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    Tuesday, October 20, 2020

    Ace Attorney I just saw this on Pinterest and I thought I would share it to you.

    Ace Attorney I just saw this on Pinterest and I thought I would share it to you.

    I just saw this on Pinterest and I thought I would share it to you.

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 07:37 PM PDT

    Just recently got into this awesome series and my good boy and I had to cosplay our favorite duo! ����

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 02:20 AM PDT

    The iconic duo in Urban/Modern Samurai attire! (Not sure if that's the name for it but whatever)

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 08:25 AM PDT

    anyone else replay the games just for the music sometimes?

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 07:04 PM PDT

    I've had the first game themes stuck in my head for like 2 days. by far the best soundtrack don't @ me.

    it's a great night to binge play 😁

    submitted by /u/stoptrackingmeplease
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    Previously unseen sprites always hit the hardest :’)

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 12:04 PM PDT

    Laughs in Edgeworth and Furio Tigre

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 03:47 PM PDT

    About Apollo Justice:Ace Attorney

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 01:04 PM PDT

    I really liked this game. Even though it didn't have many characters I liked in the previous trilogy and it had a lie detector that I didn't like, I liked this game.

    For the first time in the series a prosecutor wasn't a jerk. He wanted the truth and helped Apollo reach it many times. Don't get me wrong all of the prosecutors(with the exception of Manfred) had better personalities by the end of their games. However Klavier was the first one to not to be a jerk head who twisted the court to his liking and got guilty for everyone they came across.

    Ever since I heard Phoenix was disbarred because of Klavier, I thought he was a dickhead who trapped Phoenix but it wasn't him. Of course he was incredibly stupid for not thinking about how his brother was able to get this much information on the forged evidence but he didn't try to protect his brother from the law.

    I expected the jurist system to be more active to be real. All we got was a plot twist about Trucy's and Apollo's mother and that's it? This was the thing Phoenix worked so hard on? We didn't even see other jurists for God's sake!

    About Phoenix, I saw many people saying he was lying a lot and was colder than expected but I don't think so. For a man who spent 7 years unemployed it is to be expected. Thank god for Trucy.

    The last case was amazing as usual and I liked the way they made a connection with the first case. Seeing Phoenix point his finger in his Hobo form was truly E P I C.

    The one thing I expected from the last trial was a objection by Phoenix too bad it didn't happen though.

    Now I'm happy with this game but I'm anxious for the next titles. From what I've heard Apollo's past turned into a cluster fuck and they tried to make him tragic for some reason. I will not form a opinion for now but if it's truly like the people say I will be severely disappointed.

    submitted by /u/catabek06
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    Which anime exclusive episode do you like the most?

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 06:22 PM PDT

    Quercus Alba: Ace Ambassador discord server

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 11:21 PM PDT

    Posted in the subreddit that shall not be named, but if anyone is interested in helping make Quercus Alba: Ace Ambassador into a real game we are trying to compile the project here: https://discord.gg/9FeTeK

    It is still early days and people of any skill set and level are welcome to join

    submitted by /u/justthemessanger
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    Franziska von Karma Ace Attorney Trilogy (With your 2 favorite characters which might be 3 if you count Manfred) and Phoenix Wright.

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 09:08 AM PDT

    Why wasn't the whole trial with Lana Skye and Chief Gant not in the Anime

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 04:59 PM PDT

    I mean there were obviously differences between the game and the anime but missing an entire trial just feels weird

    submitted by /u/mr_memenademan
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    I think Nahyuta could have been a hugely better character if not for this one change (SOJ spoilers)

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 02:10 PM PDT

    I'm playing SOJ, and I know he "comes good" at the end. This feels really disingenuous because he seems to enjoy ripping people apart mentally despite being under Ga'rans thumb. During Turnabout Storyteller, the way he treats Athena, is heartless and cruel- but I'm actually kind of enjoying watching it because of his awesome theme and design (and that badass desk slam) and it makes him a rival I want to beat due to how much of a smug arsehole he is. I think making him a traditional "good guy" makes him a worse character and I think he'd be much more liked if he did not undergo any character development. I'm not saying to make him a villain or anything, but I think he should be conveyed as an actual bad person. He can still have funny moments, I laughed out loud when he went "what's crackalakin homie?" and when he spoke about the hell of tickling. I loved Nahyuta's character until the point he was portrayed as good, because that took away what I thought made him unique- being an irredeemable twat.

