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    Friday, May 28, 2021

    Ace Attorney Futaya

    Ace Attorney Futaya


    Posted: 27 May 2021 06:10 PM PDT

    Felt this audio fits Apollo pretty well

    Posted: 27 May 2021 06:12 PM PDT

    tall pearl

    Posted: 27 May 2021 05:20 AM PDT

    "How Can Lawyers Argue Without Crying"-- Never really thought about sharing my art on Reddit till that meme of mine blew up the other day, but I've got a backlog of Ace Attorney Art to show you folks :D [OC]

    Posted: 27 May 2021 10:49 AM PDT

    Edgeworth Law Offices

    Posted: 27 May 2021 01:49 AM PDT

    (Objection.lol) Justice For All Case 2-3, but Phoenix Wright calls out the penalization mechanic

    Posted: 27 May 2021 10:28 PM PDT

    Why Gumshoe is my favourite Ace Attorney character

    Posted: 27 May 2021 11:16 AM PDT

    Oh come on, who doesn't love Gumshoe? The man is a legend. I mean, firstly, he's adorable. The bumbling detective archetype is always fun to see, and I think its better executed here than in any other piece of media ever given the personal connection the player has to the game and its characters. Seeing his salary constantly get cut and always getting owned in court over some tiny detail he couldn't possibly have been expected to pick up on is just perfect. It's also amazing how despite how much the world around him - especially the prosecutors - constantly insults him, he's always there with a smile to help you out, and he's saved both your cases and your life multiple times (rebuilding the bridge in Bridge to the Turnabout, saving you from Vasquez's henchmen in Turnabout Samurai, rescuing Maya from Shelley de Killer in Farewell, my Turnabout, and so on), and it's always fantastic to see. It's impossible not to root for the guy. Even if he can never keep up with Phoenix or Edgeworth, he often manages to chip in with some help and occasionally even picks up on things the attorneys never noticed - he's like the Watson of Ace Attorney in that regard, and he serves a great functional role as well by keeping the player informed and almost acting as a stand-in for them.

    The second and more commonly overlooked reason as to why Gumshoe is amazing is his character progression, in the first game specifically. See, when you first meet him in Turnabout Sisters, he's uncaring and a bit unlikeable as well. You wonder whether you're going to be stuck dragging him around for the whole game. Then you get to Turnabout Goodbyes, and man, Edgeworth as the defendant is genius on so many levels, one of which being how it further develops Gumshoe's character. Despite him initially being suspicious of Phoenix and Maya, once he sees that Edgeworth trusts Phoenix, Gumshoe then trusts Phoenix because he trusts Edgeworth. It's a subtle but masterfully done bit of character development that even helps to set up Gumshoe and Edgeworth's relationship, which we hear a lot about in the original trilogy but don't see fully in action until Investigations. It's absolutely incredible how they manage to make him go from "ugh, what an idiot" to "aww, what an idiot" in the player's eyes in the same game, despite not much actually changing in his character and him not being anywhere near the main character of the series. It really is impressive that despite him being in the third most cases of any Ace Attorney character, we still love him and never get tired of him. So please do bring him back, Capcom, we all miss him.

    submitted by /u/jedisalsohere
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    I can't get enough of his amazing art | Eve Belduke by Nakayama Atsushi

    Posted: 27 May 2021 10:02 AM PDT

    hey, are you interested in participating in the development of a new game in the series (fan game)? take a look at this

    Posted: 27 May 2021 06:46 PM PDT

    Ace Attorney Noir

    Posted: 27 May 2021 09:29 PM PDT

    I've had this plan idea for a long time, but someone beat me to it. Anyway, here's my ideas:

    Gumshoe's ancestors as successful private investigators

    Edgeworth's ancestors

    Completely new characters with no ties to current characters, but with importance to the history of the Ace Attorney world.

