from each other and the glass was directly in front of her, so there's no way she wouldn't have seen him emptying his pen into it...

    I feel like we didn't need Natsume AND Hosonaga as witnesses. It was nice seeing them again though and I guess they needed Natsume to get the plot going as well as transition into case 2.

    I also grew a little tired of the proceedings being overdramatized a bit. I know this is par for the course with AA, but when Susato goes flying against the wall at every little inconvenience and every single "Hold it" is treated as a complete surprise where they have to blitz through everyone's shocked expressions again it just ... gets a little old.

    When I saw that Brett was the victim in this case, I thought for sure that this case would tie into the main story, but ... surprisingly, the murder itself is pretty much completely detached from it. The only purpose it really served to the story was to get Brett/Shinn out of the way and explain how she would end up dead, which I think they could have handled some other way. I don't know, just seems like a bit of a strange choice to me.

    Rei was really cute tho

    Case 2

    This case takes place right after case 4 of GAA: Adventures, and seems like a direct continuation more than anything.

    I honestly feel like this could have been tacked onto case 4 in GAA1 and no one would have batted an eye. I wouldn't be surprised at all if they originally planned for this to be 1-4's second half and just ran out of time when developing the first game.

    You're dealing with the same defendant, it involves many of the same people, you still have some of the evidence from 1-4, you investigate the same areas, some open questions from 1-4 are only answered here...
    This is kind of like if the Mask DeMasque case from T&T for example ended after the first day and then they did the second part in another game entirely. Though again, the Chronicles version of the GAA games is more like one big game anyway, so from our perspective it's not really an issue at all.

    I really liked this case though. It was ridiculous at points but still very fun to figure out. Shamspeare was great, he felt like a classic Ace Attorney villain that was very satisfying to bring down. I also feel like he might have the highest amount of different poses/animations out of anyone in the entire series...

    Case 3

    This case was pretty great. I loved the first day of trial, I think it really showcased Ryunosuke's growth up to this point. Despite being all on his own, faced with a pretty strange case that seems to have no clear solution and also having to deal with a slightly problematic defendant, he pulls through. He somehow seems more confident here, which makes sense because at this point he has been in Britain for quite some time.

    I also liked Van Zieks in this case. Not only was it great to meet him outside of trial for once, I also think this case humanized him a lot, which the following cases would expand upon. He's not a petty loser, it's obvious that he will pursue the truth above all else and is willing to do what he can, despite that endangering his prospects of winning in court at points. I also liked how since the screwdriver used to stab the victim was only submitted as evidence on the morning before the trial, Van Zieks was genuinely flustered when Ryunosuke explained the inconsistency. He's intimidating and incredibly good at presenting his arguments, but not all-knowing at all times. I like touches like this.

    Despite his superficial racism which he eventually lets go of, Van Zieks is actually a well-meaning guy who accepted his role as the "reaper" for the greater good of striking fear into the hearts of criminals, but he shows genuine concern for those that are acquitted in cases he worked on. He owns up to his mistakes and misconceptions by the end and seems to regret not distancing himself from the "Reaper" sooner. I really liked his development. One of my favorite prosecutors for sure.

    Seeing Susato again was also great and came as a bit of a surprise. I like how she decides to tell the truth from now on after her father's behaviour becomes more and more suspicious. Makes you really feel like she's truly on your side and can be fully trusted now after the last case of the first game made you question her a bit.

    Then there's Kazuma... Yeah, on the second day of investigations, it's basically spelled out that he's back. I didn't have any strong feelings about it at the time, it was more so just wondering how it could be reasonably explained and make sense as more than just a plot device. Definitely made me want to go on and find out though.

    Great new characters in Drebber, Sithe and Tusspells, huge implications for the main story, a tricky murder case, great investigation AND trial segments ... this case really has it all. One of the best in the series I'd say. And then that insane ending is the cherry on top. Loved this one.

    Cases 4 + 5 + Ending

    By this point, we've only done three cases and the stakes are already higher than in the final moments of some other games. Needless to say, I knew that this was only going to get even more insane from here on out, so I buckled up and got ready for some sh*t.

    And some sh*t I got, because this got crazy real quick. Van Zieks being arrested for the murder of Gregson, Kazuma appearing as a prosecutor (As well as being an assassin!), and of course Sholmes suddenly having red hair ... these developments truly had me on the edge of my seat.

    I was kind of surprised when episode 4 suddenly ended and episode 5 began. I mean, you're literally in the middle of a case, they might as well have had this be just one huge case. The way this was set up made me expect there to be ANOTHER full, FINAL case after the Van Zieks one. Before the beginning of episode 5, my prediction was that Kazuma would be the one on trial this time, with Van Zieks back on the prosecutor's bench. On the other hand though, the game really wouldn't have needed another case, its length is perfectly fine as it is.

    So a lot of stuff happened in this case. The story was so thick in fact that the majority of the investigation sections had to be dedicated to going from exposition dump to exposition dump. There was a lot of stuff to account for, but that made it all the more satisfying to finally get to the bottom of it all.

