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    Tuesday, April 20, 2021

    Ace Attorney Got a commission to draw Maya as P5 confidant.

    Ace Attorney Got a commission to draw Maya as P5 confidant.

    Got a commission to draw Maya as P5 confidant.

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 01:41 PM PDT

    I made this to use in my FB page, hope you like

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 08:55 AM PDT

    Custom 3d Klavier guitar animation [details in comments]

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 12:05 PM PDT

    Im sorry i had to

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 04:00 PM PDT

    Gave Apollo a new suit. What do you think about it?

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 11:52 AM PDT

    Wanted to try saturated colors and I can't stop thinking about them...

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 04:17 PM PDT

    Beat Dual Destinies for the second time ever! I actually remembered more then I thought I did lol. But it was still great though! Had a great time with it. Kinda wanna play the next one.

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 01:46 PM PDT

    everyday i wish for a Miles Investigation 3

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 01:49 PM PDT

    i dont think there will be one ever, but i'll keep dreaming of it...

    submitted by /u/Aeliths
    [link] [comments]

    Olga Orly & Mr. Reus - Levitating

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 08:00 AM PDT

    Welp... here we go!

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 10:42 PM PDT

    TIL the first AAT Case is just a joke about Watergate

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 11:30 PM PDT

    i made another one, hope you like

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 10:52 PM PDT

    Phoenix Wright, But The Judge Has Never Heard Of Garlic Bread (Objection...

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 06:24 PM PDT

    Very Funny Scarlet Study (Extremely Minor DGS 2 Spoilers)

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 02:28 PM PDT

    Photos From DGS 2, Spoiler Tagging just in case though I don't think any of these are spoilers (except for the last photo which could be seen as a minor spoiler.)

    From The End of Chapter 1

    From around the beginning of Chapter 2

    I think this was at the end of Chapter 2

    Around the beginning of Chapter 3.

    I wonder if Gyakuten Kenji 2's fan translation had any AA jokes as well.

    Also, I'm currently made it up to the first in Chapter 3 investigation 1. No spoilers past Chapter 2 of DGS, please.

    submitted by /u/Comicostar
    [link] [comments]

    I just finished the original Ace Attorney Trilogy today

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 01:35 PM PDT

    Some backstory. I had heard about the series a while ago but never got around to checking it out. What prompted me to do it now was that I bough a Nintendo Switch some months ago and saw the trilogy on sale. So I decided it would be a good time to try it out. Here is what I learned:

    • Ace Attorney (at least the first three games since I haven't played the others yet) is a masterpiece. The pinnacle of amazing storytelling, plot twists and awesome characters.

    • Shu Takumi is an actual literal genius for writing something like this and making most cases in all three games relevant to the overarching plot

    • To me a game can still be playable even if the graphics and the gameplay are bad as long as the story and characters are amazing. But a game can be unplayable even if the graphics and gameplay is awesome if the story and the characters are insufferable. This game illustrates this very well. By this, I don't mean that Ace Attorney has bad gameplay or graphics. They're fine. But the series is in essence a visual novel and is fairly linear. Even despite the gameplay being very simple and the graphics not being anything out of this world, this series is still amazing purely for the story and the characters.

    • I regret not having checked this series out much much earlier. I apologize to fans of the series, to Shu Takumi and to his team. How oblivious I was....

    • Phoenix belongs with Maya and Miles belongs with Franziska and I can't be convinced otherwise! Well maybe the Miles and Franziska one is much more sketchy and debatable since they are technically family but even then I can't imagine Miles with anyone else and same with Franziska. They are both introverted and lack social skills and since they already have a strong bond, I could definitely see them as a couple. The Phoenix and Maya one is undisputable though. They are so right for each other, the dynamic between them is too good. Even Pearls ships it!

