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    Friday, July 10, 2020

    Ace Attorney Investigations Duo

    Ace Attorney Investigations Duo

    Investigations Duo

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 10:19 PM PDT

    New art for the Dai Gyakuten Saiban’s 5th anniversary!

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 06:48 AM PDT

    Yesterday I decided to make myself a new pfp and thought that you guys might like it

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 12:11 PM PDT

    A friend made this awesome drawing based off a meme i thought itd be cool to share it with you guys

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 08:43 AM PDT

    Does anyone else really love her? She is just precious...

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 09:58 PM PDT

    Was given these as a birthday present...

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 03:11 AM PDT

    Here's a soft Simon with Taka I drew on a whim :D

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 01:45 PM PDT

    I want to ask a question to everyone, Why is this a ship?

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 02:26 PM PDT

    I drew Simon Blackquill :D

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 08:37 AM PDT

    In your perspective, who is the evilest Ace Attorney villain? *Spoilers*

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 09:10 PM PDT

    Ace Attorney villains... The murderers, the criminals, the crooks, the corrupt politicians, the corrupt church clergyman, the evil lawyers, the evil prosecutors, the evil government officials, all faces of selfishness that makes these characters what they are once they start to take their first human life.

    But as the series grew, every villain from the main series and investigations varied. Some either had low or weak sympathetic motivations that do not exempt a legal conscience as crime is a crime. Or some may have don't have these things and be completely rotten to the core of their crimes. And are proud of it.

    Of course, Ace Attorney villains serve as villains like in media. They instigate the conflict, whether if it's sympathetic or a completely despicable reason. And while morality can be swayed, it's always important that we learn the basics. Such as, taking what is not yours. Taking human life illegally. Are those that are unquestionably wrong.

    Before we get started on picking any Ace Attorney villain, understand these concepts below (courtesy of TV Tropes):

    Ax-Crazy: An "ax-crazy" character is someone who is psychologically unstable. "Unstable" is an excessively mild term here because it implies that some residual stability may still be present. Being Ax-Crazy usually implies that almost the entire substructure of sanity is gone and presents a clear and present danger to others. They are capable of extreme violence, whether carried out with a Slasher Smile, insane laughter, speaking in a Creepy Monotone, or out and out murderous rage, and with no way of knowing just what will set them off, which makes them extremely frightening to deal with.

    Moral Event Horizon: Named for the boundary around a black hole from which there is no escape once crossed, this trope uses the black hole as a metaphor for evil; the Moral Event Horizon refers to the first evil deed to prove a particular character to be irredeemably evil. And given how far these villains can go with their heinous crimes to the global scope or below at a reckless level, it shouldn't be any coincidence.

    The Sociopath (ASPD; Antisocial Personality Disorder): The Sociopath is far from your ordinary criminal or villain. Combine a willingness to cross the Moral Event Horizon without a shred of guilt, a keen sense of other people's mental and emotional fault lines, and a Lack of Empathy, and you have the consummate evildoer. To put it briefly, the Sociopath is like a predator while everyone else is prey to them. They're an arrogant ruthless social predator who preys on others for their own benefit.

    Their actions may include murder, terrorism, cruelty, sadism, genocide, or even sadistic abuse to unspeakable levels regardless of those that suffered. They only care about themself and I. No morality, no ethics, and no conscience against the law that can make them go back to their sins. Once it is done, it's done. And they take their crimes with glee. Whether anybody realizes it or not.

    Utterly ruthless doesn't begin to describe them: except for when trying to appear normal, they will disregard any social norms and semblance of morality in pursuit of their own selfish desires. The Sociopath will do whatever it takes: lie, cheat, steal, extort, manipulate, or use outright violence without the slightest hesitation, disgust, or remorse, and for as little as Pleasure or The Evulz. Murder and violence have no more emotional weight for them than eating Chinese takeout or some other mundane activity, and they have no concern for the direct or collateral damage they do to other people, being unable to understand why anyone should. Likewise, they never truly understand the feelings of others on anything more than an intellectual level, and may even believe that everybody else is faking it too.

