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    Saturday, September 4, 2021

    Ace Attorney Just rolling into the courtroom

    Ace Attorney Just rolling into the courtroom

    Just rolling into the courtroom

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 03:32 PM PDT

    they are SO important

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 10:39 AM PDT

    The greatest liar in the chronicles series

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 06:51 AM PDT

    Choose someone who smiles like Franzy ��

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 07:53 PM PDT

    Does anyone else here besides me really love Colias Palaeno from Investigations 1?

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 09:40 AM PDT

    i REALLY want to play as her again......(Spoilers for TGAA 2)

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 03:03 PM PDT

    Recommended Chronicles to a friend, was woken up by this message the next morning.

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 11:30 PM PDT

    Favourite hate-able character

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 01:17 PM PDT

    Basically characters everyone loves to hate. Which is your favourite of them all?

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/lxqlxq
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    Edgeworth has a point

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 07:23 PM PDT

    Do you think there would be demand for an official Capcom-produced Case Maker?

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 06:12 PM PDT

    Very similar to what Nintendo did with Super Mario maker... except with the Ace Attorney series.

    I don't know much about coding and what it would take on Capcom's end to preload all possible court scenes, character models, etc... but that would be really cool. If more games were to come out, it could receive updates with those character models/locations/backgrounds too.

    This was just a thought I had today. I've used aaonline.fr before for making cases, and its relatively straight-forward. But having something that has the 3D models, is HD and capable of being played on a TV would be really nice!

    submitted by /u/Sandoozless
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    My rewriting of Apollo Justice

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 07:14 PM PDT

    I always thought Apollo Justice had some great, and when I mean great, it's GREAT ideas. Sadly, most of them weren't properly executed, and the game, in the end, felt rushed, incomplete and full of wasted potential.

    4-1 is a fantastic opening case; its first half acts as a tutorial as 1-1 or 2-1 would do, and the second half is awesome with all the twists and use of logic. However, revealing Kristoph's true nature this early, even if it makes this case even better as a stand-alone, really affects negatively the overarching story. By the time he's revealed as the culprit in this case, we barely know him, so the twist is emotionally lacking.

    To fix this, I would move this first case to the third case, making it just a little more complex and adding an investigation section, making it the first one day case in the series which contains both an investigation and a trial. The tutorial case, instead, might be a case surrounding the Troupe Gramarye in which Lamiroir (Thalassa) would be the accused. This case would introduce us to the story of the Gramaryes and we would have to find out about Lamiroir's true identity to solve the case. This way, they wouldn't be introduced when the game is about to end and it wouldn't prevent the Mishams and Kristoph from the screen time they desperately needed, and the tutorial case would still introduce us to the overarching story and leaving mysteries to solve about the Gramaryes. Of course, in this tutorial Kristoph would act as our mentor.

    Then, case 2 would still be Turnabout Corner, as I think it does a good job introducing us to the main cast of characters. I'd make an essential change, though: we would still work for Kristoph instead of Phoenix. In this case, we would learn more about Kristoph's relationship with both Apollo, Phoenix, and Klavier.

    Case 3 would proceed as I said in the beginning. During the investigation, Kristoph would also act as and assistant along with Trucy. At first, this would be presented as Kristoph wanting to help because he caught interest in the case. However, with the reveal he's the actual culprit, the meaning of this would change: he was actually keeping an eye on Apollo because, as we all know, he's a paranoid.

    Case 4 would be the flashback case about how Phoenix got disbared; of course, better done. Instead of presenting a piece of paper a strange little girl gave him, Zak Gramarye himself would be the one to give it to him. Of course, Phoenix wouldn't act as a prepotent during this trial as he did in the real game, and it would end up with the investigation Phoenix did IN THE PAST in Turnabout Succession. This would be represented as Phoenix telling Apollo what he found out before the case in the present began.

    The final case (yes, there would be 5 cases), then, would focus more on Apollo instead of Phoenix, and the first day would proceed as in the real game, just giving Vera more screen time. We would also get to know how Apollo felt about his mentor being a killer, and we would oficially start working for Phoenix. The second day would feature Apollo investigating what Phoenix investigated IN THE PRESENT during Turnabout Succesion (questioning Kristoph in prison, questioning Valant), and adding Thalassa into the equation, as well as visiting Vera Misham in the hospital. We would also learn about more about Klavier and his relationship with his brother, and how the fact he was a killer affected him. We would also learn about how affected characters close to Kristoph like Trucy and Phoenix. It would also add more deep to the Mishams. Then, in the final trial, instead of being a 30 minutes aftermath where Apollo has nothing to do and Phoenix saves the day, summoning Kristoph from the beginning and cross-examinating him only once, would feature the Gramaryes as witnesses before summoning Kristoph. Kristoph's santd would be longer and tougher and the Jury System, instead of being a Deus of Machina which maked Phoenix seem the protagonist instead of Apollo, would be a new mechaning similar to what it was in The Great Ace Attorney. You would have to convince them of Kristoph's guilt and then, he would break down. Of course, to make this showdown more satisfactory, the game would leave clear Kristoph would eventually get out from prison from the crime he commited, and adding another premeditated murder, attempt of premeditated murder, forging evidence and causing the disbaring of an innocent man, would mean life in prison or death penalty for him.