    A question for those who have played games 4 through 6 (and the spin-off games too possibly), how good are they compared to the original Trilogy? I'm realistic and I'm well aware that I'll probably think the original Trilogy outclasses them. Which is fine. But despite that, are they still really good and near the level of the original Trilogy?

    submitted by /u/Sword_Art_Natsu
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    Ranking Every Ace Attorney Case (from games 1-4 and Investigations)

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 12:38 PM PDT

    This doesn't include AAI2, DGS, or AA5 or 6 because I haven't played any of those games yet. I might redo this list when I have but, seriously, this is long enough already.

    1. Turnabout Big Top

    Cliched, I know, but just… ugh. Far and away the series's worst case. I have my problems with the cases slightly above this one, but man, nothing can compare to the sheer, unbridled tedium of trudging around the Berry Big Circus talking to painfully unfunny and uninteresting side characters with grating music and visually dull locations. I genuinely can't point to a single one-shot character in this case who I don't not like. Acro is kind of the closest you get, but even he's one of the least intimidating villains of the series, and he acted like an absolute idiot - Regina sort-of-killed Bat and didn't take it seriously, so out of revenge, Acro… attempted to murder her? Also, what actually happened is so ludicrously unbelievable (even by Ace Attorney standards) that it manages to bog down the trial half as well thanks to it just being a completely unguessable sequence of events - which sucks as this is one of only two-and-a-half cases that Franziska prosecutes. It had so much potential. We could have seen how a pseudo-family would react to the death of one of its members, and could have had the chance to get genuinely emotionally invested in a filler case, which is a rare thing - but we didn't get that, and it leaves this case as one of the most painful sections of any game I've played.

    I hate this case.

    1. The Lost Turnabout

    It's a pretty big jump from 2-3 to this case, but that doesn't mean I like it. There isn't much to say about this one, since it's the first case of its game, but as far as positives go, Maggey Byrde is probably at her best here and Gumshoe's crush on her is absolutely adorable. I also like the idea of giving Phoenix amnesia - it's a decent setup for the tutorial since he obviously can't be a rookie anymore. That said, Richard Wellington seriously drags this one down. He's pretentious, he's annoying, he's stupid… he's basically a less endearing Frank Sahwit. WHY WOULD YOU EVEN TESTIFY, YOU ABSOLUTE IDIOT? THEY'VE GOT NOTHING ON YOU OTHERWISE! Oh, yeah, and Payne - a character I otherwise really like - is easily at his most annoying here.

    1. The Kidnapped Turnabout

    Investigations is my favourite game in the series, but it's not perfect, with this case being the main source of said imperfection. I'm not generally not a fan of when Ace Attorney tries being lighthearted and fun (see 2-3) and this case is no exception. Lance Amano really sucks as a villain and as a character, Lauren Paups is really boring, Mike Meekins is back for some reason, Wendy Oldbag is also back for some reason, the setting is uninspired and honestly, Edgeworth can only be so good as a straight man. In this case he just comes off as pompous and full of himself. We get introduced to Kay and Lang in this case, who are two of my favourite characters in the series, and Ema Skye reappears and is very much welcome here. The Little Thief is well utilised, too, but ultimately these things can't save an otherwise broken case. (I also love the Bellboy's random cameo.)

    1. Turnabout Sisters

    This placement and the two after number 19 are probably the most controversial rankings I'll have in this list. Anyway, 1-2. I like some things about this case - I have to admire the guts required to kill off Mia so soon, and the areas you explore are actually quite cool. It set the tone for the rest of the series, and I can only respect that. On the other hand, there are still a lot of problems I have with this case - the most obvious being the villains. April May is a below average character with a boring gimmick who left basically no impression on me, but Redd White I honestly think is even worse than Wellington. He's also an idiot, but at least he has the excuse of it being the first case. White, meanwhile, is built up to be this imposing, evil figure who has tremendous power over the justice system through shady, illicit dealings, and who views the courts as clay to be shaped in his hands. Then you actually meet him and he's an absolutely ridiculous moron who folds at even the slightest hint of danger. Quite apart from the villain issue, I also don't like how Mia basically just shows up and goes "hey you should probably look on the back of the receipt" - I felt cheated out of a victory. I admire the legacy it left behind absolutely, but looking back on it now, this case is not one I'm clamouring to replay.