    Story: They have to take down a crime boss/ mafia who has control of the police and courts. Of course, it'll be an uphill battle to convict and rid the city of this king of the streets. It'll be totally noir

    You could walk around in 1st person talking to people, finding evidence, and wandering the city (optional).

    submitted by /u/Doombox101
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    Afternoons with Interpol (Episode 1, Eye Patch)

    Posted: 27 May 2021 06:50 AM PDT

    Japanese Cafe with AA themed menus for limited time

    Posted: 27 May 2021 10:42 PM PDT

    Case Discussion Thread - Case 2-3 - Turnabout Big Top

    Posted: 27 May 2021 06:50 PM PDT

    Yeah, it's time for this one. May as well stop putting it off.

    Post your first-time reactions and any opinions, complaints, and general thoughts here. Why is Turnabout Big Top?

    submitted by /u/JC-DisregardMe
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    Today I offer you Edgeworth doodle

    Posted: 27 May 2021 04:48 AM PDT


    Posted: 27 May 2021 12:36 PM PDT

    It's been more than 2 months since my last post on objection.lol characters. I've expanded my search to characters from all games, instead of just ones from Investigations and AJ. Not only do we have a crapload of new characters, but me and a couple of mates have personally edited almost all of them to add missing sprites, sound effects, adjust improperly timed frames etc. And I've personally double checked them to make sure they look good (so, if you see a character you already have, a character you got from my post 2 months ago, I strongly advise you to delete them and add their code again, because chances are they're better than before). There's 2 things to keep in mind, though. One: Most of these characters suffer from a problem. I like to call it the "no blinking while talking" syndrome, according to which, most characters don't have any blinking sprites in their talking animations. This is a relatively easy problem to fix, but unfortunately it takes a LOT of time (since I'd have to split the sprites into frames, add/edit blinking into them and repackage them, then repeat the process for each and every single talking sprite that misses blinking). Also, since I haven't played any of the 3D games, I cannot guarantee that the 3D characters are complete. If they're missing animations, I wouldn't know about it.

    Also, apart from characters, you'll find a couple of bonus goodies near the bottom of this post. ;)

    Now that this is out of the way, let's begin:


    • Larry Butz (Santa): TVWQTM


    • Turner Grey: AIIPAQ
    • Wendy Oldbag: ICHWKO


    • Larry Butz (Laurice Deauxnim): ZCPCYJ


    • Calisto Yew: YVVNUR
    • Cammy Meele: AXAFBN
    • Colias Palaeno: ZJLBKF
    • Dick Gumshoe: UIGKZY
    • Ema Skye: XFIRYU
    • Franziska von Karma: RWNZSO
    • Franziska von Karma (Young): QGDUHF
    • Jacques Portman: ZOICOE
    • Kay Faraday: IUWUFR
    • Kay Faraday (Young): PFISZE
    • Lance Amano: ZCJBAV
    • Larry Butz: ZXBRSW
    • Maggey Byrde: HRRILQ
    • Mike Meekins: ATDFXH
    • Miles Edgeworth: EKBPLD
    • Miles Edgeworth (DD Styled): KZDIQT
    • Phoenix Wright: HHSNRG
    • Quercus Alba: EKEFRS
    • Rhoda Teneiro: MBOIRD
    • Shi-Long-Lang: VXHZRR
    • Shih-na: TICFFI
    • The Judge: GJZOXJ
    • Tyrell Badd: WUEUDO


    • Blaise Debeste: FABCAM
    • Dane Gustavia (Young): PJBCQN
    • "Di-Jung Huang": XBZYOO
    • Delicia Scones: LOQPFP
    • Frank Sawhit: IBNULS
    • Gregory Edgeworth: RBPPFA
    • Horace Knightley: KVFZVO
    • John Marsh: KECXAU
    • Justine Courtney: HTMCWH
    • Larry Butz: KBZXTF
    • Manfred von Karma: JTJDCN
    • Nicole Swift: WEZFGW
    • Penny Nichols: NTWVJO
    • Raymond Shields: DUMMCX
    • Raymond Shields (Young): LQOTWF
    • Sebastian Debeste: RQEJMD
    • Shelly de Killer: SIKRJN
    • Simon Keyes: XKCQXR
    • Simon Keyes (Clown): TPYSWR
    • Sirhan Dogen: ATZTAC
    • Tyrell Badd: LKTAFM
    • Will Powers: ITFHFO


