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    Saturday, March 6, 2021

    Ace Attorney [OC] "Your move, little brother."

    Ace Attorney [OC] "Your move, little brother."

    [OC] "Your move, little brother."

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 03:31 PM PST

    The ancestors wouldn't have missed Phoenix's first trial for the world

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 06:18 AM PST

    Why does Edgeworth have a physics gun?

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 04:15 PM PST

    I sprayed some bug spray over it (I just edited kristoph into Klavier for fun)

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 08:07 PM PST

    [OC] Ace Attorney x Pandora: Quercus Alba

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 08:00 PM PST

    List of every character's name pun in the main series! (+ Miles Edgeworth Investigations)

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 02:46 PM PST

    This is a compilation of all names that form a reference or pun (so,practically all of them) in the english version of the games. If I missed or got something wrong,please tell me in the comments!Also,if you have a better explanation for some name,do say it aswell.

    *Spoilers run rampant around these names! Thread carefully!

    Most info comes from the Ace Attorney wiki. I put my assumptions in some of them aswell.

    Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney

    Phoenix Wright: Like a phoenix,he always "rises from the ashes",or from defeat. "Wright" comes from him always being right;It could also mean "worker" in old English.

    Mia Fey: Her name can come from MIA(Missing In Action) as she dies in case 2,or Maria,which means "bitterness",relating to her death. Fey means "strange","otherwordly","magical". Relating to the supernatural phenomenons performed by the Fey Clan.

    Larry Butz: Hairy Butts,I suppose? "If something smells,it's usually the Buttz."

    Cindy Stone:Cinder Block.

    Frank Sahwit:Frank "Saw It";As in,he spotted the murder.

    Winston Payne:Winced in pain. It's what he feels after every trial against the main characters.

    Maya Fey:"Maya" means Illusion,but it could also come from Maria.

    Dick Gumshoe:both words are slangs for detective.

    Miles Edgeworth:Miles comes from the latin word for "Soldier",depicting his formal and serious behavior,"Edge" comes from his sharp mind,and "Worth" comes from his worthiness as a prosecutor,differently from his adoptive father.

    April May:The 4th and 5th months of the year.

    Marvin Grossberg: "Grossberg" means large mountain,relating to his weight.

    Redd White:Adding his company's name,Blue,you get the colors of USA's flag. His character could be a walking stereotype of the "loud and arrogant" american.

    Will Powers:Willpower.

    Jack Hammer:Jackhammer.

    Penny Nichols:Penny Nickels,2 types of coins. The names in Tournabout Samurai aren't very creative.

    Sal Manella:Salmonella.Could be a reference to how he is a sweaty,disgusting person.

    Cody Hackins:"Hacking the code"/"Code Hacking".References when he invaded the studio.

    Wendy Oldbags:Windy Oldbag,relating to the many,many puns about her old age.

    Dee Vasquez: "Divaesque",like a diva. Vasquez could also mean "crow",an animal related to death,or vacuous,which means inattentive.

    Lotta Heart:A lot of heart. References how she is passionate about the things she does.

    Robert Hammond:A generic name.

    Misty Fey:"Misty" means "covered by mistery","mystical".

    Gregory Edgeworth:Comes from Gregory Peck,an actor that played a defense attorney.

    Manfred Von Karma:"Manfred" means Man of Peace (ironic). Von Karma could be a reference to how karma always catches up to you,which is what happened in this case.

    Yanni Yogi & Polly:Yanni is the greek version of the name "John".Yogi is a reference to Yoga,a meditation technique. Polly is a generic name for a parrot.

    Ema Skye:"Ema" means Strength. Skye could be a reference to the saying "The sky's the limit".

    Lana Skye:I'm not sure about this one. Lana means "Handsome";I mean,she is pretty,but is this really the idea they wanted to convey?

    Angel Starr:Angelic Star. Could be a reference to her "angelic" looks,or how she is a popular figure.

    Jake Marshall:Fake marshal. Marshal is a high-rank officer.

    Neil Marshall:Real marshal.

    Bruce Goodman:References his personality. He's a good man.

