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    Sunday, September 27, 2020

    Ace Attorney For the second set of icons, I made Mia, Pearl, Godot and Franziska. Hope you enjoy them and stay tuned for more!

    Ace Attorney For the second set of icons, I made Mia, Pearl, Godot and Franziska. Hope you enjoy them and stay tuned for more!

    For the second set of icons, I made Mia, Pearl, Godot and Franziska. Hope you enjoy them and stay tuned for more!

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 06:03 PM PDT

    I'm going to draw all of the prosecutors because I love them. Here's the first one: Franziska Von Karma!

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 05:16 AM PDT

    Badly drawing every AA1 charachter until I get better #10: Marvin Grossberg

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 02:32 PM PDT

    Phoenix wright is such a good dad.

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 08:44 AM PDT

    I believe many people know that scene where phoenix closes the medallion with trucys picture in it and of course it also appears in apollo justice.

    I may be late but I can't be the only one who thinks it is so damn adorable, I sadly never played any ace attorney game I just watched some videos so I am not sure if the games show more of phoenixs and trucys relationship!

    submitted by /u/AlmIs2020
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    The prosecution agrees, Your Honor.

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 08:25 PM PDT

    Probably my favorite thing about the cases in AA (besides the music) is when the attorney (Phoenix, Apollo, Athena, or otherwise) and the prosecutor tag-team a witness or murder suspect. By FAR the best feeling is when the prosecutor comes around to your side after enough evidence and theories and lays into the witness with you back and forth.

    Unfortunately, having played and watched so many of the games, it's impossible to remember certain moments without going through every case again, and there seems to be no such compilations on Youtube. Can anyone list any outstanding moments of the sort they like, or link any known compilations?

    submitted by /u/PaperCistern
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    Does anyone here know, how the name of the font is that was used in the title?

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 12:28 PM PDT

    I just got AA6 yesterday, it's the only game in the series that I haven't played yet (except DGS2) so I'm hyped !

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 11:50 PM PDT

    My thoughts about AA:I 1:"That was a cool game. Like every in the franchise."; Fanbase's opinion on AA:I 1:

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 11:08 AM PDT

    Ace Attorney: Escape from Justice

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 04:52 PM PDT

    My workout music, trust

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 02:28 AM PDT

    Turnabout Sisters! Check out my cover of Maya's Theme.

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 02:34 PM PDT

    What is your perfect AA7/AA Trilogy 3?

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 09:24 PM PDT

    Weekly Poll [9]: What game has your favourite soundtrack?

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 12:32 PM PDT

    Why haven't 4-6 gotten rereleases?

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 02:15 PM PDT

    Seriously, why does Capcom keep rereleasing the trilogy over and over and not the other 3 games??

    submitted by /u/Zeether
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    Quarantine made me start (and finish) all the games

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 08:28 AM PDT

    Hii everyone, I've been lurkin around for a bit now. I got into the original trilogy when I saw it was on Switch and having just beaten Persona 5 (a great game for quarantine), I needed something else to pass the time.

    The first few games had me hooked, though at first I wasn't sure...by the end of the first game, I wanted to play through all I could get my hands on. So now I've played AA 1-6 as well as AAI and AAI2 (wow that game was amazing, thanks so much to the fan translation crew). I also played Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright (I had played PL games before and this was maybe my favorite one).

    Next to tackle will be DGS which my Japanese friend said she may be able to bring me back a copy during winter break crosses fingers

    So I just wanted to post here because I've quickly become a huge fan, and have enjoyed reading people's posts and rankings of cases and characters. I'm not sure what else to do now but I'm happy to fill some of my time reading AA fanfiction to keep connected with the characters I've fallen in love with.

    submitted by /u/gayflamespitter
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    The thing AA made me understand.

