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    Ace Attorney Please Capcom

    Ace Attorney Please Capcom

    Please Capcom

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 08:42 PM PDT

    “Focus, Phoenix.”

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 04:36 AM PDT

    My attempt at recreating memes with Ace Attorney characters

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 10:16 AM PDT

    My friend sent me a photo of herself like this and I had to draw Edgeworth in the same pose

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 06:15 AM PDT

    The Sun

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 10:03 AM PDT

    Corrupt Attorney: AA case with the most corrupt people at every helm

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 04:27 PM PDT

    Defense Attorney: Kristoph GavinProsecutor: Manfred von KarmaDefendant: Matt EngardeJudge: Ga'ran KhurainKey Witnesses: Hawthrone and Keyes

    Other positions include Police Chief: Gant and Chief Prosecutor: Debeste

    Edit: Some others

    Head Detective: Fake Fullbright
    Victim: Alba

    submitted by /u/DrFishPhd
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    I drew Maya! Again!

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 06:58 AM PDT

    All preparations are go for HAT-1 launch

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 07:37 PM PDT

    by Daley Bugle

    After months of excited preparation for the HAT-1 launch, voices have suddenly gone tenser and quieter at GYAXA.

    With the HAT-1 launch only days away, it is evident that all staff at the agency sport an intense focus on what is to take place Thursday.

    "My men are in full control of their facilities, and I am in full control of this facility," director Yuri Cosmos said. "All know the importance of this launch and what it means for this agency and for mankind."

    The launch, now known to be for the purpose of deploying a sample-collecting probe dubbed "Hope" into the asteroid belt, is confirmed to be going ahead as scheduled.

    "Weather conditions are perfect for launch," GYAXA meteorologist Skye Sarcleir said. "Temperature, no cloud cover, no heavy winds... it's about as right a day to send a rocket to space as can be."

    Lead astronaut Solomon Starbuck declined comment, saying that he wished to focus on the launch.

    "Sol's got a great mind and feel for the ship," Sue Pernova, another member of the HAT-1 crew, said. "We all know we're safe in each other's hands."

    Crowds may be gathering now, but due to the noise and heat from the rocket, the GYAXA center and surrounding streets are to be closed off starting Thursday morning.

    "We are doing all we can to make the launch a celebrated one," Cosmos said. "Everyone has worked to ensure all is well. I anticipate great joy in only days' time."

    submitted by /u/teamcrazymatt
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    So I found a materpiece...

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 09:30 PM PDT


    OBJECTION! funk x Death By Glamour

    submitted by /u/blapbloopblep
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    New to the Games - But I hated Big Top Turnabout and have to get this off my chest.

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 09:01 PM PDT


    I want to be clear all the cases apart from this one have been absolutely captivating to me, but I just don't care about Big Top Turnabout? I just got the "not guilty" verdict and rather than being excited or intrigued by the story, I'm just dissapointed. The actual murderer is the only likeable character. Aside from Acro and Regina I do not care about any of them.

    Also - Regina is 16 - SIXTEEN! Why are two young men and a 31 year old ventriloquist trying to MARRY HER? She's so bubbly and innocent, she shouldn't be subjected to that sort of thing! It's creepy and the game never calls them out on any of that. She's innocent, and that's her character trait, why are 3 grown ass men in love with her? The dying and becoming a star thing is wholesome I guess but I really don't mind her for the most part, I just want her out of the pedo circus.

    Plus, Acro doesn't feel AT ALL like a murderer. He's pained, and I understand that, but you cannot convince me that someone that hurt at a loss like his can be alright turning around and take someone precious from THE RINGMASTER. It makes NO SENSE AT ALL? Acro is depicted as such a pacifist. Even in court he doesn't have the classic meltdown, he just cries and apologizes. I'm alright with that being part of his character, but he just does not feel like he could be driven to murder. It was poorly established.

    I'm fine with Max - I'm neutral towards him and he can get better in the future of the circus maybe - but I just didn't feel good about getting the Not Guilty verdict. I thought if anything this would be the case where we were wrong somehow, but no. The drama queen gets to marry a 16 year old I guess nothing's wrong with that??? This case was hard to get through and I just hope the next one is better ig.

    Am I alone in thinking this? Did I just not get it? Because I have to know.

    submitted by /u/VastAmountOfBees
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    I think I'm addicted to Ace Attorney, and I need help.

