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    Monday, December 7, 2020

    Ace Attorney Announcing the Sixth r/AceAttorney Community Case Maker Contest

    Ace Attorney Announcing the Sixth r/AceAttorney Community Case Maker Contest

    Announcing the Sixth r/AceAttorney Community Case Maker Contest

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 09:04 AM PST

    It's been two-plus years since the last one of these. We're cooped up inside due to a pandemic. The holidays are approaching.

    What better way to pass the time than crafting cases?

    This edition of the case maker contest will follow the same rules as set by game master emeritus u/FNAFPCreator. Your task is to write up an Ace Attorney case where a noun I supply below is an important part of the case. After the deadline passes (see below), submissions will no longer be taken and the community will vote for submissions in a Google Form. The top three submissions will move to the second round and community members will vote on which will win first, second, and third place. The prizes for those respective places are:

    1st Place: 3 months of Reddit Gold

    2nd Place: 1 month of Reddit Gold

    3rd Place: 5 credits of Reddit Gold

    In the comments, I will make a post that will give a template of what your submission should look like. If possible, please fill in all the sections in the template, including N/A if needed.

    Regarding the description area, feel free to be descriptive as possible! If you fear the post is too long, you may post the description over several comments or through another source such as Pastebin or Google Docs. There is no word limit, so please do not worry about such.

    The comment I'll supply below, feel free to reply to it in regards to questions or general discussion. The rest of the thread is for submissions only.

    And remember, don't hold back your creativity! Your case can be a standard AA case, it can be a reminiscence case, or an Investigations-styled case! However, there are some limitations.

    Firstly, your case shouldn't involve any topics of sexual abuse of any kind. If your case does involve so, you're disqualified. Overly gory cases are allowed, but make sure there's a reason for that, and not have it be gory just for the sake of being so. You won't be disqualified, but you may lose some credibility points. Also, joke posts are allowed, but only ones that are well-thought out, clever, and/or high-quality. Anything like "ThE PHoEnIX wiRIGHT TUnraBOOT: sOMEONE DIED aND phEENIX HAd TO dFEENdED THem!!!1!" is not allowed.

    Other than those limitations; don't hold your creativity back!

    The noun for this contest is: Fireworks

    The deadline for this contest is: Monday, December 21, 11:59 PM EST. This gives entrants three weeks plus an extra weekend to plan and write their cases.

    Thank you for reading - let the games begin!

    submitted by /u/teamcrazymatt
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    Case 1-2 in a nutshell.

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 01:58 PM PST

    There are a lot of good VNs out there

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 09:06 AM PST

    Really loved how Godot looked in the new cafe art, so I tried my hand at the outfit, changed it up a bit to look more natural (oc)

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 07:13 PM PST

    Is this moment actually in one of the games? Or is it like the "You are not a clown, you are the entire circus"?

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 11:52 AM PST

    I colorized one of my favorite scenes of the original trilogy

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 01:47 AM PST

    Saw someone made this. My superior ranking

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 04:12 PM PST

    Larry wishes y'all a Merry Christmas.

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 02:09 PM PST

    Just a disclaimer I’m not making fun of Stevie wonder I can feel if I did not say this people would accuse me

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 08:50 PM PST

    Apollo Justice Thoughts/Review

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 09:03 PM PST

    After finishing the trilogy, I had intended to play Investigations next. Which I did, but partway through I decided to start playing Apollo Justice at the same time. Long story short, I finished Apollo first. Here are my thoughts.

    I feel like this has to be one of the most divisive games in the series. Namely with what they did with Phoenix and Ema. Personally I thought Ema was fine, but Phoenix was weirdly handled. AJ Phoenix is completely different from how he is in all the games. It'd be one thing if he was hobo-Phoenix for the rest of the series, but in Dual Destinies he's basically back to his trilogy self. I still liked Hobo-Phoenix though, and his side mystery that persists throughout all the cases. The rest of the characters like Trucy were enjoyable, I liked them. I also thought Klavier Gavin was a great prosecutor rival. I didn't like him as much as Edgeworth, but I thought he was great.