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 01:04 AM PDT

    Antoganists don't need a backstory to be good.They just don't. I don't need to see some sad story about some character — I have to see him in action.Manfred von Karma,Damon Gant,Matt Engarde and Quercus Alba are THE PERFECT example for the PERFECT ANTOGANIST. They completely show,that the perfect enemy MUST be persistent and arrogant enough.ARROGANT ENOUGH,not like Franziska. They have to be corrupted from the start.

    submitted by /u/paulvanzieks
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    Let's Rewrite - Ace Attorney: Justice for All

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 03:48 AM PDT

    For better or worse, these cases are always fun to talk about, and I love writing, so let's have a fun time talking about Ace Attorney rewriting cases! A few rules I'll be sticking by:

    • Stick as close as possible to the intended idea behind each case or theme, so even if I dislike it I'll try to avoid saying "dark age of the law is stupid, don't do it" and instead try to address the idea in such a way that improves on the original.

    • If there's a case that already did the same idea better (ex. 5-DLC is a better version of Turnabout Big Top) then I'm not allowed to just say "do X case" but instead try to still rewrite the case in a way that makes it unique and separate even from the "better" case.

    • I'll be honest in that I don't care about mystery logic in and of itself that much when it comes to good cases with a few exceptions. I kind of care more about how the cases treat the characters or the themes they're discussing, which can be shown through the mysteries themselves like when they try to portray some scumbag as a precious cinnamon roll or if the stakes are too high for the situation to work well. I don't really mind that it's kind of dumb that someone wrote a dying message when they died instantaneously.

    • A lot of case issues are often due to budget/time limitations, but I'll be writing in a vacuum where I'm not really considering these factors which is admittedly an unfair advantage. Real game developers have to actually concern themselves with these factors. For the purposes of fun writing talk, I'll give myself that edge.

    The Lost Turnabout:

    Rather than giving Phoenix Amnesia, we'll instead just point out that this is Phoenix's first trial completely alone on the bench (at first) and he'll ask himself if he needs to take a quick breather before starting. Even in cases like 1-4 and 1-5, he still had Mia helping him in the former and had someone at least on the stand alongside him in the latter.

    That or you could re-characterize Maggey as a law nut and studying in law school herself and asking how you carry out the proceedings since she's technically on the stand with him in the first half of the case.

    As dumb as the amnesia thing is, the joke at the end where Phoenix has no idea who prosecutor Payne is was hilarious, ngl. I'd honestly be fine keeping the amnesia thing because that one joke is just that funny to a dumb bot like me.

    Reunion and Turnabout

    One thing I really appreciate about Miney over other villains is that despite them having a setup that's begging to try and make her seem really sympathetic, they recognize the tragedy speaks for itself and that while what she did to Maya was awful, it still can be reasonable that it's still a tragic situation and that the victim was kind of an asshole.

    When you also consider that you can draw the obvious Parallel between Miney's sister to Maya and Mia, it'd be really easy to go too far and have Maya just go "wow, she cared about her sister, so I guess she really wasn't so bad" or something. It's still really painful and real what Miney went through, but they don't try to ignore or excuse her actions either.

    In the first game, "trust in your client" was largely performative. Nearly every one of Phoenix's defendants were people he had a close and personal relationship with, or if he doesn't, a relationship with someone is the driving force. With Maya, he helps her because of her connection to Mia. With Ema Skye, he initially turns her away but then changes he ends up seeing so much of Maya and Mia in her. Here in JFA, they really turn that on its head which works beautifully in the final case which solidifies Phoenix's sense of morality as well as establishing the close friends and family he has backing him up in such a dark time.

    Franziska has a wonderful performance here with how dirty she fights. She leads you into the question of self defense initially, uses a photo to bias the court without officially submitting it as evidence, pins her own corruption on the detective of the case to avoid getting penalized herself—in some respects she feels she does a better job at being a dirty prosecutor than even her own dad, and I love it.

    After the end of this case, we'll add in a moment where Pearl and Franziska have a brief exchange similar to the one in 3-5. Pearl gets angry at Frannie and it catches Franziska off guard. This moment will better help establish how much Pearl considers Maya a big sister as well as how similar both Pearl and Franziska are. Franziska will piece together that Morgan was Pearl's mother as well as what an abusive mother she was. She won't say this to Pearl but start to see more of herself in Pearl. She'll drop her angry edgelord act for a moment and give a sincere apology to Pearl right as Phoenix shows up when she puts that act up again saying "I'll see you in court next time, Mr. Phoenix Wright."