    Damon Gant:Demon Chant. References his personality,manners,and,of course,his unforgettable breakdown,where he "chants" or laughs maniacally.

    Mike Meekins:"Mike" comes from microphone."Meekins" comes from meek,submissive.

    Joe Darke:"Joe" comes from John Doe,relating to his concealed character as a serial killer. Darke,of course,comes from dark,tainted;Relating to his evil deeds.

    Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice for All

    Maggey Byrde:Magpie Bird. The Magpie is a bird known to cause bad luck,a recurring force in Maggey's life.

    Dustin Prince:Dusting for fingerprints. A common technique in crime scenes.

    Richard Wellington:Rich and well,relating to his social status.

    Turner Grey:Turning grey,or dying.

    Pearl Fey:"Pearl" means pure,worthy. Relating to her kind personality.

    Morgan Fey:"Morgan" comes from Morgana(an evil witch).It can also mean Phantom Queen.

    Ini Miney/Mimi Miney:From the nursery rhyme "Eeny, meeny, miny, moe". Did you know this rhyme has racist origins? Look it up.

    Franziska von Karma:"Franziska" means honest,free. It could also mean "from France".

    Ami Fey:An anagram of Mia,one of her descendants. Also comes from Amitãbha,a form of Buddha.

    Doctor Hotti:References his fetish for beautiful women,or "hotties".

    Max Galactica/Billy Bob Johns:While the first is a dazzling stage name,his actual name is an extremely generic and rural name.They are complete opposites.

    Regina Berry:"Regina" means princess(self-explanatory). Berry comes from the name of the circus,"Berry Circus",or "Very big circus".

    Russell Berry: "Russel" is a reference to the famous real life Russell Brother's Circus.

    Benjamin Woodman:Along with his puppet Trilo Quist,you get Ben Trilo Quist,or "ventriloquist"."Woodman" references his puppet,which is a man made of wood.

    Moe/Lawrence Curls:References the 3 Stooges:Moe,Larry,and Curly.


    Juan Corrida:"Juan" is a generic spanish name."Corrida" references bullfighting.

    Matt Engarde:Matt,or Matthew,means "Gift of God",relating to his self-entitled personality. Engarde references fencing. Could also be a reference to his "on guard" stance throughout the entire case,where he doesn't trust anyone.

    Adrian Andrews:This is an interesting case where the character's name actually matters. Her androgynous name was chosen so Shelly Dekiller could mistake her for a man,causing many shenanigans.

    Celeste Inpax:References the fight between the 2 celebrities,or stars,Juan and Matt. This causes a "celestial impact".

    Shelly Dekiller:"Shelly" references his calling card,which depicts a shell. "Dekiller" means,of course,"The Killer".

    Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Trials and Tribulations

    Doug Swallow:Drug swallow. References his relation to the poison used by Dahlia.

    Dahlia Hawthorne:"Dahlia" can mean honey(sweet) or malicious,representing both sides of her character. Hawthorne comes from Nathaniel Hawthorne, who wrote Rappaccini's Daughter, a short story in which a man falls in love with a woman who has a strong poison coursing through her veins and can kill anything with a simple touch.Strong correlation with Dahlia and Phoenix's story,huh?

    Luke Atmey:Look at me. References his personality.

    Ron Delite/Desirée Delite:Ron means joy,Desirée comes from desire. Delite means Delight. All 3 words are connected to good feelings.

    Godot:Reference to the play "Waiting for Godot". It also has an ingame explanation:"Godot" comes from his alias,"DieGO ArmanDO".

    Jean Armstrong:"Jean" is a generic french name."Armstrong" could be a reference to his strong physique.

    Glen Elg/Lisa Basil:Both names are palindromes;They can be read forward and backwards the same way.

    Victor Kudo:"Kudo" indicates the character's nationality. It could also mean the same as his name Victor,which is "fame and renown resulting from an act or achievement".

    Furio Tigre:Furious Tiger. Could also be a reference to lucha libre,where stage names such as Tigre are common.

    Kane Bullard:"Kane" comes from Cain,an antagonistic figure in the bible."Bullard" comes from bully.