    The cases themselves are pretty good. Not the most memorable, but they definitely weren't bad. Turnabout Succession is a weird one though. I liked the whole past-present aspect of the investigation, (and playing as trilogy Phoenix) but the final trial of the game is easily the worst in the series so far. It was extremely short and easy. I didn't get a single penalty. And the Jurist system kind of just exists?? Everyone forgets about it, Gavin gets reminded of it, and instantly breaks down, basically admitting his guilt. I was convinced there'd be more as a send off to the game, especially with the great investigation as a build up, but there just WASNT. It finishes with the easiest and shortest trial thus far.

    Soundtrack is still phenomenal though.

    Overall, a great game with a few odd choices. 7.5/10

    submitted by /u/Chum724
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    my!! ace attorney!! tier list!! no way

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 08:16 PM PST

    An idea for a Mia Fey game

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 08:52 PM PST

    I was thinking of how nice it was to play as Mia for Turnabout Memories and Turnabout Beginnings. So I wondered if an entire game set after Turnabout Memories would work. Maybe the main prosecutor could be Lana.

    submitted by /u/AE86FTS
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    Tyrell Badd drawn in my middle school art style.

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 07:02 AM PST

    i drew godot (and yes i have not played T&T yet i only know him from memes)

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 09:12 AM PST

    Ranking the cases and the games in the series

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 05:54 PM PST

    You've seen way too many of these but well, here's the cases tier list I ended up with:


    (left to right reflecting my order of preference inside a given category)

    And the games ranking:

    • T&T: Not an unpopular opinion by a long mile, but it's overall the most consistent game of the franchise with AAI2 (and DGS, if you ask me). 3-4 and 3-1 work so well together and give so much texture and background to the rest of the cases, it's just so satisfying from start to finish. The possibly only unpopular opinion that I hold about T&T is that I prefer replaying 3-3 over 3-2.

    • Apollo Justice: There's something very twisted about this game that I like (and that DD failed to emulate), and it's very visible in the presentation. The music is more complex than it was in the trilogy, it feels sad and it fits the game perfectly. The sprites are on point (and are the best the franchise ever had) and Apollo's power echoes the twisted nature of the game. Apollo, Trucy and Hobo Phoenix are just such great characters. I feel like 4-2 and to an extent 4-4 are somewhat weak case-wise, but this game is so consistent on its tone that it just works for me (something that DD and SoJ fail at it my mind).

    • AAI & AAI2: I love the ambiance of the first one better, but the plot is just stronger in the sequel. Love them both and love to replay them. Edgeworth has the best supporting case of the whole series, and by far some of the best music. There's just so much to love here. I feel a bit alone in my love for AAI-1 and AAI-2 (such good introduction in my opinion to Edgeworth's world, and better to me than AAI-3 and AAI-5), but the second game at least gets the love it deserves.

    • DGS: Honestly, this is great. The fourth case drags it a bit down, but there's so much promise to this game. I have yet to play the second one and I hope that it does hold some resolution for this one, but even without that DGS is another game that nails its tone. Megundal is fascinating imo and together with Gina makes DGS-3 a great case, but the background of the game was already doing so much work: a great cast of supporting characters, a very different soundtrack, great art... What's not to like?

    • Justice for All: Thematically I find this game actually very strong. I don't like 2-1, and I like 2-4 a bit less than others do, but the game itself is a step up from the first one. Franziska does not have an easy task following Edgeworth and is often the "less liked" (often by default) prosecutor of the trilogy, but to me she actually provides some of the best back and forth that Phoenix ever has. 2-2, 2-3 and 2-4 expand on the title of the game and what it means for Phoenix when he has to defend certain clients and on the contrary shed light on the crimes of others.

    • AA: I still consistenly replay the first Ace Attorney, but I often do it for the tiny bits of dialogue I find (very) amusing than I do for the cases overall and their emotional impact. 1-1, 1-2 and 1-3 are just boring cases to me (I do have a fondness for 1-3's breakdown, but the color palette is so muted in it and the steel samurai background has never been my thing, I just don't find myself enjoying it so much). 1-4 and 1-5 are where the good stuff is, and I tend to prefer 1-5 overall by just a bit, probably because I actually like the whole cast of characters in it, which is not the case for 1-4. Solid game overall.

