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    Saturday, June 13, 2020

    Ace Attorney Turnabout sisters (fanart)

    Ace Attorney Turnabout sisters (fanart)

    Turnabout sisters (fanart)

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 09:24 AM PDT

    Made a dress inspired by Franziska in Animal Crossing ;u; still a work in progress but did my best

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 07:33 PM PDT

    Lost this copy of investigations about 3 years ago. Found it outside this week and it still works after rain, snow, and 100 degree summers.

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 10:09 PM PDT


    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 12:06 PM PDT

    Can we get some more love for the Judge?

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 09:32 PM PDT

    Made this at Midnight, here's Shaggy Butz.

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 09:04 PM PDT

    Every damn noti gets me exited, then it’s just this...

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 08:35 PM PDT

    Today I learned I don't know how to draw medical equipment (mild spoilers, I guess?)

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 09:20 AM PDT

    What's an aspect/angle of a character you would like to see explored?

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 07:04 PM PDT

    Ace Attorney has always been a pleasant surprise for me with regards to main character depth. For instance, a lot of franchises would have left Pearl's silly obsession with Phoenix and Maya getting together as just that--a silly obsession, only there for comedy. Instead the games took the time to talk about how the issues surrounding romance and marriage in Kurain gave Pearl a craving for a nuclear family with parents who love each other, but little idea about how it's supposed to work.

    Of course, there's always more to do.

    One thing I kind of want to see explored in more detail is Phoenix's habit of clinginess. Both with Miles and (AA3 Spoilers) "Dollie", he grows attached to them, starts to revolve his whole life around them, is willing to throw his dignity and safety away for them, and (AA2 and 3 Spoilers) is inevitably devastated by their betrayal, real or imagined. That, plus the fact that he seems to just fall into a depressive slump when left alone (see: the beginning of RftA) makes me think the dude has some issues with being attached to people a normal amount. I think it might be interesting to bring that up, especially now that Trucy's getting old enough to start thinking about moving out.

    submitted by /u/Geeneelee
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    "Phantom Thief", you say...?

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 12:48 PM PDT

    Are there any minor characters that you'd want to see return as defendants, victims, or cameos?

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 07:21 PM PDT

    Gumshoe can dance boi

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 09:07 PM PDT

    So hypothetically speaking, if Capcom had made a direct continuation of Apollo Justice/AA4's storylines, how do you think the new AA5 would've turned out?

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 11:21 PM PDT

    Just some of my own thoughts on this:

    1) I really do think that Kristoph Gavin's black psyche locks would've played a role in AA5. There was just something about that moment in Apollo Justice that made me feel that we were going to explore that concept in the next game. Of course, we did, but that was for a different character.

    2) It goes without saying but AA5 would expand on the jurist system. Because of that, the game would probably play more like the Great Ace Attorney series.

    3) Maybe a Maya Fey subplot? Spirit of Justice gave us the explanation that Maya left Phoenix's office to pursue her spirit channeling training in a different country. But in this new version of AA5, who knows, the reason for the split could be different.

    4) I'm a bit torn on whether Klavier Gavin would return as the main prosecutor or if a new guy will take his place. It's the series' tradition to introduce a new prosecutor for each game but Klavier's so underdeveloped that I'd honestly be fine if he were to be the prosecutor again.

    5) This point might be a bit controversial; Phoenix Wright anti-hero arc. Just saying, going off of his actions in AA4, it'd be really interesting to explore his mindset, how much of an effect the disbarment had on him, and how he came to be comfortable with using forged evidence.

    submitted by /u/regachoisiah
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    Game Grumps Animated — Ace Attorney

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 11:38 PM PDT

    Most unsettling/disturbing images from the games

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 03:53 PM PDT

    Being a series that covers all manner of grisly murders, the Ace Attorney games contain a variety of images that range from unsettling to downright disturbing. Since horror is pretty subjective, everybody is free to share their most uncomfortable images from the games.

    Some top ones would have to be:

    submitted by /u/CharlieDayJepsen
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    My stupid idea (part 2)

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 02:44 AM PDT

    I‘m very hesitant to ask, but why do people generally not like Iris that much?

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 08:44 PM PDT

    Like seriously. I'm not gonna say she's one of the best characters of all time but so what? She does what she needs to do pretty well. I really don't get why people keep criticizing her so much. Not every character is going to be one of the greats. What's wrong with Iris in particular?

    submitted by /u/Ahnjsuw
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    Just thought i'd share this (Eccentric People) cover from Justice for All and AJ. Performed by a....horse?

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 08:23 PM PDT

    Is the PC version worth it?

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 07:20 PM PDT

    Sorry if this type of question isn't allowed, but I wanted to know if the PC version was any good or not. I'm in love with the series and wanted to get it myself, but I don't have a DS to play it on. Is the game quality still good?

    submitted by /u/yeehawyeetus
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    About the new voice actors in dual destinies

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 07:21 PM PDT

    Am I the only one who feels they should have kept the original lines for the speech bubbles in dual destinies even ir the voice actors in the cutscenes are different? It's just that when I hear them object, I don't hear the character objecting, i feel like s dub voice actor is speaking in a studio. We all grew attached to the original voices, why change? All the voices were so distinct in the original. I can barely tell everyone appart in dd. Yes the original voices weren't professional, but when you're used to a voice why change it? Even if the voice actors were different between the cutscenes and the speech bubbles, I would have preferred that over those imposter voices. What do you think?

    By the way is there a mod with the original voices?

    submitted by /u/imjustakid0300
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    Favorite Minor Character (Female) in the Trilogy?

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 03:02 PM PDT

    Repost because of bad word choice in the title...

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/Ahnjsuw
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    Worst Yamazaki Case

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 12:07 PM PDT

    Hopefully I didn't miss any blatantly bad cases

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/Yak_23
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    (AAI-5 spoilers) Is this realistic physics?

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 12:17 PM PDT


    So one of the tricks is that, to smuggle the body, Alba first floated the pushcart in water on the Allebahstian side, had Shi-na ready at the Babahlese side, and then drained the water. This drainage caused them to get to the bottom, so Shih-na walked the pushcart to the Babahlese side. Alba then resumed a water flow, refilling the pool, causing them to be able to float back up to the Babahlese side where Shih-na could move the body over.

    I'm just wondering: wouldn't they (Shih-na/the pushcart) drown IRL? I'm imagining myself at the bottom of a deep pool that's empty and it starts flowing from the top. Would you really be able to float up? Wouldn't you drown? Especially if you were trying to balance/guide up a pushcart?

    Is this how "buoyancy" works? Any people who know about the physics of buoyancy who can say if this is realistic for a small adult female (Shih-na) and a pushcart with a male corpse to do?

    submitted by /u/ShiningConcepts
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