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 12:28 PM PDT

    So I just recently finished the HD Trilogy... And uhhh... I think I broke myself. Lemme explain: Ever since I finished Bridge to Turnabout, I am unable to think about anything but Phoenix Wright and what happens next (Well, there's also Iris and the realization that she's probably never going to be seen again, but considering she's a pretty controversial topic here, I won't talk about that).

    I don't have a lot of money, so I cannot buy a new Ace Attorney game, which is soul crushing, because I have no will to play anything else. Not only play, I don't have the will to do anything else. The only music I listen to is from Ace Attorney, the only videos on YouTube I watch are connected to Ace Attorney, anime (obviously)- Ace Attorney. It's so bad that at times tears appear in my eyes just at the thought of the game being over. That's it. No more turnabouts, no more twists, no more Ace Attorney.

    I'm sorry for venting, but I seriously do not know what to do. All of these thoughts are stuck in my head and I just wanted to see if anyone else experienced this too, and if so, if I could maybe get some advice, because this is getting ridiculous.

    submitted by /u/Nickenion
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    What is Maya’s hairstyle called

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 06:27 PM PDT

    I want to do a cosplay however I'm not really sure what the proper name of it is? It's like a low ponytail?

    submitted by /u/H3ll0-Ther3
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    Ace Attorney 5: Dual Destinies DLC?

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 12:19 AM PDT


    I bought the dlc and...

    When is the DLC unlockable in this game?

    I havent started the first case yet. just wonder when i will be able to play the dlc or see "view dlcs" section.

    (Not asking for chronological order in dlc)

    submitted by /u/MrFlynn1988
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    Anyone else excited for the HAT-1 rocket launch this Thursday?

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 08:01 AM PDT

    I plan to be there live at the Cosmos Space Center to see the launch in person. Anyone else looking forward to it?

    submitted by /u/ThreeTwenty320
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    New to the series, but I have some quest before I dive in.

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 08:42 PM PDT

    Okay so basically what I want to know is if I get the Nintendo switch version am I missing out on anything? I like to play games in order, and I want to make sure that I'm not skipping over any games. I've looked at the wikipedia article but it just kind of confused me, seemed like everything was a port of the same game but there was another episode(?) added since the DS port. I want to make sure that's correct. Also, is the switch version significantly worse than other versions? Like should i just play them on the respective systems they started out on (id probably go the pure 3ds route in this case, using the DS port for the earlier games)? I kinda want to go in completely blind, the most I've seen from ace attorney is the memes mostly, so no spoilers please!

    submitted by /u/pupypup2
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    Agni and Rudra, Demon Kings of Comedy by PaperGauntlet on Twitter

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 08:40 PM PDT

    Doodle of Phoenix and Miles in halloween costumes

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 06:38 AM PDT

    One neat detail

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 09:19 PM PDT

    I don't know why,but I like it,when during killer's breakdown his character's theme is playing. I remember it happening with Damon Gant,Richard Wellington,Luke Atmey,Dane Gustavia and Jezail Brett.

    submitted by /u/paulvanzieks
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    Tomorrow is the day.

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 01:04 AM PDT


    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 05:11 AM PDT

    Emulator help!

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 07:35 PM PDT

    I played the trilogy when it was remastered, and loved them, so now i have a PC, i was wondering what emulator/s would be best to use to play the rest of them, more specifically, the main ace attorney games, or at least the none investigations games. If using an android emulator is better than using one on pc i would also be willing to use one of those, any help buying the games for the emulators would be appreciated too.

    submitted by /u/CremeHF
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    Let's Rewrite - Ace Attorney: Spirit of Justice (Part 3) [General Spoilers]

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 07:37 AM PDT

    Turnabout Revolution – Civil Trial:

    Athena will safely bring back Phoenix and Maya. This'll give you some good moments to have Athena and Apollo play off Maya. After that, Maya must head off to Kurain village in order to make sure things are running smoothly. Phoenix ends up smothering Trucy a bit since it's the first time he's gotten to see her since hearing she was accused of murder. He then turns to Apollo and thanks him again.

    Maya asks Phoenix for his help and Phoenix reluctantly leaves, with Trucy saying how even though she's glad Phoenix was so worried, she's been doing well with Polly and Athena there backing her up and it's okay as long as he comes right back. Athena could be counseling sessions with Trucy to monitor her stress rather than the DLC case option of her being chased around with Trucy's deadly magic. Phoenix heads out with Maya by now.

