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    Ace Attorney Ace Attorney Request Sketches (2)

    Ace Attorney Ace Attorney Request Sketches (2)

    Ace Attorney Request Sketches (2)

    Posted: 01 Dec 2021 12:57 PM PST

    Round 3 of the Ace Attorney Cases elimination Turnabout. Another 4 cases have been eliminated, vote in the comments to nominate the same amount this time. Also, third time we kill 2-1, you guys really hate that case.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2021 08:02 AM PST

    high quality content

    Posted: 01 Dec 2021 12:48 PM PST

    This is normal, right?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2021 02:28 PM PST

    On the importance of said "Filler Cases" and why they shouldn't be skipped nor ignored.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2021 07:44 AM PST

    I have seen more than once people referring to somes cases as "filler", namely Steel Samurai, Recipe or, well Big Top.

    People often misconscieve these cases as not very important and skippable, just here to add to the length of the game. And often the investigation series is brought up for having apparently no fillers and cases that are neatly tied so you know each case has a "purpose".

    The thing is, just because a case isn't relevant to the main antogonist/ Game's final doesn't mean it it useless, or not fun for that matter.

    The prime example being the Steel Samurai case, 1-3, often regarded as mediocre and I just can't understand why, it is thanks to this case that Edgeworth's personality begins to shift ever so slightly for him to become an entirely different character in the end.

    What would be of T&T if Godot was introduced in case 5 for him to be defeated for the first time there ? Where would be the impact ? As much as "filler" cases 3-2 and 3-3 are (which is debatable notably because of the whole lot of foreshadowing brought by those), they serve to introduce Godot and know him a little better in each case you battle with him.

    People often refer to investigation 2 being this wonderful flawless game but having a tied plot doesn't guarantee a perfect gameplay ! I feel like I'm not the only one who considers Logic Chess as a shitty mechanic and who thinks cases 2 and 3 are too lengthy for their own good. The game relies too much on its overarching plot and as a consequence, many characters feel flat for the majority of the game and dramatically change too late into th game, namely Courtney and Sebastian (And Ray... Stays the same old uncle Ray I guess).

    "Filler" cases ARE important, you cannot have an Ace attorney game filled with tension and big bad guys all the way through ! This is why in AAI2 Simon feels too weak as a main antagonist, we just had Blaise defeated a case before, a much more fearsome main antagonist.

    You need to have more laid back cases, even if not filler, to contribute to the game growing in tension with each case, and to those that consider the Ferry case from DGS as boring and unamusing I can only say this: the series finally got its revenge for starting with tutorials skipping the investigation part !

    submitted by /u/Naranciabestwaifu
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    My ace attorney adventure started on this exact day with a simple objection.lol debate video. Now: (read captions)

    Posted: 01 Dec 2021 12:43 PM PST

    Saw this in an anime I'm watching recently, this looks identical doesn't it?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2021 04:58 PM PST

    My thoughts on "Turnabout Sisters" after having finished DGS2 (PW:AA case 2)

    Posted: 01 Dec 2021 02:21 PM PST

    A Brief Introduction

    This case.... I'm very conflicted on what to feel about this one. This case has some of the most important moments in the series and introduces a lot of series staples. On the other hand it has some of the most strange and outright bad moments in the series. There's a lot to love and hate about this case and I'm very sure that I'll somehow end up finding how I feel about this case at the very end.

    Case Overview

    We start off with a LARGE BANG, Mia is dead, the thinker statue comes into view, and the whole world shatters. The tone of the game shifts and we get a big investigation. I've got to say, this whole part is extremely good. We get to meet Maya Fey, and Dick GUMSHOE (The greatest) in this section and they're usually considered to be some of the best characters in the series. Their appearance here is great. Maya especially takes the cake in this first trial and becomes a big staple in the series. Edgeworth is also a big highlight in this case because he's HECKING EDGEWORTH WHO DOESN'T LOVE HIM. The case does slow down after this though with April May who is probably the most uncomfortable witness in the first game (ok maybe Turnabout Samurai has something to say)
    Day 2 is where it goes downhill for me, the investigation goes from exceptional to OK at best and we also get to know Redd white. YEAH I LOVE AMERICA WOO!!!! Redd White is the most annoying piece of crap out there and I think that's what the devs wanted us to feel. HOWEVER, I think they did too well, his breakdown isn't satisfying, his just general presence isn't fun at all, and he's definitely way too much of a piece of crap and isn't anything else except for that. We also get Deus Ex'd in a nonsensical way that A. Doesn't really fit in with the character who does actually do the Deus Ex Machina, and B. Kind of makes the breakdown SO MUCH WORSE than it needs to be. We do get a lot of plot relevant stuff but Day 2 is where things really get destroyed and it turns into more of a slog fest with annoying characters and forgettable plot details that don't stick with you at all.

    Highlights of this Case

    • A good chunk of Day 1 is phenomenal and really makes this case hit hard
    • Edgeworth, Maya, and Gumshoe in general
    • Does get better after playing Bridge to the Turnabout


    • Day 2 BLOWS
    • Redd white
    • Deus Ex Machina
    • Mia saving you too much (Despite you being a rookie I find it extremely annoying)


    If it's not clear, I don't like this case at all. I do think there's really great moments but those are usually overshadowed by tremendous downfalls that make this case really unfun and doesn't really help it's case as being an exceptional case. I might sound really harsh on this case but, there are really great parts to it and you can feel free to disagree. But for now, I'm placing this at 43rd place out of 50.

    The list so far:

    1. ???
    2. ???
    3. ???
    4. ???
    5. ???
    6. ???
    7. ???
    8. ???
    9. ???
    10. ???
    11. ???
    12. ???
    13. ???
    14. ???
    15. ???
    16. ???
    17. ???
    18. ???
    19. ???
    20. ???
    21. ???
    22. ???
    23. ???
    24. ???
    25. ???
    26. ???
    27. ???
    28. ???
    29. ???
    30. ???
    31. ???
    32. ???
    33. ???
    34. ???
    35. ???
    36. ???
    37. ???
    38. ???
    39. ???
    40. The First Turnabout (Verdict: Meh)
    41. ???
    42. ???
    43. Turnabout Sisters (Verdict: Dislike)
    44. ???
    45. ???
    46. ???
    47. ???
    48. ???
    49. ???
    50. ???
    submitted by /u/NaotOwO
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    I might have liked this game a little too much

    Posted: 01 Dec 2021 02:02 PM PST

    Which one of those two is your favorite?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2021 10:47 AM PST

    The title, nothing more to say. Make sure to provide your reasoning in the comments!

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/Lost_Rough
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    The most important question

    Posted: 01 Dec 2021 01:15 PM PST

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