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    Ace Attorney I drew Iris!

    Ace Attorney I drew Iris!

    I drew Iris!

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 01:27 PM PST

    mayayayaya (oc)

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 01:09 PM PST

    So I posted my Phoenix painting a few days ago and people seem to really like it! So now I present: My Edgeworth painting!!

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 07:52 AM PST

    Made a bunch of ace attorney themed items out of air dry clay!

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 01:51 AM PST

    Kristoph Gavin fanart i did some time ago

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 05:50 AM PST

    DL-6: Edgeworth updated the autopsy report so good it came in color

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 10:39 AM PST

    The thing I noticed about defence "set-up" in Post Trilogy.

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 08:11 PM PST

    The "Apollo with Phoenix" set-up is used 2 times in the whole trilogy: At Turnabout Trump of AJ,and at Turnabout Revolution of SoJ. That's kinda symbolic,considering that after SoJ Apollo decided to stay in Khura'in,and it was his last case with his mentor on the side.

    submitted by /u/paulvanzieks
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    Some Dialogue I Wrote for a Hypothetical Athena Game

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 02:41 PM PST

    I had the idea recently of writing "Athena Cykes: Ace Attorney" as a fanfiction, which might be the closest thing we get if AA7 continues ignoring her in favor of Phoenix. As I'm very lazy, there is a good chance this will never actually go anywhere, or if it does I may start only to leave it unfinished - *but* I've written a couple snippets of dialogue from a proposed Case 1 that I'm kind of proud of. Please review and offer your thoughts to potentially spur me on to write more, and help me improve anything that's lacking! Your feedback is valued.

    The first snippet is after the case's opening cutscene, opening in the defendant lobby:

    October 16, 9:37 AM

    District Court - Defendant Lobby No. 3

    (Okay! I've got this. Sure, things aren't looking the best for my client, but... That's why I'm here. If he's innocent, I'm going to prove it.)

    ???: Chin up, Athena! Don't look so serious. I've got a good feeling about this one!

    Athena: Hey, I'm not worried! ...Okay, maybe a little. When did you get here, Trucy? I didn't see you come in. Is this a new magic trick?

    Trucy: No, silly. I walked through the doors. You seemed a little lost in thought, so I decided to wait.

    Athena: ...I was just mentally preparing my case. I've dealt with stuff like this before, you know.

    (My name is Athena Cykes. If it wasn't already obvious, I'm a defense attorney. I have about a year and a half of experience under my belt, but this is my first time going it alone without any co-counsel... Or so I thought.)

    Athena: I wasn't expecting to see you here. Did Mr. Wright send you to check on me?

    Trucy: Daddy said you could help me with my next show after this! Don't worry, I've already cleared your schedule for the day.

    Athena: Nice of the Boss to volunteer me for the job. Again.

    (This girl is Trucy Wright, my boss's daughter, and a budding magician. She may put on a cute face, but there's a devious mind at work in that head of hers.)

    Trucy: Are you still mad about the ring of fire? I said I was sorry! And your hair grew back, didn't it?

    Athena: That might work on your old assistant, but I'm on to you, Trucy.

    (skip ahead to the start of the trial because I still need to write the client's character)

    Judge: Court is now in session for the trial of [name to be determined]. Will the prosecution deliver their opening statement?

    Payne: Yes, Your Honor. On the night of October 12, Lars Mann - a bouncer at one of the seedier establishments downtown - was fatally stabbed in an alley near the bar where he worked. The prosecution will show that only the defendant could have done this. An open-and-shut case, you might say.

    Athena: Gaspen Payne? What are you doing here? I thought you were practicing abroad now.

    Payne: You must be thinking of my younger brother. I am Winston Payne, veteran prosecuting attorney. I'm sure you've heard the name... After all, it was I who taught your employer everything he knows!

    Athena: Since when does Mr. Payne have a brother? Trucy, do you know anything about this?