    "Pardon me, but am I interrupting?"

    Sahdmadhi visits the wright anything agency and brings a huge stack of food for everyone and prepares a dish from their childhood for Apollo. Athena breaks open the food case and sees Sahdmadhi went so far as to pay close enough attention to know everyone's individual favorite foods despite how little time he's spent with them.

    Apollo is confused and apprehensive about why he's suddenly reached out and asks why despite all of Apollo's attempts to contact him has he never responded. Athena will bring up her phone call with Phoenix from 6-4 saying he said that Sahdmadhi had taken on the case, but she's still confused since he's been nothing but respectful to them, even if he's a little mysterious.

    Sahdmadhi gives Apollo a heartfelt apology but is still confused with a few cultural graces and also doesn't really know how to respond in full. He knows there's no real way he can truly make it up to apollo for leaving him in the dark for so long. Apollo does reluctantly start to open up a bit more but still hasn't fully forgiven him yet.

    He'll then point out that he plans on going back to Khura'in soon and will have a rather important case to take but wants to reconnect with his brother.

    Apollo puts him right in his place there and states he doesn't want to be closer until he's gotten an honest response like he's deserved, especially if he's hearing that his behavior from 6-3 was so weird according to his boss. It's at this point where he begs Apollo not to tell a soul and reveals his motivations for coming to Japan. He'll reveal he's a rebel fighting against a corrupt government and hasn't wanted to endanger Apollo by contacting him or getting him involved.

    Apollo half accepts it but still hasn't been fully turned over, and Sahdmadhi points out that he can't expect to repair a lifelong relationship with his brother but doesn't expect Apollo to just forgive him like that. He's also shocked by what an outlandish idea it is that his brother is apparently a revolutionary.

    Sahdmadhi goes on to explain that he has one more task in Japan now that he's achieved his goal and pinpointed the location of the orb. He's planning on retrieving it and after contacting chief Prosecutor Edgeworth, returning it to Khura'in. Apollo makes the choice to go with him asking if they can catch up in the meantime. Apollo does want to trust him from the bottom of his heart but also needs time and to have his doubts alleviated. He asks Sahdmadhi what he plans to do after this trial, and Sahdmadhi points out how huge this case will be and doesn't directly answer him when Apollo asks if they could perhaps keep in touch more afterward. Apollo's bracelet reacts and Apollo spots Sahdmadhi's tell and sees he's lying that he's calm about it. Sahdmadhi is forced to admit he's pretty scared and feels alone in his cause, but can't back down from it either for the truth. In the game proper, they just explain Sahdmadhi blocking his concentration with his beads for a different issue, but c'mon.

    Apollo will point out that he really hasn't changed much and the reminisce on a childhood memory where he knows Sahdmadhi to be a preachy worrier all the time and asks for his help. Sahdmadhi reluctantly agrees.

    It's at this point where you have the portion where they gather the orb all the same. Sahdmadhi locates the orb safe and sound and points out that the real battle hasn't even begun yet. It'll start to get pretty late and Sahdmadhi will point out that while he's been in Japan, he's been staying at Kurain village so he can also take in the historic and cultural sites there since it's so closely tied with his own country.

    The next day, Phoenix asks everyone to get together for a big announcement saying that they're gonna travel to Khura'in. Chief prosecutor Edgeworth comes in and fills them more in on the details saying that not only has Phoenix caused a bunch of civil unrest, but now someone from their country, Paul Atishon, is causing trouble there too. Maya will point out that she's been seeing him campaign all over Kurain village and that he's become a real bother to them. Sahdmadhi will show up and entrust Edgeworth with the orb as well as a box with the scroll he uses in all his animations and some of his clothes. Edgeworth notes that he has prepared travel accommodations for everyone at the Wright everything agency, noting that Phoenix isn't gonna want to leave his daughter all alone, especially after being accused of murder.

