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    Sunday, July 11, 2021

    Ace Attorney Apollo and Trucy being cute together

    Ace Attorney Apollo and Trucy being cute together

    Apollo and Trucy being cute together

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 02:48 PM PDT

    We all need somebody to lean on | art by @mizuha_oishiina

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 08:44 AM PDT

    A bittersweet victory (original art)

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 07:33 PM PDT

    certified lawyer and bestie ��

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 06:08 PM PDT

    My ship tier list

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 05:47 AM PDT

    Now Class, please tell me what happened between them to make them talk to eachother like this?

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 08:42 PM PDT

    Klavier & Ema Wallpaper (because they're my favorite characters <3)

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 09:36 AM PDT

    [OC] Wedding Outfit

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 11:28 AM PDT

    Another typical morning in Japanifornia

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 09:11 AM PDT

    "Sorry sis, we don't have swiss rolls here."

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 12:10 AM PDT

    Some Gumshoe art and some doodles of a swapped au maybe?

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 05:31 AM PDT

    Trial Preparation? (Spoiler alert for SOJ)

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 07:43 PM PDT

    Replaying through SOJ, got to the trial where Phoenix and Apollo are opposing each other. Phoenix tells Apollo "You should know I always come fully prepared, Mr. Justice." ...which made me laugh out loud: he's at least as likely as they are to get thrown onto something at the last second, with zero time to prepare.

    I'm gonna assume he was just posing to psych Apollo out 'cause, c'mon Phoenix, you once walked into a trial not knowing your own name.

    submitted by /u/RavenQuo
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    Logic Chess 3D models?

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 06:49 PM PDT

    I want to make an Objection.lol video with Logic Chess opponents. I can't seem to find it. I don't know how to get it. Thank you for you reading and your time. If you find it please comment.

    submitted by /u/Redninja2007
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    How Ace Attorney impacted me

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 08:36 AM PDT

    I know, you're probably sick of stories like these but I want to share my experience with AA as well.

    My adventure with Ace Attorney has begun in early January this year and I bought this game by accident - while buying other game a window with Trilogy being 50% off popped out. I had seen some funny videos with objection.lol and watched the trailer on Steam...and it became mine. I totally fell in love with that game and some time after beating Trilogy I started playing the further games on my phone...and no regrets.

    At one moment, playing it casually made me realize something. And it was my dream career. No, it wasn't attorney, prosecutor nor judge...but forensic scientist. When Ema and forensic science gimmick were introduced to me I fell in love with them. And also, I was super excited about how much Ema and I have in common! And yes, AA also made me love crime fiction even more.

    And also AA made me interested in Japanese culture because of the Fey clan related cases and similarly themed ones. I really enjoyed these one and even googled some things from there out of curiosity...and damn, I'm really into it! Plus, because of that interest I've begun learning Japanese recently and I'd like to travel to Japan someday!

    Basically, I had no idea how a "mere" game can ignite so many interests in me. That great saga is my favorite game ever and already has a really special place in my heart. I don't have any slightest regret for discovering it by "accident"

    submitted by /u/grilledcheese-chan
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    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 07:59 PM PDT

    About hobo Nick

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 10:36 AM PDT

    I finished the original trilogy on Steam about a year ago and thought that was the end of the franchise, but today I learnt that there are sequels? Not to mention in these sequels Nick is stripped of his attorney badge and becomes a hobo for 7 years. 7 YEARS! And only a few months after the 3rd game ends too. I have always interpreted the ending of the 3rd game as a kind of "happily ever after" ending, and to learn otherwise just feels... wrong somehow. It's like growing up and finding out that Cinderella actually divorces Prince Charming shortly after their marriage.

    Man I feel so irrationally sad at this fact and I don't know how to cope with this.

    Also yes I spoiled myself on future game I know, I don't care at this point.

    submitted by /u/T_A020
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    First time drawing Edgeworth, thoughts?

