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    Wednesday, April 28, 2021

    Ace Attorney The two sides of Damon Gant

    Ace Attorney The two sides of Damon Gant

    The two sides of Damon Gant

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 05:58 PM PDT

    That new official art was missing someone important! (By @tkd_pp)

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 02:59 PM PDT

    Oh god, we’ve all seen this scene before...

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 06:51 AM PDT

    I present to you a scene from AAI in bench sprite form

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 08:13 PM PDT

    People called me a bad prosecutor. I'll prove them wrong

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 12:42 PM PDT

    I found and bought this last year because Kazuya Nuri’s character art is next level. This was before anything was even rumoured. Now I can’t wait to open it on the same day as I finally get to play the games. I’m just so excited, man.

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 04:09 PM PDT

    Japanese Capcom site confirms that the JP editions will have English.

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 10:30 PM PDT

    I was watching the ace attorney anime and this happened... what’s the implication of this scene exactly..? XD

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 05:49 PM PDT

    Meet Dragon Wright's trusty assistant!

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 01:19 PM PDT

    Since y'all liked my MegaMan-Styled Wellington MugShot, i made another one, but this time, with our beloved Phoenix Wright!

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 08:14 AM PDT

    POW: Manfred Von Karma is the judge, just hand him that bullet Wright...

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 09:47 AM PDT

    Lana foreshadows Phoenix's fate in AJ:AA

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 12:08 PM PDT

    Hmmmmm, remind you something?

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 04:57 PM PDT

    Phoenix Wright ~ Objection! 2001 [Investigation Part Remix]

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 06:47 PM PDT

    How are these the same guy. I understand the 7 year gap but these can't be the same person. Couldn't they have tried to make Nick look more like Nick?

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 10:21 PM PDT

    Have you watched Northward Turnabout Express ?

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 10:21 PM PDT

    Let's imagine how past cases would have played out if later mechanics/superpowers were avayable (spoilers for main series + Investigation duology)

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 12:41 PM PDT

    In the Ace Attorney series some aspects of the supernatural/paranormal are very much real (the jokes about Magical Lawyer Superpowers practically write themselves). But these mysterious aspects of life are unknown to the majority of people, and even the protagonists would discover such possibilities only after stumbling upon them more or less by accident, and in some cases even if known to exist, such phenomenons were unavayable in that particular instance. Not to mention that each one has it's pros and cons.

    So I came out with a little thought experiment, how cases would have played out if Phoenix, Edgeworth, Apollo or Athena had different mechanics avayable? How much of a different road, knowing where it began and how it must end, would have to be taken in order to reach the truth? I would like to see some creative speculations of these "different scenarios".

    These tools for reaching the truth that I'm referring to are, in order of "discovery":

