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    Friday, December 4, 2020

    Ace Attorney Ace Attorney Rankdown - Round 17 Poll

    Ace Attorney Ace Attorney Rankdown - Round 17 Poll

    Ace Attorney Rankdown - Round 17 Poll

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 04:02 PM PST

    i love 3DS tutorials

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 12:26 AM PST

    Godot gives Phoenix coffe

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 11:26 AM PST

    I made AJ Phoenix into a doomer

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 12:47 AM PST

    Widget pixel art

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 11:38 AM PST

    who the investigations trio reminded me of

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 01:42 PM PST

    Anyone else think this little overlooked bit of art is overlooked too often and pretty cool? Silhouettes of Lang, Von Karma, Edgeworth, Faraday & Gumshoe..

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 01:29 AM PST

    Do you think it will?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 03:04 AM PST

    drew knight gumshoe , capcom i miss him where is he

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 07:19 PM PST

    My first picture, which wasn't for Art class. Hope you like it.

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 08:49 AM PST

    ✨Fransizka Von Karma✨

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 04:13 AM PST

    I drew some royal boys!

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 09:05 AM PST

    Here comes justice! Polly Justice

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 10:01 AM PST

    Ema Skye drawn in my middle school art style.

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 04:40 AM PST

    Translation 2012 Mystery Magazine interview with Takumi. On mystery fiction he likes, books he'd like to adapt as games, plotting in Ace Attorney

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 03:34 AM PST

    I'm new to this website called objection.lol and making youtube videos of it. If I posted my own trial using it's OST, will I get in trouble for it?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 12:51 AM PST

    So I drew another one, but my friend helped me, this took like maybe 6 hours (I also included the non colored version, just because)

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 12:21 PM PST

    Phoenix Wright: Wholesome Attorney

    Posted: 04 Dec 2020 04:23 AM PST

    Take 6 cases from past AA titles and create the most convoluted Ace Attorney game

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 10:09 PM PST

    5 main cases, and 1 DLC case

    Turnabout Academy is the first case. Turnabout Serenade is the second case Rise from the Ashes is the third case Turnabout Bigtop is the fourth case The imprisoned turnabout is the final case The cosmic turnabout is the DLC

    submitted by /u/AdministrationNo7401
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    Not sure if you can post OCs, but Jacobs Truth enters the courtroom!

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 05:52 PM PST

    I gotta hand it to Capcom: this surely is one of the most consistent franchises ever

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 04:00 PM PST

    Having played all of the 6 main titles I must say that I've been impressed about the level of consistency the series has maintained for so long. With the sole exception of the fourth game (which peaks way too soon with the first case but then fells short afterward), every single game has a lot to like: great characters, solid writing and well done suspense AND humor. There is a lot to like from these games. I haven't tried the Investigation Games or the Great Ace Attorney ones, but since 3 of those games are currently Japan only I don't think I'll play them anytime soon...

    But whatever, I'm glad I've found out this series, in the end, I hope it continues following its streak of quality. How do you like the series anyway?

    submitted by /u/Gray_Fox64
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    Game not working on ps5?

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 08:00 PM PST

    I've never played before and I bought Ace Attorney Trilogy while it was on sale to play on my ps5. But for some reason when I launch the game it just goes black and all I can do is close it. I've gotten like 10 minutes into the game twice now but both times it crashed.

    I've reinstalled the game and still nothing.. Does anyone know what's going on?

    submitted by /u/Litty-In-Pitty
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    Ace Attorney content confirmed to return in Taiko no Tatusjin: Rhythmic Adventure Pack!

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 12:14 PM PST

    Outline for Marvin Grossberg: Ace Attorney

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 01:38 PM PST

    Ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for entertaining this project of ours. Originally, it was a joke, but the love and support it received fostered an environment for more and more ideas to come to fruition, until finally a proper idea was in formation. We are still at the basic level, but by now, Marvin Grossberg: Ace Attorney has a texture, a soul and a proper meaning to it. So without further adieu, here is the basic layout for Marvin Grossberg: Attorney.


    The city of Angels is a bustling, enterprising metropolis, boasting vibrant industries and creative minds galore, ranging from the aerospace industry to the citadel of cinema, Hollywood. But it is also the host of one of the darkest and most gruesome criminal underbelly's in the world, infecting everywhere, from the slums of the city to it's towering corporate heights. In such a metropolis, the legal system is not only a necessity, it is a part of the every day life and culture. And thus, the accomplished attorney, the man at the crux of the legal system, enjoys prime prominence in the city of Angels. But so too does the criminal mastermind, in a twisted way, and when these two clash, a great struggle ensues.


