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    Saturday, July 10, 2021

    Ace Attorney Design r/AceAttorney's new banner and icon!

    Ace Attorney Design r/AceAttorney's new banner and icon!

    Design r/AceAttorney's new banner and icon!

    Posted: 03 Jul 2021 10:06 AM PDT

    Hey, everybody - with The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles just a few weeks away, this subreddit is overdue for a visual update. For about the next two weeks, I'll be accepting submissions for a new banner to replace the existing one up on top of the page, as well as a new icon for the sub.

    For reference, this is the current banner (resolution 2048 x 230), and this is the current icon (256 x 256). Please try to match the resolution of these images as closely as you can with any submissions.

    My personal recommendation is to use the upcoming Chronicles collection as an inspiration for your banner submissions, but like is true of our current banner, feel free to also take inspiration from other games in the series.

    Notable things to avoid or consider: All official art for the series is fair game as far as materials to include in a banner or icon submission. Story spoilers should be avoided. No use of fanart unless it's either your own original content or you have the express permission of the original artist to include it. Nothing risqué or NSFW, obviously.

    All submissions should either be posted publicly in this thread or sent to me by DM. Shortly after the two-week submission period, a public vote will be held to decide a winner for each and the new banner and icon will be applied.

    With that, fire up Photoshop or any other preferred program and have at it!

    submitted by /u/JC-DisregardMe
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    Maya Fey but she‘s wewy smoll (Art by rariatoo)

    Posted: 09 Jul 2021 03:43 PM PDT

    Susato Fanart

    Posted: 09 Jul 2021 06:37 PM PDT

    First there was So-Nick, now for my 2nd best joke

    Posted: 09 Jul 2021 04:39 AM PDT

    Update to my last post : I got it!

    Posted: 09 Jul 2021 03:23 PM PDT

    Imagine a game where these 3 teamed up to solve cases. Would you be up for it? And what could it be called?

    Posted: 09 Jul 2021 10:26 AM PDT

    Why do I find this so funny?

    Posted: 09 Jul 2021 02:23 PM PDT

    just some ace attorney drawings i did :)

    Posted: 09 Jul 2021 03:44 PM PDT

    [Source in comments] If Wocky was prosecuted by Edgeworth

    Posted: 09 Jul 2021 06:34 PM PDT

    Some more AA stage play redraws featuring Dewey, my AA oc just cause I thought the poses fit!

    Posted: 09 Jul 2021 01:45 PM PDT

    Discussion: How the AA Fandom Treats Trucy

    Posted: 09 Jul 2021 07:01 PM PDT

    I'd like to talk about this.

    You may know that I've written a series of posts about how Trucy is severely mishandled in DD and SoJ. What I haven't discussed until now, however, is how Trucy is often mishandled in the fandom as well. Some of this comes from misconceptions created by Trucy's mischaracterization in DD and SoJ, and that's certainly important to address, but it's not what I want to discuss here.

    To summarize: People tend to focus on Trucy only in the context of her relationships to other characters, usually male characters, at the expense of respecting her as her own person. This can happen in fanfiction, fan art, or even in casual conversations people have about Trucy.

    What does this mean? It means that people frequently use Trucy only as a device to support other characters, with the result that she herself doesn't get the respect, care, and agency she deserves. This occurs primarily and most egregiously in the context of shipping, which will be my focus here, but it also occurs without shipping.

    Ace Attorney is a fandom very focused on shipping, and that's great. (To clarify, I'm not a shipper, and I'm not against shipping either, as long as it's healthy and safe.) However, problems can arise when shipping is prioritized over other characters, and this problem heavily affects Trucy. As one easy example, think about the fanfic trope where someone serves as a matchmaker to get two oblivious people together. Trucy fills this role extremely often, especially with Phoenix/Edgeworth and Apollo/Klavier, and as soon as the couple is together, she often loses her purpose. She's sidelined and discarded, and all the focus shifts to the couple. She's merely used as a device or tool in service of a ship, and the writer doesn't demonstrate care about her as her own person.

    So what happens when Trucy is treated as a shipping tool in the fandom, and what's the problem? The details depend on the situation, but it boils down to two possibilities, which can occur together:

    1. Trucy is infantilized and/or loses much of her personality, identity, and agency; her persona is taken at face value to make her a generic cute girl; her individual development is ignored.
    2. Trucy has little relevance, purpose, and focus outside the ship; she becomes a character that effectively does not exist outside of the ship and so is defined entirely by other characters.