    Viola/Bruto Cadaverini:"Viola" comes from the violet flower,or the instrument.Both are known to bring a melancholy feel."Bruto" comes from brute."Cadaverini" comes from cadaver,or corpse.All 3 names are references to the italian mafia.

    Terry Fawles:Could be a reference to the word "falls",the way the victim of this case died,or it could mean "flaws".

    Bikini:References the female bathing suit. The ingame explanation for this name is that she chose it to appear younger.

    Iris:References the greek goddess that connects gods and humanity.This relates to her role in the story.

    Valeria Hawthorne:"Valeria" means valor,courage.

    Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney

    Apollo Justice:"Apollo" references the greek god of the sun and truth.This relates to his bright and brave personality. "Justice" is self-explanatory.

    Kristoph Gavin:"Kristoph" comes from Christopher,which means "Christ-Bearer"."Gavin" comes from the german word "gewinner" which means winner. It could also be a reference to Gawain,a knight in the famous story of King Arthur.

    Shadi Smith:Shady,of doubtful honesty or legality.

    Olga Orly:"Olga" is a popular slavic name,while "Orly" comes from the saying "Oh,really?".

    Trucy Wright:Her first name means "true".

    Guy Eldoon:Noodle guy.

    Plum Kitaki:"Plum" means small and desirable(possibly to denote irony,as her character is neither)."Kitaki" is a reference to the kitsune,a mythological being related to Plum's lineage.

    Wocky Kitaki:References two things:walkie talkies,and the quote "walk the walk, talk the talk".

    Alita Tiala:They are anagrams of each other.

    Pal Meraktis:Malpractice.

    Wesley Stickler:"Wesley" means devious,while "Stickler" means fussy. Both words relate to his personality.

    Klavier Gavin:His first name means "piano" in german. "clavier" is also the name for the keyboard of an organ.

    Romain Letouse:Romaine lettuce,a type of lettuce. No clue on how this relates to his character.

    Thalassa Gramarye/Lamiroir:"Thalassa" is a greek goddess.This relates to her son's name,Apollo. Somewhat like the Fey line,"Gramarye" references the Grimoire,a book of magic spells.Lamiroir,or "Le Miroir" means the mirror in french.

    Machi Tobaye:His english name comes from the japanese one,to make him appear foreign. "Machi" or Maki in the japanese version,means "roll of paper".

    Darya Crescend:"Crescend" comes from crescendo,a musical term that means "getting louder". This correlates with his personality.

    Valant Gramarye:His first name means "valiant",or courageous.

    Vera Misham:"Vera" means truth."Misham" comes from mishap,or an unlucky accident.It may also come from "sham",referencing the forgeries(Thank you,Megamachopop)Her full name,in Farsi,means "I will go beyond". *Drew Misham**:"Drew",as in,the past of draw. You know,because he's dead.

    Spark Brushel:This character's name and appearance reference toothbrushes of all things. "Spark" references sparkling teeth,and "Brushel" references toothbrushes.

    Magnifi Gramarye:"Magnifi" comes from magnificent,a word commonly associated with magicians.

    Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies

    Juniper Woods:Both the name and appearance of this character reference nature.

    Candice Arm:Can disarm,as in,working as a bomb disposal specialist.

    Ted Donate:Detonate,as in,make bombs explode.

    Gaspen Payne:Gasp in pain.

    Athena Cykes:Like Apollo,Athena comes from Greek mythology. She is the goddess of wisdom and strategy. "Cykes" comes from psychology,which references her ingame hability of reading emotions.

    Jinxie Tenma:"Jinxie" comes from the verb jinx,or hex."Tenma" means heavenly,divine. Both relate to her supernatural beliefs.

    Damian Tenma:Heavenly Demon.Correlates with his story,where he was thought to have been a "demon",or a murderer,but actually turned out to be innocent,or "heavenly".

    Rex Kyubi:"Rex" is latin for king,relating to his position of power in Nine-Tails Vale.His surname means "Nine-tailed fox".

    Phineas Filch:"Phineas" means devious,while "Filch" is a british slang for "stealing".