    In the event they are ever targets of suspicion in crime dramas and thrillers, sociopaths are able to fool any Living Lie Detectors in the cast, pass polygraphs effortlessly, and fool even you, the audience, into believing that they are genuinely kind and caring people who are victims of a "big misunderstanding" (assuming they are not so smugly confident of their own invincibility that they feel no need to hide their unsavory personality). Moreover, despite their lack of empathy, sociopaths are capable of using their knowledge of others' desires, emotions, and insecurities to manipulate them for their own personal gain. Because of this, many of them are Faux Affably Evil. This is related to their lack of empathy and shame — they don't feel the slightest discomfort about lying or exploiting others, so they do so with the same ease with which normal people perform mundane activities. This is why you should always assume that any apparent epiphany from a sociopath is bullshit; as far as they're concerned, it's just another tool to get what they want, and they don't actually believe that they have done anything wrong.

    The Sociopath's raison d'etre (i.e.: an overriding goal which serves as one's "reason for existence"). Due to their inability to empathize or even care for those around them, sociopaths largely view their existence as boring or meaningless and therefore feel compelled to engage in "thrill-seeking" activities to alleviate their restlessness. How this manifests depends largely on the sociopath's personality. It can be as relatively benign as binging on video games, compulsively gambling, or leading highly promiscuous lifestyles. Far more dangerous examples are prone to satiate their lust for thrills by partaking in criminal enterprises, becoming serial rapists and/or killers, or (if they are unusually high-functioning) accumulating vast wealth and/or influence for the sole purpose of dominating as many people as they can for their own amusement. Due to their obsession with indulging their insatiable appetites however they want whenever they want, sociopaths have a very low tolerance for inconvenience or irritation, which, in turn, leads them to have a pronounced lack of impulse control.

    A Sociopath is physiologically incapable of experiencing a deep emotional attachment towards others, but — being a Consummate Liar — learns early in life how to fake them. This shallow emotional life means that the Sociopath is unable to form sincere long-term relationships with anything or anyone, but will feign feelings of love and affection if they feel it serves their purposes. Most of the true feelings a sociopath harbors towards others, positive or negative, are rooted in an insatiable desire to dominate or control them. While narcissists desire to be loved or at least respected, sociopaths don't care whether others view them positively as long as they don't stand in the way of their own self-centered gratification. In the rare event that a Sociopath actually does form an "attachment" to another person, it rises no further than that between an owner and a possession and/or a valuable resource for advancing their goals.

    The trait that ties it all together — the one that changes it from mustache-twirling evil into a mental disorder. Sociopaths will go so far as to convince themselves that they have succeeded in their plan, even as failure stares them in the face and snaps on the handcuffs. They genuinely believe it. They don't really care what others truly think about the matter, but they do care about what they say and like to fill their social circle with people who say what they want to hear. Any others — even former 'friends' — will be dismissed from the sociopath's social circle simply for doubting them. They consider themselves better than anybody else and that they are entitled to special treatment — and they can't stand anybody being considered better than them. However, while the Narcissist is self-conscious of how they measure up to others' standards (and therefore will experience shame or guilt for failing them), a sociopath's grandiosity is all-encompassing to the point they have no concern how their actions reflect upon them UNLESS it threatens their ability to indulge their appetite for further stimulation. They are incapable of acknowledging personal responsibility for failure, and will always blame others, no matter how irrational it is.

    The Unfettered: Most characters in fiction, like people in real life, have broad lists of priorities and restrictions that determine their behavior. We care about what other people think of us, how we will be able to feed ourselves in the future, the well-being of friends and family, our worldly goods, etc. Of course, how much we care about any given restriction or priority varies from person to person, but in general, we don't have anyone given goal for which we would throw away everything else.

    The Unfettered is not one of these people.

    This is the character who can commit themselves to a single goal completely, absolutely, and unflinchingly. In pursuit of a goal, they have no limits, inhibitions, or fear. Nothing chains them or holds them back (thus the name.) You cannot make them flinch or falter. They cannot be intimidated, blackmailed, coerced, or otherwise convinced to back off from achieving their goal. There is no sacrifice they are unwilling to make or principle they are unwilling to compromise.

    They prioritize ruthlessly, ignore moral guidelines, devoid of apprehension or indecision, lacks emotions, or don't let them interfere in decisions making, devoted to a specific goal, and has lost his fetters.

    Common characters of the Unfettered are Sociopaths, Psychopaths, Spree Killers, Serial Killers, and Terrorists.

    Evil Is Petty: The tendency of "evil" to include not just major acts of villainy and attempts to take over/destroy the world but also generally being an utter dick.

    Classic Villain: A villain who represents an evil foil to the hero's personality and the main block to the journey of their destiny.

