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    Wednesday, September 30, 2020

    Ace Attorney [OC] drawing challenge..... with godot

    Ace Attorney [OC] drawing challenge..... with godot

    [OC] drawing challenge..... with godot

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 01:11 PM PDT

    I literally only just realised that Winston Payne = Winced in Pain

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 05:37 AM PDT

    I got most of the other name puns, but for some reason I only just now understood Winston Payne.

    submitted by /u/-j4ckK-
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    Just thought this was the cutest Trucy picture accompanied by text of all time.��

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 03:14 PM PDT

    Continuing with the icon sets, here's six more: two main characters (Athena and Blackquill) and four highly-requested ones (Kristoph, Larry, Iris and Manella). Keep requesting, i enjoy making these!

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 05:16 PM PDT

    AAI collection complete !

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 10:14 AM PDT

    A fake Edgeworth had originally been planned for Recipe for Turnabout alongside the fake Phoenix (source: Gyakuten Saiban Fanbook)

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 12:00 PM PDT

    So, I am playing AA:T&T on a mobile emulator, and I swear, without the blank space between the DS screens, the turnabout "covers" are CURSED

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 11:07 AM PDT

    Apollo gang!! and also gumshoe askin for a hug [OC]

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 07:56 PM PDT

    "WHAT ARE YOU" "An idiot sandwich..."

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 03:49 PM PDT

    ehm... Phoenix Justice? Apollo Wright?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 11:00 PM PDT

    So I just realized this pun

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 05:30 PM PDT

    So I just realize candice arme from turnabout countdown is a pun of Can Disarm. 3 years after my initial playthrough of dual destinies....

    submitted by /u/metroid544
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    How did Dahlia know what Valerie was going to wear?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 07:45 PM PDT

    This post is about "Turnabout Beginnings"

    In the crime photo and the trunk photo, we can see they wear the exact same clothes except the scarf, which she stole from the dead body, and the hat.

    The order of events should go like this:

    1. Dahlia arrived early to setup the camera to shoot the bridge at 4:30pm and then hid
    2. Fawles arrived the bridge at 4pm
    3. Fawles went to get the vial, and so he was away from the bridge for 30mins
    4. Valerie arrived a bit later
    5. Dahlia showed herself to kill Valerie, and then Dahlia hid Valerie in the trunk and took her scarf
    6. Fawles came back to the bridge and met with the fake Valerie
    7. Fawles drove the car down the hill and got caught by the police

    So clearly she could only have taken the scarf but not her clothes because she wouldn't have the chance to return it to the dead body. So just how they had the same clothes?

    submitted by /u/lampuiho
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    Should I get AA HD trilogy for $20?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 08:52 PM PDT

    I've never played a game in the series before, but the trilogy is on sale on switch. I'm probably going to get it regardless, so is there anything I should know going into these games?

    submitted by /u/Chum724
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    It's true

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 10:20 PM PDT

    Von Karma is so fucking hot, oh my God.

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 11:32 PM PDT

    His daughter's not bad either

    submitted by /u/ShinyGreenButton
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    It would've been really interesting if Edgeworth got kidnapped in 2-4

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 02:11 PM PDT

    Note before I begin I'd like to say: more interesting doesn't mean better. From a story perspective I think FMT is perfect and it wouldn't be if Edgeworth was kidnapped.

    So if Edgeworth was kidnapped it'd mean Phoenix ultimately has to decide: Does he kill Edgeworth with a guilty verdict? Or does he free Edgeworth along with Engarde. If Phoenix causes Edgeworth's death it'd mean the same thing with Maya, however if he releases Edgeworth with an acquittal it'd make for an interesting scenario: While freeing Edgeworth he'd be proving Edgeworth correct, as he initally thought Edgeworth was weak for putting his career first, in a similar sense Phoenix would be faced with the moral dilemma of putting his personal feelings over justice.

    It'd also be interesting in terms of Franziska. Does she help Phoenix and recieve another loss to save Edgeworth? Or does she relentlessly attack Phoenix like before to hopefully get revenge against Phoenix? Does she actually care about Edgeworth more than her law career? Does the eventual guilty verdict make her feel good as she got revenge or good as Edgeworth is saved?

    it'd be interesting. As said before though it wouldn't work story wise as the characters changed play crucial parts in the story.

    submitted by /u/LMWJ6776
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    Percy jackson’s heroes of olympus pancake scene.

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 04:20 PM PDT

    [My art] I'm new to the series (several years late, I know) and I couldn't help but doodle Apollo really quick. I love this boi already!

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 12:26 AM PDT

    I want to pet The Phantom

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 12:14 AM PDT

    Even though he's a cold-hearted bastard, The Phantom doesn't strike me as objectively evil, just someone who filled a very specific niche that he seems like he was born for.

    Yes, that niche is doing espionage and taking lives in the process, but he doesn't flaunt himself as a villain, just as someone who's very well-tailored to his role in life because of his unique emotional makeup.

    The part where he describes himself as an "endless abyss" who has no identity anymore could come off as bragging (I'm so good at my job), but it almost sounds like he's trying to justify why he is the way he is, like he knows that his occupation is really twisted, but he found it to be his calling for whatever reason.

