Ace Attorney I’ve wanted to play the sequel for so long and it only took my 4 hours to figure everything out. But YESSSSSSSS |
- I’ve wanted to play the sequel for so long and it only took my 4 hours to figure everything out. But YESSSSSSSS
- More Crayon Destinies. I may or may not make funny videos using these.
- The Capcom Cinematic Universe
- Speeneeng
- Trucy and Hugh - Hat Tricks
- Phoenix in love ��
- A fast tier list i made
- Simon Blackquill: T̶w̶i̶s̶t̶e̶d̶ Gopnik Samurai
- Round two of AA characters as slavs!
- Reminded me of Ema!
- My characters and cases tier list (Spoilers) (No DGS or Pl vs Pw)
- DGS, But British Judge Has More Spine (I don't know why I made this.)
- A Kristoph Theory I saw flying around
- Case Discussion Thread - Case 5-1 - Turnabout Countdown
- Fuck Blaise Debeste
- My Ace Attorney Case Tier List. (I played the Scarlet Study translation for DGS)
- Some observations on Godot
- AAI2 is the best Ace Attorney game and you can't change my mind
- 40 Cases, 40 Days - Day 5: Rise from the Ashes
- Should I play Apollo Justice?
- The flags of Cohdopia and Allebahst are actually based on the flag of Borovany, a city in the Czech Republic. Also, the flag of Babahl is based on the flag of Czech. If we assume that if Cohdopia is fully based on Czechia, we can say that is located in the same spot.
- Mia fey- Primadonna (spoilers for Mia Fey flashback cases)
- The perfect nickname for a prosecutor
- Opinion on Gumworth?
Posted: 21 Jun 2021 12:20 PM PDT
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More Crayon Destinies. I may or may not make funny videos using these. Posted: 21 Jun 2021 01:21 PM PDT
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Posted: 21 Jun 2021 08:35 AM PDT
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Posted: 21 Jun 2021 03:29 AM PDT
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Posted: 21 Jun 2021 11:26 PM PDT
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Posted: 21 Jun 2021 03:04 PM PDT
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Posted: 21 Jun 2021 09:39 PM PDT
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Simon Blackquill: T̶w̶i̶s̶t̶e̶d̶ Gopnik Samurai Posted: 21 Jun 2021 02:17 PM PDT
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Round two of AA characters as slavs! Posted: 21 Jun 2021 09:05 AM PDT
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Posted: 21 Jun 2021 01:13 PM PDT
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My characters and cases tier list (Spoilers) (No DGS or Pl vs Pw) Posted: 21 Jun 2021 11:00 PM PDT | ||
DGS, But British Judge Has More Spine (I don't know why I made this.) Posted: 21 Jun 2021 05:19 AM PDT
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A Kristoph Theory I saw flying around Posted: 21 Jun 2021 10:16 PM PDT Capcom had a missed opportunity to make Kristoph the phantom. I get why they think such a thing, but I don't really believe it. I'm here to explain anyways so here we go. The first reason is the scar on Kristoph's hand. No one really knows how that got there, and you can just implant the devil into your hand whenever you feel like it. So it would make sense if it came from that nice stab Athena gave the Phantom. It doesn't say which hand he got stabbed in, or it does and I'm just to lazy to find out. Well, luckily it does say which hand Kristoph's scar is on, his right hand. They can stress this enough either, anywhere you see anything about his hand it always say specifically his right hand. Next, the way Kristoph is described. So we all know that the Phantom's downfall was his emotions, most prominent, fear. Now if you search up Kristoph's personality he is described/told I guess as "...He eventually resorted to forgery for the sake of fame and glory.In committing the forgery and the crimes that followed, Kristoph showed great cunning and paranoia with almost every move he made. He was very determined in guarding his secrets at all costs, even foiling Phoenix Wright's attempts to find out what Kristoph was hiding using his magatama." Paranoia? Garding his secrets at all costs? That sounds like a masked man that we know and hate. Maybe when Kristoph came back as the Phantom he learned to conceal that emotion along with the rest. To add on, even his nervous tick had to do with him tensing up to make the "devil thing living in his hand" even visible. That would explain the gloves, and yes I know that The Phantom had pretended to be many people without gloves. But like I said he would have to tense up to make the scar visible, and since he erased almost all his emotions, he wouldn't have to be tense or nervous. Also the ages match up almost perfectly. I know it says the real Bobby Fulbright was born in 1994, but I digress! You see we don't know anything about Mr. Phantom, including his age, so there isn't much to say except, Bobby and Kristoph were both born in 1994. I did some calculations and Kristoph would be 26 during the UR-1 incident, which wouldn't make to much sense, but whatever. Obviously there isn't much evidence and this was just a missed opportunity by Capcom, but it's still interesting. Of course there's the fact that Klavier is there, and Kristoph going insane at the end of AJ:AA plus the Phantom's breakdown, but there's really nothing much. The most people do is ship them which I think is hilarious. Anyway, bye people✨ [link] [comments] | ||
