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    Saturday, September 26, 2020

    Ace Attorney maya learns graphic design

    Ace Attorney maya learns graphic design

    maya learns graphic design

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 07:09 AM PDT

    best banana girl

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 01:38 PM PDT


    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 06:20 PM PDT

    hey!! I just fineshed the first triology and I'm in love with them ♥ Hope u like it!! (Artwork by me)

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 02:14 PM PDT

    Just a little mockup I made for an "Apollo trilogy" (AA 4-6)

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 02:58 PM PDT

    What’s the worst aspect of your favorite case?

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 07:38 PM PDT

    I don't know which flair should I use but here

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 11:04 AM PDT

    Is luigi ballin ?

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 04:53 PM PDT

    Hello again! Today i'm starting a series of icons using the characters. Here's the first batch: Phoenix, Maya, Edgeworth and Gumshoe. Feel free to request any of the characters from the series. All requests are welcome!

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 11:57 PM PDT

    My Aura Blackquill cosplay~

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 08:54 AM PDT

    My tier list

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 09:05 AM PDT

    Decided to decorate my phone after the new update with one of my favorite characters from anything ever

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 05:01 PM PDT

    Law Students (Again) Try To Finish the Epilogue of Ace Attorney!

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 06:42 PM PDT

    Hello fellow Ace Attorneys, hope you are having a nice Friday! If you don't have anything going on from now to 12:00 AM PST, feel free to come by our Twitch stream and chat and laugh at us struggle through the investigation portion. Also feel free to pose some legal questions and law school questions in the chat, we like to share what little knowledge we have. https://www.twitch.tv/bornsinner3

    submitted by /u/Carbonizer16
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    JC's post-Turnabout Revolution brain garbage

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 11:30 AM PDT

    So I just knocked off the last portion of Turnabout Revolution in my Spirit of Justice replay (still need to run through the DLC case again so I can put together my cast review post), and overall, my opinions on the case haven't changed. If anything, I just have more detail to offer on the long list of criticisms I've given to it before. I still consider 6-5 the weakest finale case in the main series, and I wouldn't hesitate to put it into the lowest tier (one reserved for only the most fundamentally flawed of cases, rather than calling them "bad") were I to make a case tier list again. I made this one a little over a year ago, but it's not fully accurate to my opinions anymore.

    Turnabout Revolution has a long, long list of things I consider to be problems. I'm not really in a position to write a full essay on it right now, but I want to get some of these thoughts down while they're still totally fresh in my head.

    Gameplay-wise, I think it's fine. I can't really think of any times that the gameplay itself particularly bothered me. I know people have complained about fingerprinting Datz's suitcase in the first investigation, but I never had trouble with it even on my first playthrough, so I can't relate. It's got big stickers in the front that obviously had to be flattened down by hand, so he was bound to leave prints on it. The closest thing I would have to a gameplay critique is that the case's pacing is absolutely miserable, but that's much more because of the way this game backloads three cases' worth of story into just the Khura'in portion of the final case. More of a story presentation complaint.

    And speaking of -- story discussion is where I have a lot more to say. The number-one most important position I have to state first for this case is that I haaaate the way Apollo is used. That's never changed since 2016. I stand by my position that Apollo is shoddily rewritten into a completely different character just for this case, and that will never stop annoying me. It's especially jarring to compare with his characterization in Case 2, which very much feels like an actual sequel to Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney. Really, it's the only 3DS-era case that feels that way. Aside from the tiny hints toward his past with Nahyuta, the Apollo we control in that case feels like a spot-on match for the rookie we met in AA4. Case 5, meanwhile, takes the dorky everyman Apollo, who just wants to do his job and be taken seriously, and abruptly turns him into a shonen protagonist with a deep, gripping backstory and an epic struggle against a corrupt queen, leaving his characterization completely divorced from the character we knew from 4-1 to 6-2. This transformation can be effectively illustrated by the massive infodump of exposition Dhurke delivers right at the start of the case, when he suddenly drops in on the Wright Anything Agency.