    Represents a particular vice (notably Ambition) and one of the Seven Deadly Sins:

    -Pride: is excessive belief in one's own abilities, that interferes with the individual's recognition of the grace of God. It has been called the sin from which all others arise. Pride is also known as Vanity.

    -Envy: is the desire for others' traits, status, abilities, or situation.

    -Gluttony: is an inordinate desire to consume more than that which one requires.

    -Lust: is an inordinate craving for the pleasures of the body.

    -Wrath: is manifested in the individual who spurns love and opts instead for fury. It is also known as Wrath.

    -Greed: is the desire for material wealth or gain, ignoring the realm of the spiritual. It is also called Avarice or Covetousness.

    -Sloth: is the avoidance of physical or spiritual work.

    Dirty Coward: A character who selfishly flees at their fears, usually at the expense of others.

    Ambition is Evil: Obsession of self-improvement trumps morality.

    Stupid Evil: A character feels the need to do evil things even at times when such actions are clearly not in their best interests, sometimes to the point where it goes against basic self-preservation.

    Hypocrite: Someone does not practice what they preach.

    Sadist: A sadist is someone who enjoys the suffering of others.

    Faux Affably Evil: A villain with a fake, mocking veneer of niceness that only highlights their monstrosity.

    Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Sweet and harmless on the outside, horrible and cruel on the inside.

    Greater-Scope Villain: An evil that is greater than the Big Bad in some way, but is not directly causing the conflict of the story.

    A God Am I (Megalomania or delusions of grandeur): Delusions of godhood and/or a Holier-than-thou attitude against anyone regardless.

    The Usurper: Someone who intentionally eliminated those ranking higher to get the throne for themself. Or simply put an illegitimate controversial claimant to power, without any legal right to claim it as one's own.

    Fiction being a reality, this is seen as a very negative thing in today's modern coups and revolutions throughout history. Meaning a tyrant illegally takes power and wields absolute power, whose decisions are under any legal restraint. Through political ideology, propaganda, and political oppression through security forces as well as secret police to hold their grip on power.

    Hate Sink: A Hate Sink is a character whose intended role in the story is to be so despicable that the audience wants them to fail just as much as they want the heroes to succeed. A Hate Sink doesn't have to be the main villain of the story or even a villain at all, to begin with. Let's say we have a cast of perfectly likable characters, but someone; however, is not causing the conflict of the story but is making the lives of others more painful at best. Not to be confused with Evil Is Petty, where a villain behaves like a massive jerkwad.

    Now that we got TV Tropes out of the way, let me say that my most evil Ace Attorney villain is none other than Blaise Debeste/Bansai Ichiyanagi.

    Blaise Debeste tried to cover up witnesses for the president's body double to usurp his position after he grew jealous of him. He left Zheng Fa as a phony, meaning Alba can set up his smuggling ring there and everything. What's worse, he abuses his son and possibly murdered his wife off-screen. Brutally murdered a defense attorney named Jill Crane the same way as her boyfriend did on the SS-5 Incident he got involved in, and without the help of that one witness he was after, which was Simon Keyes, Blaise was able to catch thanks to Miles Edgeworth and that the statute of limitations for his crimes was not expired. Blaise was also involved in many illegal international dealings, burns evidence and forges it, cares no one of but himself, hurting anyone that gets in his way, sadistic, remorseless, and to top it all off. Everything he did was the entire Ace Attorney trilogy because of giving Manfred that penalty. So many lives were ruined and saved, and couldn't have been met by Edgeworth or Wright if their career choices were different. But it also made Edgeworth the real hero at that time because he knew Blaise was behind it all next to his other foe, Simon Keyes.

    What is YOUR evilest Ace Attorney villain? And tell me why he or she was the most intentionally loathsome to you and a horrible person beyond redemption because every trace of likeability was thrown out the way to cement their heinousness?

    submitted by /u/CamperorLOL
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    My spin on the "finale" to Ace Attorney

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 11:47 PM PDT

    To be honest as much as a next AA game will be fun to theorise about; my point here is to create a functioning thread on my thoughts for the "final" AA game. Basically how I would design a game, as I do take an interest in game design.

    Basic rules:
    This game takes place after the current AA game (Spirit of Justice), 5 years ahead.
    This theoretical game must differentiate itself (which I will describe methods later).
    This must be an actual AA game Nintendo would publish.
    Every existing character implemented must still be their assigned "character" (although they can experience growth).

