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    Sunday, May 9, 2021

    Ace Attorney Weekly Poll [41]: Who is your favourite non-playable defense attorney?

    Ace Attorney Weekly Poll [41]: Who is your favourite non-playable defense attorney?

    Weekly Poll [41]: Who is your favourite non-playable defense attorney?

    Posted: 08 May 2021 01:22 PM PDT

    [OC] Athena Cykes (HD Trilogy-style)

    Posted: 08 May 2021 07:51 PM PDT

    Fun Fact: The Blue Badger is Based on Pipo-Kun, the IRL Mascot of the Tokyo Police

    Posted: 08 May 2021 06:26 PM PDT

    Swapping around one letter in his name is no issue for the great detective

    Posted: 08 May 2021 09:32 AM PDT

    The Truth About Trucy

    Posted: 08 May 2021 08:18 PM PDT

    As many of you will already know, after her debut appearance in Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney, poor Trucy Wright loses quite a lot of her character depth. In AJAA, she was a sharp, clever magician-in-training who expertly used her practiced performer's smile to hide the pain and insecurities she was experiencing from view while supporting Apollo in court to the best of her ability. She and her adoptive father were both irreplaceable emotional supports for one another, and having Trucy around was what kept Phoenix motivated enough not to sink into utter despair following the loss of his career.

    In Dual Destinies, Trucy is a walking Magic Panties joke dispenser. "Walking" actually feels like an exaggeration, given that she barely ever leaves the Agency. All of that character depth has been deleted, and for the majority of Trucy's limited scenes in the game, she exists only to make the exact same Magic Panties joke over and over again. Please note as well, that in 4-2, when the Magic Panties gag originated, it was a single joke being made repeatedly in order to embarrass Apollo specifically, and part of the point was that Trucy was totally aware of how obviously uncomfortable it was for Apollo to have to talk about the prop repeatedly. In addition to the Magic Panties problem, however, Trucy in DD has lost all traces of the close father-daughter relationship she originally had with Phoenix. The two barely interact, and even when Trucy's life is in danger, Phoenix's reaction is limited to about three lines in total, with scene after scene of quirky humor in between.

    In Spirit of Justice, Trucy gets one good case. The Magical Turnabout doesn't completely restore her original character, but it does help her a lot. She gets back her friendship with Apollo, Phoenix's brief appearances via phone call consist of him utterly freaking the hell out at his daughter's situation while he is stuck overseas and can't help, and even Trucy's fears and insecurities actually get to come into play in the story.

    Now, for a long time, I believed this massive reduction in Trucy's character was down to Yamazaki and his company of writers either not caring about her, or not understanding her in the first place. Today, however, through a very enlightening conversation with several other users on the AA Discord server, I believe we've made a major discovery: the truth about Trucy Wright, and why she seemed to change in such a poor way. To explain, I'll have to take us back a ways:


    Ominous. Let's get to explaining.

    In 4-4, Vera Misham is poisoned by Kristoph Gavin, who once gave her a bottle of nail polish laced with Atroquinine, knowing she has a habit of biting her nails when nervous. Vera narrowly survives, but there's something important to remember in here - a little detail. Trucy tries out Vera's nail polish well before we learn that it was poisoned, and I'm afraid it's much too late for her. Not long after the end of Turnabout Succession, Trucy dies of acute Atroquinine poisoning. Apollo has no idea, and we the audience are left in the dark as well.

    Wracked with grief and finding himself at his lowest point, Phoenix commissions the creation of a sophisticated android - cutting-edge technology and the only way he has left to maintain some semblance of sanity in dealing with the loss of his daughter.