    The scroll is what Sahdmadhi uses to detail his actions and instructions to the person channeling him so they know what to do and when. Since he's being channeled, this will be similar to the letter Maya writes to Mia in 3-5 since there has to be a way for them to communicate with each other

    Sahdmadhi hands off the box and explains that he'll have to travel separately for his own flight because he doesn't want the people of his country suspicious about the orb if he supposedly flew back on the same plane with it and the foreigners. He asks Edgeworth to stay silent about the orb so he can use it to carry out the revolution. He also goes out of his way to greet Phoenix and Maya as if nothing in 6-3 happened. In particular, Maya doesn't seem to react much. The purpose for this scene is that Sahdmadhi is traveling separately because he's currently being channeled by Pearl, who will stay in Japan, then be channeled by Queen Amara in Khura'in shortly after.

    Edgeworth tells everyone they'll leave in the evening, but for the time being they need to study up on spirit channeling since Athena and Apollo are less familiar with it. Sahdmadhi mentions that he has to meet his early flight and departs. Apollo and Athena then stay at the office a bit to get a rundown of how the divination séance works (not shown to the player, but a fade to black to skip over it).

    After that, they head to Kurain village to get more a sense of how spirit channeling works. There, they're introduced to Pearl. She's overjoyed to see so many faces old and new. In addition to actually depicting what it's like to have some of these people interact, it's at this point that Sahdmadhi has already left.

    Pearl will have her hair down and comment that it's still a bit wet. She'll explain that she had just showered and wasn't expecting company. In reality, she washed L'belle's hair dye out just a while ago. When the topic of spirit channeling comes up, Pearl explains that she's able to do it, though admittedly a bit scared about spirit channeling due to an incident from when she was younger (alluding to Bridge to the turnabout) and Pearl will explain that she respects Mystic Maya's word above all. She refuses to channel anyone unless instructed to do so from Maya herself and declines Apollo's joke request.

    After a brief investigation segment to also establish more about Paul Atishon's presence, everyone heads off to Khura'in. Just before leaving, they ask who is gonna watch over the office if everyone is leaving. Phoenix doesn't want Trucy to stay behind especially after just recently being accused of murder, but doesn't want to bring her to an unsafe situation knowing all the attention he's drawn to himself. Prosecutor Blackquill shows up and threatens he'll have Wright's head if Athena isn't safe and in exchange he'll watch over the office.

    Athena catches on to what he's planning and shouts at Blackquill. "You just want my leftover lunch, DON'T YOU!? We don't be gone that long, Simon. Don't you dare eat it!"

    The ending of the game will show Simon watching over the office while everyone is in khura'in. While he's eating Athena's leftovers, he gets a call and you get a little bit out of Blackquill having to do customer service for the WAA.

    Everyone has arrived in Khura'in. Edgeworth begins to speak with the royals while letting the others sneak off and meet up with Prosecutor Sahdmadhi, who escorts them to the rebel hideout. Phoenix is a bit put off by it seeing how he was behind the situation in 6-3. There they meet several of the other rebels who are still heated in the middle of debate. Sahdmadhi announces that they have the orb, and everyone is in a mixture of happiness and suspicion. Everyone is connecting that there's a great deal of disagreement even from within the rebels.

    One of the rebels calls Sahdmadhi out, calling him Ga'ran's lapdog and saying he's not the dragon he claims to be. Everyone knows how useful the orb can be, but several of the rebels don't feel they can trust Sahdmadhi, especially seeing his consistent courtroom behavior. They could think Ga'ran wants the orb to prevent anyone else from rising to power. They think he's a mole feeding Ga'ran information, which is why so many of their previous attempts to stop the police have failed. The arguing erupts with one of the rebels accusing Sahdmadhi of stealing the orb back in 6-1 and having a photograph to support it.

    More and more, the rebels believe that even if it's a flawed solution that it's best to just kill Ga'ran at this point even if it'll cause more civil unrest, while Sahdmadhi tries to point out that that will just make her into a martyr and not address the central problem. Nobody is buying it and they still suspect him of being a mole trying to protect her.

    One of the rebels says let's take it to trial and really prove your allegiance if that's true. They see that Phoenix, who saved several of the rebels now and ask that he take the case against Sahdmadhi. He points out he's not a prosecutor, but they say this isn't a formal trial anyway, it's the rebel trial. Apollo stands up to defend Sahdmadhi.

    The Civil trial instead of being datz stealing the orb centers around if Sahdmadhi committed theft and his allegiance to the dragons and Ga'ran. Phoenix says that he's unsure about the situation, but Apollo specifically asks Phoenix to go through with it, because he needs to clear his doubts about his friend once and for all. Phoenix helped him once with Athena, and he says he needs that help again.