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 04:46 AM PDT

    It is clear that the real murder weapon was UPDOG

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 10:56 AM PDT

    I made this in objection.lol, because I thought the song sounded like a Cornered theme.

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 08:28 PM PDT

    Freed Simon Blackquill Sprites

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 04:44 PM PDT

    I am attempting to find Simon Blackquill's sprites so I can make him into objection.lol charcther. I tried to find it by going to the Ace Attorney Wiki, but they apparently didn't have them all. Could someone please help me with this? Thank you very much for you time, and for reading this post. Please comment if you find what I seek, stay safe.

    submitted by /u/Redninja2007
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    Which character do you like more?

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 12:30 AM PDT

    I noticed some parallels between them and I'm curious who do you prefer and why (of course I'm #teamaura hehe)

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/grilledcheese-chan
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    The Comix Turnabout (Day 1)

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 03:57 PM PDT

    Ranking the Cases, Part 3: The Great Cases [pt. 1/2] [PW, JFA, T&T, AJ, DD, SOJ, AAI, AAI2]

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 09:54 PM PDT

    Part 1: The Bad and Okay Cases

    Part 2: The Good Cases


    After making my new tierlist of all the cases of the games I played, I decided to actually rank them and go into detail why they're in the specific rank. I haven't seen anyone go into major detail about all the cases outside of ones that are important to posts or conversations, nor have I seen them reviewed in a ranking, just tierlists. Plus, I want to start some discussions with people about these cases since I want to understand the different perspectives of people who agree and disagree with me, as well as I have a dream of making AA movies and want to know what people consider good aspects of cases and games and why they consider them good.


    I'm not counting Professor Layton v. Ace Attorney or the Asinine Attorney cases since they're not canon, as well as I haven't played the asinine cases and am only a third of the way done with PLvAA. There will be no spoiler flairs so if you haven't played the games listed in the title, enter at your own risk.

    What I consider a great case

    I consider a great case to be a case that manages to exceed my expectations with enough good and unique aspects, but either has a problem that ruins an important part of the experience, or a problem that can't be justified by the rest of the case.

    21. Trials and Tribulations, Episode 5: Bridge to the Turnabout

    Before reading, just know half this post is spent ranting about this case.

    There are some major problems I have with this case that make me question my placement of it on this list, so I should start off with the many positives.

    Maya and Pearl serve their roles in the story great, Gumshoe is still fun, Larry makes a great return, playing as Miles as a substitute attorney is great and a natural evolution of his character both in the game and the entire trilogy, Godot is my second favorite final culprit in the series and his character arc is incredible, I still don't like Franziska due to her ideologies and methods but she at least felt evolved since she was doing this for her sake and not her father's, Bikini is charming, and Iris and Elise are alright.

    The setting is great, it's similar to the Kurain village but has enough distinctions that keep me from calling it an extension of the village outside of the people associated with it, and the case does a great job utilizing its setting by including standout aspects like the bridge and the snow into the case.

    The investigations and trials are still fun and the conversations and cross examinations perfectly balance humor, drama, suspense, and mystery following up on almost everything the last cases were setting up.

    This was so close to being the best case in the series and a perfect conclusion to the game and the trilogy... but I had a problem with three characters that ruined my experience with this case, and make me question whether or not I should like this case.

    Dahlia, Mia, and Phoenix.

    3-1 set up the perfect dynamic between the three characters. Phoenix and Dahlia were important to each other because Dahlia tried to frame Phoenix for murder and Phoenix had to deal with the realization his girlfriend is a criminal. Mia and Dahlia were important to each other because Mia proved Dahlia was a murderer and Dahlia warned Mia that their battle wasn't over yet. Mia and Phoenix were important to each other because Mia helped Phoenix realize the truth about Dahlia and Phoenix was the first defendant Mia got a not guilty which led to Phoenix becoming a lawyer. And they're all equally important to each other since these major events happened at nearly the same time, with all of them present in the courtroom.