    Sorry if I didn't convey my points very well, I'm a shocking writer.

    TL;DR I think Nahyuta would be much better as a "love to hate" character, a la Dolores Umbridge from Harry Potter for example.

    submitted by /u/uacpuncher
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    Gonna be making a mod for Apollo Justice on 3DS that replaces the music with a homemade "remastered" soundtrack! Here's the first track I've made.

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 01:27 PM PDT

    A Turnabout Concept - Reign of Turnabout

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 11:10 PM PDT

    France, 1792. The flames of Revolution has spread and burned the Kingdom, now a Republic.

    You are a respected French lawyer, an ancestor of either Phoenix Wright or Apollo Justice. You have been lawyering for fifteen years, with turnabout trials appearing rarely just like a passing comet. You support the cause of the Revolution, but deep inside, you were engrossed by the Reign of Terror's beheadings, because some people were actually innocent.

    Then, something happened in 1792. A murder happened in a man's home. It turns out that the man is a key figure in the machinations of the First Republic, and he too is a friend of Robespierre. When an investigation had taken place there, they discover who had done this. There's a calling card on the floor. It contained a nobleman's wax seal.

    That nobleman is someone you knew, since childhood, even though you aren't an elite yourself. You know him to be charitable, populist, and cordial. His last letter with you was after Bastille Day, when he decided to support the Republic, but still keep his status.

    After the nobleman's arrest, in a rare turn of events, he somehow wasn't placed within the guillotine immediately, because Robespierre, despite his friend's death, decided to give the man a trial, to make them not look like murderers, in a world where nearly every nation has a king. No lawyer that survived the Revolution ever approached him to defend him, simply because he is a nobleman. But you stepped up, and asked to defend him in court.

    Your goal is to prove the innocence of the nobleman, to prove that not all noblemen are evil. This is the trial that becomes the pinnacle of your career. This is a Turnabout that requires that you risk your life. If you fail, you and the defendant will be executed, with your heads on pikes.

    Edit: Formatting

    submitted by /u/TheNewBowser
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    M-meow ����

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 05:41 AM PDT

    Is there a secret in the trilogy remake?

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 04:49 PM PDT

    I played the first game on my DS and the 2nd and 3rd on the trilogy remake, is there an extra of some sort if you beat all the games in the trilogy remake? I'm just curious...

    submitted by /u/StressedInYT
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    Let's Rewrite - AA: Investigations 2 (Part 4) [General Spoilers]

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 12:51 PM PDT

    The Grand Turnabout:

    The beats to the case are great, but this case is honestly just a pacing nightmare. That's why there's not really that much that really needs rewriting here. Most of the issues come back to the case just cramming too much stuff in it at once and Justine and Sebastian just being so annoying for several very long cases.

    To kind of alleviate that a bit, we'll give Kay a bit more agency by having Edgeworth and Kay split up while Kay still steals John and then returns to the trial to be the one to help Sebastian rather than Edgeworth.

    Lang is also amazing here and I will credit him for being so dynamic and fun pretty much every time he shows up for a major role in a case.

    John already steals the show and is easily one of the best child/teen witnesses we've had and he plays perfectly off of Justine. It's understandable and honestly sweet that he's just as concerned about getting caught lying to his mom that he is about the case itself, and even sweeter that he had good reason to remove the flowers from the body since he wanted to protect Justine from suspicion.