    Phoenix agrees to it and takes on the role of "prosecutor" for the civil trial, though he's not going to be an antagonistic asshole and while he's making his case he'll still do his best to support Apollo. Rather than a verdict in the traditional sense, all the rebels will be voting on if Sahdmadhi and his plan to dethrone the queen can be trusted.

    Phoenix still has to be careful but the three of them investigate the crime scene under the cover that Datz was able to sneak in and uncover different bits of evidence for them and can sneak them into specific areas.

    Phoenix will give a few nudges here and there to try and help Apollo but still have a few mysterious tricks up his sleeve to kind of give a mix of his portrayal in AJ and DD. Apollo asks him not to hold back anything so that he can have all his doubts cleared.

    Come time for the civil trial, Apollo has a conversation with Sahdmadhi, who understands that like the rebels, Apollo is right to doubt him and he has to earn everyone's trust if he's to pull this off. Through both his investigation and the civil trial itself, Apollo will see first-hand just how much Sahdmadhi is behind which makes it tougher to trust him. Make Sahdmadhi something of a similar take to Iris Hawthorne in that she's not an entirely good or trustworthy person, but still compelling.

    Beh'leeb will be the judge of this trial. She holds a picture of the Khura'in judge over her face while speaking.

    Throughout the case, Phoenix piles on more and more evidence against Sahdmadhi both being behind the theft, his behavior of helping the secret police in 6-3, and him being a servant to Ga'ran. Apollo begins to crack a bit under the pressure, and this case basically should play with one of Apollo's key traits that separates him from Phoenix and Athena. This is the same guy who forced his own mentor up on the stand when it came out that there was evidence against him. The guy who pointed at Athena so he could trust her. He needs this to dispel his last doubts toward Sahdmadhi.

    Also gives you a perfect shot to have Sahdmadhi do a mood matrix segment on Sahdmadhi. If you want to stretch it a bit, you could argue that because he's a prayerful man or literally not alive, his emotional fluctuations work differently or he can control them due to his time spent praying.

    Phoenix will still do his best to encourage Apollo during the trial and say he has what it takes to prove this if he truly believes in his client, but he still doesn't hold back on any of the evidence either.

    During the trial, Sahdmadhi will point out that if he was really a traitor, he could have just ended 6-3 by calling maya's bluff and having her arrested. With the scroll and other evidence in Kurain, Apollo will prove that Sahdmadhi has been contacting Maya and asking for her help, which was her driver for joining in. Phoenix, aware of this now that Maya filled him in after 6-3 will make one last argument that could still prove Sahdmadhi is Ga'ran's lapdog.

    Apollo is still really uncertain and cornered since he can't think of any way around Phoenix's thought process, with Phoenix alluding to 3-5 by saying he's dealt with cases where he's had to take a leap of faith with people too. The evidence pulls you one way, your heart pulls you another, and everything is tearing you apart.

    It will then be revealed that Sahdmadhi is not behind the theft, and you can tie this back to someone stealing the orb and Paul Atishon being behind it, but having his own separate goal. In this version, he wants to make a big show of it being stolen by the rebels and returning it himself to seem like a big hero for returning a cultural artifact and improve his own approval ratings for his upcoming election by helpin another country. When he sees it's been stolen, he must go to Khura'in to argue he intended to do that and had it stolen before he could do so.

    The civil trial really doesn't need to have Apollo v Phoenix be an antagonistic one. Apollo will still be confused about why Sahdmadhi was contacting Maya, (it's because he needs her help to channel back and forth to Japan as well as help him in the plan to dethrone Ga'ran) but does realize that if Sahdmadhi really was truly aligned with Ga'ran, he would have had killed Phoenix and Maya when he first had the chance. Letting Maya defend Phoenix without calling her out was the only way he could let them stay alive without blowing his cover.

    With that, the rebels vote majority to support Sahdmadhi and his plan and Sahdmadhi is found "not guilty." Phoenix will comment on how that was pretty much what he'd expect from Apollo and that Apollo has his own way of trusting in others.

    You can maybe get a few moments with Sahdmadhi and the less trusting rebels. After that, Sahdmadhi details his plan to bring down Ga'ran, which we'll go over in the next part. Wasn't expecting the civil trial to be this lengthy.

    submitted by /u/BSWolf777
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    Private Dance Lessons

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 03:48 AM PDT

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