    3-4 was where I started to feel disappointed since now, rather than feeling like these three characters were equally important to each other, Mia and Dahlia were more important to each other, while Phoenix only became important to them after the fact. But I still had hope since Mia and Dahlia's story still had potential to lead to something great between the two, and Phoenix still had somewhat of a presence in the case due to Miles being Mia's first prosecutor.

    And then this case ruined any hope I had with these character dynamics.

    Starting with Dahlia, my first problem is that, while I'm not against a pure evil character, sometimes she feels too unnecessarily evil for her actions to have a major impact on me. Every new case she appears in, all that gets established about her is that she's more evil than her last appearance, and anytime some meaningful information is given like about her mother or sister, it's used to further emphasize how evil she is.

    She does things that benefit the story, like poisoning Diego and having Fawles kill himself, but at times it felt like they wanted Godot to be the only sympathetic killer, so they overcompensated by having Dahila do every evil deed they could think of.

    And I'd be fine with an overly evil character since I know not everyone has redeeming qualities, and all the evil deeds have made her a mostly intimidating threat so her defeat could be satisfying, if it wasn't for her being defeated in the most anticlimactic and petty way possible by being bullied about her failures.

    It doesn't matter to me if it's the only way she could be defeated, it doesn't matter to me if she's not the case's culprit, and it doesn't matter to me if there was nothing else they could do to progress the case. It still just comes off as pathetic and grasping at straws. This doesn't feel like the ultimate defeat of the ultimate evil, this feels like the developers didn't know how to end her story and just decided to give up.

    But maybe I would be fine with Dahlia being bullied into giving up if it wasn't for the person bullying her.

    Looking back on the trilogy, I think Mia's a terrible character. She's not a terrible person like Dahlia; she's the polar opposite, and that's my problem with her.

    Mia doesn't feel like a character to me, she feels like a tool. Sometimes when looking back on cases, I forget she even appears in them due to how little she offers outside of what I expect. Every case other than 1-1, 3-1, and 3-4, she feels like a glorified tutorial. The only emotions I ever register from her are supportive and stern. It rarely feels like she thinks losing is possible because she's so confident in Phoenix, which was fine in the first game but after a while just starts to feel patronizing. In every case where Maya is on trial or in danger, it always feels like Phoenix is more worried about her safety than Mia is, because Mia is focused on making Phoenix a better lawyer.

    The only time it ever felt like Mia had more than two emotions was when she was alive. In 3-1 and 3-4, she's a rookie attorney so she wouldn't have complete confidence that she can win the trial due to several aspects of the cases and trial system being new to her. And in 1-1, she's assisting Phoenix during his first trial and is worried when he can't remember the details of the case.

    After she dies, she has little to no flaws in her personality. She always acts like everything will be okay which ruins the tension of some cases and makes her role in the cases in which she's alive and scared at the possibility of losing a case feel partially meaningless. There was no transition from fearful rookie to confident attorney because the only cases in which she's the defense take place three years before her next appearance, and there are times where it felt like if I lost, it wouldn't be my fault because Mia acted like she knew how to win the case but wouldn't tell me because I need to prove I can do this myself.

    And the fact I've only seen her be the defense in two trials, the first of which she lost due to the defendant committing suicide, ruins a lot of aspects the story was building up. It ruins the idea that Phoenix will carry on her legacy someday because the only legacy I know she had before she died was one win and one loss, and it ruins the idea that Godot wants Phoenix to prove he's worthy of taking Mia's place because he went into a coma before she ever won a trial, and the only cases I can guarantee he reviewed after recovering from his coma are the cases Phoenix and Mia worked together to win because I haven't seen Mia win a case without Phoenix in the courtroom.

    This lack of information and development somewhat worked for PW and JFA because she was just a mentor, but she's basically the main character of T&T. What was once a person who was the mentor of the main character and sister of his assistant, is now the rival of one of the most dangerous culprits, the girlfriend of the prosecutor, part of the motivation behind the final culprit's crime, and the relative of the victim, defendant, and half the witnesses in the final case.