    Bobby Fulbright:Bobby means "bright with glory",but it also is slang for cop. Fulbright is literally "Full of bright".

    Florent L'Belle:His first name means "of flowers",while the second one means "The Beautiful".Both are french.

    Simon Blackquill:"Simon" comes from the game "Simon Says",which correlates to his habit of psychologically manipulating people. "Blackquill" is literally a black quill,which is another name for a bird's feather.

    Aristotle Means:References the greek philosopher. His surname comes from a quote said by Aristotle, "the ends justify the means".

    Constance Courte:Constant court. (?)

    Hugh O'Conner:Hug the corner (of a room). Could also mean "You're a goner".

    Robin Newman:"Robin" is a androgynous name,while "Newman" references how her parents forced her to be male.

    Myriam Scuttlebutt:Her surname is slang for gossip,which relates to her position at law school as a member of the newspaper club.

    Clay Terran:"Terran" comes from "Terra",which is the roman goddess of earth. Clay is related to the earth.

    Solomon Starbuck:"Solomon" gives him the nickname Sol,which is latin for sun.His surname is a reference to Battlestar Galactica.,but it could also be a reference to the popular coffeehouse company Starbucks.

    Yuri Cosmos:"Yuri" is a reference to the famous astronaut Yuri Gagarin,while "Cosmos" is basically a synonym for universe.

    Aura Blackquill:Her first name comes from a satellite with the same name.

    Sasha Buckler:Swashbuckler,a word related to pirates.

    Orla Shipley:Orca and Ship.

    Jack Shipley:"Jack" is a reference to Captain Jack Sparrow,from the Pirates of the Caribbean film series.

    Norma Deplume:"Nom de plume",which means pseudonym.This relates to her carrier as a writer.

    Marlon Rimes:"Marlon" comes from Marlin,a type of fish."Rimes",of course,comes from rhymes.

    Herman Crab:Hermit crab.

    Azura Summers:Represents clear blue skies on a summer day.

    Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Spirit of Justice

    Ahlbi Ur'gaid:I'll be your guide. Get ready,all the names in this game are like this.

    Paht Rohl:Patrol,as in,keep watch over an area.

    Rayfa Padma Khura'in:"Rayfa" means compassionate in arab."Padma" is a type of lotus. It has a very important role in hinduism.

    Pees'lubn Andistan'dhin: Peace, Love, and Understanding.References a song by Nick Lowe.

    Bonny/Betty De Famme:both names are plays on "Bunny",relating to their appearances."De Famme" comes from defame,as in,harm one's reputation.

    *Manov Mistree - man of mystery(Thank you Housewren1 for this and the next 2 entries)

    *Mr. Reus - mysterious

    *Jove Justice - "Jove" is the Roman equivalent of Zeus, the father of Apollo.

    Nahyuta Sahdmadhi :His first name means "large number",*'Sahdmadhi' comes from 'samadhi' ( or समाधि in Hindi) which means a state of concentration obtained through meditation.(Thank you Inkwingz)

    Roger Retinz:Ratings Rajah. "Rajah" is an indian monarch.

    Tahrust Inmee:Trust in me.

    Beh'leeb Inmee:Believe in me.

    Puhray Zeh'lot/Rheel Neh'mu:Prays a lot & Real Name.

    Datz Are'bal/A'nohn Ihmus:That's a rebel & Anonymous.

    Taifu Toneido:Typhoon & Tornado.

    Uendo Toneido:Wind.

    Geiru Toneido:Gale.One can only imagine what would happen if the Toneido family ran out of wind-related words for names.

    Bucky Whet:Buck wheat,main ingredient used to to make soba.

    Dhurke Sahdmadhi:His first name comes from Druk,which is a thunder dragon from the Bhutanese mythology.

    Archie Buff: Archaeology.

    Paul Atishon-Wimperson:"Politican that whimpers". References his personality and profession.

    Inga Karkhuul Haw'kohd Dis'nahm Bi'ahni Lawga Ormo Pohmpus Da'nit Ar'edi Iz Khura'in III:The joke here is his extremely long name. Starting from "Haw",it can also be read as "How could this name be any longer or more pompous than it already is?" Very clever.