Case Discussion Thread - Case 5-1 - Turnabout Countdown Posted: 21 Jun 2021 05:28 PM PDT Tick tock, it's time to say goodbye to bold character shifts and moral greyness, and time to immerse yourself in a softer, rounder, and considerably goofier version of Ace Attorney's world. Post your first-time reactions and any opinions, complaints, and general thoughts here. What's your take on the start of Dual Destinies? [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 21 Jun 2021 12:03 PM PDT Seriously. Fuck this guy. Like seriously, how much of an asshole can he actually be? I already hate him so much in AAI2-4, but in AAI2-5? Holy fuck I hate this dude. I wish nothing but hell for him. I hate him. I hate him. I hate him. [link] [comments] | ||
My Ace Attorney Case Tier List. (I played the Scarlet Study translation for DGS) Posted: 21 Jun 2021 06:01 PM PDT
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Posted: 21 Jun 2021 06:56 AM PDT I'm just replaying Trials&Tribulations after 10 or more years and with hindsight, I can see that Godot acts quite similar to a defense attorney. The way he presents the first evidence in case 3-2, the lack of giving a proper case overview, the way he somehow trusts Ron DeLite. Facing him in court feels just different than facing Miles or Franziska. Which makes sense, because he's actually a veteran defense attorney. What do you think? Do you have other observations or noticed hints of his fomer legal career? [link] [comments] | ||
AAI2 is the best Ace Attorney game and you can't change my mind Posted: 21 Jun 2021 11:47 AM PDT Like holy shit. Every case is outstanding. Like how did they made this game so fucking good? Not one case is bad. Every case is great, especially the last three cases. The Inherited Turnabout, The Forgotten Turnabout, and The Grand Turnabout are like the trio of the best Ace Attorney cases. These three are the best cases, and you can't change my mind. And it's only released in Japan?! That's criminal. This game is a masterpiece, and nothing can top it [link] [comments] | ||
40 Cases, 40 Days - Day 5: Rise from the Ashes Posted: 21 Jun 2021 03:52 PM PDT Rise from the Ashes is one of the most interesting cases in Ace Attorney. It owes that distinction largely to its unique release, being written as a bonus case to incentivize Japanese fans to pick up the DS remake of the GBA's Gyakuten Saiban. In that sense, it's almost like the series' first "DLC" case. Us westerners, however, were mostly unaware of this distinction, and PW:AA was essentially dropped into our laps without the context for this story's existence. Even without knowing the truth, however, this case still has a strange, distinct vibe to it, and a clever player might've deduced the truth just by paying attention while playing the trilogy. It was the only one to make full, mandatory use of the DS's bonus touch screen and mic functionality. None of the characters introduced here appear in JFA or T&T, and in the original DS version their sprites are just ever-so-slightly higher quality than the other characters'. Even the name stands out. What happened to Turnabout? Is he safe? Ashes is also unique in its sheer length. Good lord is there a lot of it to unpack. It's as if someone reminded the team that the first game had three day cases and they realized it was a golden opportunity to cram as much plot in as possible. Rather than a case, it almost feels like a game unto itself. An "Ace Attorney 1.5" of sorts, an interstitial game that thematically bridges the gap between the first game and JFA. Some people don't like that sheer length, but if you just think about it as if it's a standalone game (that just so happens to come bundled with PW:AA), it's really not that bad. Just be aware of it when you go back to replay it and you'll be fine. The characters of this case vary a lot in terms of quality, at least in my opinion. At the case's heart, you have the Skye sisters, Ema and Lana, deliberate expies of Maya and Mia. Lana's coldness can be off-putting, and her seeming willingness to sabotage her own trial is annoying, but there's a real kindness and complexity to her character just under the surface. Also she's just really, really pretty. And then there's that whole thing about Mia meeting her in college, and being attracted to her… Speaking of girls, Ema! Who doesn't like Ema? One of the few characters who appears in games outside of Ashes, and with good reason: she's a blast. I've always preferred Ema as an assistant over Maya. She's got this infectious charm to her, her theme song is a bop, and her forensic science tools were always a lot of fun. She's also one of the most dynamic characters in the franchise, changing as she ages and swaps professions over the course of Ashes, AJ, and SoJ. The witnesses, however, I'm a little less infatuated with. My favorite of them is easily Jake Marshall, his Texas cowboy schtick is a ton of fun. But, even in-universe, it's recognized as being a pretty dumb gimmick. I mean, he's not even from Texas! He's from LA, and he only knows about Texas from TV! In fact, forget what I just said, because he's technically not even from LA, anyway! He's from Japan! And Angel Starr's design is pretty as hell, but she's honestly just kind of an asshole. The worst of them, however, is Mike Meekins. Boy oh boy do I not like Mike Meekins. I generally have a pretty high tolerance for "annoying" characters (I like Larry Butz and every character in Turnabout Big Top) but Mike Meekins just rubs me the wrong way. I dislike every scene he is in. His artstyle clashes with every other character in the series. The way he talks is just irritating to read. Even my ears aren't safe