    On one hand, I think it would have been great to uphold the incredibly intriguing mystery surrounding the Professor case and never fully revealing what would have compelled Asogi to commit these murders, but on the other hand, the way it actually plays out in-game works better when considering Kazuma's and Van Zieks's storylines and also makes more sense in general.

    One thing that kind of annoyed me at parts throughout the games was Sholmes being so secretive. I get that he would keep some things from Iris (Like the part about her dad being a serial killer), but in retrospect, I'm not even sure what his reasons for hiding some of the other stuff were at a certain point; or not filling Ryunosuke in on what he's planning at the very least.

    The final deduction with Sholmes and Mikotoba was amazing though, mostly because of the music. The music in general really elevated the final case for me. They even did variations of themes like Courtroom Lobby and Court Begins. Made the final case seem really grand.

    Overall I liked the finale. Stronghart was a predictable, but formidable villain who had already hinted at his true inner workings all the way back in case 1-3, but also never seemed to lose his cool and never did anything outright suspicious. The way you corner him by finding Klint's will is great, and Stronghart's arguments here present an interesting problem: If information about the true nature of the Reaper, the extent of Stronghart's involvement and what really happened ten years ago came to light, the entire justice system would fall into utter chaos, most likely taking years upon years to recover.

    This is ... subsequently somewhat ignored however. I really don't like Sholmes's hologram scene at all to be honest. It's just kind of ... stupid. Up until now, most of Sholmes's/Iris's inventions have either been at least somewhat down to earth or not have had that much impact on the story, but here, it just goes over the top ridiculous completely out of the blue (Though being able to communicate with him on the SS Grouse was already pretty ludicrous...).

    I love the idea of Sholmes coming to save the day as well as the queen being instrumental in bringing Stronghart down, but the way it plays out just feels cheap and stupid. There's no real resolution here, it's just "Yeah the queen disagrees with you, also she thinks you suck". We got nothing more than that, the problem wasn't even resolved. At least Stronghart's breakdown was great.

    The ending honestly got me really emotional though. It's been a long journey, a ten case-long journey in fact, and now it was time to finally say goodbye to these characters. Susato staying at Ryunosuke's side was really sweet. I loved his development: Initially he was kind of just pushed towards becoming a lawyer in England, but by this point, he's become his own man making his own choices. He was a great main character, and Susato was definitely a great assistant. She was a bit crazy like Maya at points (Reminding you how despite her maturity, she's actually just a teenage girl...), but also very intelligent and capable.

    Regarding Kazuma, I'm always a little bit irritated by the dead coming back to life in media, but in this case, it's not that bad since we at least got a sensible explanation (That being that Sholmes tried to save Kazuma by making it so he would never reach London). His appointment to Van Zieks as well as the mask and all that still seems a little strange to me, but it's not a big deal.
    Another thing that kind of urked me initially was how his character had seemingly changed completely by the point he returned, though again, it's pointed out by the characters as well so it doesn't feel completely out of left field. Even in the beginning of GAA Adventures, you can see Kazuma's serious/gloomy side shine through at times, and it's just that now it's taken him over completely in his crazed desire to avenge his father.
    Or maybe it's just in a prosecutor's job description that you're never allowed to crack a smile. Would have been kind of refreshing to have a prosecutor you're on friendly terms with for once.

    Also, shoutout to what might be the funniest moment in the series where you find the scene with Mikotoba unconscious in Sholmes's suite. The awkward silences with the german folk song in the background as well as Ryunosuke being in complete disbelief really made the scene for me. Just absolute hilarity.

    Anyway, that's all I can think of! Thanks for reading

    submitted by /u/Mattos-313
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    a tier list of cases (for the games I've played so far)

    Posted: 08 Feb 2022 04:04 PM PST

    Round 22 of the Great Ace Attorney Chronicles Character elimination Contest. Ryunosuke Naruhodo has been declared guilty. The big three are here but only two get to stay!

    Posted: 08 Feb 2022 09:21 AM PST

    What's your opinion on Tyrell Badd?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2022 02:46 AM PST

    Out of all cases in AA, AAI, and GAA, where would you place 2-1?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2022 07:04 PM PST

    For 1-5...

    Top Ten (Score of 5): 54 Votes, 270 Points

    Below Top Ten (Score of 4): 21 Votes, 84 Points

    Middle Ten (Score of 3): 12 Votes, 36 Points

    Above Bottom Ten (Score of 2): 3 Votes, 6 Points

    Bottom Ten (Score of 1): 4 Votes, 4 Points

    Total Points: 400

    Total Votes: 94

    Average Vote: 4.2553191489

    Ranking: 1-4 > 1-5 > 1-3 > 1-2 > 1-1

    Average PW Case Score: 3.0908529698

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    submitted by /u/KaleBennett
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    My ranking. Might be controversial but I didn’t like the chronicles as much.

    Posted: 08 Feb 2022 04:43 PM PST

    Day 8: Franmaya

    Posted: 08 Feb 2022 07:50 PM PST

    Remember guys, Gumshoe made this masterpiece with his own hands.

    Posted: 07 Feb 2022 05:57 PM PST

    Defendant Lobby 2002 (Orchestration)

    Posted: 08 Feb 2022 07:30 AM PST

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