    1. Recipe for Turnabout

    Eh… I don't have much to say here. This case certainly has its moments - Mia acting sexy to get information, Tigre's final slipup and literally everything at Tender Lender all come to mind - but Kudo and Armstrong are annoying, Maggey Byrde is back as the defendant and isn't compelling whatsoever, Godot is probably at his least interesting (despite the very well done foreshadowing when the lights go out), and this case boasts one of the most interchangeable victims of the series as well as Lisa Basil, a pretty much pointless character who adds nothing besides a funny SPARDA line. This one is mediocre. (I will say that this case has what I would probably call the series's cleverest contradiction - stain on the wrong side of the cup.)

    1. Turnabout Corner

    And Apollo Justice is the last game to fall. Surprised? I know I was when I sat down to put this list together. Anyway, I've been putting this one off long enough. So.

    Do I think this case:

    Is highly flawed,

    Gets really stupid in parts,

    Is stupefyingly poorly written at times,

    Is crammed full of useless characters and plot threads,

    Has one of the worst defendants of the series,

    Lacks its own identity because of all the STUFF jammed into it,

    Gets weirdly sidetracked a lot of the time (panties, anyone?),

    Is a poor introduction for Klavier and AJ Ema because of the zero breathing room here, and

    Is just generally bad?


    But I'll be damned if I don't love it.

    I don't know why, really. I could sit here and rattle off a list of its flaws (I basically just did that, didn't I? Hmmm), but man, I just thought this case was so damn fun. Seeing them chuck so many things at the wall and basically none of them sticking is… strangely entertaining, and on a genuinely good note, I think the basic contradiction-spotting gameplay is actually really well done here. This case is also a good introduction to Perceiving in my opinion. But, yeah, at the end of the day, this case is an absolute trainwreck I love to bits. Kind of sums up my feelings on the whole game, actually.

    1. Reunion, and Turnabout

    This case seems to be a fan favourite, and I can absolutely see why. It's pretty mystical and interesting, and basically sets up the overarching plot of the trilogy. Morgan Fey is also a really good character. However, this case is one of the least memorable in the series for me. Ummm… Pearl's pretty boring here? Mimi Miney is an average villain? Lotta's really annoying? I'm struggling to come up with anything to say here. Solving a mystery from the past in order to solve the one we're currently doing is always fun, I suppose, but yeah, forgettable case.

    1. Turnabout Airlines

    This is one of the series's more novel cases. There's nothing else quite like running around a plane solving a murder, but there's only so far that being a filler case can get you. I've always liked how every case in Investigations ties into the overarching plotline, but this one is probably the case I took the least seriously - and that includes E-3. Rhoda Teneiro is a pretty boring character and Cammy Meele is actually a decent villain but lacks the memorability of her peers. Mediocre case.

    1. Turnabout Serenade

    This case centres around Klavier. And I like that. Because Klavier's cool. I also really like Lamiroir - I've always had a thing for characters who seem shady at first but who turn out to be helpful and smart (we'll see a few more of those later on the list). Machi being an accomplice and then a scapegoat when the plan went to hell is actually quite an interesting idea, and makes you hate Daryan even more for taking advantage of a fourteen-year-old. Speaking of Daryan, his testimony is really the only time in Apollo Justice where you actually have someone up on the witness stand and think, "okay, it's time for you to face Justice". However, my main problem with this case is the dreaded Ace Attorney Flashback Curse - we see LeTouse's (great name, by the way) last words way too many times for my liking. Even worse, though, is that goddamn video of Lamiroir's concert. No, I don't want to see it for the twentieth time. Also, the blatant phallic-ness of Daryan's hair got pretty annoying really quickly.

