Ace Attorney AA7 just leaked |
- AA7 just leaked
- Today is Ghost Trick's anniversary! Shu Takumi has expressed a desire to create an Ace Attorney x Ghost Trick game. What would your ideas for a crossover be? | art by @irosyan
- Demon Franziska and Angel Maya warmup drawing
- I did not find a background similar to the court of the version of pachinko so I put the one from season 2.
- Some cute drawings of some characters :D
- Just bought a 3DS and currently downloading PLvAA, the last AA game I have yet to play before TGAA comes out
- [OC] A litte fanart I did for a Collab. Hope you guys like it :]
- Case Discussion Thread - Case I2-5 - The Grand Turnabout
- AA characters tier list
- 40 Cases, 40 Days - Day 3: Turnabout Samurai
- Pearl Fey but she's a slav
- Commemorating 2nd wedding anniversary with my pal, Ace Attorney style. �� Done at Serpents Ink Gold Coast.
- Does the U.S. version of the Great Ace Attorney Chronicles have Japanese available?
- Ace Attorney: All Court Begins/Trial Themes 2021 (all Ace Attorney games, including The Chronicles)
- Weekly Poll [47]: Who is your favourite member of Troupe Gramarye?
- What’s the funniest cross exam out of these?
- About the VR Attraction and AA7
- So how many cases has phoenix lost?
- I have a question about the ending of Trials and Tribulations *spoilers*
- What would happen if the genders were flipped?
- Where can I play Miles Edgeworth Investigations
Posted: 19 Jun 2021 06:56 PM PDT
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Posted: 19 Jun 2021 06:52 AM PDT
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Demon Franziska and Angel Maya warmup drawing Posted: 19 Jun 2021 12:05 PM PDT
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Posted: 19 Jun 2021 09:49 PM PDT
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Some cute drawings of some characters :D Posted: 19 Jun 2021 10:15 PM PDT
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Posted: 19 Jun 2021 02:27 PM PDT
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Posted: 19 Jun 2021 08:52 PM PDT | ||
[OC] A litte fanart I did for a Collab. Hope you guys like it :] Posted: 19 Jun 2021 10:34 AM PDT | ||
Case Discussion Thread - Case I2-5 - The Grand Turnabout Posted: 19 Jun 2021 04:03 PM PDT Almost all of this game's cases are titled as "The X Turnabout". Post your first-time reactions and any opinions, complaints, and general thoughts here. How do you feel about Investigations 2's finale? [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 19 Jun 2021 05:24 PM PDT | ||
40 Cases, 40 Days - Day 3: Turnabout Samurai Posted: 19 Jun 2021 03:42 PM PDT Today's case is Turnabout Samurai! Now we're getting into the good stuff. This is Ace Attorney's first "filler" case, and it introduces the franchise's most recurring "character" outside of the main cast: the Steel Samurai. I've always had a soft spot for the Steel Samurai, I just love the "show within a show" trope and he also has excellent theme music, so it's a pleasure whenever his presence graces an Ace Attorney case. I absolutely live for those moments where they replace Cornered or another "dramatic shit is happening" theme with the Steel Samurai theme. Besides the Steel Samurai, though, this case also has a large and weirdly-recurring supporting cast. Seriously, even though Turnabout Samurai is "filler", every character introduced here, except Cody Hackins and the killer, makes a return in later cases. Even the great Sal Manella gets a brief cameo in Investigations. At that point, can you really call it filler? This case also has the distinction of being a third case. Now, some people say the third cases in Ace Attorney games are "cursed": they're more likely than other cases to be bad, they're typically the worst case in a given game, and they're basically always filler cases that don't introduce or resolve any major pieces of the arc plot. I, however, do not and have never subscribed to this belief. In fact, I think there are only two games in the entire franchise where the third case is the worst in the bunch, and neither of them are in the original trilogy (which is where this little superstition was started). I also reject the notion of filler cases being de facto weaker than arc plot cases. Characters can really shine and grow in unique ways when they're allowed room to breathe outside of the main plot. And if you're just casually in the mood for Ace Attorney, filler cases are great! They're not especially long and generally don't require context to be enjoyed, so you can play them out of order and whenever you feel like it. Like, if I wanna enjoy Turnabout Goodbyes, I'm almost obligated to play Turnabout Sisters first to refresh my memory of the important DL-6 plot bits. But I can pick up and play Turnabout Samurai whenever I want! Speaking of that "weirdly-recurring cast" I mentioned earlier, I really like all of the characters in this case. There's not a lot of cases where I can say that, even some of my favorites of all time have some annoying ones. Will Powers is just a great guy, a real humble and down-to-earth person in ironic contrast to the larger-than-life