    Marvin Grossberg: Ace Attorney is not a happy tale. While no Ace Attorney storyline is a collection of rainbows and sunshine, MG:AA is not only about good vs evil, it is about the humane vs depraved, the righteous vs the corrupt, the good in us vs the evil in us. But make no mistake, while most characters here have both good and evil in them, struggling day and night for triump in their host's soul, there are some here who are so depraved, so disturbing, and so evil, that it will make your skin scrawl. If you think the Phantom was dark, you better buckle your seats for some of the monsters that you will find here.

    Not all of your clients will be innocent, and not all of your guilty clients will see their day of justice in court. Innocent people will suffer tremendously, and at times, it will feel that the guilty will never see their day of reckoning. But MG:AA is not just about that; truly despicable people will be brought to justice in the end, and goodness will still find a way to march on. But this is not the story of Phoenix Wright, the knight in shining armor, but instead the many times weak-willed Marvin Grossberg.


    1. A case in regards to a loan shark murdering a debtor.
    2. A case in regards to a murder involving the corporate sector.
    3. A case in regards to a murder within an Opera House.
    4. A case in regards to a murder within a highly distinguished Los Angeles high society family.
    5. A case in regards to a murder within the police force.


    Marvin Grossberg: A lawyer who carries significant weight, both in body mass and in legal prestige, Marvin Grossberg is one of Los Angeles' most accomplished attorneys. He is famed for his legal prowess, his acumen, and his clarity of communication, a trait decisive in swinging even the most obstinate of juries. His shining successes have landed him inside the upper crust of Los Angeles high society, and he has numerous friends in high places, including Bluecorp CEO Redd White. In addition, Grossberg is viewed in the attorney community as an ace attorney, a shining example for novices in the field to look up to, a role model to learn much from. But this is not the full story. Grossberg, a man like any other, finds himself constantly tempted to abstain from the path of righteousness for the sake of self-benefit. While he is not a wholly immoral man, he is miles away from being a saint. His moral temerity is something that he constantly regrets, and yet finds himself constantly falling in the same pit again. His life and legacy is as much a legacy about morality and the human condition as it is anything else.

    Redd White:

    The shrewd and industrious CEO of Bluecorp, Redd White is the man who knows how to climb the greasy pole of corporate competition and politics. Due to his massive data empire, there is no one who dares obstruct the will and wishes of this magnate. And yet, his charm and mannerisms have made him many a genuine friend, and others even more. While known to be a force of nature, no one suspects White of foul play, at least no more than your typical "eat or be eaten" mindset CEO. And yet, underneath that smile, underneath that colored wig, is a brain so Machiavellian and twisted that not even Lenin's successor could process it unfazed. However, his persona and shrewdness do not make him invincible; there are just a select few who sense a darker pattern than what he normally radiates, something that may or may not bring him down in the end. Even so, as someone who used to be more than friends with Grossberg, and someone who still views Marvin favorably, he can be of great help in the tumultuous journey Grossberg has just landed himself in.

    Winston Payne:

    If there is anyone who is in style, it is Winston Payne. An ambitious young prosecutor, Winston has set his sights for glory and grandeur in the justice system, embracing any challenge before him as he sets out to carve his name in the world of attorneys. But Payne cares for far more than just sating ambition and proving his mettle; he cares about fairness, the efficacy of the law, and most of all, justice. He is not a naïve man, but he deep down believes that the world is a good place, and people like him have been given the sacrosanct opportunity to dispel those demonic forces that attempt to drag it down to Lucifer's lair. But the question remains whether or not he will maintain his optimism, or whether or not the dark underbelly and their minions will rob him of his unwavering belief in the goodness of man and the eventual triumph of right over wrong.

    Manfred von Karma:

    A legend in the prosecuting world, German-born attorney and world renowned legal mind Manfred von Karma is a spectacle to behold. And yet, underneath his mane lies a heart so corrupted by the desire to win at all costs, that there is neither nothing nor no one that interfaces with him and leaves uncorrupted and/or unscarred. He is a brilliant attorney, but whether or not his drive and genius will be enough to defeat the seasoned and celebrated defense attorney Marvin Grossberg is something that is yet to be discovered.

    Damon Gant:

    Bright, cheerful as ever, and sharp as a tack, Damon Gant is the very embodiment of luminosity. A relatively young investigator at the LAPD, he has already shown great promise, and his ability to track down criminals and make them see their day in court. And his ability to win over anyone's heart is recognized by the fact that even the ever gloomy Grossberg finds himself to be in a state of contentment with the adept and cheery investigator. And von Karma, a man with no time for jokes or humor otherwise, enjoys the back and forth he has with the jolly and charismatic investigator. However, underneath that smile is a drive, much like Karma's, to do anything to achieve his goals. Whether or not he will be corrupted along his life journey is something that only the Lord knows.


    Mr. Tenda - Head Coder

    WiseSquid - Head Writer

    Raulster - Head Graphics Designer

    submitted by /u/TheWiseSquid884
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