    Turnabout Big Top:

    Turnabout Reclaimed already did this case well by addressing just about every failure, so let's take a different direction with Big Top. I think it'll be an interesting angle to go all in with the idea this case starts with, namely giving you a defendant who ultimately is innocent of the murder but still kind of a shit.

    First thing--ditch the pedophilia. Grown ass men pining after a teenage girl is fucking gross. No.

    The original case tries and fails to paint Acro as a sympathetic culprit. It's understandable he'd have resentment to nobody taking it seriously as he points out to Phoenix that he's glad to see someone treating the accident with the respect it deserves, but this idea can be executed in better ways. It also runs into the issue of Acro being okay with scarring the Ringmaster by killing his daughter.

    Rather than Regina causing the accident that led to the death of Acro's brother, it'll be Max instead. Rather than the setup with the lion and the pepper, we'll have a stage performance trick Max and Acro's brother were attempting. Max was negligent and didn't set up the proper safety equipment, which led to an accident where Acro and his brother are both injured. It still creates a situation where Acro is understandably angry with him. Max affects his mobility, he hurt his brother, and it also fits with Max later demanding a higher salary from the ringmaster, so he's got plenty of reasons to want to off Max.

    You can also set the catch that Max is still extremely profitable for the circus as he's the main draw and he gets along well with everyone else in the circus but ultimately is still negligent and still have Max's general personality of being dismissive toward everyone but women and is that same dumb hick. He just caused the accident generally due to negligence and not understanding the safety equipment well and not out of malice which gives you enough room to have Max be fairly shitty but not a total scumbag while also justifying Acro's anger. The Ringmaster tries his best to address the bad blood, but just ditching max would put them out of business too.

    Originally his plan was to kill Max and make it look like a stage accident, but when he realizes the ringmaster died, he instead just goes with it and frames Max.

    I don't believe it's explicitly stated, but there is a recurring theme in the kind of people Franziska has to place her trust in as a prosecutor rather than her father. Franziska ends up functionally acting as a defense attorney herself and backs up the killers on the stand. Her two cases involve killers with motives that tie into their siblings in some way (three if you count Morgan), which should come as no surprise given Franziska's relationship with Edgeworth.

    Because we had that moment in case 2 where Pearls causes her to have doubts about herself, her mask will start to slip a bit more in Big top where she can't keep up her edgelord act any longer or live acting for her Father's approval.

    Franziska will call him out saying that even if his relationship and love for his brother is real, she'll call out the stupidity in his actions and ask what he was planning to do if he succeeded in killing or framing Max considering he'd only see his brother visiting him in jail had he been arrested. She then chastises him for his behavior and it'll act as a nice contrast moment to her behavior in case 2 and build on it.

    At the end of the case, Franziska will directly call Acro out on his entire murder plan and further draw the parallel of how she views sibling relationships and point out to Acro that he did his brother a disservice by trying to take revenge. She then still tries to put that edgelord mask back up when Phoenix asks her about it at the end of the trial.

    Moe in the original version of this case is genuinely a pretty engaging character, though because of the changed circumstances, having him still do the same thing of maybe taking up caring for Regina in the ringmaster's place would work well. You could set him up as a red herring in that he maybe wanted to take over operations himself and make him the day 1 red herring or something. For all of the terrible writing from a narrative standpoint, Acro is actually a pretty competent killer on the stand.

    Farewell my Turnabout:

    This case is a blast already. I'd just tweak a few logical moments like the fact that they act like a dude with literal stitches running down his face isn't that memorable since Phoenix sees him and doesn't really comment on it when he sees De killer again later. I like De Killer's connection to Phoenix and the implication that he chose Phoenix specifically because of how much he respects Phoenix's approach to law in how much he trusts his client. He even offered to let Phoenix take his place, so it's clear that De Killer respects him and his abilities quite a bit.