    And now that I've mentioned massive infodumps, let's get straight to the next criticism. This case, as mentioned above, has entirely too fucking much in it. It's longer than even the marathon that is Rise From the Ashes by a fairly generous margin. The reason for that, however, is not an especially good one. Revolution's main reason for being so ridiculously long is that the game packs a ludicrous amount of background, story setup, and general exposition on characters and motivations into just the Khura'in portion of its final case, resulting in that section likely being about twice as long as the LA portion before it. Over and over again, the flow of the story completely stops because we need ten-to-twenty minutes of characters rambling about the how or why of some event in the past or big development in the present day. I will admit that I can't really imagine any way to fix this problem within just Revolution itself, because I think the only way to deliver this whole overpacked story smoothly would be to completely overhaul the entire game itself, dropping Cases 2 and 4 as well as Apollo's role as the replacement main character in the last case in favour of a game with all five of its cases set in Khura'in, and Phoenix remaining as the sole player character. There is such an unreasonable amount of exposition and background stuffed into just the Khura'in portion of this one single case that I don't think any other solution would do. With five cases all set in Khura'in, the story could be evenly spread out in a way that doesn't see everything crammed into one massive and massively-flawed finale alone.

    But of course, that only covers the Khura'in portion. Before that, we have the LA stuff, and if you're at all familiar with my posting history, you'll know full well how I feel about all of that. In brief, the first investigation is good, even if I don't like Apollo's part in it. The civil trial is a giant, giant pile of shit that completely and openly assassinates Phoenix's character while also making both Athena and Dhurke look stupid and unhelpful at the same time, all for the singular goal of trying to make Apollo look as good as possible compared to everyone else in the room. I hate it profoundly, and every reason I've ever expressed for doing so was validated when I played through the case again.

    Now, for a bit of a subject change, I want to outline some speculations of mine. We know from the development history of AA6 that when its development began, the intention was always for it to be a game that took Phoenix specifically out of his element and threw him into an unfamiliar, hostile setting that would put him to the test in new ways, because the team felt that there was no way to provide a real challenge to him anymore in the series' standard setting. They tried their "underground mob court" idea, with Phoenix defending actual criminals who have broken the criminal underworld's code of conduct, among other ideas. Ultimately, what they settled on was a spirit-channeling kingdom that could also be used to explain Maya's absence from the last two games, and bring her back into the series.

    So, based on speculations I've read from others over the last few years, and some of my own, I'm going to outline a timeline for how I suspect this story's writing process went down.

    • Initial ideas, with the mob court and others, all attempting to give Phoenix a new set of challenges as the series' most popular main character.

    • With the years of calls for Maya to return within the fanbase, the spirit-channeling kingdom idea was decided upon. Two retcons were required, as Maya's situation in this game conflicts with Phoenix's dialogue about her in Dual Destinies, and the original trilogy's description of how she would become Master of the Kurain Channeling Technique.

    • The Kingdom of Khura'in was planned out in full, with all of its associated characters and the general path of the story laid down.

    • Stepping back a bit -- in August of 2013, Niconico conducted a widespread popularity poll for Ace Attorney's cast of characters, from the start of the series up to Dual Destinies, which had just come out in Japan months earlier. In a startling development, Apollo took the top spot as the number-one most popular character within the Japanese fandom, despite his contentious reception in his own debut game.

    • This next part is a fan theory I've heard before. I can't claim it as my own, but I think it's quite believable, and has more than a little bit of merit to it. With the game's development team reflecting on that popularity poll, and in light of the relatively minor story role Apollo was given in AA5, a shift in story priorities for AA6 occurred at this point. The team chose to restructure their existing work on the Khura'in storyline in order to work the new fan-favourite Apollo into it, pushing the focus off of Phoenix and Maya. This led to Maya's unimpressive role in the final game, and Apollo's extremely abrupt shift to the main character role in a story that otherwise hasn't involved him at all up to the start of Case 5. Within Cases 1 through 4, the only things that indicate Apollo has any relevance to the main story whatsoever are his tiny moment of dialogue at the end of Case 2, attempting to speak with Nahyuta, and the photo Datz shows to Phoenix in Case 3, with the kid Apollo seen alongside of Nahyuta and Dhurke. Absolutely everything else to do with Apollo's part in the main story is backloaded into just the final case alone, through the massive exposition dumps I complained about earlier.

