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    Wednesday, July 21, 2021

    Ace Attorney Vote here for r/AceAttorney's new banner and icon!

    Ace Attorney Vote here for r/AceAttorney's new banner and icon!

    Vote here for r/AceAttorney's new banner and icon!

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 11:48 AM PDT

    A big thanks to everyone who submitted their work for our new banner and icon. As of this posting, we will be holding a roughly 48-hour voting period for everyone interested to examine the submissions and vote for their favourite (voting will officially close at 11:30 AM Pacific, July 22nd). The winning submission in each category will be added to the subreddit's design ASAP after voting ends.

    So, without further preamble, here are the submissions up for vote:


    And the voting page for the banner.


    And their voting page.

    Voting opens right now, so judge away!

    submitted by /u/JC-DisregardMe
    [link] [comments]

    So I was on YouTube last night and got two perfectly matched up videos recommended

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 11:01 AM PDT

    Road Trip!

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 09:40 AM PDT

    Athena in the Danganronpa artstyle, crossover when?

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 05:23 AM PDT

    When "Pursuit Cornered" starts to play

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 09:01 PM PDT

    'Athena Cykes: Ace Attorney' Commission I made for @Ads20000 on twt!

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 07:23 AM PDT

    Oldbag and Damon Gant Miis. (59PH2GT)

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 07:47 AM PDT

    Miu Iruma as Athena Cykes

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 11:31 AM PDT

    My Miles Edgeworth cosplay!

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 12:23 PM PDT

    [AA3 Spoiler] I designed a cover for Ace Attorney 7!

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 11:58 AM PDT

    Arin Hanson: saying what we’ve all been thinking for years (image from fan made Ace Attorney x Game Grumps game)

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 02:03 PM PDT

    An AI came up with this, with no reference of Ace Attorney.

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 08:42 PM PDT

    One week left until The Great Ace Attorney! (@dgscountdown)

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 11:04 AM PDT

    "A first-rate defense attorney, and my trusted mentor"

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 11:21 AM PDT

    The greatness of Damon Gant

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 03:14 PM PDT

    DISCLAIMER: I have only played up to Apollo Justice. If one of you have a villain from a later game that you consider to be better, please do not spoil them to me)

    Since I already talked in depth about my least favourite villain in the series, Morgan Fey, I think it's appropriate to also adress my absolute favourite. Damon Gant.

    I am legitemately in awe over how fantastically this villain was written. And how much it improves on a previous one.

    On a sidenote, I never really liked Von Karma, He's basically a scooby doo villain to me. Like, people tend to meme on Kristoph about his pettiness and overreactions leading to murder, but Von Karma is that amped by a thousand.

    Also it can get annoying see him get away with all sort of sleazy things because the judge is too much of a wimp to stand up to him and hold him in contempt.

    So what does make Gant such a great villain in comparison? Well let's see:


    An important aspect of a great villain is how they present themselves. Especially in a visual novel game like Ace attorney, the first appearance matters. And Gant's presentation is as perfect as they get. His theme is amazing, being playfull but also kind of melancholic when you reach the end. His appearance is fantastic. It manages to look goofy and zeiny but also very intimidating and imposing fitting to a role as powerful as he is. And the same can be said about his personality.

    On the one hand he can be very jolly giving pet names, and making fun of others around him, but on the other hand, he can pause and stare into the depths of your soul if you say the wrong thing.

    He is also a very real threat because unlike Von Karma he isn't just an employee of the law. He is a personification of the law itself. He can easily terminate the career of any of the characters if he so chooses, he can use basically every trick in the book to always be one step ahead and he is the only ace attorney villain until Kristoph that gives you the impression he managed to make it impossible to catch him.