    I'd change around the circumstances a bit to make it clear that Franziska does genuinely want to help Adrian through this situation and still gives her assurance that she'll handle things, but she has her stay quiet knowing full well that you could easily argue Adrian committed the murder as well. A lot of the moments of her trying to live up to the Von Karma name and coping with these feelings won't work quite the same way since we've been leading up more quickly in earlier trials. Instead, Adrian is still codependent and freaks out when she sees that Franziska is no longer there due to her being hospitalized.

    At the end of the case during the credits it's still shown that Adrian and Franziska keep in contact and Adrian had a flower sent to Franziska as a get well gift when she's recovering in the hospital.

    I'd just slip in a little line at the end from Adrian that "the detective in the tattered green jacket told me everything." She doesn't have to even say she forgives anyone and I'd rather she not, just give a line to indicate Gumshoe filled her in on things. It's kind of iffy that she'd be so happy and thankful at the end when you consider Phoenix dragged her through hell pinning the crime on her. It makes sense to the player since we know what was going on, but it's weird that she'd be like that. It's even more silly with Edgeworth because earlier he outright tells her he doesn't care if she commits suicide as she's being mentally triggered by an extremely traumatic situation. I can't reasonably see her being all happy in that context without someone giving her the details of what happened behind the scenes.

    Optional, but Franziska pulls an agent Lang and just walks off the bullet wound for the second day of the case. She catches wind of what's going on through Detective Gumshoe and lends her aid after seeing he's been injured. She also gives Pearl a quick pep talk and says that a von Karma is perfect and crushes anyone and that Pearl needs to figure out what being a Fey means to her. Between being too focused on Maya's situation and him not realizing all the growth she's going through, Phoenix misinterprets this scene, only for Franziska to still do her dramatic return at the end with the last evidence to indicate she intended to crush Engarde by getting the perfect evidence to help both Pearl and Adrian.

    I would just add a bit more to the credits where Franziska breaks down in tears seeing how hard it's been when just one loss made her revaluate everything she stood for and how to come to terms with who her father truly was, which can lead into a moment with Edgeworth comforting her.

    submitted by /u/BSWolf777
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    Hello! My name is Lily and I run a small anime parody and comic dubs! We just started an Ace Attorney themes project and decided to share it! ��

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 12:03 PM PDT

    Ace Attorney I-Mode Games

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 10:31 AM PDT

    In case you dont know, capcom produced ace attorney spin off games exclusively for Japanese flip phones in the early 2000s. I'm looking for anyone who has/knows of a place where these games are archived, because it deeply saddens me to think these games may be lost forever.

    submitted by /u/Wipeoutjack7
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    Ted Tonate. Jeez. [DD Spoilers]

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 01:54 AM PDT

    I'm playing back through Dual Destinies and while turnabout countdown's mystery is pretty simple, it's honestly one of the most ridiculous crimes when you consider that none of this was premeditated and just someone making things up on the fly. Obviously it's just a bunch of narrative convenience stitching this case together, but it's honestly pretty crazy if we're suggesting Tonate just thought this up in the moment. I even liked this case more than I remembered but it's still pretty absurd.

    He gets caught and kills someone, then a bomb goes off, which he works into his plan by trying to make it look like she died from that. Not a bad idea.

    After the explosion, he's on a time crunch to report the body as quickly as possible so he doesn't look suspect. Because he doesn't have enough time to erase it, he covers it up with his case but still doesn't have a perfect solution of how to deal with the crime.

    Really think about what it takes to hear the name of someone you don't even know a single time and realize that your ID number looks similar enough to their name that you can use it to frame them.

    Then he kills two birds with one stone by assaulting Apollo to prevent him from potentially finding evidence and also completing his frameup job. It's a pretty understandable mistake that he'd run his cart over Apollo's bandage which unfortunately pinpoints the time he moved it.

    Then when nothing else works, he uses a bomb scare as a bluff. It makes sense why he indirectly confessed to a bombing he didn't commit in this scenario, but it's kind of hilarious that all the conveniences with this mystery means that Ted Tonate is just going on autopilot here trying to pull a bunch of 200 IQ plays.

    Also fuck this case with that fakeout Apollo death.

    submitted by /u/BSWolf777
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