    1. The First Turnabout

    Obviously this case isn't as in-depth, difficult or creative as others since it's the shortest in the series, but here's why I still like it. Essentially, I really don't think we could have asked for a better introduction to the series. Larry as the defendant was a really good choice, as was Payne as the prosecutor. Mia is a great mentor, and Phoenix is obviously a great audience stand-in - he doesn't know what he's doing either, after all. Frank Sahwit, too, is amazing for what he is because I see him as basically the whole series distilled into a single character. His insanely shady design, his pathetically obvious contradictions, his constant corrections… it's perfect. It's interesting to go back to this case now and see that it's probably the most normal case in the series given the fact that it's literally just "some guy did a murder". Decent case compared to its peers, perfect for what it does.

    1. Turnabout Samurai

    We're coming to the end of the filler cases now. About time, ain't it? This case is a nice introduction to the Steel Samurai, and it's a fun and charming setting for a case. Will Powers is a great defendant because he never asked for any of this - he was sleeping in his trailer the whole time. Oldbag is tolerable in this case for once, Dee Vasquez is a pretty good villain, the final showdown is a lot of fun and Edgeworth helping you out is a great setup for the next case. Moving around Global Studios can be a bit of a headache, though, and Cody and Manella are pretty terrible. Overall, though, this case is pretty fun and for a case that doesn't tie into the overall plot, it's not bad. I also like this case for being the introduction of the Stepladder Fiasco. (Um, I mean, Ladder Fiasco.)

    1. Turnabout Visitor

    Quite adequate for an introductory case, particularly given the fact that this case has to get you used to the gameplay of Investigations. Jacques Portsman ain't half bad for a starter culprit, even if he does kind of feel like a rehash of older characters. Seeing Gumshoe and Edgeworth investigating together for the first time (barring 3-5) is absolutely adorable, particularly given how their relationship had been built up throughout the trilogy. Maggey Byrde is okay here as well. Not much more to say - this is just a solid first case.

    1. Turnabout Memories

    Another first case. This is obviously a great setup for the game's plot, with Phoenix being a wonderful defendant and Mia being absolutely great here - she's smart and capable and it's not hard to see why Godot fell for her. Payne is great here, too - I love how overconfident he is, and him losing his hair at the end of the case is one of my favourite comic relief moments of the series. Dahlia Hawthorne is a fantastic villain, even barring her various appearances later in the game. She's just great. As far as negatives go, I only really have one - but it's a pretty big one for me unfortunately. Take a good character and strip them of everything that makes them good and you've got Marvin Grossberg blabbering about his haemorrhoids, apparently. Shame about that one stain on an otherwise practically flawless case.

    1. The Stolen Turnabout

    You know why this case is great? Luke Atmey. This guy absolutely steals the show in every scene he appears in - and he appears in quite a few, which means that for the majority of the case we're dealing with one of my absolute favourite one-off characters. He manages to be simultaneously grandiose and sinister, which is pretty difficult to make a character, and his design is phenomenal. His plan is also pretty clever - attempting (and almost succeeding) to get himself convicted of a significantly less serious crime in order to get a rock-solid alibi for murder. (This also leads to Payne having yet another victory snatched from him, which is pretty funny.) He also has some brilliant lines. Other than him, this case is decent - Ron DeLite is a thoroughly okay defendant, and this is the first appearance of Godot, which is of course wonderful. Dessie is pretty pointless and Adrian Andrews's appearance kind of devalues her as a character, but my big problem with this case is Larry. Why is he here again? At least you don't have to cross-examine him, but he still takes away from the case. Him showing up to ruin otherwise great cases is an annoying trend in this series, a bit like a certain Wendy Oldbag I could mention. Atmey still makes this a wonderful case, though.