    • Dick Gumshoe: IBDFCO
    • Klavier Gavin (Young): PXROVR
    • Olga Orly: EUZDBY
    • Phoenix Wright (Defense attorney): MIEIJJ
    • Romein LeTouse: JQVSOU
    • Shadi Smith: WIGXHT
    • Thalassa Gramarye: EPUDRW
    • Vera Misham (Young): JPSVTJ
    • Wesley Stickler: MNYCRM
    • Zak Gramarye: WNXCEL


    • Phoenix Wright: SCATHC
    • Professor Layton: VREJQZ
    • Old Rootie: BOZTFA


    • Apollo Justice (Defense): OQDLJJ
    • Apollo Justice (Witness): PIQBIZ
    • Apollo Justice (Witness) (Injured): TVLWGS
    • Athena Cykes (Defense) (Without Widget): HXDXZI
    • Athena Cykes (Defense) (Waitress): VTTEGC
    • 'Bobby Fullbright': SJZEXE
    • Gaspen Payne: JNJWRX
    • Jinxie Tenma: ELQDJC
    • Juniper Woods: EWVSKT
    • Miles Edgeworth (Witness): ZKXTLU
    • Pearl Fey: VIKRCP
    • Phoenix Wright (Defense): IEFTOP
    • Phoenix Wright (Witness): JIJGDL
    • Sasha Buckler: KMPFPD
    • Simon Blackquill (Witness): GCNSVI
    • The Judge: JUEOTD
    • Trucy Wright: ODLPHR


    • Bucky Whet: CKVXMY
    • Dhurke Sahdmadhi: PZJVFG
    • Ema Skye: FNLMEO
    • Larry Butz: ZDOAMY
    • Nahyuta Sahdmadhi (Prosecution): QFIXMI
    • Phoenix Wright (Counsel): FCWXIT
    • Rayfa Padma Khura'in (With hood): VJMCVO
    • Rayfa Padma Khura'in (Without hood): XUDVKE
    • Simon Blackquill (Counsel): CRDWDE
    • Tahrust Inmee: KJDGAD
    • Uendo Toneido: SLKLZQ


    • British Empire Judge: HSMNEE
    • Ryuunosuke Naruhodou (Without badge) (Part 1): KGFXCG
    • Ryuunosuke Naruhodou (Without badge) (Part 2): ESIGDA
    • Barok van Zieks: QBAJXN
    • Herlock Sholmes: DGXTEI


    • Haori Murasame: YMRKMJ

    Now, apart from the characters listed above, there's a few extra characters I haven't listed, either because they're incomplete or because messed up. If anyone is interested, here they are. But be warned, they don't look as good as the rest.

    • Dane Gustavia: LIJVDI (breakdown animation has sprites cut off mid screen)
    • Katherine Hall: RPRBJZ (incomplete character and the outlines of the sprites are messed up)
    • Kay Faraday (Amnesiac): HAROPC (the outlines of the sprites are messed up)
    • Lotta Hart: RTUBCO (complete character but the outlines of the sprites are messed up)
    • Miles Edgeworth (Young): XNTZCU (animations are in lower res than the rest of the sprites)
    • Trucy Wright (Young): CRLDZN (missing Mr. Hat sprites)

    Congratulations for reacing the bottom of this post. So, here are the bonuses!