heroes he plays. Sal Manella may be a creep, but his leetspeak gag is iconic (and was legitimately bleeding edge humor at the time PW:AA's localization was written) and he doesn't overstay his welcome. Penny Nichols' role may be small and there might not be too much depth to her character, but her design is cute. She's got that "nerdy girl next door" vibe going on, I dig it. And yes, by all the characters I mean all the characters. Yes, I like Wendy Oldbag, or at least I like how she's written in this case. Listen, I get it, she's annoying. And in some cases, like Investigations' finale, she's downright insufferable. But that's kind of the point. She's an antagonistic character. Not every antagonist in a story needs to be an outright villain. Sometimes they're just nuisances with a different point of view that stand in the hero's way. A small obstacle on the way to defeating the real big bad. And, unlike her future appearances, by the end of this case the writers do try to make her seem like a decent person. Her Reminiscence scene where she explains the truth of the incident all those years ago hits hard. You get the sense that she's really seen some shit over the years at the studio, and that she genuinely felt terrible for Hammer after seeing his life get ruined by Vasquez. It's no wonder she overcompensated for that and became such a rabid superfan. Cody Hackins is also underrated, in my opinion. I actually think this series writes child characters really well, and he's the first example of it. Some franchises make the mistake of writing children like toddlers, which just leads to really annoying characters. Others just kinda give up and write children like adults, which can work, but if done wrong it can be cringey, or worse, borderline pedophilic. But Ace Attorney does a much better job. Cody's immature, likes childish things, and is somewhat naive, but he has his own agency and instinctively understands a lot of what's going on around him. On his day in court, when the truth about what he witnessed was finally revealed and he bursts into tears, you can tell it's more than just a bratty kid crying that his favorite hero got beat. He can tell that something really bad happened, something no kid should ever see, and he doesn't know how to process it. The anime even does this scene a little extra justice, by playing Reminiscence ~ Steel Samurai's Ballad over it instead of Pursuit ~ Cornered. I also appreciate Dee Vasquez a lot for being so different from the typical villains in this series. For starters, she's one of only a small handful of killers in the series who did so purely in self-defense. Yet, I'd still hardly call her innocent, considering what led up to that moment. Also, the case heavily implies (but never outright states, if I remember correctly) that she was emotionally or even romantically close to Manuel, the man accidentally killed by Hammer years ago. Typically, Ace Attorney villains ham it up explaining why they had to do what they did, but with Vasquez all the evidence we get for her motive is her extremely shocked reaction to Manuel's death and her otherwise disproportionately cruel punishment of Hammer. There's also this serene calmness about her that most other villains don't have. There's almost never music playing when you speak to her. Her "battle of wits" with Phoenix has a strange, quiet aura about it. Even when she breaks down, she's not angry or sad. She's relieved, happy even, to have the burden of lies and guilt lifted off her shoulders. Vasquez isn't my favorite villain or anything, but she just hits different. Really, there's not a lot wrong with this case. I mean, there are a few minor logical hiccups, the big one to me being the situation with the security camera. The case makes a big deal about how there was only one way to get to Studios 1 and 2, through this big ol' gate with a security camera on it. But we can easily see the gate while investigating, and... Well, there's no barrier or anything stopping someone from just walking around the gate and strolling through the forests around the studios and making their way to them that way. No one ever even acknowledges this possibility, nor dismisses it, and if I'm right, it means anyone who knew the security camera was there could've easily avoided it. The first day of court is also admittedly a little bit pointless. We could've avoided the entire thing if anyone at the studio had grown a pair and actually told the police the truth instead of falling in line to cover their bosses' asses. Also, this is a really minor gripe, but Edgeworth's heel-face turn at the end of the trial felt a little abrupt. Sure, it's a great moment, but the buildup to it is extremely easy to miss. The anime even felt the need to make what caused it a little more obvious by having Cody make this big inspirational speech that visibly strikes a chord in ol' Edgey. Y'know, I was going into this writeup thinking this case was just a little bit above average, but getting my thoughts about it on paper, I'm surprised at how much I like Turnabout Samurai. While it doesn't have a lot of "Wow!" moments that made my jaw drop, the characters are of a consistent quality that I really appreciate, and there's not a lot of glaring flaws in it. It's not a perfect case, and it doesn't exactly push the envelope, but I really enjoy it, and I think it tends to get unfairly overshadowed by other filler cases. So, today, I'm giving it the appreciation it deserves, and bumping its score up a tiny bit from the 3/5 I was originally intending to give it. For great justice! Overall Score - 3.5 / 5 [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 19 Jun 2021 02:53 AM PDT