    Regrettably, while the android duplicate is a perfect physical match for Trucy's outward appearance, and can even mimic her voice and mannerisms flawlessly, the full depth of a living human being's mind is far more difficult to replicate. If he had thirty years, a perfect match might have been possible, but in the end, running out of time before Apollo will inevitably realize something is wrong, all Phoenix is left with is an artificial facsimile of the daughter he lost, identical in looks and voice, but deeply lacking in personality and intelligence by comparison. Practically the only thing the android is capable of talking about without specific prompting is Trucy's old Magic Panties trick. Still, it will have to do.


    The android is finished, and Phoenix is, for now, satisfied that Apollo still has no idea of what happened to Trucy. Her duplicate cheerfully greets him at the Agency's front door every time he comes in to work, and he doesn't appear suspicious. It's only a matter of time, however. A cold, dead-eyed machine can hardly hope to replicate Trucy's life and energy forever.

    As for Phoenix himself, his mental state continues to decline. To stave off a complete breakdown, his mind defensively shuts out the time he spent raising Trucy and tries to draw back out the personality of his younger self, from before all of this. That rookie attorney, fumbling his way through cases by remembering what Mia taught him - like the android, it's far from a perfect recreation, but Phoenix keeps his sanity by subconsciously convincing himself that the events which brought Trucy into his life never happened, and so emerges the 'bluffing' attorney Phoenix Wright, returning to the courtroom.


    In Dual Destinies, Phoenix hires on Athena Cykes, a rookie attorney who, as chance would have it, spent much of her childhood around robots. Athena has her suspicions toward Trucy. There's something off about her magician friend. She tries to draw information out of Phoenix, but it's like her boss's mind is completely impenetrable. In time, she gradually realizes the truth: Trucy Wright is an android. She couldn't hope to know the reason why, and she resolves to keep it a secret from Apollo.

    Unfortunately, the android eventually ends up becoming one of Aura Blackquill's hostages in the space centre incident. Not built for such a situation, "Trucy" simply keeps a bright smile on her face and continues to show off the Magic Panties trick all the while, the stress of the situation wearing badly on her systems. It isn't long after the hostage situation is resolved that the Trucy android breaks down.

    There's a new solution, however. Pearl, Trucy's oldest friend, makes the decision to channel Trucy's spirit, hoping to help maintain the illusion that Trucy is still alive. This leads, most unfortunately, to the Penrose Theatre case, with Trucy accused of her performance partner's murder. She manages to hide the truth about her situation for the entire events of the case, however. Apollo still remains oblivious. Throughout most of Spirit of Justice, Pearl keeps up the channeling whenever "Trucy" needs to be around Apollo.

    Then comes 6-5. Take careful notice of something here - when Apollo and Dhurke investigate together in Kurain Village, Trucy eventually leaves their company. Who then appears instead, mere minutes later? Pearl Fey. With Trucy's spirit having left her body, Pearl changed back to her ordinary clothes and met with Apollo and Dhurke, successfully creating the impression that she'd merely been elsewhere in the village until that moment.

    Finally, as the group travels to Khura'in, Pearl comes along, Edgeworth helping her to stay hidden on the flight over. Then, some time after arriving in the kingdom, Pearl channels Trucy again, Edgeworth covering for her sudden appearance with the claim that she stowed away in his suitcase.


    With Apollo now running his own law office in the Kingdom of Khura'in, it's no longer necessary to keep him fooled at all times, and finally, Trucy is able to disappear for a long enough time that the android can be repaired and upgraded. No longer bound to mere Magic Panties tricks, Trucy Mk. 2 can be observed chasing Athena around with the intention of having her partake in magic practice, unaware of Athena's human body making her far more susceptible to harm than her own android form.

    ... And there you have it. The facts have been laid bare. The girl called Trucy Wright died a long time ago, and I believe we now know just what Apollo's latest trauma will be in Ace Attorney 7.

    submitted by /u/JC-DisregardMe
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    I drew all the main characters (minus dgs)

    Posted: 08 May 2021 07:56 PM PDT

    OBJECTION! + GIF by me (IG: natsuki.aoi)

    Posted: 08 May 2021 11:32 AM PDT

    What's written on the bottle of grape juice? I think it's "Пезда" which is a mispelled version of pussy in Russian, but it's probably not so I decided to ask all of you.