    As we know, The Phantom definitely feels emotions, just not in a way that resembles any sort of normal behavior. For all we know, The Phantom wasn't loved enough growing up, and was probably outcasted by his peers for being creepy since he's probably the type to say "that's not funny" instead of laughing along at a bad joke. He most definitely didn't fit in as a child, and he more than definitely was ostracized for it.

    This might be why he doesn't seem to comprehend the value of a human life, he grew resentful at being so much different from society.

    Imagine you're him, and your local government deems you so much of an anomaly that they take you under their wing, and at some point you realize that they only did so because you have the capacity to do things for them without objection (heh). Wouldn't you begin to believe sinister things about yourself, that maybe this was what you were born to do?

    The Phantom seems like someone who, if he had a really good friend (or just had some headpats here and there), he wouldn't have gone into such an evil profession. Due to his unique psychological makeup, he could very well have become a psychologist, because since he wouldn't be able to sympathize with his patients very easily, he could give them objective paths to take to help them out with their life troubles.

    There are so many non-evil careers that would benefit from someone who doesn't let their emotions get the best of them, and The Phantom probably would've very willingly gone into any of them. But I suppose his government needed someone specifically like him for very specific tasks, and those tasks just happened to not be very cash-money to anyone with a gram of a moral barometer.

    The Phantom is a very unique individual who could've done a lot of good in the world of Ace Attorney. Hell, he would've made a terrific and fair judge due to his strikingly objective views on the world where the facts of a case don't care about feelings. But for one reason or another, he got suckered into an agency where they only saw him as a glorified murder weapon. Is that really his fault, especially if they happened to take him in when he was already jaded with the rest of society?

    The murders he committed throughout his career are definitely on him, don't get me wrong. But if someone had given him a chance and became his friend long before he started killing people, maybe they could've shown him the value of having a good friend, and that people shouldn't be killed willy-nilly. Having a good friend would've shown him that murder is wrong, because any given victim he would've taken could've been just as good of a friend to someone else as the hypothetical friend he had was to him.

    For that reason, I think that, if someone went out of their way to pet The Phantom, he would see that humanity isn't as expendable as his superiors make it out to be, and he would have a change of heart.

    TL;DR - The Phantom may be a bad guy, but that doesn't necessarily mean he's 'evil'

    submitted by /u/I_WILL_PET_EVERYONE
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    Spirit of Justice, and the Maya retcons

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 12:06 AM PDT

    During my recent replays of the games, I kept an eye out for certain pieces of dialogue that I partially remembered, and others similar to them that address questions that fans had in mind for a long time between game releases, related to the timeskip between Trials & Tribulations and Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney. Most of these are in Dual Destinies and Spirit of Justice, of course, with those two games being the ones to bridge the gap between the two eras much more clearly after Phoenix's circle of friends went mostly unseen in AJ:AA.

    Now, because the writers were working with a pretty wide-open stretch of the series' timeline, they tended to just throw in fairly vague mention of what was going on with the characters that we hadn't seen in a while. I'm gonna fixate on text related mainly to Maya, in this little post.

    So, in Case 5 of Dual Destinies, Phoenix gets a letter from Maya. Back in Trials & Tribulations, it was stated that Maya would need to undergo just a few more years of spiritual training to become the Master of the Kurain Channeling Technique. Here, though, both Maya's letter and the dialogue with Pearl to follow indicate that Maya is still in the middle of a lot of training, with no mention made of whether or not she has become the Master yet.

    Spirit of Justice would later establish that Maya was training in the Kingdom of Khura'in during the two-year window that AA4 and AA5 take place in, of course, and it would also retcon Maya's training to require that she spend two years in Khura'in before she's qualified to become the Master, on top of the seven years she's spent training since we last saw her, but looking over the 5-5 dialogue again, it's clear that they hadn't thought that far ahead yet. Take a look here:

    Pearl: Has it been a while since you've seen Mystic Maya?

    Phoenix: Yes, quite a while. She used to drop by the office sometimes to say hello... but she hasn't been by recently. I wonder what she's up to these days?

    Well, Nick, according to the next game, you know exactly what she's doing and why she hasn't been able to visit, so I'm afraid this dialogue doesn't make sense anymore. Next:

    Pearl: To become a spirit medium worthy of heading the Fey clan, she undergoes rigorous training. But she says she's growing really tired of the vegetarian diet!

    Phoenix: I'll have to have some burgers delivered to her, then.

    Pearl: Oh! I'm sure she would love that! But to get where she is, the delivery person would have to climb a steep mountain.

    Phoenix: ... I hope she tips them well, then.

    Not sure why a mountain is Pearl's biggest concern, considering that Maya is also halfway across the planet at the time that this conversation occurs.

    Spirit of Justice also tweaks the description of what Maya was doing during the seven years leading up to her departure for Khura'in, making it sound much more like she spent a healthy amount of her time with Phoenix and Trucy during Nick's disbarment years.

    There's other dialogue like this here or there, of course, but this is what stuck out the most to me.

    submitted by /u/JC-DisregardMe
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    The gang and I discuss i c e

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 08:12 PM PDT

    Dahlia Cosplay Improvements! (3 month progression!)

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 11:52 PM PDT

    Give Me a Drink, Your Honor

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 02:57 AM PDT

    Is every Ace Attorney character’s name a pun?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 09:09 AM PDT

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