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Posted: 20 Jun 2021 12:04 AM PDT
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Does the U.S. version of the Great Ace Attorney Chronicles have Japanese available? Posted: 19 Jun 2021 04:22 PM PDT I saw in the original Japanese trailer that they had the option to switch between English and Japanese text. I didn't see this in the western trailer, however. I'm in the U.S., and I'd like for my wife to be able to play too (Japanese being her native language), so I'm wondering if we will be okay if we just preorder the U.S. version (physical)? Or do we need to import the Japanese version that we know has both? (I ask since I figured it's possible they couldn't legally sell the U.S. version with the original Japanese text having references to Sherlock Holmes.) [link] [comments] | ||
Ace Attorney: All Court Begins/Trial Themes 2021 (all Ace Attorney games, including The Chronicles) Posted: 19 Jun 2021 11:07 PM PDT | ||
Weekly Poll [47]: Who is your favourite member of Troupe Gramarye? Posted: 19 Jun 2021 11:43 AM PDT | ||
What’s the funniest cross exam out of these? Posted: 19 Jun 2021 09:43 AM PDT Personally right to remain silent is my pick. I was laughing for literal hours. My phone almost died doing it. [link] [comments] | ||
About the VR Attraction and AA7 Posted: 19 Jun 2021 12:57 PM PDT This post brought to my attention the existence of an Ace Attorney VR attraction in Japan, as I'm sure many of you have seen already. In the trailer, you can see that the characters exclusive to the VR game are drawn in a completely different 2D art style. Returning characters use their 3D models from SoJ...except for Payne. Somehow his hair got even more ridiculous and he has a completely new suit. Why would a model even need to be created in the first place if this art team went with a completely new style with all other characters? The answer is simple: the model already existed. This could mean a number of things. One, AA7 is indeed in the works and the new Payne model was chosen since the events of SoJ have likely expelled Payne from Khura'in. Two, AA7 was in development and then canceled. The Payne model had to be used for something, I guess. Three, there is no AA7 and this is all just baseless conjecture. Either way, we know that someone created this model. The question is for what purpose. [link] [comments] | ||
So how many cases has phoenix lost? Posted: 19 Jun 2021 10:30 AM PDT He lost 2-4 and the civil case in 6-5, but is the case involving kristoph's forged evidence counted? Or is it not counted as an actual loss because it was a mistrial? [link] [comments] | ||
I have a question about the ending of Trials and Tribulations *spoilers* Posted: 19 Jun 2021 09:16 AM PDT So I played the original trilogy a few years ago and decided to come back to it recently. I had played Trials and Tribulations a few times as it is my favourite of the games, but there is one part that I never seem to understand. I may have overlooked something whilst playing the game, and I know that this is not really an issue at all in the game and it doesn't ruin the story by any means but I was just wondering if someone knew why this was :) [link] [comments] | ||
What would happen if the genders were flipped? Posted: 19 Jun 2021 12:06 PM PDT What if Phoenix was a girl and what if Pearl was a little boy? I'm asking because there was that one time she threatened to assault Phoenix if she thought he was cheating on Maya and there was also that one time she actually assaulted him when some other woman was hugging him and that kinda ruined the anime for me and it made me resent Pearl even to this day. How would it play out if a little boy assaulted an adult woman because he thought she was cheating on her man? And what if Franziska von Karma was a guy? I also ask because in the anime she whips alot of men EVEN the judge and even had the audacity to take over the judge's job. It kinda irritated me because anime and manga always try to find EVERY technique in the book to have female on male violence. How would it play out if it was a dude whipping all the women and what if he tried to take over the female judge's job? [link] [comments] | ||
Where can I play Miles Edgeworth Investigations Posted: 19 Jun 2021 08:55 AM PDT I'm getting into the ace attorney series and wish to play each of the games. Each of the games except for Investigations are on the 3ds eshop. Is there any other place I can find and play this game? [link] [comments] |
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