    • Spirit of Justice: A bit of a step up from Dual Destinies, but not by much. Apart from 6-2, which is just very fun, nothing really hits home for me in it. Apollo is a great character in AJ and quite good in DD, but he just doesn't have much to do here. Same with Athena. And what we see of Phoenix continues to be a weird attempt at recapturing the trilogy's magic. The vilain is just completely unintereting to me, none of the themes of SoJ really worked on me, Maya's comeback didn't have any impact... I like the cases better than in DD, but this game along with DD and the crossover have just never been my thing.

    • Dual Destinies: I don't know, I wanted to like it, a lot, but not much in it works for me. The vilain is somewhat unexpected and yet really anti-climactic, the theme is repeated so much that it loses all impact, the cases are overall disappointing and 5-2 is still the worst thing the franchise has produced. The music from it is amazing though, and I actually prefer this game visually to SoJ which I still can't explain to this day. I don't know what the consensus on this is, but DD and SoJ are when the game started to become weirdly easy. It might be that I was just a bit stupid before that or that the formula is now starting to show, but most of the contradictions in DD and SoJ didn't merit much thought and felt a bit underwhelming.

    And the crossover betwen PW and PL is just below all of that. I love both AA and PL, I love the art of the game, I like its music, I love the idea, and that's about it because the rest feels like a demo of both concepts along with some moments that try to be emotional and just aren't. A bit of a waste imo.

    submitted by /u/Phoenixton
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    Kristoph Gavin vs Dahlia Hawthorne

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 01:31 PM PST

    Who is the most evil and smartest villain between the two?

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/Lemdavid
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    Why is Turnabout Reclaimed so Acclaimed?

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 03:43 PM PST

    Rewriting Dual Destinies has been a fascinating experience, to say the least. While I'm not exactly proud of my Countdown or insert case posts (and I'm strongly considering rewriting them), my work reconstructing Monstrous and Academy were tremendous fun as I figured out how to fix the cumbersome narratives if the cases, and that continues to be the case with the forthcoming Tomorrow post.

    What makes these rewrites fascinating to me is that I have been consciously trying to retain as many of the original plot points as possible, including casts (though I basically rewrote the culprits into completely different characters) and mystery tricks (Monstrous still involves L'belle making one of the Tenma's think the other is the killer through a disguise, for example). I simply was actively trying to make those scenarios work as stories, throwing away the countless elements which didn't work, repurposing the misfires, and simply approaching the new angles as they came.

    This is a pretty interesting matter because, on my first go around, I actually choose to skip over Reclaimed, on the basis that it was the only case in the game which I felt was genuinely good. And yeah, it is, it's very much the best case in the case. Its culprit is not a one-note cartoon villain, its story has some actual direction and isn't a collection of loosely connected threads, there's a proper backstory, and its overall the one case in the game which feels remotely close to Takumi's work.

    Thing is, though, while I don't think the case is objectively "bad" in the slightest, I think the fandom has a bit of a strange attachment to the case not out of its quality, but a multitude of other factors, and that that speaks both to the modern team, and people in general.

    I think the place to start is with the premise. Turnabout Reclaimed is a case where you defend an orca. That is the entire idea behind the case, and it is an idea the game runs with. For his big return, Phoenix Wright, attorney at law, defends an animal in court. This is the entire premise the case was written behind, and it is one it goes in hard on.

    This is kinda ironic, because the "killer whale" premise isn't even something it maintains all the way, with the defendant actually out and out swapping out mid-case for a more plausible human suspect. The premise is, in every way, a gimmick. It exists purely because of how "wacky" it be, but ultimately the case isn't even able to support the conceit it makes such a fun joke out of. An absurdist story which isn't able to sustain itself through its thin idea.