    Trucy: ...Daddy did always mention a mentor, but I'm pretty sure she was a woman. And not around anymore. Still, I'm trying to think if I've seen this man somewhere before... Nope, I've got nothing!

    Payne: Oof!

    submitted by /u/TheHistoryofCats
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    Best Post Trilogy Game

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 10:35 PM PST

    Since T&T DESTROYED the competition, I wanna know what you're fave post trilogy game is. Let me know why.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/401-Lee
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    Do the aai games have spoilers for the main ace attorney games?

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 10:25 PM PST

    I've played the trilogy and I wanted to watch a play through of aai but I didn't want to risk getting spoiled for other games

    submitted by /u/Pinkisaprettycolor
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    Central Villain Themes in the Second Trilogy

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 10:48 PM PST

    Inspired by this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/AceAttorney/comments/3gd2b1/spoilers_central_villain_themes_in_the_first/

    Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney - In this game the theme between all the killers I found was that they all intended to cover up a past crime by killing their victims.

    Case 1: It was never explained in the actual game why Kristoph killed Zak but I think it was so that Zak wouldn't be able to appeal for a retrial since Phoenix could have used that to prove himself innocent of forgery and possibly implicate Kristoph for it. One thing to note is that Zak did have the true diary page with him so he could have won a not guilty very easily if he called for a retrial, Kristoph may not have known about this however.

    Case 2: Tiala killed Meraktis in order to hide her involvement in Wocky's failed surgery.

    Case 3: Daryan killed LeTouse because LeTouse was on to his Borginian cocoon smuggling scheme and had to slience him, his attempted killing of Lamiroir also applies since she witnessed his killing of LeTouse.

    Case 4: Kristoph killed Drew Misham and attempted to kill Vera Misham in order to make sure they would never testify to his evidence forgery.

    Magnifi while not having killed himself in order to hide a past crime he did cover up Thalassa's accident and her survival of said accident, so by killing himself he took the secret of Thalassa's continued survival to his grave.

    Phoenix Wright: Dual Destinies - The common theme between the killers in this game appear is that they all pretend to be a friend to someone they ultimately screw over.

    Case 1: Ted Tonate pretended to be an honest cop to Candice Arme but in reality didn't care for justice in the slightest and didn't hesitate to silence her.

    Case 2: L'Belle pretended to be Mayor Tenma's loyal aide when really he was threatening to kill his daughter in order to rob him of the gold ingot treasure of Tenma Taro.

    Case 3: Professor Means pretended to be a supportive teacher to Hugh when behind his back Means was accepting his parents bribes, thus harming Hugh's chances at making a real career at being a lawyer. He also attempted to be Juniper Woods's defense attorney but whether he would've thrown the case or honestly tried to defend her is up in the air.

    Case 4: The Phantom pretended to aide the Cosmos Space Center, presenting himself to Clay Terran among others as the justice loving Bobby Fulbright when really he was just there to collect the incriminating moon rock evidence that might expose him, killing Clay in the process. He also pretended to be on Athena's side when framing her for murdering Clay.

    Case DLC: Rimes pretended to care about Orca but was harboring a grudge towards it over his girlfriend's death and planned to kill it.

    Case 5: The Phantom pretended to be a good friend to Simon Blackquill but was really only there to keep tabs on him so he could get the psyche profile off him. Finally, he pretends to care about justice and finding the truth in front of the court but he was the one who blew up the bomb in the court in order to obsfucate the truth, he even saw Tonate murdering detective Arme and only used the situation it to steal the bomb switch.

    Phoenix Wright: Spirit of Justice - The common theme I found about the killers in this game is that they all kill people for reasons beside having anything against the victim.

    Case 1: Andistan'dhin killed Rohl in order to hide the fact the Founder's orb was stolen, Rohl didn't do anything to him.

    Case 2: Manov was Retinz's #1 fan and Retinz killed him without a second thought simply in order to ruin Trucy's life over a decade old grudge, Retinz killed the one person he had the absolute least reason to kill.