    Ga'ran Sigatar Khura'in:"Ga'ran" comes from a japanese word that means "Temple".

    Amara Sigatar Khura'in/Nayna:"Amara" means immortal,referring to the 2 assassination attempts she goes through. "Nayna" comes from Nana,a shortened version of "grandmother".

    Ellen Wyatt:All in white,as in,wearing a wedding dress.

    Sorin/Selena Sprocket:"Sorin" comes from soaring,and Selena means "light"."Sprocket" is a type of gear.

    Pierce Nichody:Persnickety,as in,a precise person.Correlates to his profession as a surgeon.

    Dumas Gloomsbury:Doom and Gloom,referring to his personality and appearance.

    Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth 1 & 2

    Buddy Faith:Having faith/trusting a friend.Didn't go well for this guy.

    Jacques Portsman:Jock & Sportsman.

    Akbey Hicks:"Akbey" means yawning in japanese,thus referring to his killer."Hicks" comes from hiccup.

    Rhoda Teneiro:Road to nowhere,referring to her business failures.

    Zinc Lablanc:Reference to zinc oxide,a white pigment used in paintings.This relates to his career as an art dealer.

    Cammy Meelee:Chamomile,a popular sleeping aid.

    Ernest Amano:Honest man.

    Lance Amano:Lost man.

    Kay Faraday:"Kay" references the giant key that holds her hair up.*Or a pun name for "okay". "Faraday" comes from Inspector Farraday,a thief turned detective,just like Kay.

    Shi-Long Lang:His name is the mandarin chinese reading of his japanese name,which means "Wolf Dragon Warrior".

    Shih-na/Kalisto Yew:"Shihna" means Military Administrator."Kalisto" or Calisto,is a genus of butterfly,while "Yew" is a tree of the genus Taxus. As yews are extremely toxic,this could relate to her deadly nature.The biology-themed name can also be related to Quercus Alba,her accomplice that also has the same naming scheme. Her name can also be read as "Callous to you".

    Lauren Paups:Lollipops. "Paups" can also mean "poor person",which fits her character.

    Deid Mann:Dead man. Really creative.

    Mack Rell:Mackerel,a type of fish.

    Byrne Faraday:His first name comes from the Gaelic word for "Raven",an animal similar to the crow,symbol of the Yatagaratsu.

    Colias Palaeno:The scientific name for the Moorland Clouded Yellow Butterfly,which is the symbol of his country and the badge he uses.

    Manny Coachen:Money(referring to his smuggling ring) & Coaching(referring to his job as a secretary)

    Quercus Alba:The scientific name for the White Oak,referencing his appearance.

    Ka-Shi Nou:Can be read as "Cassino" or "No cash".

    Di-Jun Huang:"Huang" means Emperor of China,relating to his social status.

    Nicole Swift:Her surname refers to her personality.

    Horace Knightley:"Horace" means horse,while "Knightley" refers to a knight,two elements of medieval literature.

    Ethan Rooke:"Rooke" is a reference to the chess piece "rook",like Horace,his name has medieval conotations.

    Raymond Shields:"Raymond" means Protector,while "Shields" is,well,a tool used for protection.

    Jay Elbird:Jail bird,as in,a person confined in a jail.

    Justine Courtney:Justice & Court.

    Simon Keyes:"Shy Monkeys",referencing the mythology of the 3 wise monkeys.Simon could also be a wordplay of "simian".

    Patricia Roland:Patrol.

    Sirhan Dogen:"Sirhan" means "wolf" in the african language,while Dogen refers to dogs.Sirhan is also the name of the man who shot President Robert F. Kennedy.

    Sebastian Debeste:His first name means "revered"/"From Sebastea",while his surname reads "The Best". Could also be a reference to Saint Sebastian.

    Blaise Debeste:His first name references a saint from the city of Sebastea.

    Jeffrey Master:"Master Jeff";Master Chef.

    Pierre Hoquet/Isaac Dover:"Pierre" is a generic French name,while "Hoquet" is hiccup in French.His pseudonym is a play on "Iced over",a reference to where his body was found.

    Delicia Scones:Delicious Scones(a type of bread).