    Another little detail is when Shelley De Killer shows up at the end of the case. When he does and everyone reacts, most of the people in the room get scared or angry, but Justine rushes over to shield John with her body. That's a nice touch. This game really should have capitalized on that and had mommy Justine come through more often in the earlier cases because honestly Justine is pretty funny, especially when her theme music starts playing as she's about to go off on her son. Maybe she hits it off a bit with Patricia Roland, who repeatedly calls the prisoners and animals there her children. The inherited turnabout is packed with moments that were giftwrapped for Justine and I still maintain that having Franziska take over and just letting Justine being a mommy for most of the case would have been precious.

    As I mentioned at the start of AAI2's rewrite, this game overall has stellar mystery writing and the story beats themselves are fine. Justine being the inside woman on paper works fine and her coming around this case is perfectly fine—it's really having her hold on being so condescending and underhanded for so much time prior that undermines it. Same with Sebastian and his behavior in the previous cases. Standing up to his abusive father and being the one to deliver the coup de grace is wonderful, it's just the cases prior that kind of hold on his worse moments for too long.

    Really the case just needs its events rearranged because it feels like they mashed three cases together and despite focusing on one case, you just sort of drift off to do something else. Lang is in top form here, but then the case just diverts to two other plots before he rushes back in and it can get a bit hard to follow.

    My only real issue is actually the showdown with the mastermind, and I know that's a contentious point since Simon is generally pointed to as one of the best villains.

    I really like the idea behind Simon, but I feel the game tries way too hard to make this manipulative mastermind angle. To a degree, a lot of that is Simon himself wanting to project that kind of aura as he's quite traumatized of course and he even tries using that as a lie to cover for his involvement in the murder by saying he manipulated John into doing the killing.

    But for me the case has an extremely interesting situation in that Simon supposedly masterminded this case but didn't directly kill anyone until the final case. I kind of want the case to fully capitalize on that by going all in and having to catch him on a series of his side crimes or something. Dee Vasquez has a sort of similar situation where she kills someone in self-defense, but still has a number of crimes on the table. She's kind of a weird execution, but you could play it out a lot better with Simon.

    Ace Attorney also kind of has an issue where the only bad crimes ever are apparently murder and forgery, because in the showdown with Simon where he's supposedly untouchable, he already openly admits to the following:

    • Smuggling a weapon into a prison

    • Being complicit in the fake assassination plot of a president causing and international scandal

    • wiretapping

    Additionally, if Shelley De Killer is willing to confirm that Simon was his client, then he's either just gonna kill him (which is what he tries to do) or if things could go to court he would very well just testify against him. Ignoring how Simon (a lowly circus employee on the run from corrupt cops and a politician?) even got the money to hire him in the first place, it just feels a bit deflating that they set up this really cool dilemma but don't commit to it. I understand as mentioned before that it's in the story itself that Simon is trying to exploit that to a degree, but I'd have just preferred the idea itself more than the projection.

    And yet the game acts like he's gonna get away with everything. I honestly felt him actually having a pretty standard murder kind of deflated a lot of the mystery for me. It also has some of the same issues Alba had where several facts are thrown to you at the last minute, and it's these facts that help go from this untouchable mastermind to really obvious to catch killer in seconds. In particular, the fact that the Circus was the one to rent the storage area for the freezer sticks out because we couldn't have had a more obvious connection directly to him when Regina confirms that not only did they rent it but Simon was responsible for it. It just felt similar to the "kay is the victim" setup at the start of case 4 where it just teased the idea to have it for shock value only to immediately throw it out.

    Pair this with the circumstances of the case involving John and Blaise bordering on a large series of coincidences that happen to play out in his favor and it feels like the game is really trying to overextend on how they want to make the manipulative mastermind. For example, Blaise needs to dig up the evidence to cover his tracks. That's understandable. However, the flower beds just happen to be in the shape of hooves that happen to make for more convincing evidence for a completely unrelated incident with John, and while I'm sure no player thought the monster actually killed the president, it's still very convenient how well things play out to that degree out of sheer coincidence. A lot of the case is built on there being so much information thrown at you and it tying up all the loose ends of previous cases. However, if you look purely at the present day mystery, it's largely stitched together on a series of coincidences that happen to play out in Simon's favor. I understand he's thinking this up on the fly, but that's still absurdly convenient for him, especially for how many times the game states it's an unusual cause of death.

