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    Monday, May 17, 2021

    Ace Attorney A conversation between Phoenix and Edgeworth, and a surprise day-off for Trucy

    Ace Attorney A conversation between Phoenix and Edgeworth, and a surprise day-off for Trucy

    A conversation between Phoenix and Edgeworth, and a surprise day-off for Trucy

    Posted: 16 May 2021 12:41 PM PDT

    Egg Waffles! (Animation Loop)

    Posted: 16 May 2021 06:20 AM PDT

    DGS has returned to Andriod and IOS

    Posted: 16 May 2021 10:00 PM PDT

    Dual Destinies and Spirit of Justice (and Ghost Trick!) relisted on iOS, now compatible up to current OS.

    Posted: 16 May 2021 09:22 PM PDT

    Thank you Scarlet Study

    Posted: 16 May 2021 11:57 AM PDT

    I just wanna thank everyone on the team who gave AA fans hope of a way of playing The Great Ace Attorney when an official release wasn't looking possible. The people on twitter who insult you and suggest you're trying to support racism don't even deserve the patch if they're going to try and twist you're intentions like that. Have a good Summer and a good day.

    submitted by /u/Ginabro
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    How much is Phoenix Wright's estimated salary?

    Posted: 16 May 2021 08:17 PM PDT

    Considering how he saved defendants all over his life (with non canons such as Goro Majima), how much has he gained?

    submitted by /u/SoyMilk141
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    Changes to Rise from the Ashes

    Posted: 16 May 2021 10:17 PM PDT

    So I'm not sure how common an opinion this is - I know I'm not the only one, at the very least - but I have problems with the way RfTA (which was released after the original trilogy) seems to try to whitewash Edgeworth. Personally I think it harms his whole redemption arc. The original intent seems that he absolutely did forge evidence - but apparently Shu Takumi wasn't expecting him to be so popular, and envisaged him as tragic but unlikable. Maybe this attempt to clean up Edgeworth was a response to his unexpected popularity.

    But I was just thinking how one could alter the case while retaining the idea of Edgeworth being a genuine evidence forger (who begins his road to redemption after 1-4). I have a couple ideas...

    1. What if it turns out that Skye and Gant were aware of Edgeworth's corrupt ways, and that - unbeknownst to him - they were actually the reason he was able to get away with it so long, because Gant thought they could use him? I can just imagine Gant revealing this to Edgeworth on the stand and asking him "Come now, Worthy, did you really think it was your own cleverness that let you dodge the inquiry committees so long? That you're oh so brilliant that you never once slipped up and left inconvenient evidence of what you were up to? You must think an awful lot of yourself. Now, no need to thank me... but I helped take care of that for you, you know. Or rather, Ms. Skye did."
    2. As we know, SL-9 was Edgeworth's first big case, a couple years into his career. Maybe they specifically assigned him to it because he was crooked and they knew he would forge evidence in order to convict Darke. In this version of the narrative Edgeworth is the one who forged evidence, with his own hands, but Gant and Skye are still responsible because they knew he would do it.
    3. As it stands, RfTA seems to have Edgeworth be rattled because... He unknowingly used forged evidence provided to him by others to convict a man who was actually guilty of a heinous spree killing and had in fact turned himself in. And he feels so very very responsible. This doesn't work for me. I propose instead that it should turn out Darke was innocent, and Edgeworth consciously forged evidence and pushed for the death penalty for this man only to find out in 1-5 that he sent an innocent man to his death through his corrupt ways - exposing to him firsthand the horrible ramifications of his "do what it takes to ensure all suspects are found guilty" philosophy. Darke being innocent, he obviously shouldn't turn himself in then run away partway through questioning (which is really weird). Let's say instead that he was being questioned because he was being set up by the real killer... Prosecutor Neil Marshall. Admittedly I chose him because Darke being innocent means someone has to have been the killer, and Neil being a posthumous character makes him the most convenient. And what a shock it would be for Jake!

    Any thoughts? Does anyone have any suggestions of their own on how to improve the case?

    submitted by /u/TheHistoryofCats
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    My Pixel Fan art of Godot

    Posted: 16 May 2021 12:29 PM PDT

    Objection!! Ma'am, it's just a banana

    Posted: 16 May 2021 04:18 PM PDT

    Anyone know a good emulator for the Ace Attorney games?