    This challenges Phoenix to grow, because for the first time in his career, he can't bet on his luck or Mia to save him at the last moment. And basic bluffs can't work either. He has to take advantage of every benefit the law gives him and come up with a full fledged masterplan to have a signle shot at taking him down. And of course he needs the help of Edgeworth. Stuff like that makes exposing Gant really rewarding for the player

    Narrative importance:

    Let's go to his narrative importance now shall we? Firstly, his mere presence makes the judge into a three dimensional character. Before, I whined about him being a wimp and letting people like Karma and Tigre to control him when they had no right to

    Thankfully, Takumi avoids this hurdle here with a really ingenious way. Yes, the judge is very harsh to Phoenix and Edgeworth and goes easy on Gant. But not because he is stupid or a coward. But because Gant is a very close friend of his. And he can't bring himself to admit that this person he has so many happy memories with, that important piece of his life, has turned into a monster. This is a really understandable and humane point of view that makes the dynamics of the case really unique. And it shows us a different side of the judge we've never seen before. I even felt sorry for him in many parts of the case

    But the Judge isn't the only character Gant's presence positively impacts.

    Edgeworth is another one who is improved by his presence. As I said,initially I wasn't a big fan of the way Rise retcons Edgeworth's arc regarding forged evidence. But lately, I've really come to change my mind and appreciate what the case does for him, specifically through Gant.

    It all has to do with Gant's final words to Edgeworth. "You despise criminals. I can feel it, you, and me, we're the same. One day you'll understand". This is it. This is what truly broke Edgeworth. And it's much better and richer than the original reason. Before rise, he was just a man who realized he made mistakes and cowered and left instead of rising up to fix them. Now, this exchange with Gant changes everything. Because Edgeworth didn't just realize his mistakes. He saw a dark mirror of himself. Of what he could have been had Phoenix not extended his hand to save him. Gant and the things he ended up doing to catch criminals, made him realize that he was so focused on his anger about his father's death, that he ended up betraying everything is father stood for.

    And something like that does take a lot of soul searching before he would be able to face his past and redeem himself for his actions. In that manner, Gant is also used as a vehicle so we, the audience understand Edgeworth's arc better

    Gant was a mirror to Phoenix as well though. Specifically, Hobo Phoenix. He too became a man that felt betrayed by the legal system. And he could easily become super cynical towards it and abandon his principles or even turn evil. There are certain fangames that explore that.

    The difference between those scenarios, and the actual canon is that Phoenix, unlike Gant wasn't alone. He had Edgeworth who had already grown because of Phoenix and Gant to better understand the legal system and his path as a lawyer and stood by Phoenix in that hard time of his life. He helps Phoenix stand on his feet and channel his despair and frustration productively into not only clearing his name but creating a new system to get rid of the one that bred people like Gant in the first place.

    Considering that Takumi wrote the case before Apollo Justice I'd say Gant characterization is a fantastic build up for the story that was to come. Only thing I wish is that we could have seen his version of Dual Destinies

    Gant's arc

    Now that we got all the great things Gant does for other characters out of the way, let's talk about why his arc in itself is a fantastic one.

    On the surface, Gant feels like every other Ace attorney big boss. He is a devious villain, that appears as an eccentric jolly witness at the start, but you eventually start to see this is just a façade and he is truly a murdering monster manipulating everyone. But here's the thing. That's just the surface. Damon Gant is in actuality, the most realistic and nuanced ace attorney villain (sidenote: I don't consider Godot a villain but an antagonist)

    Most villains like Dahlia, Kristoph or Engarde are unfeeling, manipulative cruel sociopaths that just put on a nice kind persona as a mask to misdirect people about their true inteintions.

    And initially, when you start grasping that Gant is the killer and he starts revealing his true colors, you think that the same applies to him. But then you realize it doesn't. Because the persona he initially presents with, is not a mask as we here both Udgey and Lana state. It is his original self. The man he once was.

    And the reasoning behind his change is very compelling. There's a saying from Niechze, about people who fight evil: "Battle not with monsters, lest you become the monster. And if you stare at the abyss, the abyss also gazes into you" This perfectly describes the kind of person Damon Gant is. He is a man that once was a great detective. An idealist that put his everything in fighting for justice and catching criminals but made one crucial mistake. He fought them alone. He had coworkers of course, but no one to open up to. To truly share the burden with. As he says, "there are only three people I care for. Me, myself and I."

    And that gradually wore him down. Made him more and more bitter until all his trust in the legal system he was trained to serve, was gone. Replaced by a cynical belief that the only way to fight monsters, is to become one himself, to paint his hands with blood and use blackmail and manipulation to rise above everyone else. To control the law, because he doesn't believe anyone else sees things as clearly as he does and is capable of catching the monsters.