    What is the same?
    Pheonix is still the main protagonist.
    A new shiny opponent will be the prosecutor.
    There will be a "final case" where everything has lead up to it.
    You will have the same regular cast, with some updates.

    My changes from the status quo:
    There are no longer dual part cases and no "5 case max".
    No case will be taken as another character in the past.
    There will be 3 "chapters" to this game; each featuring their own protagonist(s) and 5 cases each (15 cases total, I know, a lot) but still within AA reasoning.
    Gameplay will no longer be restricted to 90% courtrooms with evidence coming from outside. All evidence will be obtained before a courtroom in each chapter, but updated as necessary.

    This is also just for fun and my brain so I will invite participation in ideas but please be respectful.
    Edit: if anyone finds any contradictions in my reasoning, please point it out.

    submitted by /u/DustiPKM
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    Just wanted to try to practice my inking skills :)

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 06:39 AM PDT

    Quarantine Binge, anyone?

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 09:03 PM PDT

    So... I had heard of Ace Attorney from Henry Stickman, and then Umvc3. And I've wanted to play the game ever since then. Well, I got the trilogy for Switch, and now I've binged it over the summer so far, and I'm up to the end of the second game. Justice for all. I'm just gonna finish this one and roll right into Trials and Tribulations. Anyone else in that situation? Also, do you guys recommend the rest of the series?

    submitted by /u/Zoinksman15
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    Ranking the ace attorney games

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 07:11 PM PDT

    11- Professor Layton VS Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney

    This is honestly the only one in the series I dislike Case 1 is pretty bad case 2 is good, case 3 is great and case 4 is the worst in the series in my opinion. The biggest flaw in this game is case 4 its full of potholes and makes the entire plot ridiculous it also just never finishes Barnham's character arc who was the best part in the game and most characters aren't memorable. It uses Espella as a defendant for most cases and the game has too much professor Layton but not enough ace attorney. Atleast it has a solid case 3.

    10-Apollo Justice Ace Attorney

    This one is just ok Kristoph is a great villain, the first and fourth case are great and has a great story but that's where the positives end it has forgetful defendants a mediocre rival and some of the most annoying witnesses in the series, has a bad case 2. I will point out that I find case 3 mediocre but not bad. It's not a bad game but its definitely flawed

    9-Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Justice For All

    Despite this only being number 9 it's good however it's not great. Case 1 is just a typical case 1, case 2 and 4 are great and case 3 is mediocre. This is actually better than apollo justice in my opinion because I found case 2 is better than 4-4 and I found case 4 is better than both 4-4 and 4-1 it also has a great rival more memorable characters better culprits and actual memorable defendants. Wellington is mediocre but the rest are better, Mimi Miney is great, acro is good, and Engarde is one of the best in the series

    8-Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney

    The good cases aren't as good but the structure of the characters and plot is better than justice for all. Case 1 is just a typical case 1, case 2 is good but not great, case 3 is mediocre and goes on for to long, case 4 is amazing, and case 5 is great but flawed. It doesnt have as good culprits but it's still better sahwit is mediocre, White sucks, Von Karma is amazing but not as good as Engarde and the same Applies to Gant because hes slightly worse than Von Karma. Again even with this it's still better than Justice for All

    7-Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Trials and Tribulations

    This might surprise people with this being so low but it's still great the other 6 are just better. It has great Culprits Dahlia while not as good as Engarde or Kristoph is still amazing, Atmey is the second best culprit in the trilogy only behind Engarde, Tigre is good but not great, and Godot is great, it also has higher quality cases, Case 1, 2, 3, and 4 are great and case 5 while not as good as 2-4 is amazing. Even though I find Godot one of the weaker rivals in the series the story makes up for that it's not the best story in the series but it's better than the story in justice for all and the first game.

    6-Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Spirit of Justice

    This one is great but far from the best. It starts with a good but not great case 1, case 2 is good but not great, case 3 is amazing, case 4 is mediocre, and case 5 is great. The biggest problem is the final villain she just kind of exists until case 5 and then as soon as you accuse her it takes a few seconds to take her down along with her prosecutor design making her obvious from the Start of the trial which is a problem for a final culprit. It has good characters and the game is great it just has small problems. And for the culprits Pees'lubn is ok, Retinz is great, Tahrust is great, Beh'leeb is fine, Geiru is ok, atishon is great, Ga'ran is bad, and Nichody is great.