    Posted: 17 May 2021 12:51 AM PDT

    I just finished the original trilogy, and I loved it. I now want to play the other games, and I already started playing Investigations on my iPad. But, to play any further games, I heard you need an emulator. I tried finding one on the Internet, but I couldn't. So, anyone know a good, safe emulator for the Phoenix Wright games?

    submitted by /u/Throwaway1993037622
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    Preferred AA7 scenario?

    Posted: 16 May 2021 11:03 PM PDT

    Wadelle Dee Vasquez

    Posted: 16 May 2021 12:26 AM PDT

    I was finishing up the 3rd game on switch and I decided to boot up my 3DS to see how much the other games costed and lo and behold they're all on sale.

    Posted: 16 May 2021 06:09 AM PDT

    This is an amazing line of dialog from the third game (Spoilers for the 5th case btw)

    Posted: 16 May 2021 03:55 PM PDT

    Just finished The Lost Turnabout

    Posted: 16 May 2021 04:27 PM PDT

     Ok, so I know this is one of those overdone "new person finishes case, asks questions" but this is one of those cases that has little posts like this already made so I thought it'd be fine. First, I want to say this case's villain was cool, Wellington has a really cool design and his personality is personally not annoying at all. Maggey is also cute, now I know why people ship her and Gumshoe lol. My main problem with this case is how it doesn't seem too well thought out. Saying the message is fake because it was written with Dustin's right hand and is spelt wrong felt really cheap. I'm totally able to write messages in the sand with my non-dominant hand, and I feel like I might make a spelling mistake or two as I lay dying. Obviously the contradiction should've been Dustin not being able to write at all with a snapped neck. Maggey's involvement isn't explained at all either. It's implied she left Dustin alone because she says the owner of the phone never showed, but again, she could've just said she left. I also feel like Wellington could've said he dropped his glasses (after we proved they were his) and Dustin fell on them to escape suspicion, and we use a (slightly changed) picture showing Dustin grasping the glasses to disprove this. Speaking of pictures, I wish the photo of Dustin lying dead was more important. Wellington is part of a con group, so he could've set his camera to take pictures automatically, and then quickly dragged Dustin's body up a ramp and thrown it off the ledge. He'd then say he was watching from below and took a picture to make it impossible for him to have been the culprit, fitting his role as a con artist. We'd contradict him by saying the time of death, 6:28 (maybe change it to like 6:50) was different from the time on the clock pictured, which was 7:00, proving the picture was taken after the murder had already occurred. If they wanted to keep the part where Wellington looks for a phone booth, Payne could say the watch must have been 10 minutes late and the murder actually happened at 7:00, and Wright makes Wellington testify about what he did after he found the body. Wellington could mention that he lost his phone and was looking for a telephone booth for about 15 minutes (the booth would be removed from the aformentioned picture because it's a stupid contradiction), and by pressing him it would come out that he called at 7:05. Wellington would change the testimony and we would present the picture of the clock at 7:00, proving that if he looked for a phone for 15 minutes the real time of death must have been 6:50, and the picture was a fake scene. Payne would then switch to asking for a motive, Wright would now know about the lost phone, and the trial could proceed from there. Anyways, I thought way too long about that, but I'd love to hear your thoughts on both this case and my version! 
    submitted by /u/Patchy_Puffball_3000
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    !>My thoughts on T&T and the original Ace Atorney Trilogy <! (Discussion)

    Posted: 16 May 2021 05:26 PM PDT

    Some time ago I finished the Ace Atorney Trilogy. (About a couple of months ago) I just wanted to say what I thought about T&T and also discuss little about the trilogy overall.

    It has been a while since I last visited the Trilogy so my memory may be a bit rough. I believe that Trials and Tribulations was such a thrilling and very good send off to the trilogy. In my opinion I would say it almost beats the first game. At the moment I highly regard the first game as the best AA game in the trilogy therefor it's the game that hooked me on the franchise in the beginning. It's the first game in the Franchise and it introduces a lot of the most memorable characters in Ace Attorney while having one of the best cases in my opinion. It would feel weird for me to rank Trials and Tribulations above the first game (Ace Attorney: Phoenix Wright) because basically like a sequel and wouldn't feel as amazing if you hadn't expierenced the first game. That said, I still believe T&T is one of the best Ace Attorney games. Its on par with the first game in my opinion. T&T connects the story you have had previously played, and instead expands it.