    Mia and Dahlia's final confrontation didn't feel like the end of a rivalry, depsite 3-1 saying their rivalry was still going. Because Mia was made so perfect and flawless despite her being a not-so-confident rookie lawyer during their first and only interactions before 3-5, this feels like a different hero going up against the same villain. And despite none of Dahlia's plans technically working, she's still done terrible things to Mia, from mentally scarring Mia after getting her first defendant to commit suicide, to poisoning Mia's boyfriend and putting her in a coma, to trying to kill and later accusing Mia's next defendant and future student of murder, to suggesting Mia's sister killed her mother and then killed herself due to grief. If Mia had referenced all of the terrible things Dahlia has done, and had shown her that rather than Dahlia never hurting her, she did hurt her, and now that pain doesn't define who she is and why she's in the courtroom, that would've been phenomenal. That way, there would be a sign of gradual evolution for Mia happening between 3-1 and 1-1, and Dahlia wouldn't be defeated by realizing that she's never harmed people the way she intended, but by realizing that she can no longer harm Mia or anyone else and that she no longer has any power over anyone, dead or alive.

    But that can't happen, because it's revealed that Mia was part of a perfect plan to stop another one of Dahlia's pathetic plans, proving Dahlia never has and never will win against Mia and that she's a pathetic nobody who always loses.

    At the very least, I would've wanted to play as Mia for some time between Miles's time as a defense attorney and Maya's trial. Not only could it be justified by having Phoenix stay hospitalized a bit longer, not only would it not be out of place since Mia's worked in the courtroom several times after dying without anyone being concerned, not only would it make Dahlia's defeat more satisfying since their rivalry would begin and end with Mia as the defense, and not only would it help showcase how much Mia's changed ever since she first met Dahlia, but playing as a spirit channeled defense attorney would be awesome and could be just as amazing as playing as Miles as an attorney.

    If it were just Dahlia and Mia that disappointed me, I could probably overlook them and still confidently call this a great case without questioning my opinion... but there's one more person I named.

    This is my least favorite appearance of Phoenix in any game due to how little he evolves compared to the last two games.

    In PW, he started as a rookie who needed Mia to remind him of the details of the case and help point out contradictions. After Mia died, he needed to adjust to investigations by himself while also defending her sister against a tougher, more intimidating prosecutor he once knew, and was only assisted by Mia near the end of the trial. The next case was longer and began to tackle murders from the past, while Phoenix got a small amount of help from Mia. And in the final case, he had to defend his childhood friend and now courtroom rival for both a recent murder and a 15 year old murder without help from Mia, ending the case as a confident attorney and better person. By the end of the game, Phoenix evolved as a lawyer due to the cases getting harder and more complicated while getting less help from his mentor over time, and he evolved as a person due to his ideologies of prosecutors being challenged and his current relationship with Miles beginning to resemble their childhood friendship despite a poor start in 1-2 and 1-3.

    In JFA, Phoenix doesn't evolve throughout the whole game since from 2-1 to 2-3, outside of getting amnesia, he's basically just as competent of a lawyer as he was in the last game, and he doesn't evolve as a person since none of his ideologies or beliefs are challenged outside of maybe his beliefs surrounding the Fey clan in 2-2, but even then, that would affect Maya, Mia, and/or Pearl more than him since they're related and therefore have known and trusted members of the clan longer. But 2-4 makes up for that by having Phoenix evolve as a lawyer by dealing with new concepts like a guilty defendant, kidnappings, and assassins, and by having Phoenix evolve as a person by going up against Miles again, having him deal with the stress of losing Maya, having his ideologies surrounding believing in your client and therefore his ideologies surrounding winning and losing in court shattered, and having his actions make Adrian a suspect of the murder that she didn't commit, thereby, compared to previous cases, making it more so his fault if she gets the wrong verdict and is arrested for a crime she didn't commit.