    5-Investigations 2

    This placement would surprise people but it's where I rank it. The reason why its lower is I find the mastermind thing kind of dumb one person makes people kill each other from a traumatic past why did we go from a freaking smuggling ring to this. Raymond Shields is irratating and I didnt care about him. The final villain is supposed to be sympathetic but he feels about as sympathetic as Matt Engarde. Courtney is also a really weak rival. For the positives I really cant think of any it's a really bad game with no qualities. I'm joking it would be lower if I disliked this game it's still great. It has some really good culprits Knightly is great Roland is mediocre and kind of annoying, Gustavia is great, Blaise is great, and Simon is great even If he fails at being sympathetic. Sebastian is hilarious and has solid development. It has a good plot in the backstory area. Logic chess is tons of fun. Case 1 is great, case 2 is mediocre, case 3 and 5 are amazing, and case 4 is great. Overall it's a great game I just dont feel like it matches the quality of investigations 1 and yes I know that's an unpopular opinion.


    I find the smuggling ring better than the investigations 2 mastermind thing, I prefer the political kind of plot this game has and I prefer the final killer. The culprits are mostly solid other than one. Portsman is good, Meele is good, lance is mediocre, Yew is great, and Alba is great. Case 4 and 5 are also a ton better than any investigations 2 case is my opinion and I really cant think of anything else to say about it.

    3-The great ace attorney

    Even if case 2 is bad and case 4 isnt great but still good I still love this game. Case 1, 3, and 5 are amazing. For the culprits Jezail is great, Nikomina is bad, Megundal is the best in the series, Joan is the worst in the series, and Chrogray is great. Theres nothing else I can say.

    2-Dual Destinies

    This game gets unnecessary hate it has the best group of culprits in the series in my opinion the best breakdown, the best soundtrack and has consistantly great cases. Blackquill has the best prosecutor development, Case 1 is great, case 2 is my favorite in the series, case 3 is good not great but does great at doing what it needs to case and case 4+5 are the best finale in the series imo. Tonate is great, L'Belle is amazing, Means is great, and the phantom is amazing. I won't talk about 5-dlc because I hate it. It also has my favorite defendants in the series well not the dlc case orla is an animal so I dont consider her a character and sasha is the only time I would be perfectly happy failing to get a not guilty verdict. But the rest of them are amazing Woods, is great, Tenma is amazing, Starbuck is great, and Athena is great. Overall this game is a complete masterpiece.

    1-The great ace attorney 2

    If this didnt exist than dual destinies would be my favorite game and the darkest in the series. This game has great culprits. Mamemoni, is great, Petenshy is one of my favourite culprits in the whole series, Drebber is amazing, Sithe is mediocre, Jigoku is good but not great, and vortex is great. It's full of some really good twists and ties up all the mysteries the first game left really well and for the cases case 1 is amazing and the best case 1 in the series, case 2 is my second favorite case in the series, case 3 is amazing, case 4 is great but has lots of problems, and case 5 is amazing. It makes vanZieks even better than he already was in DGS 1 and the professor serial killings was a great part of the plot.

    submitted by /u/Monstrous-Turnabout
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    Just finished playing Dual Destinies. Rest in peace Bobby Fulbright.

    Posted: 10 Jul 2020 12:39 AM PDT

    Have a feeling that if I'm reminded of these cases even slightly, I'll have a mental breakdown.

    submitted by /u/jrod0727
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    Gyakuten Saiban 2 - Farewell, my turnabout Backstage

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 10:44 AM PDT

    Hi guys, I'm Eva, I'm new here. I've just uploaded on Youtube the backstage of the second stage play for Ace Attorney to share with you. It's about the last case of Justice for All, so if you click on it you will find major spoilers. It's in Japanese, no subs are available. It would be great if someone helped out.I hope that you enjoy watching it either way as much as I did. I will soon upload other videos of the same sort. Hopefully, they won't be taken down.
    Gyakuten Saiban 2 - BACKSTAGE

    submitted by /u/Eva_Noir
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    What game, and what case, had the radio DJ saying "It's almost Christmas," proving that the radio broadcast happened before the murder (which occurred slightly after midnight on Dec. 25)?

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 05:12 PM PDT

    How do you delete save files on the trilogy for switch (I’m trying to have only one save file since I accidentally made 2)

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 06:38 PM PDT

    Can someone help?

    submitted by /u/JoeAzlz
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    An interesting idea I thought up of

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 06:11 PM PDT

    I'm a huge fan of Ace Attorney and Danganronpa and so I was trying to think of a really simple way to combine the two.