    I've spent time on this subreddit, I've read a ton of fanfics, I've looked through a lot of fan art, and I've seen fans on many different social media platforms. I'm very familiar with the AA fandom, and I've noticed Trucy being treated like this countless times. It can happen in any type of ship. It happens most often in M/M ships simply because Phoenix/Edgeworth and Apollo/Klavier are the most popular, but, I want to emphasize, it is by no means limited to them. I've seen this treatment happen the exact same way with many non-M/M ships, Phoenix/Iris in particular, but as some other examples Phoenix/Maya, Apollo/Juniper, and Apollo/Athena.

    Note that what I've described here happens often, but that doesn't mean it happens all the time. I've seen a lot of ship content where Trucy is treated well, and that's great. These instances, however, seem unfortunately infrequent.

    To conclude, the way Trucy is treated in the fandom is a problem, and as someone who has Trucy as their favorite character, it's incredibly disappointing and frustrating. Trucy fan content is one of my favorite things in the fandom, but it's hard to find what I want when a large portion of it doesn't actually have Trucy, but instead a convenient tool or an afterthought who isn't important and respected in her own right; she ends up as Phoenix's daughter, Edgeworth's daughter, Iris' daughter, Apollo's sister, Klavier's friend, Pearl's friend, Athena's co-worker. I want to see Trucy Wright, the Gramarye magician, high school student, entrepreneur, lock picker, and TV enthusiast who has all those relationships and is also her own complex person on top of that.

    I'm not trying to be accusatory; this post is directed at the community as a whole—to those who ship and to those who don't—in order to start a discussion. I hope we can begin to be more aware of this issue going forward so that we can actively think about how the fandom tends to treat Trucy, why it happens (gender norms, prioritizing other characters, the connotations of AA's assistant role, etc.), and how we can represent her better and more respectfully in the future. Doing so will make all the fan content including her better, too, from fanfics to fan art to casual discussions. We should also think about characters besides Trucy who are treated similarly, like Maya (especially trilogy Maya).

    For the sake of brevity, I'll end the post here, but I'll soon go into more detail with specific examples in a comment below, if anyone wants to read it.

    What do you think about this topic? Please let me know.

    submitted by /u/AnonymousWaddleDee
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    An original composition of what I imagine a happier theme in a Dick Gumshoe game would sound like.

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 12:36 AM PDT

    Dubbed Destinies - An Amateur voice acting project!

    Posted: 09 Jul 2021 05:03 PM PDT

    Hey AA fans! I'm making this post to announce the start of a new project. A group of friends and I are starting a full dub of Dual Destinies! Linked here is the first episode, Turnabout Countdown Day 1. It is an amateur/for fun project, and as such won't be of such a professional quality as projects like Tyranee's Let's Dub, but we'd still love if you were to watch, like/sub, and comment any constructive feedback you may have.

    (Credits to Slyzer on YouTube for the footage!)

    submitted by /u/DubbedDestinies
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    PSA: If you haven't played The Great Ace Attorney yet, unfollow the official Ace Attorney Twitter page immediately

    Posted: 09 Jul 2021 02:04 AM PDT

    The Twitter account is running a marketing campaign where they give "case previews" for each case to keep community engagement up until launch.

    Yesterday they did one for Case 5 of The Great Ace Attorney: Adventures. Without mentioning any spoilers, because I actually do care about people having a blind experience with their game unlike their marketing team, the twitter page revealed the defendant, the victim, the reason why the defendant was suspected, a major plot point from the case, and the suspicious figures, with one heavily implied to be the murderer.

    They have done these with the first 4 cases too , and will continue with The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve next. Thankfully I have already played the fan translation of the first game, so watching this didnt personally affect me.

    The fun of Ace Attorney comes from figuring out both who did the crime and why. They mix predictability and unpredictability so well you never know if the person they are painting to be the final villain is really the final villain or not. But the Twitter page laying out all the people of interest like that before we even touch the game affects the experience negatively. If any of you have already beat the first game I encourage you to look it up and see what I'm talking about.