    By 3-5, Phoenix didn't feel evolved. 3-1 is a flashback case that takes place before 1-1, so nothing major about Phoenix other than his connection to Dahlia and Mia is introduced. 3-2 and 3-3 felt more focused on Godot and the side characters due to Godot being introduced and characters like Adrian and Maggey appearing. 3-4 only had Phoenix research one of Mia's old trials so he doesn't get any development outside of the mystery of why he's doing what he's doing.

    This case, and ultimately this game, feel like they're trying give Phoenix a ton of development, yet any development given either feels poorly executed, outdone by a previous example, or used to develop a different character.

    Phoenix running and falling off the burning bridge is shocking, but loses its impact when it's revealed Phoenix only sustained minor injuries that could be healed overnight. Phoenix being confronted for the death of Mia and potential death of Maya benefits Godot's character since his character arc revolves around him being in denial, but it doesn't work for Phoenix since the confrontation happens so late in the case that, despite a day passing between the final investigation and trial, it doesn't feel like Phoenix has much time to process Godot's accusation. Phoenix having to win the case without Mia works for Godot's character since he wants proof Phoenix is worthy of carrying on her legacy, but it doesn't work for Phoenix's character since he's already won cases without Mia's help in the first game, those cases arguably being harder since they were three investigations and trials long while this case is only two long, which half of the time Miles was the lead attorney.

    None of Phoenix's ideologies as a lawyer felt challenged since almost everything, like the prosecutor being the culprit and the culprit being morally right but ethically and legally wrong, has been done, and none of Phoenix's ideologies as a person felt challenged since it felt like he was sharing all the discoveries with another character due to almost all of his connections to the characters only existing because of another character. Phoenix only knows Maya and Godot because Mia was important to them. Phoenix only knows Bikini and Iris because he was looking for answers about Dahlia. Phoenix only knows Dahlia because she didn't get convicted during Mia, Diego, and Miles's trial. Because so many of his relationships can be summed up as "I knew a guy that knew a guy", he doesn't feel important to the case outside of being tied to other characters like Godot's character arcs, and any connections he has to other characters that weren't caused by other people, like his friendship with Miles and Larry, are just friendships. Larry's always been Phoenix's friend and Miles may have became his rival, but only after events that happened with other characters in this case.

    The biggest problem I have with Phoenix, however, is that because he doesn't feel evolved throughout this case and therefore this game, his inclusion can't justify how much he hurt Dahlia and Mia's characters.

    3-1 set up a perfect triangle of character dynamics, 3-4 set up a perfect rivalry between Mia and Dahlia, and 3-5 delivered on neither.

    Phoenix doesn't show any signs of being affected by Dahlia in 3-2 and 3-3, so him recognizing her in 3-5 doesn't feel natural. The times he thinks about Dahlia in this case don't feel natural and it only ever feels like he cares about her when the plot cares about her. Because of that, having him be a part of her defeat doesn't work for me since, not only does his inclusion ruin Mia and Dahlia's dynamic, but it doesn't feel like him and Dahlia's past relationship adds anything to her cross examination outside of extra fuel for her bullying. He feels unnecessary to this part of the case, and it's this part of the case that ruined Mia and Dahlia's dynamic for me, so that makes me dislike him more. And I think having just Phoenix or just Mia defeat Dahlia would've helped the idea of Phoenix carrying on Mia's legacy. If it was just Phoenix and if Mia didn't appear, it would showcase Phoenix's growth as a lawyer by putting an end to one of his mentor's problems, and if it was just Mia, it would showcase her skills as a lawyer by having her defeat the person that caused several problems in her life, while not taking away from Phoenix's defeat of Godot since Godot has tried harder to be Phoenix's rival than Mia's rival. But instead, I'm left feeling like Mia took credit for all of Phoenix's work and passed it off as her legacy.