    Dane Gustavia:Gustatory,a word related to taste.

    Tyrell Badd:The real bad,referencing his participation in the Yatagaratsu.

    Katherine Hall:Catering Hall,as in,a place where food is served during events.

    Karin Jenson:"Carrying injections",referring to her position as a nurse.

    Bonnie Young:An ironic name.She's 60+.

    submitted by /u/HerterSan
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    Here's some of badd from his concept art

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 06:20 AM PST


    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 01:06 PM PST

    (OC) High-Quality Edit of Kristoph (hopefully). I do too much in my spare time.

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 10:27 AM PST

    I think that it would be funny if in AA7, the Judge's profile contained the information "Age: Old".

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 04:29 PM PST

    That's it. Nobody knows how old the Judge is, so his age is just listed as "Old".

    submitted by /u/LegoCrafter2014
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    Best Apollo ship?

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 08:30 PM PST

    Little comic based on an incorrect quote

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 11:25 AM PST

    I messed around with the incorrect quote generator again, the results are surprisingly pretty accurate

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 10:40 AM PST

    What if Franziska whipped someone and they said 'Harder'?

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 07:25 PM PST

    Title basically.

    submitted by /u/FeistyLock45
    [link] [comments]

    If a future game were to either kill off a main character or make them one of the case's killers, who would you want the character to be and how/what reason would you want them to die/kill someone?

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 05:46 PM PST

    If more cases involved crimes that weren't murder, or crimes that were done before the case turns into a murder trial, what crimes would you want to see be tackled?

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 07:50 PM PST

    Pearl is tired

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 05:54 AM PST

    Since the 3DS is basically dead and the HD trilogy and future DGS duology are the first AA games on next gen consoles, what could the next game do to take advantage of the new hardware (visuals, gameplay, length and size, etc.)?

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 09:10 PM PST

    Out of all the characters whose names are either puns, references, or match their personalities/occupations, what percentage of parents do you think knew what they were doing when they gave their kids these names?

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 06:57 PM PST

    headcannon of the day

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 07:44 AM PST

    Ace Attorney characters as Professor Layton characters (spoilers for all games in both franchises I think)

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 06:39 PM PST

    Turnabout Ablaze Inconsistency?

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 09:11 PM PST

    I just finished playing through Turnabout Ablaze and one part really confused me. We prove that Alba smuggled the Allebahstian knife into the theater by using the bouquet of flowers. We prove it's the murder weapon because in the commemorative photo the handle is missing the 1 petal just like the knife we have in evidence.

    But then, we prove that the murder weapon and body were moved using the interconnected pools because we find a wet flower petal that we thought was a pick by the pool in Bahbal?

    So I'm confused how the knife was already missing the petal before the victim died, but then again had a petal fall off after the murder occured when the body was being moved?

    submitted by /u/silverarya
    [link] [comments]

    Prosecutor offices

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 10:51 AM PST

    I'll be brief: Here's Edgeworth's high prosecutor's office: Room 1202 - and here's Klavier's (images are pretty small, but you get the gist.)

    Those are the only prosecutor offices we see throughout the entire series, both being very distinct and customised. We also know that Portsman from AAI had a basketball net outside his office. So, with that in mind, I propose a question; how do you see other prosecutors decorating their offices?

    submitted by /u/galactar7
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    The best way to play Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney?

    Posted: 06 Mar 2021 05:40 PM PST

    I'm wondering what's the best way to play Apollo Justice. I figured if Apollo Justice goes on sale on the 3DS eShop in Europe, it'd be a good deal, but I don't know if that's going to happen at any point.

    Then there's the mobile version, which I would have gotten already, if it wasn't for the strange audio quality problem.

    Finally, it seems there's a chance there'll be a Ace Attorney 4-6 collection, so I could just wait for that, but that could be a while. I do plan on playing the next games too.

    Does anyone have any information about a potential eShop sale? And what are your recommendations, should I just play the mobile one, or spend a bit more for the 3DS one even when its not on sale? Or just wait until the trilogy?

    Thank you for your help!

    submitted by /u/Malsistence
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