    1. Turnabout Goodbyes

    This case set the bar for Ace Attorney final cases: bringing together a bunch of characters from earlier in the game for the last case, solving mysteries from the past in order to solve this one, final boss characters of sorts and just generally being climactic and tense. Edgeworth being the defendant is genius on so many levels - it sets up Edgeworth as a decent person rather than the stone-cold bastard we'd seen him as before this, and it actually develops Gumshoe's character, since he goes from being distrustful of Phoenix to being one of his closest allies: Edgeworth trusts Phoenix, so Gumshoe trusts Phoenix. It's really clever. Von Karma is also a great villain who's really fun to defeat on the stand, so to speak, and who throws out demonically-voiced objections left and right. Lotta is alright here, as are Larry and Grossberg. Yanni Yogi is pretty cool, but it's a shame that we never get to cross-examine his true self. My only issue with this case is how weirdly sidetracked it gets in the second investigation section - hunting for Gourdy to get information out of Lotta is really not fun, and the pacing is pretty bad. Also, Edgeworth being pathetic does get a tad bit annoying after a while. Still, an amazing case. Also, you get to cross-examine a parrot.

    1. Turnabout Beginnings

    You want to know something? This case is the closest I've yet come to crying actual, real life tears because of a video game. Terry Fawles's death is probably the most poignant and tragic moment of the series for me, but along with sheer emotion, it also serves a functional role in getting the player to absolutely despise Dahlia Hawthorne with every fibre of their being - which effectively sets up the final case and makes you actively want to get her convicted. Armando is great here too - I love how this case shows how different and yet similar his two "versions" are. Edgeworth is also really cool. I like how this is both his and Mia's first case, and the contrast between the two rookies - with one completely confident and the other absolutely terrified - is wonderful. His mannerisms being drawn from von Karma is also a really nice touch. Honestly, there isn't much wrong with this case. It's more meant to be a setup for the final case than a case than a case in itself, but that's okay because it does it so well. Oh, I suppose the Judge's brother isn't great - his design is just weird to look at and the Canadian thing was really unnecessary. Shame.

    1. Farewell, my Turnabout

    Continuing with the fourth cases, this one is the one and only case in Justice for All that measures up to the rest of the series for me. The twist of Engarde being the killer all along, while predictable (for me at least), was really well executed, Juan Corrida is easily the most interesting victim in the series (barring victims that we get to meet when they're alive like Zak Gramarye), Shelly de Killer is an absolute force of nature and genuinely threatening despite him not even being in the same building as you, the final trial is one of the most tense and memorable moments in the series, seeing Gumshoe save Maya's life is really fun, Adrian Andrews is one of the most geniusly sympathetic characters I've ever seen in anything, Will Powers is nice to have back, Pearl is great in her one-shot assistant role… man. Really, my only problems with this case are a couple of extremely unwelcome witnesses. Lotta is easily the less offensive of the two, but she's still annoying, and that hallway photo was really bad. Wendy Oldbag, meanwhile… well, let's just say that "offensive" is a pretty much spot on word for it. Shame they have to ruin the mood of such an otherwise phenomenal case.

    1. Turnabout Succession

    Yet another fourth case. This may be one of the more controversial rankings, but I really like this one. The different plot threads are tied together really well, the MASON system is really well executed and fun to muck around with, the flashback trial is really fanservice-y, Drew is a surprisingly compelling character and last but certainly not least, one of my favourite one-off characters in the series, Spark Brushel. Like I said with Lamiroir, I've always liked suspicious characters who turn out to not be that at all - his design and animations fit him perfectly, he's pretty funny and he ends up being surprisingly important to the case - he knew the Gramaryes, after all. Kristoph is a great Big Bad - he's sufficiently threatening and evil and his design is great. His motivation is admittedly bad and I don't like how quickly he folds when you have him up on the stand, but I still really like him, and seeing the devil appear in his hand was one of the most chilling moments of the series. I love how awful of a person Zak was, as well. Poor Apollo… kind of gets a chance to finally do something at the end of this case, I suppose. However, I know it's well established that the legal system in the Ace Attorney universe is broken, but it's hard to believe that Phoenix could a) head the jurist committee despite literally being disbarred, b) have that much control on deciding which case the jurist system was tested on and c) essentially manipulate the end of the trial toward Kristoph. Like Turnabout Corner, this case seemingly can't decide what it wants to be - it bounces from point to point way too quickly for my tastes, and a lot of its ideas feel undersold because of everything else it has to do. Despite that, I still really love this admitted mess of a case.