    Gant himself showcases that bitterness in his viewpoint in the middle of the case with the line "Oh you have it all wrong my boy. We are merely upholding the law. Justice has rarely anything to do with it". Which is a really, REALLY great line, and one of my favorites in the franchise

    And even if you don't think this viewpoint is realistically valid, it makes perfect sense for the broken system in Ace attorney, that will screw honest people over at every chance, and enable people like Von Karma to roam free and commit crimes

    His tragic ending

    Damon Gant has my second favorite ending, both in his final breakdown and his speech after it, only being behind Godot.

    Let's start with his breakdown. It's really interesting. Laughter breakdowns aren't something uncommon in media, and ace attorney has more of them as well. But unlike Atmey's tragic breakdown, or Kristoph's manic one Gant's feels different. He seems genuinely happy. As if he is relieved to be caught? This is my interpretation of it and the only ending that makes sense.

    He is both relieved in finally being stopped and happy they actually managed to catch him. And that is perfectly reflected by his final speech.

    He firstly says, "they all did their best to get in my way". But it's not in a "and I could have gotten away with it too" tone. He seems proud that his detectives never gave up or gave in to their anger about SL-9, but they managed to help Phoenix and Edgeworth take down a "monster" as uncatchable as he was. He sees hope that they can become better detectives than he was

    The next interesting part of that speech is about Jake Marshal and Bruce Goodman. He calls the knife "accursed" meaning he never wanted to murder him and is already regretting it, and he says that he "should have gotten rid of Marshal when I had the chance". Which is a good point. He could have easily fired Marshal like Angel or instead of her. In fact, it makes the most sense since he was the one personally affected by the incident and the most dangerous one for him. But he didn't. And the only explanation for it can be, that he felt so bad for having to murder Jake's brother for what he saw as the greater good, that he couldn't bring himself to also take his job. To completely isolate him from that world. It's moments like that that give Gant depth, showing that the man he once was, is still there somewhere

    But by far, the absolute best aspect of his, is his final words. "Don't worry, you'll be fine! Now you have Wrighto here. And Worthy. You can't go wrong with these two. In fact, I can hear them already. The melodious sounds of a new beginning"

    This is the perfect ending for this character. Once again, he is not bitter or angry that he lost. He is relieved that his crusade is over. And he is genuinely happy to see, that Phoenix and Edgeworth together, have what it takes to change the system and serve justice in a way he couldn't. Without sacrificing their souls"

    And when they do bring changes and heal the system in later games, it feels that much more satisfying due to Gant's impact on the overall story

    And that's why ladies and gentlemen, Damon Gant is the absolute best villain of the Ace Attorney series

    submitted by /u/TvManiac5
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    The Adventures and Resolve of Music Creation - TGAA Dev Blog from Composer Yasumasa Kitagawa

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 06:20 PM PDT

    Have I been pronouncing Godot wrong my whole life?

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 02:13 PM PDT

    I've always pronounced it as go-dot but the animation says gu-dow.

    Am I Stupid???

    submitted by /u/SirDuck42q
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    I did a edit i hope you like it

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 07:46 PM PDT

    The Phoenix

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 08:56 AM PDT

    It’s so funny when Nahyuta angrily slams his beads on the desk

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 11:35 PM PDT

    He looks so calm when he first takes them off. Lmao! Comedy gold

    submitted by /u/No-Balance-2226
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    I made a wallpaper via Wallpaper Engine to celebrate the upcoming release of TGAA! [Artwork by Kazuya Nuri, the official artist]

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 11:44 AM PDT

    Little Backstage Tales - TGAA Dev Blog from Director/Game Planner Masakazu Kougou

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 06:24 PM PDT

    i drew Phoenix in MS paint in his suit! :DDD

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 11:16 PM PDT

    I found some 20th Anniversary mess on one of the Capcom's sites

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 09:11 AM PDT

    I found some 20th Anniversary mess on one of the Capcom's sites

    It's not clickable, but at the bottom of picture you see Latest News.

    Above almost exact date of TGAA is October where could be 20th Anniversary announcement. Lot of fans says that AA7 most predictable event to announce is Tokyo Game Show which comes during 30th September - 3rd October.


    submitted by /u/Dziadek_93
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