    This fact is indicative of the very specific way AA5 and 6 were written. Per interviews, the way cases are designed was not through the designing of a story, but through inventing ideas for all the various tricks and big "moments" the case could include, and then reverse-engineering the story around them. This is a incredibly destructive method of story-writing when handled incorrectly, and it explains in part much of why so much of the story-writing is so cumbersome and/or thinly spread (SoJ is just better at hiding this by having all but two of the seven cases be a single day long). In Reclaimed's case, it shows pretty well, the writers desperately tried to think of some kind of idea as to how an animal could be the defendant, yet that falls through because, in the end, it's just a gimmick, not an actual story.

    Of course, Reclaimed does have a pretty good story. Sasha is an extremely likable character who carries her endearing qualities while not falling into the trap of being a one-note joke, Marlon is an excellently written culprit with a believable motive (notable in a game where every other culprit is a one-note cartoon villain), there's a decent tragedy that forms the background of the case for one to uncover, and some actual narrative payoff.

    Of course, the thing which makes people in the fandom like Reclaimed doesn't come down to the hard quality of the case. It comes down to the fact that it's "Big Top but better".

    Turnabout Big Top is an...infamous case, to say the least. It's one of the most reviled cases in the western fandom, the one that almost single-handedly gives AA2 its negative reputation (despite the game actually being almost objectively better than the first), with the complaints usually down to three reasons:

    • People finding the characters frustrating to deal with (especially Moe).
    • The "love triangle" plotline creeping people out.
    • The trick with the cape clinging onto the murder weapon being implausible at best.

    These complaints are usually the ones which are used to label Big Top as a "bad case". But the thing is is that, for one reason or another, these opinions are almost exclusive to the western side of things. In Japan, a poll taken around the franchises 15th anniversary placed the case at fifth, behind just Goodbyes, Rise, Farewell, and Bridge. Yes, that's the final cases of the original trilogy, the latter two of which are pretty much universally considered the pinnacle of the franchise, and Big Top beat pretty much everything else.

    This is important, because, when looked at carefully, nearly everything about Reclaimed's story is taken straight from Big Top:

    • The victim of the case is the leader of a group of performers, who was beloved as a leader by basically everyone there. It is revealed that he died saving the actual target of the culprit, having felt a sense of responsibility for what had occurred.
    • The defendant(eventual in the case of Reclaimed, once they run out of steam on the orca gimmick) is the flashy face of the trope, who had some kind of argument with the victim on the night of the murder.
    • The culprit is someone who tragically acted in a misguided act of vengeance towards the person/orca they blamed for an accident that took the life of a loved one, only to instead cause the death of the person they respected the most and feel tremendous guilt.
    • A major character is a middle-aged man who is a long time friend of the victim and has been at the setting since the beginning, and provides plot crucial exposition.
    • The accident in the backstory in both cases involved an animal, and a plot important euthanasia.
    • There are extended comedic antics involving small animals (Money the Monkey and Rifle the Penguin).
    • Most blatantly to me, the case opens literally the exact same way, a performance introducing the defendant to the audience, before then cutting to the Wright's reacting to it, and then the reveal that the owner has been killed and Phoenix being pressured to take the case because of Maya/Athena being a fan.

    There's obviously some contrasting details here or there, but the point remains; this is the same story. Not in the idea of taking some basic cues from prior dramatic events, no, this is literally a whole-sale replication of the entire plot, down to the major characters (albeit with Sasha taking the roles of both Regina and Max) and motive.

    Where this becomes especially frustrating is in regards to a prior point, the flimsiness of AA5's storytelling. While Takumi's cases often dedicated significant amounts of time to exploring the backstory and motivations of the characters involved and why the murder happened, the Y-team's response is to have almost nothing, Monstrous and Academy's culprits don't even verbally express their motives, they're just given hastily after the culprit is dealt with. Reclaimed is the only case in the game which tries to do what Takumi did consistently...and it does that by straight ripping one of the series most popular cases (in its home country). That's just cheap.

    And of course, you're allowed to think Reclaimed did things better. And yeah, it does in a good number of ways. The trick doesn't destroy physics (though the mystery itself is still not great), the characters are arguably more likable, and there's no creepy factor in a major subplot (even taking into account Regina's physical age isn't as big an issue in Japan). As I said, it's a good case still even with my complaints, and people are allowed to like it as much as they like.