    What do you think, guys?

    submitted by /u/GarouAPM
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    TGAA Fanart (*SPOILERS!!!* for TGAA 2-3)

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 09:58 AM PDT

    “I’ve risen from the depths of Hell… to do battle with you.” - Godot

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 12:21 AM PDT

    Falling in love

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 04:46 PM PDT

    A detail I always loved about Kristoph and Phoenix's relationship (Spoilers)

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 09:19 AM PDT

    Even if this relationship wasn't very developed, there is a detail I always noticed, which is Kristoph is constantly taunting Phoenix, even before he was sent to prison.

    For example, in 4-1, once Phoenix starts hinting towards a fourth person in the crime scene, Kristoph tells him to "stop being mysterious and leaving everything to the defense". Right here there is a nice foreshadowing, as Kristoph asks Phoenix whether it's true there was a fourth person in the crime scene, and his answer is: "I'd think you would know the answer to that?". At first, it seems like Phoenix is suggesting Kristoph should have already figured out who the culprit is, but in hindsight, it's obvious he meant Kristoph should know because he is the real culprit. During this dialogue, these two characters are clearly taunting each other, and it foreshadows greatly what's to come.

    Then, in 4-4, during the investigation with Phoenix, every dialogue Phoenix and Kristoph have is full of taunts from the latter. When the game shows Kristoph leaving the restaurant where Zak died, Phoenix says he'll be playing the piano, and Kristoph replies: "To be honest, it's better when you aren't playing. This frigid culinary dungeon almost feels... comfortable". Another example is when you visit him in prison. He constantly taunts Phoenix about how he lost his badge, or making comments such as "I killed Shadi Smith because I am an evil human being" when Phoenix asks him for his reasons to the murder he commited. Or when he claims Klavier won a lot of praise and adoration for the trial which caused Phoenix's disbarment.

    It's a shame Kristoph got so little screen time, as all his dialogues are gold and he's incredibly interesting. Subtle things like his constant taunting subtly tell us about his relationship with Phoenix. I really would've liked to see more of their relationship, as everything about it is merely suggested.

    submitted by /u/GarouAPM
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    What are your favorite animations in GAA? (Spoiler for Chronicles)

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 08:41 PM PDT

    Confused about Edgeworth *spoilers for T&T and possibly for Investigations*

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 09:57 PM PDT

    I'm currently playing Investigations for the first time. I'm at the part where Edgeworth is reminiscing about the second KG-8 incident. Everyone keeps telling Edgeworth that this is his first trial. But I thought that the trial with Terry Fawles was his first trial? I'm confused

    submitted by /u/Holographic_Raven
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    What is the best piece of writing in the entire series?

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 07:55 AM PDT

    To me, nothing hit me as much as the latter portion of 3-5's second trial. It is the best moment of writing in the series to me. I'd argue everything that has to do with the mastermind in AAI2-5 comes close.

    submitted by /u/GarouAPM
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    Tap Dancing

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 12:57 PM PDT

    Best. Moment. Of. Both. Games.

    submitted by /u/SeriousMcNegative
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    Fan art of daley vigil :D its just without colors

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 08:00 PM PDT

    I made a pursuit theme tier list. (Plz don’t kill me if you don’t agree with any of my rankings)

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 06:48 AM PDT

    Who's a one-case character you don't like that you think has the potential to be better in a future case?

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 04:28 PM PDT

    Open Discussion Thread - The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles (Adventures and Resolve)

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 02:59 PM PDT

    Since we're finished with the individual Case Discussion Threads now, I think we can stand to have a big thread for open, free discussion of any and all topics relating to The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles as a whole. No need to spoiler-tag anything relating to the TGAA games in here, but please do take care to spoiler-tag any story points you might mention from other games in the series.

    For example, (SoJ Case 1) Phoenix is in Khura'in.

    With that, go ahead and talk about whatever TGAA-related topics you like. Characters, cases, individual scenes, music, anything. Were there things you loved in the games? Things you hated? Anything you were mixed on?

    submitted by /u/JC-DisregardMe
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    We've had favorite and least favorite case discussions, but which case are you completely down the middle with?

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 08:13 PM PDT

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