    1. Rise from the Ashes

    It's funny - whenever I play through this case again, I don't actually enjoy it until the second trial. The first two Investigation sections are overly long and poorly paced in my opinion, without much actually coming to light during them. Angel's testimony, too, is really obtuse and overly difficult. Speaking of Angel, her dynamic with Lana is good, but I don't like her design and her lunchbox thing is dumb and tacked on just for the sake of it. Good thing she basically just leaves after Day 1.


    The second trial of this case right through to the end is one of the finest three hours of any video game I've yet played. Fast paced, climactic, tense - it's like the last trial of Farewell, my Turnabout on steroids, and it somehow manages to never drop the pace throughout. The plot of the case is complex and interesting but all makes sense and is entirely doable in court, Lana is a wonderful defendant, Jake Marshall is really entertaining, Gumshoe saves your arse yet again by letting you into Gant's office - oh yeah, and GANT! Never has a villain made a case quite like Gant makes this one. His "nice" persona is actually quite fun to be around and talk to, and I do love his design, but nah, Gant is great because of the final standoff between him and Phoenix. You feel like you've got him cornered - you've pegged the SL-9 incident and Goodman's murder on him with Neil's jacket cloth and you're ready to wrap this trial up. But no. Gant's amazing because he's honestly the only culprit who really, truly FIGHTS BACK. He wants you to show the cloth without realising it's illegal evidence and in doing so, get everyone associated associated with the SL-9 incident dead (Goodman, Neil, Darke, Lana through the death penalty), detained (Ema, Jake, probably Phoenix) or totally discredited (Edgeworth). And, in fairness, he damn near gets there. But no. Because he underestimated you. And the final moments of that trial… wow. Such a phenomenal villain in a phenomenal case. Shame about the first half of it.

    1. Turnabout Ablaze

    Perhaps you've been wondering why way back at number 21 (remember? I didn't. I had to go back and check) I said that Investigations is my favourite game in the series that three of its cases ranked in the bottom half of the list. Basically, it's because of its two last cases. We'll start with the fifth one, shall we? So. This case is just… just great, man. I love the embassy setting, I love Shih-na in this case, I love Colias Palaeno (shady yet helpful character again), I love the arguments, I love the double murder setup, I love Kay here, I love Lang, I love how it manages to continuously hold your attention despite being so long, I love how well it ties together all the loose ends from literally every single one of the earlier cases. Flaws? I guess Quercus Alba is a pretty stock and obvious villain, even if his connections to the smuggling ring are pretty interesting and breaking him at the end is a lot of fun, but the big one (and you know e x a c t l y what I'm going to say here) is that LARRY AND OLDBAG ARE BACK AGAIN YAAAAAAAAY

    1. Turnabout Trump

    This. This is the standard that every Ace Attorney first case should strive to reach. I mean, what is there to even say about this case? I genuinely cannot find a flaw in this case beyond it not being a good introduction to Apollo since Phoenix steals his thunder at every instance. But speaking of Phoenix, he's great in this of course. I WISH he wasn't called Phoenix Wright, but putting that aside, a washed-up lawyer who was disbarred for forging evidence and ended up accusing a friend of his for a murder he was the defendant for, and getting him convicted by forging yet more evidence, is such a bloody genius idea. This case isn't so much great for what it is, but more so for what it sets up. How well the game pays that setup off is up to you, but you can't deny that this game makes a great first impression. Plus, it's great anyway! Olga Orly is such a well done red herring because you think that she obviously did it when you see her for the first time - it's the first case, after all. But - no. There's a nagging suspicion in the back of your mind - Kristoph said something off, didn't he? But you put that aside. Of course he didn't do it - right? It's so brilliantly executed, and Kristoph is such a wonderful Big Bad anyway. Also, Payne's back and is at his absolute best here - I love how he just gives up two thirds of the way through the case and just says that he's dreaming. The case is also pretty funny. The setting of a dingy, illegal gambling den is so cool as well, and "Shadi Smith" is a great victim who ends up setting off alarm bells later in the game. When I saw Zak for the first time I thought - hang on, that's Shadi Smith! What a case. The Lost Turnabout has no excuse.