    That said, I think there's a lot it does lesser too. The thing about Big Top is that the case is designed around the decline the circus faced in wake of the accident. Takumi himself said in his notes on the case that he found the character of Moe inspiring due to how he kept trying to keep the circus together in spite of its hardships and his own failings. A lot of the case, despite the bright colours and wacky antics, unfolds a rather sad, dysfunctional image, concluding on a bittersweet but hopeful note for all parties remaining.

    Reclaimed doesn't really have that. Unlike Big Top, which uses a comical setting to tell a serious story, Reclaimed seems most interested in telling a silly, over-the-top case which just happens to have a tragic backstory we're meant to care about. Marlon, like Acro, is meant to be a tragic culprit feel sorry for, but the game tries to have its cake and eat it too by also having him suddenly hulk up into a buff rapping pirate, despite this adding nothing to his character atop of making things less believable (how did a guy who fought sharks struggle to pull up a single normal size man?). And then there's the epilogue.

    Fuck that epilogue.

    AA5, in one of the most utterly insulting moves the Y-team decided to pull, pisses over the entire drama of the case by revealing, with absolutely zero foreshadowing mind you, that the previous orca wasn't killed, and then a quick time skip later we see it came back, as did Marlon, completely rehabilitated. Words cannot describe how horrendously this entire ending ruins so much of the emotion in the scenario up till then. It's like the devs played Big Top, completely missed the point of the ending, and decided what the case needed was a artificial happy ending despite not doing anything to earn any of it. It's like, what? Actually cared about the situation and felt sad about Marlon? Don't worry, he's completely fine, you don't have to feel sad in the slightest! It, more than anything in 5/6, is a moment which fundamentally misses the entire point of Ace Attorney, its themes, tone, and what Takumi was trying to achieve with his writing.


    There's a lot of other, random details I could discuss, from how blatantly the case was hastily rewritten when it was decided that the dark age would become less nuanced an idea, to the way the game tries to reintroduce Pearl, but I think those aren't really important. What I do think is important...is creative intent.

    The original trilogy were games made for the Game-Boy Advance with a team that capped at around ten people. They were hardly advanced games on a technical level, or especially complex ones, but they tried a lot. They went to the effort of telling complex stories with characters who had real emotional connections on hardware which was far more primitive than the PCs most ADVs were designed for. Takumi poured his soul into the games, and went out of his way to try and include as much as he possibly could.

    With the modern games, though, what their idea of telling a "complex" story is is to just copy-paste one of the trilogies most popular stories, give a new, albeit very likable, cast, change some details around, and then plaster on a horrendous happy ending which displays a complete misunderstanding of the original story it's using. All it's trying to do is replicate something people remembered in an attempt to garner appeal. It's like that with the orca as well, trying to exaggerate a previous, iconic moment while forgetting the context and meaning behind it.

    You'd think, on hardware more than ten times as powerful as the original games, AA's developers would use this as an opportunity to be progressive and evolve the storytelling with it. But instead, they're regressive, they openly ignore any chances to really expand on what Takumi created and instead just try to desperately chase the memory. The games, more than anything, are just spinning their wheels, hoping people be entertained by nostalgia and not much else.

    And people wonder why I'm not really hyped for the idea of AA7.

    submitted by /u/RainSpectreX
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    Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright deserves more love. I said it.

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 06:00 AM PST

    no i will not elaborate

    submitted by /u/liamaugustine
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    My Analytical Let's Play of Ace Attorney (Work In Progress

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 06:33 PM PST

    Made a Got it! symbol using a template

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 11:58 AM PST

    do ducks have four legs and can frogs swim? (objection.lol)

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 08:53 PM PST

    do ducks have four legs and can frogs swim? (objection.lol)

    hey y'all, i made an objection.lol video on yt of a conversation my friends and i had on whether ducks have four legs or not and if frogs can swim. please check it out, so i can kickstart my ytber dreams /j



    submitted by /u/kawaii_angelanne
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    Thoughts on Dahlia Hawthorne

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 09:21 AM PST

    OK, so I see she is definitely a Fan Favourite in Best/Most evil Villain and I also agree.