    • Spirit channeling, the ability to summon back and directly interrogate deceased people: Despite being the "oldest", this tool was only successfully used in court trials three times, with Dahlia Hawthorne, Tahrust Inmee and Dhurke Sahdmadhi spirits (however in Dahlia's and Dhurke's cases it was more coincidental, since the channelings were done for a completly different purpose, self-defence), making it somewhat underutilized. This was due to the incomplete training of Maya and Pearl, which previously made the technique both not work 100% of the times and even dangerous (as seen with Dahlia). Additionally, channeled spirits are capable to lie and are subjects to error like any other person, as seen in the only other use of spirit channeling in court we known of, the DL-6 Incident, which is well known to have been a failure due to the unfortunate erroneous testimony of Gregory Edgeworth, something that a more thorough and correct cross-examination would have most certantly pointed out.
    • The Psyche-Locks, mystical indicators of a lie Secret: The second oldest and the most used ability, Phoenix's capacity to see Psyche-Locks has proven time and time again its usefulness. But it has some glaring limits and flaws. Even ignoring its original harming effect on the soul of it's user, it is possible to elude the Magatama's detection by simply talking between the lines. Additinally it is possible to detect and recognize unconsciously kept secrets, but approaching said secrets is not only much difficult but can also potentially be harmful to the scrutinized psyche. A perk of this tool is its avayability, as anyone who is in possesion of a charged Magatama, as long they have been instructed to how to use it, they themselves are capable to access its abilities.
    • The Percieve ability, another, vision based way to determine lies: A "natural" way to sense lies or fibbing about something, Apollo's Perceive ability limits and flaws are somewhat opposite to the Magatama's. Unlike the latter, the Perceive ability can detect any form of lie even those normally eluded by the Magatama. But being able to sense the lie does not make the liar more inclined to tell the truth, something that instead the break of the Psyche-Locks do. Also the inability to distinguish between a counscious lie from an unconscious one can lead to misuderstandings and even potentially accidentally harm the scrutinized. The necessity to being able to see the liar, as well as not being under a mental strain/being distracted, put additional limits to this ability. Also due of the nature of the situations in which it needs to be used, Apollo's Perception needs the support of the heat-sensitive Bracelet for it to be properly focused.
    • The Mood Matrix, an emotion analysis tool: Born from the union of Athena's superior hearing and Widget's computer analysis, the Mood Matrix can pick up the emotions, even subtle ones, expressed by people while witness, and even pinpoint the origins of said emotions. But anything or anyone who is either capable to remain emotionally detached or able to disrupt Athena's hearing is able to mask their true feelings.
    • The Divination Séance, being able to probe the 5 senses last experienced by the victim: Thanks to a spiritual dance, the last sensitive experiences of the victim are made avayable to all to see. Perhaps the most thorough ability so far in terms of clues provided, the Séance its still far from perfect, being the only ability so far to being outright exploited by the culprints in order to cloud investigations thanks to its various limits. Still, while they can be manipulated by a carefully planned murder, the Séance by itself cannot lie.

    Note n.1: The Investigations Duology introduced two tools, Logic/Logic Chess and the Little Thief gizmo. However Logic/Logic Chess is just a different way to represent "putting things together", not dissimilar to the Revisualization. They are not meant to be extra ways to gather clues that would otherwise be unavayable. In-universe this display of logic is treated as being extraordinary because it is executed increadibly fast by Edgeworth thanks to his acute mind. Same goes with the Dance of Deduction from the Great Ace Attorney duology, which from what i can gather is essencially two people spitballing theories until a plausible scenario of events is reached, making it an extention of Logic. Little Thief is able to project holograms that recreate crime scenes, such as the position of objects and people. But while it is without a doubt superior to other methods, essencially Little Thief just "makes it easier" to visualize what happened during the crime and how people could have moved, something that is also possible to do just by using a basic sketch of the crime scene and some markes. In short neither of these tools is outright revolutionary nor does provide clues that cannot be found otherwise and as such I did not enlist them among the above mentioned, but it's not like they are forbidden.

    Note n.2: Thanks to the wide range of information that they provide and the inability to lie unlike people, including channeled spirits do, under normal circumstances Divination Séances would be incredibly overpowered. It's only due to the fact that they are such common knowledge for the people of Khura'in that said people know how to avoid being pointed out by them and even how to exploit them. The only cases that i can think of where the Séances would be nerfed or outright useless, are the ones were the victims were killed by indirect methods (like poisoning), did not see their assailant or were already knocked out. Also Bridge to the Turnabout would probably negate the use of the Séance due to how it was perpetuated.

    Here is my own examples of such situations:

    What if The Magical Turnabout had a Divination Séance instead of the Perceive ability?

    Here is an interesting case. Since Manov Mistree died abruptly and without direct involvment from the culprint, the Séance would not be a decisive game changer, instead only prematurely reveal the dynamic behind his death, but not the identity of the murderer, which could still be pinned on Trucy. The lack of the perceive ability would also be less impactful than in other cases, but Bonny de Famme would have to be pressured into revealing the truth behind her magic trick by other means.

    What if The Lost Turnabout had the Mood Matrix?

