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    Wednesday, March 24, 2021

    Ace Attorney The Seventh Case Maker Contest - One and Only Round of Voting

    Ace Attorney The Seventh Case Maker Contest - One and Only Round of Voting

    The Seventh Case Maker Contest - One and Only Round of Voting

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 02:51 AM PDT

    Only three entrants this month - I haven't finished reading through them all, but they've all gone into a lot of fine-looking detail - so there's only one round of voting this time.

    Using this poll, please vote for one of the three entrants:

    You only get one vote, so read and choose wisely.

    Voting will close on Thursday, April 1, at 11:59 PM EDT.

    Good luck to all who entered!

    submitted by /u/teamcrazymatt
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    prosecutor of the year

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 10:16 AM PDT

    Pink Princess lore

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 02:52 PM PDT

    Paramedic Miles Anyone? ����⚕

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 07:52 AM PDT

    I improvised something and had a good laugh. Use it, modify it, meme it, or trash it! Both images in comments.

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 11:52 AM PDT

    Adrian Andrews as Zero Suit Samus (credits in comments)

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 08:00 AM PDT

    Who’s the absolute worst character?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 04:49 PM PDT

    After all the attention my previous post got, I feel compelled to hear your opinion. Who do you think is the worst of the worst, for any reason. Maybe you hate how underdeveloped the character is. Maybe you hate their motives and morals. Maybe you just don't like looking at them. I wanna know. Personally, nobody comes to mind, at least not immediately.

    Ps. You're smarter, stronger, better than you think. Keep it up, you've come so far.

    submitted by /u/Sophie3600
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    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 02:35 PM PDT


    So I started making an OST for a game where Kay was the protagonist in January, and I may or may not have written 51 tracks and completed it all...

    I've spent a lot of time on this, and I would appreciate it if you'd check it out and tell me what you think! This is the first time I've ever been so committed on composing, so don't expect it to be too good lmao. I've had to think out an entire plot too along with this, not like anyone would care about it aha.

    But genuinely, I wasted way too much of my time on this, and it would be nice to just know that I didn't fully waste it if at least a few people could enjoy it aha.

    submitted by /u/ihyryhm
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    How's the DLC Case for Dual Destinies?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 08:32 PM PDT

    Just finished Dual Destinies and was wondering if there's a general consensus on the DLC Case? I didn't dislike the base game at all, but it's far from one of my favorites, so I'm unsure I really want to spend more time/money on it. However, if it's known to be good, I certainly wouldn't mind purchasing it.

    submitted by /u/AvalancheMKII
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    So, Pottodiino Nikawasu or pees'lubn andistan'dhin... (SOJ SPOILERS)

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 12:11 AM PDT

    No one really talks about him in the fandom, I guess its understandable since he was in a late game Ace Attorney game.

    But after finishing the first case, he really had a good breakdown; like on par with Manfred's breakdown.

    He also was pretty awesome and extremely attractive to me especially when he got to his real version of himself. ( I love metal men, what can I say?)

    He's definitely a interesting character that I'm glad we SoJ started out with.

    submitted by /u/Manfred_VonK
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    Is this wiki factual or did someone on the Fandom wiki make a massive shitpost?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 01:23 PM PDT

    AA killers on Villains Wiki are gold mine.

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 11:34 AM PDT

    Let's start with (4-3 and 4-4) Daryan and Kristoph being accused of child abuse,though they never interact with children;

    (4-2,4-3,AAI-5,6-5,2-3) Alita,Daryan,Quercus,Ga'ran and Acro having "cleverness" as "skill";

    (AAI2-4) Blaise having "calling their child 'idiot' " as a "hobby";

    (2-4) Shelly's type of villain being "Psychopathic Coward";

    (3-1) Dahlia being accused of arson,though they haven't burned anything;

    (AAI-5) Quercus having "Exceptional Lying Skills" as a "skill;

    And more shit from people who haven't played the games,apparently.

    submitted by /u/paulvanzieks
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    Hot Take

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 11:25 PM PDT

    Juan Corrida was a worse person than Matt Engarde.

    submitted by /u/Early_Relationship61
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    Open to wallpaper requests

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 08:22 PM PDT

    My thoughts on DGS 2

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 11:06 AM PDT

    PS, if you haven't played the game and clicked on this, there will be a link to a youtube playlist of the game.(The fan translation isn't completed yet apparently)

    Best game in the series. I'm not exaggerating. Even though I was spoiled the main billion, it was still amazing to bring him down. (and to be fair, I also predicted the main villan as early as the 3rd case.

    Here is my views on each case.

    Case 1: This was a good first case. Nothing out of the ordinary to me. However, I love the fact that in this case, we don't even see the true killer until they are called as a witness (sorta) just like the final case in DGS 1.

    Case 2: Again, nothing wrong with this case. And I love how they brought back Souseki as the defendant again Not to mention the fact that >! there are 2 attempted killers! !< which made the case much more interesting. Also, the fact that William was nearly a Serial Killer genuinely shocked me. And Green Being the 2nd culprit kinda made me feel a bit sad, especially considering thier motive was morally justifiable.

    Case 3: Definitely one of the better 3rd cases in the game. And Gina's back too! With a cute dog as well! This case was complex but in a good way. Hell, there were points where I thought that the defendant was the killer himself (that's not the case, don't worry) And the true killer! I would have never seen that coming in a million years! I genuinely thought it was Drebber!

    Case 4/5: Case 5 is a continuation of case 4, so I'll just lump em together.

    Van Zieks is the defendant, and he's refusing you as his attorney. Now, where have I heard this before? Oh, Gregson is dead now? FUCK! The fact that there are 2 sets of red herrings in this case is crazy. And I love the scene where Holmes and Mikotaba do the joint reasoning together.