    The Soundtrack; got me pumped and prepared you to whatever lie or mystery that you would unsolve in the courtroom or by Cross-examining a witness testimony. The soundtrack had suspense and especially carried the finale chapters.

    Let's not talk about when you would present the wrong Evidence to the Court, and the music wouldn't stop playing and you would just be left there with a penalty.

    The characters; were well written and I loved the new Prosecutor. Godot was a really interesting prosecutor, and it was that feeling in the first few cases that something dark or mysterious was lurking inside Godot, that was just yet to be discovered. And then hearing his story in the last case made me like his character even more. I still remember the quote by him.

    "The only time a lawyer can cry is when its all over" - Godot

    In the last case you just finally got to know what had troubled him for so long. Who Godot truly was on the inside... You got to know who the person behind the mask was: Diego Armando. His story was really sad and you realized he had lost everything. Dahlia Hawtrone introduced from the first case had posioned Diego/Godot prior to the incident that takes place in Case 1 and as result had Diego fallen into a Coma and got colorblinden and was unable to see the color red. That explains why he is wears a ominous mask over his eyes. And he was greeted with Mia his long lost lover being dead. I will not go over everything that happend in the specified cases involving Godot, Hawtrone, Mia and Phoenix because I assume everyone reading has played the game. At last I found Godot story and as well as Hawtrone's truly evil character well executed. The structure and order of cases was just really building up to this Grand Finale that happens in the Final Case. Besides Godot tragic story and everything else going on, was Godot just a really likeable character in my opinion. It was a bit comedic seeing him just making his entrance with the Coffee sliding towards his hand. I loved how that everytime you would getting near the end of a case and almost solve the case, Godot would just drink 18 cups of coffee.

    He probably has a coffee addication at this point...

    Story: I briefly mentioned before about Godot's Story and the last case so I thought to not go as much in-depth here. I wanted to focus on little more things than previously mentioned and as well why it was so special. First off, what made the case really "prove" why it was such a great send off to the Trilogy and also just a cool moment was when Phoenix had to prove where Godot could have hided the wound. It was when Godot realized that Mia was with Phoenix and in his words, Mia were "Living through him" Which meant that Mia was besides him. My interpretation of this part is that Phoenix is doing what Mia failed to do in Case 4. Phoenix convicts Godot but also solves the mystery behind him and gets to know the truth about what happend to him and what Hawtrone did. Mia is now living through him as spirit and being besides Phoenix. In the end I just would want to say that the objection by Phoenix and Mia is sick.


    And also it was interesting that Phoenix also got some more Character Development. Phoenix had come a far way from being that Rookie Defense atorney we first saw in "Ace Attorney: Phoenix Wright" In Trials & Tribulations he has much more expierence being a Defense Atorney.

    It was cool to also get some more other "Phoenix Development" We got to learn that he had lover but who actually was a evil human being who took advantage of Phoenix to hide evidence of a bottle with posion used as a attempt to kill Godot. Which is why Godot seeked revenge on Phoenix because he had hid the posion used on Godot. Its then at the end we get to learn that it actually was Dahlia Hawtrone's sister - "Iris" that had been together with Phoenix and actually had feelings for him. So infact Iris and Phoenix could still be in a realtionship if it weren't for Dahlia. (I could be proven differently in the future games, so please dont share any spoilers for the games after the Original Trilogy) Which right after Iris told the truth Phoenix realized who he had been with. Which was a bit sweet. I liked how it was hinted earlier in the Case that Phoenix had may have some sort of connection to Iris. Believe it was very well executed to have another sister apart the story and who made for a explanation who it was Phoenix was together with if Hawtrone was trying to kill off Phoenix.

    I would describe this ending really special. It's packed with story and twist & turns. It serves as a great conclusion to the game and the trilogy as a whole. I agree a lot with the following comment made by Winnie the pooh.


    Winnie the pooh is spitting facts!

    I would love to also talk about the other Cases in Trials and Tribulations that aren't related so much to the main cases. (Like Case 2 and 3)

    One thing before I conclude this, I absolutely loved it when you got to take role as Edgeworth in court and as investigating after Phoenix feel down the bridge in the river and had to immediately go to the Hospital and recover. Enough talking.