    This is by far the worst marketing campaign I've ever seen for a game. At least when Hitman Absolution asked you to call for hits on your Facebook friends, you could laugh at how stupid they were. Here following the marketing literally worsens your experience with the final product.

    Tl; dr @aceattorneygame is actively tweeting out "case previews" which pretty much spoils the cases of TGAAC so unfollow them if you want to go into it blind.

    submitted by /u/rbetterthanme
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    Just bought the trilogy pack on my switch! Super excited, have never played before :)

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 12:25 AM PDT

    First time Ace Attorney playthrough streams/YT vids?

    Posted: 09 Jul 2021 08:42 PM PDT

    I'm curious if anyone has any recommendations for Ace Attorney playthroughs where the person playing has never played the game before. I'm dying to see some reactions to certain cases, like the beginning of Turnabout Goodbyes, etc. I'm watching ProZD's old series, but he's played it before and is an avid fan, so he knows what's going to happen before it does.

    submitted by /u/BigKiwi55
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    (Spoilers for AAI-3) Is this a plothole?

    Posted: 09 Jul 2021 04:16 PM PDT

    Ok, so we know Lance killed Devorae in the haunted hause, knocked down Edgeworth, took both of them to the Wild Wild West Area, took Colin's costume and threw it in the sea.

    Moreover, Amano decided to use a Bad Badger's head (which was in the hideout) in order to disguise Miles as Devorae, so that Paups would be tricked into believing he was alive and the time of the murder would be changed. Also, Edgeworth states the following:

    Exactly that. I believe Lance watched you escape, and then doubled back to the hideout. Probably to come and remove the Bad Badger head from my unconscious self...


    And to create his fake "prison" with the prop sword. He then escaped via the passageway.

    Which means Lance was in the hideout only once before he escaped, probably using the Bad Badger's head so that Lauren would be tricked into thinking she was the murderer. Considering the room was "locked", it is safe to say Amano never returned there. Therefore, after the stage's fake murder, how did the Bad Badger's head end up in the hideout, considering Lance never returned there to begin with?

    I thought maybe Lance used Colin's Bad Badger head, but said head was thrown in the sea and it had glass shards, which could easily wound Amano if he used the Bad Badger's head. I'm definitely missing something, but I have no idea what it is exactly.

    submitted by /u/Estevao2
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    Muppet Maya Fey (all usernames listed pertain to tumblr)

    Posted: 09 Jul 2021 02:22 AM PDT

    Important question

    Posted: 09 Jul 2021 05:31 PM PDT

    Are these games fully narrated? I.e all the text not just 'objection' etc?

    submitted by /u/crunchythomas
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    Have you had luck convincing others to try the Ace Attorney series?

    Posted: 09 Jul 2021 03:46 PM PDT

    I've tried to convince some friends and family to try the series with little success. A game where you play as a lawyer seemed pretty weird to alot of them. How much luck have you all had?

    submitted by /u/Ren93_
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    What were your first thoughts when seeing Iris in the paper followed by the first impression when meeting her?

    Posted: 09 Jul 2021 12:20 PM PDT

    I was throughly convinced Dahlia had managed to find some girl to spirit challenge her and refused to leave. It took me a long time to abandon that theory.

    submitted by /u/practice_spelling
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    For those who haven't seen the anime yet or are skeptical about it

    Posted: 09 Jul 2021 10:42 AM PDT

    While it's not as great as the games and it has its flaws, the anime is definitely worth watching! I won't spoil anything, but the anime adds original scenes which in my opinion enhance existing bonds within the games very well. Also it's presented somewhat differently than the games so you'll most likely get a different vibe from it when watching it.

    But overall it's a very nice thing to check out if you haven't yet watched it and want more Ace Attorney!

    submitted by /u/Sword_Art_Natsu
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    How would you feel about having an option in AA7 to replace the game's music with music from the previous games' soundtracks?

    Posted: 09 Jul 2021 04:35 PM PDT

    Godot dyes his hair

    Posted: 09 Jul 2021 05:43 PM PDT

    The explanation behind why he has white hair is that it's a side effect of Dahlia's poison, but look at his facial hair! It's dark brown. I bet his eyebrows are dark brown too. So I think that Godot bleaches his hair white/platinum blonde to make a statement that he's a changed man.

    What do you think of my theory?

    submitted by /u/No-Balance-2226
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