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    Ace Attorney Cloths swapping trick (Fanart)

    Ace Attorney Cloths swapping trick (Fanart)

    Cloths swapping trick (Fanart)

    Posted: 30 May 2021 07:13 AM PDT

    Ngl, student Phoenix was a cute dork

    Posted: 30 May 2021 10:54 AM PDT

    painting of matt engarde - just finished this case and woooo im so into this game series (justice for all spoilers)

    Posted: 30 May 2021 06:14 PM PDT

    The life of Phoenix Wrong

    Posted: 30 May 2021 01:59 PM PDT

    After playing 5-5, I realised that detective Fulbright's catch phrase "In justice we trust"...

    Posted: 30 May 2021 08:43 PM PDT

    Can also be read as INJUSTICE WE TRUST, which fits him well as he's the phantom! I just realized this...

    submitted by /u/Budget_HRdirector
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    The most controversial tier list

    Posted: 30 May 2021 11:12 AM PDT

    Why Klavier's character in AJ is not Static (AJ Spoilers)

    Posted: 30 May 2021 02:44 PM PDT

    A common criticism levelled at Apollo Justice is that Klavier has no development over the course of the game. He is, in essence, the same person at the end of the game as he was at the start. This I will not contest.
    However, this does not mean he is a static character. Far from it. What I aim to demonstrate is the arc Klavier goes through in his three cases (+ one), and how he shows a new side in every single case.
    Case 4-2
    The main purpose of this case is to show the "default" Klavier. There is some discussion to be had on whether he has a distaste for Apollo in this case, but it is not my aim to discuss that. Instead, I aim is to demonstrate his behaviour as a normal prosecutor:
    - Klavier is a bit of a narcissist and a showman, and he likes to poke a bit of fun at his opponent, but nothing too mean-spirited.
    - In fact, he doesn't even mind guiding his opponent a bit to make sure the trial keeps going in the right direction.
    - He's scarcely ever startled or nervous over his case. He never displays his damage animation. Instead, he has a single frame of his sweating animation when he's genuinely surprised, which is rare over the course of the trial. He really was only startled when he figured out Alita was the killer (far before Apollo got to that point).
    - That Klavier doesn't care about losing his case is set up quite well in this case, and he specifically helps Apollo nail Alita even before Apollo was onto her.
    Case 4-3
    The idea on this case was two-fold. We got pissy diva Klavier during the first investigation, and we got Klavier dealing with a friend being a criminal. The former is patent in the case and does not need my highlighting it, but the later is actually quite subtle in how it is presented to the player:
    - The first day of the trial goes quite normally, and he has a bit of fun at Apollo's and Ema's expense.
    - It's at the end of the day that Lamiroir accuses Daryan. This accusation is the first time Klavier uses his damage animation.
    - During the second investigation Klavier remains stressed, but ends up discussing with Apollo about how he values truth and being a prosecutor over all else, and that that is why he ends up being so lenient towards the defence.
    - At the start of the second day, Klavier reminisces about how he believes in Daryan, that Daryan is the best detective he knows, and that Daryan fires up his imagination. Apollo reacts by saying "That's nice, but has nothing to do with the matter at hand.", to which Klavier agrees.
    - From here on, and in contrast to 4-2, and the first day, Klavier uses his damage animation every time Apollo manages to push forward his case.
    - Once it's finally time to call Daryan onto the stand, Klavier confesses he had been conflicted the day before. What to do. It was when he finally got the firecrackers report that he gave in and listed him as a potential witness.
    - And from this confession onward he never displays his damage animation again, and helps Apollo at making sure Daryan doesn't get away with it.
    This process is quite interesting. The game lays out Klavier's conflict in small pieces, so that by the time Daryan actually got to the stand, he was already braced for the fact Daryan could be guilty, and never does his damage animation again. Klavier shows stress and emphasises the truth during the investigation, starts the trial by putting his feelings out there, spends the trial getting rattled when he ordinarily wouldn't and finally confesses he knew this was possible the whole time, now ready to bring Daryan to justice despite what he felt.
    Case 4-4
    This case is where Klavier is most different of all, and he faces truths about his brother and his past he never wished to face. As such, he acts the most out of character of all.
    - For the first day, he acts like his regular self.
    - When Apollo connects the trial to the forgery, Klavier, with his angry animations, concludes Phoenix was the forger and that Apollo is in on working for a corrupt mentor.
    - However, Apollo quickly points out the possibility that Kristoph was the one forging evidence instead. From here onward, Klavier spends the rest of the trial using his nervous and wall slam animations. His repertoire of smugness completely absent.
    - For Kristoph's first testimony, he objects to Apollo's every press. This is completely unlike any other time in the game.
    - After this point, Klavier mostly spends the trial asking Apollo to prove him stuff, utterly rattled: "Just... prove it! Clear up these doubts now, or I swear, I'm off this case!"
    - He doesn't let Kristoph pull a fast one on Apollo, forcing Kristoph to testify more.
    - Smugness finally returns as he proposes that they "clear out the family closet".
    - After Apollo lacks decisive proof, Klavier reveals the jurist system is in place, and uses his unique sprite looking upwards as he talks to his brother, whatever his emotions.
    It is plain to see how dynamic Klavier is as a character, and how different he acts between trials. 4-4 is especially blatant, but it's notable that Klavier never uses his damage animation. This, among other reasons, may lead people to forget how much of a breakdown Klavier is having for the majority of the trial.
    On the flashback trial, the differences are easy to notice, but generally consist of Klavier being more smug, easier to outwit and much more rattled when proven wrong.