    Out of all the cases in the list, this is the ranking I have the least confidence in. A part of me thinks all my complaints are nitpicking and that I'm not giving this case enough credit considering how many praises I gave this case initially and how much others love this case, a part of me wants to rank this case a bit lower because of how prevalent these problems are to me and how much they've affected my opinion of the case, and a smaller part of me wants to rank this case far lower because of how drastically my opinion has changed from when I first played this case and how much it's hurt my views on the original trilogy.

    I think with how I view this case, this is the most fair ranking I can give: the bottom of the great cases and the top of the second half of this list. I may call this a great case, but take that with a grain of salt.

    20. Justice For All, Episode 2: Reunion, and Turnabout

    With how much 2-1 felt like an unnecessary version of its first game counterpart, I'm glad this case didn't suffer the same fate and managed to feel distinct from 1-2.

    Maya's appearance in 2-1 somewhat ruined the reunion aspect of this case, but she still has a good reintroduction here. Pearl is precious while at the same time intimidating for a kid, and it's hilarious when she embarrasses Phoenix by calling him Maya's special someone. Gumshoe's still fun, Lotta's appearance was a pleasant surprise, Morgan was interesting and fairly intimidating without coming off as obviously a criminal, Ini took a bit to get used to, but she became more likeable as the case went on and was also a good culprit, I forgot Turner was alive at some point in this case, I didn't like Franziska but she's more tolerable here than in future appearances, and it's my headcanon that Dr. Hotti doesn't exist and that every character that ever interacted with him was just hallucinating.

    The Kurain village is the perfect location for a reunion case. We get to learn more about the Fey clan and meet more members, the village has a culture distinct from the regular setting of the first game, and it's the perfect place to investigate after Maya's departure in 1-4.

    The story does a great job utilizing the characters and location. From connecting spirit channeling to the murder, to having the culprit be the twin of someone that was gonna be channeled for Turner, to tying in Morgan as an accomplice. Almost everything in this case hinges on the unique aspects of the characters and location, and it never felt like a plotline was added just so a character could be relevant to the case.

    Outside of Franziska and Hotti, I only have two problems that keep this from toptier great: the first being a fault of the case and the second being a fault of JFA.

    First, for some reason, even though the story was engaging and interesting, the investigations and trials themselves weren't that memorable. None of the evidence felt "Kurain" and the most memorable part of the case's gameplay was the Psyche Locks which, while a good gimmick, I think was utilized a lot more memorably in future cases.

    Second, the fact that JFA is the most episodic game in the series hurts my opinion on basically every case in the series since the entire trilogy was designed to be a flowing narrative, so having the middle chapter's cases be disconnected from each other disrupts the flow. This case does a lot that benefits the trilogy's story, like Pearl's introduction and Morgan's conviction, but none of these events felt important to the rest of the cases in this game, meaning because this case is more important to T&T than it is to JFA, this just feels like the most plot relevant filler case in the series.

    But even with these criticisms in mind, I can't deny how great of a case this is. And at least T&T gave this case a greater sense of importance than it initially had.

    19. Spirit of Justice, Episode 1: The Foreign Turnabout

    Because I played these games in order just like several fans of the series, tutorials have always felt unnecessary to me after the first game since I'm already experienced in the game's legal system. 2-1 is my prime example of how not to do a tutorial case, since Phoenix getting amnesia felt incredibly forced, and the fact he both gets and loses his amnesia in that case felt like an insult to his growth in PW. 3-1, 4-1, and 5-1 have somewhat of an excuse since we play as characters with not much experience in the legal world, but it's still not a new experience for me since I still know how a trial works.

    1-1, I-1, and 6-1 are the only tutorial cases that feel necessary. For 1-1, it's the first case of the whole series and introduces trials and cross examinations. For I-1, it introduces the new investigation system and logic.