    • Finally, we have one other component that's another personal speculation of mine, rather than anything I borrowed from other fans. Nahyuta Sahdmadhi is a character that I've shown no shortage of contempt toward. I think he's awful, between his reprehensible personality and actions, the script's incessant attempts to pretend that he's not a complete bastard using Ema as a mouthpiece, and his complete joke of a "redemption" in the last hour of the final case. I speculate, however, that this is partly Apollo's fault. To clarify -- I think that, prior to the assumed decision to shoehorn Apollo into the main character role, Nahyuta may have been a much more well-rounded and developed character. I think it's believable that a considerable number of the story beats and character moments ultimately given to his "brother" Apollo may have originally been intended for Nahyuta himself, and in the act of giving them to Apollo instead, the writers ultimately left themselves with a character whose role in the story is terribly underdeveloped and repeatedly contradicts itself in ways that render him completely unlikeable and unsympathetic to me. I'll have plenty more to say about Nahyuta in my cast review post itself, of course.

    ... And I still ran up to around 10,000 characters in this "not an essay". Oops.

    Your thoughts?

    submitted by /u/JC-DisregardMe
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    Has there been a type of fanfic you’ve wanted to see more for Ace Attorney?

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 02:50 PM PDT

    For me personally, I'd like to see more "Mia Lives" fanfictions out there, maybe this post could be the spark for more in the future

    submitted by /u/FloofBoi64
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    2018 Ace Attorney Special Court Subbed

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 06:00 PM PDT

    Is Rise From The Ashes crucial to the story?

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 07:28 PM PDT

    Just finished goodbyes, seemed like it would be the perfect ending, but i saw that there was another one.. i then read the wiki about it and it seemed very tedious... it's so long! 7 trials and 3 investigations?? Can i just go new game and skip to the second ace attorney game? Or will i be missing a crucial story part

    submitted by /u/bido321
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    Case Discussion & Opinions -- Case TGS-1: The Adventure of the Completely Ignored Franchise

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 07:01 AM PDT

    The TGS Special Event has just finished. To put it simply: There was no mention of Ace Attorney. No announcement, no port, nothing.

    I think our expectations were low to begin with but not even getting a new Trilogy Port for my smartwatch is extremely disappointing.

    submitted by /u/--UNKN0WN--
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    After watching the stream, seems like there won't be an announcement for a new Ace Attorney game this TGS.

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 06:53 AM PDT

    So much for the 25th anniversary hype. Siiiiigh.

    submitted by /u/lovedepository
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    If the next AA game ends up being a spinoff, which of these ideas would you want the most?

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 05:02 PM PDT

    Regarding Manfred von Karma and the statue of limitations (Spoilers)

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 10:26 AM PDT

    The statue of limitations for murder in that country is 15 years (as stated in Ace Attorney Investigations 2), and his crime was found out 15 years after DL-6. Exactly 15 years, since DL-6 occurred in December 28, 2001 and the case was reopened in December 28, 2016. If we assume that Von Karma never went abroad, his arrest shouldn't be legal. Although we must compare the time in which Gregory Edgeworth died and when Von Karma was sentenced.

    Sadly, there's no autopsy report for Gregory Edgeworth, so we can't know the time of death. And also we can't know at what time Jeffrey Master's trial ended. All we know is that Von Karma was arrested at 5:38 PM. If Gregory died before that time, Von Karma's arrest was ilegal.

    submitted by /u/Hyper9998
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    Social Distancing/Long Distance Relationship

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 03:35 AM PDT

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