    submitted by /u/Tiagofvarela
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    Turnabout Studio

    Posted: 30 May 2021 06:30 AM PDT

    The Monstrous Turnabout is so boring

    Posted: 30 May 2021 07:39 PM PDT

    The Investigations are sloppy, boring, and dull. The villain is generic as hell. It doesn't even help that they revealed who the killer is in the opening cutscene, it just makes this case more uninteresting. At least with the most disliked cases like Big Top, Recipe, or Serenade, those cases has some stupid shit that makes those cases more fun. The Monstrous Turnabout is just boring, dull, and felt like a chore to play

    submitted by /u/Ineedtobesilent123
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    Case Discussion Thread - Case 3-2 - The Stolen Turnabout

    Posted: 30 May 2021 10:11 PM PDT

    It's a late thread!

    Post your first-time reactions and any opinions, complaints, and general thoughts here. How do you feel about the escapades of Mask☆DeMasque?

    submitted by /u/JC-DisregardMe
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    Is it the same poison?? (Spoilers for Apollo Justice and Trials and Tribulations)

    Posted: 30 May 2021 07:15 PM PDT

    I can't remember if they ever confirm or deny it but did Dahlia use atroquinine on Godot and Terry?? It seems pretty potent, and I wouldn't put it past Kristoph to steal more of it for his crimes…

    If it's not confirmed anywhere, I have a new head canon now lol

    submitted by /u/Holographic_Raven
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    Um, so, like... A murder is that thing where, like, one person kills another, right?

    Posted: 30 May 2021 08:06 PM PDT

    Thoughts on this quote?

    submitted by /u/Battleborn27
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    Prozd's Lawyer with a secret crush skit but with Phoenix and Edgeworth

    Posted: 30 May 2021 10:43 AM PDT

    I don't know what's the general opinion on PLvsAA, but Case 3 is really good!

    Posted: 30 May 2021 08:33 PM PDT

    Discloser: Haven't played Case 4, so careful with potential spoilers!

    So I've been playing Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney recently, since its the only Ace Attorney game that I haven't finished (and funnily enough, one of 3 from Professor Layton's), and I gotta say: Case 3 was really good!