    Bonus #1: Custom Voice Clips: HXSZRW (this code doesn't include any character sprites. What it does include, however, is a collection of fanmade voice clips and voice clips from the anime)

    Bonus #2: ALL Investigations 1+2 backgrounds in HD: https://pastebin.com/wNT1q1Gg

    As always, I don't claim credit for creating any of these characters. Even though I should, because I've edited some them so heavily that they might as well be my creations.

    Until the next time I make another post about objection.lol, knock yourselves out. ;)

    submitted by /u/maltron66
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    Why Is Apollo Justice Labeled As "Dark"?

    Posted: 27 May 2021 03:41 PM PDT

    Okay, I know I promised to not talk about Post-Trilogy stuff, but I'm making an exception here because this is something which legitimately bothers me.

    Why do people keep referring to Apollo Justice the "darkest" AA game? Nothing about the game is remotely more "grim" than any of the others, and indeed AA3 (the main story, anyway) is the game which has far more grizzly content such as a 14-year-old girl entering a relationship with a significantly older man in order to manipulate him, culminating in him committing suicide on-screen through her actions and the main heroine of the series literally watching her possessed mother be killed in front of her. Nothing in AJ remotely comes close to that kind of content, yet I keep seeing people talk about it's "dark" tone for one reason or another.

    Anyone willing to give an answer as to why the hell people are like this?

    submitted by /u/RainSpectreX
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    Investigations is basically a tribute to the original trilogy...so why is it so forgettable?

    Posted: 27 May 2021 07:25 PM PDT

    Despite being filled with references and characters to the original trilogy, it didn't scratch that itch for me. I don't even remember much about it apart from something about a smuggling ring. Ironically, the sequel, which relied less on the original trilogy, is much more beloved. Maybe the first Investigations was too focused on nostalgia at the expense of storytelling and character writing, so when they stopped using it as a crutch, everything else improved?

    submitted by /u/MrAndistandhin
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    Science Enthusiasm

    Posted: 28 May 2021 12:45 AM PDT

    Phoenix Wright Trilogy Switch all games on cartridge?

    Posted: 27 May 2021 04:49 PM PDT

    Hi there, I was wondering if anyone had the trilogy on switch as a physical copy and if all the games were physically on the cartridge? I ask as I know a lot of games on the switch have only part of the game on the cartridge and half not and in the UK I can only buy an English version through a Play Asia import copy. I was basically wondering why bother through the play asia hassle if isn't all on the the cartridge anyways. For reference this is the copy I am referring to. https://www.play-asia.com/phoenix-wright-ace-attorney-trilogy-multi-language/13/70cbh5

    Thanks in advance!!!

    submitted by /u/akym92
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    What edgeworth’s Mother would probably look like ;-;

    Posted: 28 May 2021 12:39 AM PDT

    Ace Attorney fan games are a delight.

    Posted: 27 May 2021 03:19 AM PDT

    I just finished Ropfa's Ace Attorney: Conflict of Interest & Cardiovore's Ace Attorney: Contempt of Court and was blown away by how good both of them were. I was expecting them to be mildly entertaining but the premise had me instantly hooked. The mysteries, characters, twists etc. were all to top notch and the choice of music was excellent.

    I liked the fact that the both games each had an overarching mystery instead of having a collection of standalone cases. There never seemed to be any filler content at any point, which was refreshing. It was good to see the mysteries being peeled off layer by layer during every case.

    The newly introduced characters were interesting and likeable, but at the same time had hidden depths. There were not many gimmicky/wacky characters. My favorites from the two games would be Vex Vulper (from CoC) and Finnegan Hood (from CoI). Vex in particular was such a fun character that I just couldn't get enough of him. The returning characters also seemed to largely follow the characterization from the canon games.

    If I had to make a complain, it would be that sometimes the cases dragged for a bit longer than I would have liked. Also there were some instances where it wasn't clear which evidence to present or which statement to press. Still, those are minor issues at the end of the day.

    submitted by /u/I_Was_Paul_Dudd
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