    I ended up thinking that it would be really cool to see Ace Attorney cases summarized in the style of a Danganronpa Closing Argument Comic!

    Of course, I have no way of doing this by myself because I'm not experienced in art in any way. It would also be cool for it to be voice acted but I am getting way too far ahead of myself.

    If anyone is interested at all you can message me and maybe we could actually make something out of this!

    submitted by /u/CrispyBoi7022
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    I'm about to give up the whole game in Rise From The Ashes

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 08:34 PM PDT

    I'd never played Phoenix Wright before, and finally grabbed the trilogy on sale for Switch.

    It was enjoyable enough throughout the main game, but I immediately felt things were a bit strange when the bonus case, Rise From The Ashes, popped up. I haven't even made it past the Trial Former.

    I had thankfully read somewhere that this was a bonus case added at some point after this specific game's original release, intended to make use of the Nintendo DS's touchscreen and such.

    But the whole thing just felt so bizarre. Suddenly introducing brand new mechanics at the end of the game, new characters who didn't seem to need to exist (even Phoenix is aware of how similar Ema is to Maya), aaaaaand then this Angel Starr person.

    The first two moves I had to make to progress in the cross-examination were literal guesswork for me. I'm really glad I've learned from previous games of this type to save often and in different slots.

    To begin with, presenting the photo she took at the beginning was hard to understand. She said she took the photo at the moment of the crime, yet the crime is clearly very much over in the photo. I kinda felt like I was guessing out of desperation when I presented the photo, and after the characters discussed when exactly the picture was taken, I felt like that was the only way I ever would've done that right.

    I'll admit it took some re-reading in the walkthrough to understand why I had to present the knife next, even though that was also guesswork. And I get it now, how would she know there was a knife she could use as a murder weapon in the trunk of the car. But, honestly, that's jumping like 8 steps ahead. Why the hell is she opening the trunk of Edgeworth's car anyway?

    The next couple of bits did make sense, but then things went immediately south.

    I knew two things didn't make any sense: the angle of the photo she took, since she would've been to the front-right of the car, and the distance from where she was to supposedly apprehend Lana.

    So I picked "angle of the view" or something to that effect. It was wrong.

    I was supposed to pick "Distance to the crime."

    While this is going on, Angel's presenting a steady stream of lunchboxes. Nothing about this is funny anymore.

    I gave the game a lot of leeway for some reason. I still don't understand why the judge let von Karma walk all over him during the beginning of that trial. I absolutely don't understand why Phoenix is allowed to have Maya and now Ema on the bench with him (if that's the right term).

    But Angel committed some form of perjury or hiding evidence multiple times and is allowed to just continue like everything's fine.

    And then she pulls out the goddamn shoe.

    The photo is in black-and-white. The shoe is white. In the photo, Lana's shoes are black. [quick edit, I originally wrote 'red' for some reason. I'm tired.]

    I say there's a contradiction with the shoe. The game asks me to point it out on the shoe. I just point to the shoe itself. It's white. Shoes in the photo are black.

    I lose points.


    During her testimony, I present the photo of Lana wearing the black shoes.

    It works.

    I'm asked again to point to the contradiction on the shoe.

    For the fuck of it, I point to the heel, since the heels look slightly taller in the photo, and are also white.

    I lose points again.

    I quit for the night. Is this as bad as this series gets? Because this was infuriating. It's already been a really long day personally and I just flushed two hours of my chill time down the toilet for this.

    I apologize for the frustration, I really was enjoying the game until now. But man, this just absolutely rubbed me the wrong way.

    submitted by /u/kaizokukaiju
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    Does Dai Gyakuten gets better... ?

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 07:16 PM PDT

    I've started playing DGS and the game feels very... off. The characters haven't really clicked, Sherlock is annoying as hell, which only gets me more bummed because he seems to be the main companion throughout the game with the deduction mechanic, the pace is very slow, and the themes are... I dunno, I know it's related to the era the game takes place in, but all the racism (if we can call it that) and xenophobia are really disturbing me, especially with Japanese!Payne's groveling in the first case, left a very bad taste in my mouth.

    Bottom line is: as a fan of all the other games, should I push through it?

    submitted by /u/desktp
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    I wish there was a spinoff game where we get to be a prosecutor or even play as edgeworth instead

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 11:46 PM PDT

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