    By the way sorry for not even talking about the second game "Justice For All" once. I just didn't think I needed to because it wasn't really necessary, but I just wanted to say that its also really good and I acknowledge it. Even Franziska from JFA makes an appearance. While I don't think its as good as the first and the third game I still really enjoyed JFA. The last case was a rollercoaster and it introduced a lot of good characters like "Franziska von Karma" and "Pearl"

    As usually I go for a long ramble, but I appreaciate a lot if you took time to read my thoughts on everything I just discussed about. Please, I endorse you to continue this disscussion if you would like to. I will try my best to respond everyone. Also I keep in mind I have yet to play a lot of the other games so I would not want any spoilers for any other games outside the first three. It's alright if it isn't anything that actually has a major story spoiler.

    Well I wish you reading a Nice Day :D

    submitted by /u/MiiIsakton
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    Why does no one react to Mia coming back

    Posted: 17 May 2021 12:31 AM PDT

    Mia makes regular appearances in the game through Maya and Pearl. Her whole appearance changes including height and facial changes.

    Why isn't everyone shocked by seeing a dead girl walking around?

    Also, why aren't people more worried that Maya is not there but Mia is?

    submitted by /u/Jakemanv3
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    Ryu’s new Hand raise animation

    Posted: 16 May 2021 01:53 AM PDT

    Let's suppose Phoenix passes down his Magatama to Athena for AA7.

    Posted: 16 May 2021 10:01 AM PDT

    While this gives Athena more gameplay usage in and outside the court setting, as well as give a new persective of using someone else's ability, this will inevitably bring Phoenix's role back down to his mentor role akin to Apollo Justice, which honestly is for the best for this series to continue forward. With Spirit of Justice trying (and honestly failing) to make 3 lawyers work under AA's structure, I think it's clear for AA7 to bring the focus down to 2 (Apollo and Athena) with Phoenix integral (but not playable) to Athena's growth.

    It would also serve as major character development for both Athena and Phoenix in the long run. Poor girl hasn't had much to do after Duel Destinies, and Phoenix, while definitely not past his prime as a laywer, has been a bit stagnate as a character after his AJ appearance.

    Having the Magatama passed down could open up new interactions between Athena and the Feys (teach her how to use it in the story, which can serve as a tutorial for the player), use it as an investigation tool and Mood Matix a court tool, and be a central part of a case/overall story (why would Phoenix want to pass his ability down?). As for Phoenix, while he could simply play the role of a mentor like Mia Fey, he could be given a role to play regarding the judicial system, work alongside or even against Athena, be a witness to a crime, or even have him begin to settle down with life as a whole. The possibilities are evident!

    I'm sure I'm not the only one who had this idea in mind for quite some time. Frankly, I find this idea to be very reasonable to work with after what AA6 set up. What other thoughts, ideas, or disagreements do you have with this concept?

    submitted by /u/violetandazul7
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    Favourite Game?

    Posted: 16 May 2021 03:37 PM PDT

    Was wondering what everyone's favourite game in the series was. For me, it's gotta be T&T for the story characters and insane final case. Edgeworth investigations is a close 2nd as it definitely had the best gameplay and engaging cases, without a lot of the low points found in other games.

    submitted by /u/Nearby_Sign4940
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    I got Phoenix Wright collection on 3ds and my l and r buttons are broken

    Posted: 16 May 2021 05:03 PM PDT

    So I got the collection on 3ds, but the l and r buttons aren't working. Will I need those buttons to play the game?

    submitted by /u/memelord179
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    Apollo Justice on IOS

    Posted: 16 May 2021 04:05 PM PDT

    I've finished the trilogy and saw that Apollo Justice was the next game. Is it worth it playing it on IOS? If not, where else can I play it? It's not on Steam or on the Nintendo eshop for my country.

    submitted by /u/gaymer666_
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    Generally Speaking, what prosecutor arrangement would you prefer?

    Posted: 17 May 2021 12:56 AM PDT

    Choices 3, 4, 5 have never been done before BTW. Have noticed some people activating for choice 5 for AA7 so this will be interesting.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/Comicostar
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    Elements of Justice ~ Crusading for a Turnabout (Case 2) [Ep 2 - Investigation]

    Posted: 16 May 2021 01:54 PM PDT

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