    The game obviously needs to pace out when you get certain bits of information, but Gumshoe literally get a decisive clue that points right to who the kidnapper and in turn the killer is with a single very simple search which is hilarious. The fact that the mastermind was basically caught on such an easily verifiable fact is hilarious.

    I feel this idea would be far more believable with someone like Shih-na, who is with you at the crime scenes more often and has more power and sway to manipulate everyone.

    I wanna make it clear that I love the idea behind Simon's manipulations. In particular, I like that the central point of his trauma is shown via the scene of him trapped in the car struggling for air. Sound familiar? It's exactly what Edgeworth went through himself after losing his father and being so bitter and distant. I think it'd be great for Simon to exploit Edgeworth's own insecurities more directly, which is part of why I wanted the imprisoned turnabout to feature an innocent person Edgeworth falsely got convicted.

    For all of Simon's ranting that "you guys just make up evidence to suit your own agenda" this is the perfect gift-wrapped villain to use Edgeworth's past corruption as a point of manipulation to discredit him or throw him off his game. The game tries to act like Edgeworth was manipulated into helping John in case 2, but that's undermined by Edgeworth being such a tactless dick struggling to play the side of defense attorney when he failed to get information that even Justine managed to more easily obtain.

    The idea that Simon is traumatized to the point of not being able to trust anyone around him like openly laughing at someone dying because they deserved it is pretty compelling on its own. Plus he's got critters in all of his animations and I love it. He has moments where he straight up says how glad he is that the various people involved with the case are dead and his brief moment of trying to get John to see things his way with revenge when John is given a chance to murder Dogen still stands out.

    Just have Simon stick it hard with the corruption. The game has sort of a weird power dynamic where Simon has literally no say in the situation since he's surrounded by a group of cops. At one point, he just threatens to blow up Edgeworth's HP bar despite all the police staff there literally agreeing he's a reasonable suspect because Simon raises a contradiction suggesting John unintentionally killed the president. Simon threatens to tell the police outside about John but like…half the people here are directly associated with or are the police already.

    A lot of the confrontation with Simon is really fun, but I feel it also tries to overextend on how far they want things to go with Simon. The actual dilemma of an untouchable killer would have been cooler than Simon just projecting that image and being caught on a bunch of obvious clues that point right back to him. He's a very fearful and distrustful person and that's brought about from all the abuse he's suffered, so using that master manipulator persona to compensate for that is understandable.

    Edgeworth: You've been fixated on your claim that you manipulated John and the Body Double. Probably because it's an impossible fantasy of yours.

    I won't really go over the logical parts of the mystery since that's not really the focus of these posts. Simon got fucked because the president didn't think to just move a few feet to the side while the balloon was falling.

    From there, the game largely ends the same. There's not as much to talk about because other than pacing, the grand turnabout is largely fine and great, it's just that the way the cast is characterized, particularly Sebastian and Justine, it feels borderline incompatible with how far they have the two of them push in being so unlikable at times.

    I don't have any plans for a PW1. PW has fine story beats for the most part but just had pretty weak mystery writing since it was the first in the series and the writers were still finding their footing. Someone get Mia a top and that solves half the issues.

    AJ is likely to be next and have plenty planned for that. I'm still a bit iffy about Trials and Tribulations. There's no way to talk about DGS without also discussing DGS2, so while I've completed both, I don't want to do that out of respect for how many people here haven't touched DGS2 yet.

    submitted by /u/BSWolf777
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    Sfx from The Great Ace Attorney

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 01:46 PM PDT

    Does somebody know if I can obtain the Sound Effects from The Great Ace Attorney somewhere? If yes, where can I obtain them?

    submitted by /u/Fabian_Wright
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    Classy Judge

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 12:10 AM PDT

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