    Not hard and I saw the gender reveal from Jean the moment I heard her english voice. But what makes Case 3 really good for me, are three reasons:

    1- The victim is Golden Layton. I don't know really why, but the pushing narrative that he is dead (which I know he is not. I mean, c'mon...), is really funny to me. Plus they got to use his statue to do a pointing gag which caught me totally off-guard.

    2- The last bits of the case. I thought we were really going to execute Jean and get a really dark outcome for this chapter, but then Emeer (which I don't like but whatever) comes with a twist about the tomato juice and then this new information brings the revelation that Belduke committed suicide. While as not as good as SoJ-3, seeing Jean reading that suicide note really strung my heart and I teared up a bit.

    3- Going back to the "dark" moment, I got to say that I was legitimately surprised that they would actually execute Jean there and then. Character defining moments like Espella confessing and Maya saving her from getting executed as well were really good. Plus seeing Phoenix actually tackle and struggle with a knight got a chuckle. Maya is not dead. We all know that. But the direction of this case was pretty good, and the characters actually deal with the loss of their friends, which I appreciate, instead of "Haha someone's death! Lets make jokes about noodles!".

    I am now doing the Puzzle section of Case 4, and I heard that this case is one of the best of the WHOLE series, so I'm going in with high expectations. Anyone else shares my opinion?

    submitted by /u/jado1stk2
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    Who is the english voice actor for Simon Blackquill?

    Posted: 30 May 2021 08:00 PM PDT

    No matter where I look the only credited voice actor I find is the Japanese one

    submitted by /u/MoronGoron52
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    Why do we hate Dangaropa

    Posted: 30 May 2021 11:17 PM PDT

    As i have seen during the last weeks , many comments have come about Dangropa being a rival to ace attorney so i would like to know why do we hate it and what is it about

    -from a devout ace attorney fan

    submitted by /u/draginov_kerez
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    AA4 staff "complaining" about the work Takumi made them do (translation of segment from the Japanese AA4 Official Guidebook)

    Posted: 30 May 2021 10:15 AM PDT

    Relationship between Phoenix and Larry

    Posted: 30 May 2021 01:01 PM PDT

    I'm just replaying the Trilogy after many years and I forgot that Larry wasn't in Justice for all. When he returns in T&T, Phoenix hasn't seen him for 2 years and he said they weren't close friends. So did their relationship deteriorate? And did they keep in touch after T&T?

    submitted by /u/F1aceattorney
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    Hi, guys! I've made a quiz about Ace Attorney! Here you can check how well do you remember different facts about this game series! Do you remember which prosecutor can't live without coffee? Or how many heart-shaped buttons on April May's outfit? Let's find out! Good luck and have a nice day!

    Posted: 30 May 2021 12:21 PM PDT

    Decided to chart out the cases I've played. I'll be completely done once TGAAC comes out and I play SOJ's DLC

    Posted: 30 May 2021 02:54 PM PDT

    Cover art of Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright : Ace Attorney and The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles have lots of similarities. Considering the similarities between the two games extends further into the gameplay...

    Posted: 30 May 2021 03:37 AM PDT

    AAI spoilers

    Posted: 30 May 2021 10:33 AM PDT

    How much time does Quercus Alba testimony take?

    submitted by /u/Luke-Stellamarco
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    There are Klavier people and Franziska people, just like there are dog people and cat people.

    Posted: 30 May 2021 11:52 AM PDT

    And I'm going to break all the rules and love all of them!

    But seriously, do you people agree with my observation? Like you can't really say you like both cat and dogs, because the internet says you have to pick a team.

    As cats and dogs they also have the same job, pets vs prosecutors. The prosecutors also have other similarities like getting their job at a young age and losing a family member via an arrest, just like cats and dogs have four legs and are (roughly) the same size. But if somebody would say they're the same they're not correct and would probably get murdered.

    What side are you on in both arguments (cats vs dogs, Franziska vs Klavier)? I've feeling there's a connection between the two but I'm not going to spell it out.

    submitted by /u/practice_spelling
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