    But some people also think too much for the "being failure" part. I have some thoughts that she is not much as a failure as Mia let on. I wouldn't say she is perfect cuz, well, every evil plan HAS failed, whether Dahlia or anyone else. But she IS the one who got away with quite a few crimes, especially a murder.

    So these are the Reasons which I think she is best, besides the obvious ones:
    1. Unlike, most Villains, she kills even when the opposing Party hasn't even provoked her in any way (Like Ga'ran or Damon) and out of pure selfishness

    1. Mia called her a 'failure' but was she? She literally made Mia's first client commit suicide in front of her and took someone she cared for away from her, TWICE (Diego and her Mom)

    2. She may have not been able to get her 'revenge' by killing Maya, but she did, in a way, by having Misty killed

    3. She has the most number of incidents related to her, and most victim, as a direct consequence (Von Karma doesn't count since immediate effector DL6 was Gregory's death and others were a consequence of something Von Karma definitely not planned)

    4. She seems to predict things. She predicted that the poisoned bottle would be needed and had it buried. She knew Fawles would go there and this would give her an opportunity to stuff Valarie in his Car. She knew she would meet Mia again

      1. Unlike most villain who resigns themselves with defeat (even though they smile like Vasquez or Godot) Dahlia's smile was like 'no regrets, so I am being executed, big whop' she was still confident she would have her way. Like Phoenix emphasised her having the "perfect angelic smile" rather than a smile of content, resignation or a sad face. Her face clearly said, "it is not over, but I don't need to say that because it is obvious". And honestly, the way she said "I happen to have a long memory" creeped me out like she is gonna hunt Mia forever
    5. She was ready to have Iris killed either being executed for murder or being trapped in that freezing ice cavern

      1. She Literally got away with one murder
    6. She would have killed Phoenix if not for Iris intervening

    7. She kills people literally at a moment's notice, like with Dogue Swallow (Although many have done that like Damon or that annoying guy from AA2 1st Case)

    8. She could have harmed herself when she realized she was in Maya's body, but we don't want her to win

    9. She spiked Godot's Coffee in the Courtroom. GODOT'S COFFEE

    In the end, as I mentioned I think Mia's word "Failure" for her was just to psyche her out and at the same time a Plot Armour (Not exactly but I couldn't find any other term) because Dahlia could have countered Mia and pointed out HER failures and the fact that her Mom is dead and that she is in "possession" of Maya (Literally!). Being the Spiteful person she is, I was surprised she didn't mention all this. And that's why I am using the term Plot Armour, because if she DID say all this, then she wouldn't be traumatized enough to leave Maya's body and would in-fact harm her or at least torture Mia instead

    submitted by /u/FrostedEevee
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    I'm relatively new to this game,i watch it on yt since i don't have a good pc/a console of any kind,but i have a question

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 02:39 PM PST

    Is Edgeworth British? When he says his objection it sounds very British Note i don't have anything against British people i was just asking

    submitted by /u/Username_not_found_E
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    Turnabout Remix

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 03:46 PM PST

    Pretty much made a bunch of Remix from the original trilogy and some from Apollo Justice. I hope you watch it when it premiers! (6) Turnabout Remix: (WA Super Remix) - YouTube

    submitted by /u/WholesomeAnimations
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    Trying to find a Phoenix Wrong on Youtube

    Posted: 06 Dec 2020 11:02 PM PST

    As anyone familiar with Phoenix Wrongs on here knows, it's all too easy to find one you really like, and then end up losing it among the hundreds upon hundreds of other Phoenix Wrongs on Youtube. That has happened to me and I'm turning to Reddit for help.

    The most notable part of the one I'm searching for is Maya singing One More Soul to the Call with that entire portion of the video put through a grain filter. That segment makes up roughly half the video and that's the only specific part I can remember.

    Thanks in advance for the help.

    submitted by /u/deezcastforms
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