    Then we get to the meat of this case. The person who killed Gregson turned out to be >! THE FUCKING JAPANESE JUDGE?! !< This was a complete shock to me, and I loved it. And the way they did it was just nuts. But not only do we have to find out who killed the victim, we also have to find out who the reaper is.

    Long story short, we find out much more than just the reaper. We find out that the real professor was Barok's brother, Jezal from the first game was an assassin sent to kill Mr. Wattson, but she's a pretty shitty one considering her crime got found out by a university student, and she was killed by a photographer. Asougi was sent as an assasian. The reaper was a group of people lead by GREGSON, and that THE MASTERMIND BEHIND ALL OF THIS WAS FUCKING VORTEX! HE ORDERED ALL OF IT!

    >! I've always wanted a killer to be introduced in a previous game, and now I've got it!<

    Oh, did I mention that >! Barok is the uncle of Iris? !<

    Like I said to before, if you haven't played the game and clicked on this, there will be a link to a youtube playlist of the game. (The fan translation isn't completed yet apparently) subbed all of the text.

    submitted by /u/darkkiller1234
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    My Ace Attorney game tier list. Tbh I’m probably in the minority with mine

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 04:48 AM PDT

    Best spin-offs final case?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 12:14 AM PDT

    How would you structure an Ace Attorney TV series?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 12:49 PM PDT

    Basically what I said in the title, how do you guys think it would work logistically? How many episodes in a season, how long would each episode be, which cases would you include? Would you make up your own cases or stick to the main ones?

    Mine would be something like this:

    Ep. 1 - The First Turnabout

    Ep. 2 / 3 - Turnabout Sisters

    Ep. 4 / 5 - Some sort of original / filler case? Case from another game?

    Ep. 6 / 7 - Turnabout Samurai

    Ep. 8 / 9 / 10 - Turnabout Goodbyes

    (Couldn't really fit Rise From The Ashes in, it would be too long)

    So, what do you think? It can have any structure you want, any number of episodes, any other cases from the games / custom cases. Bonus points for structuring future seasons too (in my mind, season 2 and 3 would be JFA / T&T respectively, anything after that would be tricky to plot out).

    Also FYI I'm not saying there should be a TV show necessarily, I was just interested how it would even work logistically.

    submitted by /u/matt1358
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    Here is my ship tier list. Thoughts?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 02:08 AM PDT

    Why I love the 3D Ace Attorney games

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 07:59 AM PDT

    Obligatory these are subjective opinions

    Hey! I have noticed that with time, DD and SoJ are becoming more and more unpopular, with claims that there is a lack of intelligent writing in the newer games, unlike the original trilogy. In my opinion, Ace Attorney 6 is the second best Ace Attorney in the series, right behind Trials and Tribulations. It made a bunch of QoL changes, and restructured itself so that every trial ends in the same day and every trial day ends on a satisfying note. The aim of this post is to just have a conversation with those who think that the newer games are just not up to par with the original trilogy in any form, while stating why the newer games (including Dual Destinies) have kept up with the quality of the series.

    Athena's story is the best in the series for me. Even though she has her own major problems to deal with, she decides that her priority isn't to recover from her own demons, its to save this random acquaintance who wrongfully took the fall for her, because that is the right thing to do. I personally think DD gets a bad rep for writing because the lines feel very patronizing. After the part in the final case where Simon pretends to feel bad for Fulbright and then the trick is revealed that he was doing it for Athena to check for emotions, they sit and explain what just happened, like a modern Family Guy episode. "He was only PRETENDING to care". They could have left it at the part where Simon was laughing when Fulbright asked if he was lying about his concern, but no they felt the people wouldn't catch on to what they clearly showed. Dual Destinies is loud as hell with its themes, but if you look past that, its a beautiful story about the meaning of trust, both in others and in yourself.

    Spirit of Justice told such an "out there" story; they made a whole story around the part of the series I liked the least, spirit channeling, and somehow got me emotionally invested in every character. Rayfa's journey was amazing to sit through, and I have already done a write up of how much I enjoy Nahyuta as a character. People complain about the stakes being too high that they couldn't get into the story. For me, it set the feeling of the acceptance of death in that culture perfectly. I was feeling exactly what the protagonists were feeling ALL the time, which should be very hard with this crazy setting. Here, the people tend to hate SoJ for being hard to believe. And I agree with this fact that yes it does sound like a story your friend would make up and tell you when both of you are four years old. And again, if you look past it, you find some of the best well rounded characters in the series.

    These games also do the trick of letting characters feel alive in the background. Edgeworth goes to Trucy's magic shows, and you can entirely miss this point if you don't press a random statement in a random testimony. But you will never think "nah this is not believable".

    I love these games more than JfA and the original. The soundtracks have always been kickass and the settings only get more creative with each entry. I can't wait for AA7, whether its Yamazaki's last game or a new writer's first.

    I didn't cover DGS1 and 2 because I didn't play them yet. Lets pray that April 10th brings us some good news

    submitted by /u/rbetterthanme
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    If you have finished the Ace Attorney trilogy and haven't watched the Ace Attorney Anime bloopers yet, go do it right now.

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 03:38 AM PDT

    This is an order.

    submitted by /u/Trisomique
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    Help with birthdays

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 11:39 AM PDT

    Is there any confirmed birthdays in the series? The main characters, I mean. I specifically wanted to know the birthdates of Phoenix, Maya, Edgeworth, Franziska, Mia, Gunshoe and Larry, or at least approximations.

    submitted by /u/_Dodys
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    DGS is an opposite to AAI. In AAI everyone had Daddy Issues, in DGS everyone, even bad guys, are amazing parents

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 02:16 AM PDT

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