    Case 3: Behleeb killed Nehmu in self-defense. Nehmu was trying to kill Behleeb not because she wronged him in any way, in fact she took him in as a guest, but because she was a rebel and he was being payed to kill rebels.

    Tahrust killed himself because he felt it was the best way to save his wife, he also frames Maya not over anything she did but because he needed a fake killer in order to sell the idea he was a murder victim.

    Case 4: Geiru did have reason to kill Taifu but her reasons were unfounded in the end because of a misunderstanding between her and the victim, this one is the weak I'll admit.

    Case 5: Sure Inga was trying to enact a coup but I'm pretty sure Ga'ran could've just had him arrested any time she wanted. The main reason she killed Inga was so that she could frame Dhurke for the crime in order to quash the rising rebellion by discrediting their leader.

    Inga killed Dhurke to eliminate a hated rival so this one really doesn't count.

    Ga'ran killed Jove Justice, a person she has never met before and didn't know the name of, just to silence a potential witness who could've complicated matters.

    Case DLC: Gloomsbury and Nichody planned to kill Wyatt who they had nothing against just to hurt Sorin. Nichody then killed Gloomsbury just to silence him and framed Wyatt and then Sorin who, while having caused his sister's death, had suffered just as much as him over the years, his sister had even specifically asked him to save him instead of her so Sorin being sent to prison would have accomplished nothing but wasting his sister's sacrifice.

    submitted by /u/Captainvoodoo12
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    Ok now Capcom isn't even trying when it comes to hiding ace attorney references

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 10:38 AM PST

    The Courtroom ( This is still WIP)

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 02:55 AM PST

    Attempting To Draw Ace Attorney Characters From Memory Day 1: Frank Sawhit. (Inspired by Radical_Momo's series). Request other ppl if you want.

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 07:39 AM PST

    thinking phoenix

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 12:45 PM PST

    Stop saying that 1-4 would have been so much easier if Phoenix wasn't an idiot

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 12:26 PM PST

    If Phoenix hadn't shown the letter to Manfred, he wouldn't have the DL-6 bullet. Edgeworth would confess to killing his father, Phoenix would have no evidence, he'd get a Guilty verdict, and Manfred would be free.

    If Phoenix wasn't an idiot, Edgeworth would have been declared guilty. Stop it.

    submitted by /u/Ninja_of_Milk_Duds
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    So what next?

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 01:44 PM PST

    So I've just finished the ace attorney trilogy, I know there are a lot of games but are they any worth to play now?
    i mean I am aware that the community hates apolo justice and,dual destanies and spirits of justice,but are they really that bad? Also if I'm gonna play these how should I since I only own a pc,ive tried emulators but they are not my type of thing. I've heard that there's a phone version of all three of these games, I might try to grab them and emulate them on my pc, i think they made the graphics and controls better for single screen devices. What should i be on the lookout for?
    I have so many questions i cant even form good pacing between them.

    submitted by /u/Alexsandar_Cic
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    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 01:58 PM PST

    Comment whit a joke abouto the trilogy or AJ and I gonna give an wholsome award at the best one

    submitted by /u/FriseFuzzy
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    Did Edgeworth reference a Sherlock Holmes story in one of the ‘Investigations’ games?

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 01:49 PM PST

    I believe I recall him mentioning one of the short stories, although I may be mistaken.

    submitted by /u/RealJohnGillman
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    Idea for AA7

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 08:20 AM PST

    Franziska comes back BUT shes much more mature and friendly. She doesn't use her whip at all and word "fool" as much. She also actually tries to be nice. Basically hostility is gone, all is left is awkwardness

    submitted by /u/HiAttila
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    Franziska drops some mad bars

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 09:04 PM PST

    My Tier List (Only characters I know well though)

    Posted: 22 Jan 2021 05:46 AM PST

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