    For this case, it introduces a new setting to the character and player, it introduces a new trial system, which gameplay wise is the same, but narratively is treated differently by the people of Khura'in due to their views of lawyers, and it introduces the divination seance and how important it is to both the story and the trials. It manages to introduce new, vital information to the protagonist without introducing a new attorney or making the protagonist forget about their previous experiences, while also introducing new, vital information to both longtime fans and newcomers.

    Outside of being a mostly necessary tutorial, it's cool to start a tutorial case before a trial. It's a great way to showcase Khura'in and to get adjusted to it before being thrown into its legal system, as well as give us time to learn about Ahlbi so that we can start to develop a connection with him, which gives Phoenix a stronger reason to defend him in court despite the stakes outside of Phoenix just being a selfless person and believing in his client.

    Almost everything about this case feels perfect to me: the setup justifying this case being a tutorial, the location getting a solid introduction, and the trial itself being a lot more interesting than other tutorial cases thanks to the divination seance. But I think what keeps this case from toptier greatness, or even perfection, is the characters.

    Outside of Phoenix still being great, Ahlbi being charming, and the Judge basically being a foreign version of the original Judge, the rest of the characters aren't as appealing. This is probably my least favorite appearance of Rayfa since, while it does a good job setting up her role in the story, my favorite moments with her are when she can't keep up her "mightier-than-all" personality, leading to either comedic, dramatic, or emotional results, and outside of a few signs of damage during the trial and some dialogue when she leaves, she spents most of the case being praised, being rude, or being praised for being rude. I'm not against a bloodthirsty prosecutor, but having it be Gaspen, a character who didn't act like they valued their credibility this much over your life in his first appearance, feels wrong and ruins the charm he had in DD and any charm he could've had here. And Andistan'dhin was a pretty weak culprit and just felt like a worse version of Klavier.

    Despite the less than stellar initial cast of characters, I still value this case immensely for the rest of what it does and what it introduces.

    18. Ace Attorney Investigations, Episode 4: Turnabout Reminiscence

    This case is weird to me. Unlike 3-5, I can confidently call it a great case, but like 3-5, most of the stuff I really care to talk about is the bad stuff. Yet what's the most weird to me is I only have one minor issue that creates a major problem.

    Starting with the good stuff again, it's cool to see Miles in his von Karma days, and he's still as great as his present-day counterpart. Seeing Manfred, Gumshoe, and Kay in the past is great. Cross examining the Judge was amazing, and I wish the main series would give him a bigger role in a game than just being a judge. Tyrell is great with his mysterious mannerisms that give him a ton of personality despite how calm and emotionless he tends to be. The Lang cameo was cool. Mack and Byrne were characters, I guess. And I still don't like Franziska, but now she has the added benefit of being too young for me to press assault charges on her.

    A courthouse is a perfect location for a case, and this case does a great job utilizing it by making the victims a prosecutor and witness of a trial. I really liked how they utilized two defendant lobbies in the case, and despite the two victims being killed in the same room, it felt kind of like foreshadowing to I-5's two nations. The best way they utilized the setting was with the final cross examination against Calisto in the courtroom with the roles of attorney and prosecutor flipped. It was a great moment.

    I just wish the person being cross examined wasn't the most annoying person in the series.

    I hated every moment Calisto was onscreen. Everything about her character, from her design to her dialogue to her laugh, felt like it was designed to be annoying and nothing else. The only reason I consider her to be a better character than Franziska is because this game is Calisto's only appearance meaning she has less time to infuriate me.

    And I could've forgiven this case for giving me an annoying culprit if it wasn't for the fact that her annoyance is how I figured out she was the culprit. I-3 conditioned me to accuse the worst character in the case of the crime, and my accusation paid off. Any development she had in the story and any likeable traits I could've found in the future; they all mean nothing because of how unappealing she is and how it ruined what could've been a perfect case.

    But despite that, this is still a great case thanks to how many unique and well executed ideas it utilizes. Even if Calisto may stain my brain, this case is definitely worth remembering.