    Posted: 08 May 2021 09:48 PM PDT

    Comparison of trilogy Edgeworth pin vs. DD Edgeworth pin

    Posted: 08 May 2021 03:57 PM PDT

    Ace Attorney 7 hypothetical fan made poster (by me) (Read first comment for more details)

    Posted: 08 May 2021 08:26 PM PDT

    Updated my godot mii a bit and added a wig! Code is 4J905L9 if u want him!

    Posted: 08 May 2021 10:53 AM PDT

    Why does Ema Skye look so tall in the games?

    Posted: 08 May 2021 07:01 AM PDT

    She's the same height as Edgeworth when you compare their sprites in AAI, and she looks taller than Phoenix when you're talking to her in ROTA. Problem is that she is actually 5'1 or 5'3, which doesn't even come close to the guys I just mentioned. The main question is rhetorical btw, I just wanted to point that out.

    submitted by /u/Babbaloboy
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    Franziska von Karma fanart by me~ ^^

    Posted: 08 May 2021 12:25 PM PDT

    I'm not sure if this belongs here or not, but here's a Miku logo edit!

    Posted: 08 May 2021 02:09 PM PDT

    Incorrect Quote generator ft. Phoenix, Maya and Mia

    Posted: 08 May 2021 07:10 PM PDT

    Damon gant stare freeze

    Posted: 08 May 2021 08:22 AM PDT

    I am playing the fifth case in the first game and after like after telling about the scarf he pauses. I looked a playthrough on youtube and it showed that he shows a knife but for me he just pauses and blinks. and no it is not the stare mechanic, i left the game running on his stare for like 25 minutes and he was just still staring with his eyes staring into my soul.it is on the trilogy version on pc

    submitted by /u/ayaankhan120309
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    Examining each game's chronology, Investigations 1 and Dual Destinies are the worst at going in chronological order.

    Posted: 08 May 2021 08:43 PM PDT

    (I have no info for DGS since I haven't played it. Feel free to discuss their chronology but spoiler tag it please)

    In general, the Ace Attorney games follow an expected and straightforward movement of time through their cases. PWAA, AJAA, AAI2, and SoJ all go in order fully--if we only count the future-most portion (two of the cases are split into a past and present section).

    JFA and T&T closely follow a straightforward chronology with a later-numbered case occurring first in its timeline.

    And then there's Investigations 1 and Dual Destinies.

    Along with four of its cases occurring in three days, Investigations 1 only follows a straight chronology ONCE, from Turnabout Airlines to The Kidnapped Turnabout. Otherwise, it's jumping back and forth.

    Then there is Dual Destinies. Although number-wise it is technically more straightforward than AAI, it has the special mention of having a case occur WITHIN another case. If we assume the DLC case should chronologically be after the main game (since that's when a player is more likely to buy and play it), then Dual Destinies is screwed up more by putting a wedge between the Monstrous Turnabout and Turnabout Academy.

    It should come as no surprise, but the only thing they all have in common is having the chronologically final case also being the numerically final case (ignoring DLC).

    PWAA: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5

    JFA: 2 - 1 - 3 - 4

    T&T: 4 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 5

    AJAA: [4 past] - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4

    AAI: 4 - 2 - 3 - 1 - 5

    AAI2: [3 past] - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5

    DD: 2 - D - 3 - 4A - 1 - 4B - 5

    SoJ: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - D

    submitted by /u/DorathyMinnifield
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    What was Phoenix's motive?

    Posted: 08 May 2021 07:52 PM PDT

    At the beginning of 5-DLC, the following conversation ensues:

    Apollo: "But what made you suddenly so fired up to get your badge back, anyways?"

    Phoenix: "Ah, well... I made a promise to a certain someone.. An important promise."