    1. Turnabout Reminiscence

    And all of a sudden, AMAZING CASE OUT OF NOWHERE. Seriously, where did that come from? It's such an… unassuming case at first. It seems like a cool bit of fanservice and nothing more - it's set in the past because 3-1 and 3-4 are so popular, it might give some backstory to the rest of the game, but that'll be more or less it. Oh how wrong I was. The investigation sections of this case are the finest in the game. Franziska and Kay are absolutely adorable. Badd is honestly probably the best designed character in the series - I love the bullet holes in his coat, his greying hair, his constant chewing on a cigarette (or, um, lollipop) - it makes you come up with a thousand stories about the character. Seeing Gumshoe and Edgeworth meet for the first time and Gumshoe getting so attached to Edgeworth like a lost little puppy dog is just wonderful. Calisto Yew is an absolutely excellent villain - she almost makes the case feel more like a cat-and-mouse chase than anything else. I really did just want to jump into my DS and punch von Karma in the face after this one, but that's not really a bad thing. Getting to cross-examine the Judge was also a delight. As far as problems go… I don't have any. I have looked at this case from every possible angle, and I genuinely cannot think of a single issue with it - a distinction that even the number one case doesn't share. Anyway, speaking of that number one case…

    1. Bridge to the Turnabout

    Yep. Almost by default, Trials and Tribulations's final case claims the number one spot. I'm not really sure what I can say about this case that hasn't been said a million times by much smarter people than myself, but just know that it is every bit as good as they say and more. Seriously, barring Larry, I have no bad words to say about this one. Bikini is surprisingly decent, Maya makes for a perfect final witness, Edgeworth acting defence attorney is really great and Gumshoe saves the day one more time by rebuilding Dusky Bridge. Dahlia Hawthorne is such a fantastically evil and detestable character, but here's the great thing about her: she never wins. That might not sound good - quite the contrary, in fact - but it's such a nice change to NOT feel like the trial's been stacked against you, and to NOT have much difficulty from the prosecution in taking her down. Instead of Attorney vs Culprit, it's Literally Everyone vs Culprit, and it feels amazing to have everyone on your side at the trilogy's conclusion to defeat this demon of a woman, but then… poor Godot. Genuinely one of the most tragic characters I've yet seen in anything. He had… nothing. He was robbed of his sight, his girlfriend, his life, his job, and the only thing he had left was a scapegoat - Phoenix Wright, the one person he could take out his anger on, the person he blamed for Mia's death, the person he just wanted to beat to prove he could achieve SOMETHING, but no. Bested by an attorney. He was as bitter as a mug of Godot Blend No. 102 by the end, and his murdering of Misty… I mean, how could he not? He's so much more painfully, wonderfully real than anything this series has achieved, that over 4,700 words and 23 cases later, it's Bridge to the Turnabout that manages to take the Ace Attorney crown.

    submitted by /u/jedisalsohere
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    I just beat the first game so I thought I'd make a small guide on the basics of playing the game.

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 03:50 PM PDT

    Best AAI case?

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 09:18 AM PDT

    Favourite case from the first game?

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 10:18 AM PDT

    Objection.lol Help

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 06:36 AM PDT

    I'm trying to record an objection.lol (It's too long to use the mp4 recorder), but when I hit record on the recorder, it shows an error message saying "This version of ChromeDrive only supports Chrome version 90 Current browser version is 89 with binary path". Any idea on how to fix this?

    submitted by /u/screetmaster69
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