from him, because for some reason his megaphone animation comes with a realistic, high-pitched mic feedback sound that cuts through all the ambient music. The only good part about him is that in Ashes he gets PW:AA's "strange people" theme in the investigation segments: Age, Regret, Reward. That song lowkey slaps. I will never understand why this guy, of all characters, got two whole return appearances when most characters are lucky to get one. But, thankfully, the villain in this case makes up for all of that: Damon Gant. Damon freakin' Gant. A real, genuine, one-of-a-kind character. He easily goes toe-to-toe with the main villains of every other Ace Attorney game, even though his "game" is one case. The way he can shift on a dime from "cheerful, fun-loving, possibly-gay-but-the-family-doesn't-really-discuss-it uncle" to "literal demon who will crush anyone and anything for the sake of power" is terrifying, and mirrors how real-life abusers, killers, and crooked authority figures behave. And he manages to be intimidating despite wearing a puke-orange suit and pink sunglasses, and having a weird fixation on swimming. That stare. That design. That theme music. It's all so iconic! Damon Gant absolutely steals the show in every scene he's in, from his introduction that reveals the main twist of this case, to his inevitable end where Phoenix baits him using Evidence Law (one of my personal favorite takedowns). Speaking of that "main twist" I just mentioned, though, it's actually one of the few criticisms I have for this case that aren't related to Mike Meekins existing. Now, overall, I actually really love the plot of this case. It's got a ton of lore built into it, and it's a bit darker than normal, featuring the series' first and only spree killer in Joe Darke from the SL-9 incident (I've heard some people call him a serial killer, in fact they may have even used that language in-game at some point, but he's definitely a spree killer and there is indeed a difference). Gant's plan to frame Darke for a murder he didn't commit to pin him on the murders he did commit, then simultaneously frame Ema for the same crime in secret to get Lana's compliance, while extremely convoluted, is scary in its brilliance. However, this case's plot also has a hook to it that has always bothered me in its ultimate conclusion. So, when you're watching the intro to this case, it has this big 3D animated sequence where it shows two different murders happening at the same time. Later, at the end of Trial Day 1, Gant reveals this second murder, and the fact that the victim is… the victim in the trial currently taking place. So the entirety of Day 2 is focused on figuring out how this could be possible, how and why someone could be seen getting murdered in two places at once. Now, while the second "murder" does wind up tying into the case at large, and there's a reason why it was the "same person" seen both times, the reason they happened at the exact same moment in time is… pure coincidence. They spent that whole animation hyping up that aspect of Rise from the Ashes, and the reason it happens that way is because that just so happened to be the time Jake Marshall decided to bust into the evidence room disguised as Bruce Goodman, and Meekins just so happened to see him and tried to stop him. Leaving such a cool hook like that up to pure happenstance has always rubbed me the wrong way. Like, just imagine if they did Turnabout Goodbyes' intro dirty like that. That case has an amazing hook that implies Edgeworth shot a mysterious man while alone with him on a foggy night on Gourd Lake. And while that's not really the case, the truth is even more interesting: the whole scene was specifically crafted to look like that by the real killer, to frame Edgeworth for a murder that had already happened. Rise from the Ashes leaving its hook up to pure circumstance would be like if that iconic image of two men on a boat in Gourd Lake was instead explained by saying there were two completely different dudes who happened to get into a fight on a boat around the same time Edgeworth went out there. Rise from the Ashes has a lot of good things packed into it, and not just because it's like 10 hours long. With an iconic villain, a distinct vibe to its plot, and a few great supporting characters, even though it's forced to stand alone as an Ace Attorney case, it does so just fine. It's really only held back by a few minor gripes, like Angel Starr being a thot or Mike Meekins being Mike Meekins. It's a beyond-great case, but I'd say it falls just short of the godliness of some of this franchise's more traditional finales and its absolute highest highs. Overall Score - 4.5 / 5 [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 22 Jun 2021 12:01 AM PDT So I just finished Trials and Tribulations and absolutely loved it. However many people here seem to hate the next game so I'm not really sure whether I should play it or not... [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 21 Jun 2021 10:57 AM PDT
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Mia fey- Primadonna (spoilers for Mia Fey flashback cases) Posted: 21 Jun 2021 05:21 PM PDT | ||
The perfect nickname for a prosecutor Posted: 21 Jun 2021 05:51 PM PDT For example 'Demon Prosecutor', 'Twisted Samurai' or the 'Prodigy' I got her a name... She's more like a Kanae from Kimetsu no Yaiba and Konan from Naruto [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 21 Jun 2021 08:26 PM PDT |
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