    Am I just forgetting something, or does this promise never get explained?

    submitted by /u/Hyperion21_
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    Why do so many people want to get rid of Phoenix in future games?

    Posted: 08 May 2021 10:19 AM PDT

    I keep seeing posts recently talking about getting rid of Phoenix, either by having him die or go to jail or something, and I don't understand why? He's only 35 at the end of the 6th game, that is still pretty young and he has a long career ahead of him (as long as something bad doesn't happen to him again). Why do people keep thinking he's irrelevant now? I legitimately don't understand.

    Plus he is the poster boy for the franchise, it makes no sense to get rid of him. I'm all for Apollo and Athena getting more play time, and other past characters returning more often as well, but why does that equal Phoenix needing to be gone? What's wrong with the game having multiple cases where you switch which character you're playing as throughout the game? Especially if they end up having more than just 3-5 cases?

    I would honestly love for the next game to have separate story branches for each of them (Phoenix, Apollo, and Athena), but have them intersect at times where they make minor appearances in each other's story. Then potentially having a final chapter unlock after doing each of the other three routes that has them all working on the same case that ties their individual stories together.

    I dunno, this is just a little ramble spurred on by how often I am seeing people wanting Phoenix gone recently, and I'll never understand why… I would be super upset and disappointed if they got rid of Phoenix, he's the main reason I've enjoyed the current games and having him gone forever would honestly make me less likely to play any of the future games… I already have a hard enough time making myself play the other games without him in them, knowing that he's gone for good would be devastating…

    submitted by /u/KyuuNagashi
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    What are some good completed Ace Attorney fan games/fan cases?

    Posted: 08 May 2021 08:20 PM PDT

    And on a more specific note, which is a better Case 5 for Apollo Justice, Turnabout Substitution or Turnabout Trickery?

    submitted by /u/fdsfgs71
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    [Trials and Tribulations] My very first comic! Sister Talk

    Posted: 08 May 2021 10:29 AM PDT

    Chris Wehkamp (English VA of Miles Edgeworth) voices April May

    Posted: 08 May 2021 11:38 PM PDT

    Real Talk: Why does everyone hate AAI1?

    Posted: 08 May 2021 04:18 PM PDT

    I've heard so many people talk about hating AAI1, and I guess I just don't get it. I just played through it, and I absolutely loved it. Sure, it had its weak case (AAI-3) but the others were downright amazing! Especially AAI-4 and AAI-5. I always love the past to the present cases Like in AA:TT and AJ:AA and in this game it was no different. It was really great going through it all and making every piece of evidence make sense. The 5th case had to be one of the longest in the entire series, and the payoff was incredible. I mean, who would've guessed that Badd, Yew, and Faraday were all the Yatagarasu??? Plus that picture of them and the reveal was absolutely badass I guess I just don't get it. I think it was really good. Please let me know your opinions on it!

    submitted by /u/Portalman111
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    Godot's voice actor in the anime is the perfect choice!

    Posted: 08 May 2021 02:08 PM PDT

    I'm currently watching the anime and I heard Godot's voice in it for the first time. As soon as I heard him speak I stood up from my chair, raised my hands in the air and yelled "Holy shit it's Sanji's voice!!!". Of course I'm referring to Sanji from One Piece.

    That is actually the perfect choice and I never even thought about it before. Both characters have a cool and badass persona to them, wear fancy clothes, have an addiction to something (in Godot's case it's coffee and in Sanji's case it's cigarettes) and both characters have a jazzy theme to them. Also this is minor but both characters refer to women in a certain way. Sanji tends to call them "ladies" often while Godot calls them "kittens".

    As a huge Sanji fan myself, needless to say I'm very pleased that they chose his voice actor for Godot!

    submitted by /u/Sword_Art_Natsu
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    The Great Turnabout - 8Bit remix

    Posted: 08 May 2021 02:27 PM PDT

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