    For this hypothetical scenario to work, Athena would have to be the one to lose her memories. Since her sensitive hearing is innate and cannot be turned off, she would still be able to hear people feelings. Additionally, since Widget is an AI that cannot forget, they would takeover the role of Maggey Byrde of guiding Athena in using the Mood Matrix. This tool would unquestionably show the true emotions of Gunshoe, Maggey and even the culprint have regarding the case, still leading to the latter exposing himself. The twist with the phone can practically remain unchanged except for the number from which the surprise call come from.

    edit #1: made a brief reference about the Great Ace Attorney duology mechanic, the Dance of Deduction, and how it works, and a clarification about Miles Edgeworth own Logic skills.

    edit #2: slight mistake from my part in the Psyche-Locks description: more than signalating a lie, the Psyche-Locks have a much broader function, they are mental blocks that protect secrets, the nature of the secret does not matter. I have corrected the post to reflect that mislabel.

    submitted by /u/Tanawy
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    Just started playing the ace attorney and I got a question about Mia

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 06:58 PM PDT

    Does only Phoenix see Mia's physical form when her spirit possesses Maya, does Mia look like Maya to others besides Phoenix? I feel like that's what the game makers intend since no one reacts to seeing a dead person living again but i've not seen anything on the internet confirmimg this so far. I don't wanna spoil myself on future games or plots, I'm just a little confused and need someone to help me understand this.

    submitted by /u/GentlemenHunter03
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    (SPOILERS) Can someone explain to me a character in Rise from the Ashes?

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 01:04 PM PDT

    I'm playing the Ace Attorney trilogy for the first time and I had just beaten Rise from the Ashes over the course of three days.

    I like Gant, but I feel like I'm missing something with his character. First, I can't tell if he means this quote that he says to Edgeworth.

    "You despise criminals. I can feel it. You and me... we're the same. One day you'll understand. If you want to take them on alone... you'll figure out what's needed!"

    I can't really tell if he meant that. Was he really a good person who got corrupted, and began to take a "ends justify the means" approach? Did he recognize he got corrupted?

    And from what I understand, proving Joe Darke as the killer was difficult, but what was the point of killing Neil Marshall? Wasn't Darke being investigated by Gant & Marshall at the time because of his serial killings? If Gant stumbled upon their bodies in a pile, why didn't he just take Darke back to wherever they were investigating & arrested him?

    The Ace Attorney wiki also says "when Gant's murders were exposed, he seemed to have a change of heart, inspired by the dedication that Wright and Edgeworth had shown to finding the truth." Did he really have a change of heart inspired by Wright and Edgeworth? It honestly seemed like to me, Gant just didn't care anymore. He tried to fight it the best he could legally, and when that didn't work, he confesses.

    Also, why is Gant so charismatic lol? Is he really that charismatic, or is it a facade? He doesn't really drop a facade besides when he breaks down, and it really does feel like he believes in his ideas. But he also reflects on his actions after he gets caught and he seems to respect Wright & Edgeworth, so does he recognize what he's doing is wrong?

    And what does "been swimming lately" mean lol?

    If I'm missing anything or got anything wrong, please clarify! I'm really interested in Gant, the more I ask about him the more interested I am by his character lol.

    submitted by /u/fixingwandavision
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    Do you think Investigations 2 will eventually make its way on the West top?

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 02:23 PM PDT

    After the two Great Ace Attorney games were announced to be released in the west, the second Investigations game is now the only game left in the series that hasn't been released out of Japan yet. Do you think it will eventually make its way here too? Or will it remain a Japan only game and we'll have to rely on emulation and fan translations forever to enjoy the game like Mother 3?

    submitted by /u/Gray_Fox64
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    Is the contradiction in De Killer's second testimony in 2-4 really stupid or am I missing something?

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 02:52 PM PDT

    The contradiction is that Adrian said she had poured the juice for Juan Corrida and that it couldn't have been part of her plan because she didn't wear gloves. What?????

    Not wearing gloves is even better; It's evidence she was the first person to discover the crime scene and didn't realize he was dead at that time, and also that she was, well, not wearing gloves at that time.

    Even if she admitted to having rearranged the crime scene, it's something she was trying to hide and the wine glass would make her more innocent.

    I may be missing something because I'm really tired but if someone could explain it to me, I'd gladly take it.

    submitted by /u/No_Fap_Throwaway_Acc
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    I Let an A.I. Write it’s own Ace Attorney Case, and it was DEVASTATING

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 11:48 AM PDT

    Do you think Phoenix could argue someone out of hell?

    Posted: 27 Apr 2021 04:05 PM PDT

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