    17. Phoenix Wright, Episode 1: The First Turnabout

    I know most people rate this case a lot lower due to the best aspects of this case not being as great as the best aspects of cases that came after it, but considering it's the first case in the entire series, how could it have been any better?

    Every character in this case is, at the bare minimum, good. Phoenix has a great personality and his initial nervousness makes his victory more rewarding. Mia feels like an actual helping hand and the hints feel a lot more fitting here than in future cases. Larry is a fun, pitifully charming witness and his friendship with Phoenix is a great way to give this case tension. Winston is a perfect tutorial prosecutor and is the perfect balance of headstrong and whimpy. The Judge is a gift to video games as a whole. And Frank is a good culprit and character, but not as good as he is in AAI2.

    The trial isn't the best in the series, but it's perfect for an opening case. The contradictions and discoveries are fun and interesting, and the answers to the mystery are just obvious enough for newcomers, but so out of the box that it feels rewarding to point out flaws and reveal the truth.

    This case is basically perfect, but it could only do so much without overstaying its welcome or becoming cluttered. It may not be as great as many of the cases, and even tutorial cases, that come after it, but that's no reason to just remember it for being the first case in the series.

    16. Phoenix Wright, Episode 2: Turnabout Sisters

    Same thing as 1-1, except now it has a few more stonger aspects and a couple more weaker aspects.

    Phoenix is still great, Maya, Gumshoe, and Miles get great introductions showcasing their distinct personalities and roles in the story, White is a fun character and while he is more obviously evil than Frank, I could pass it off as him being confident he won't be arrested due to all the blackmail he's gotten away with, April and Grossberg were alright, Mia started to feel less like a character here but she still works for Phoenix and Maya's arcs, and the Bellboy is a character, I guess.

    This is a great introduction to investigations, and having the crime take place at your office with the victim being your mentor is a great way to showcase how things aren't gonna be as easy and tame as before. And the trials are still fun, interesting, and rewarding to complete.

    Although we're shown who the killer is, it's still fun to solve the mystery and learn about what happened before and leading up to the murder. The Bellboy's testimony did feel like padding and I'm mixed on Mia pointing out the back of the reciept, but none of it outright ruined the experience.

    1-2 may be more flawed than 1-1 due to some odd choices in the cast and narrative, but I'd argue what 1-2 introduced is more important to the series than what 1-1 introduced, and it's still got a ton of great aspects that make the experience better than what came before it.

    15. Ace Attorney Investigations, Episode 1: Turnabout Visitor

    Like I said in my 6-1 ranking, I value tutorial cases that can be useful tutorials for both old fans and newcomers. And thanks to the switch in gameplay, this manages to be a useful tutorial for old fans and newcomers.

    Part of why I wish the AAI format would return for a future game is because I think it has a better investigation system than the normal system. I like the 3rd person investigations since you can explore entire locations and not just a few angles you can view the location from. And something this and I2-1 have in common is they don't feel much like tutorial cases and feel more like normal cases, this case less so because it's the first of the two. Because the investigation system, the "trial" system, and logic are introduced here, the case can be more complex making solving the case feel as rewarding as a normal case. And it's a great case to solve.

    Miles and Gumshoe retain their personalities from the normal games, they're just given a greater focus now. Maggey's return is great and her having to be defended is fitting for her character. And Jacques is a pretty good opening culprit.

    The story is consistently interesting, from the opening with Miles being held at gunpoint in his office, to the end with the introduction of the Yatagarasu, and having the crime take place at Miles's office makes for some good utilization of the setting, as well as good utilization of the building itself with the hallway and another office.

    Despite this being my favorite case in the game for what it does right, I have to keep the ranking at great since, much like 1-1, it couldn't do anything as groundbreaking as other cases without being too long or cluttered. But for what it was able to do, it did a great job.

    If you disagree with my rankings or agree for different reasons than mine, I'd like to hear why and see where and how you'd rank them.

    submitted by /u/KaleBennett
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