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    Sunday, March 15, 2020

    Ace Attorney We know what we like

    Ace Attorney We know what we like

    We know what we like

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 11:21 AM PDT

    Also, here's a quick Clay doodle

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 06:50 AM PDT

    A drawing I made of Apollo as he is in DD (as suggested by u/slimelime2001)

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 11:41 AM PDT

    I drew Phoenix Wright in my on style!

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 06:15 PM PDT

    Found a Danganronpa sprite edit of Franziska Von Karma (original artist is 9brony)

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 12:07 PM PDT

    Not a better way to stay home avoiding the spread of COVID19

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 08:45 AM PDT

    Thank you, Google. Very cool

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 07:26 AM PDT


    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 06:49 AM PDT

    What's you're favorite payne?

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 08:29 PM PDT

    My favorite Payne is Auchi

    submitted by /u/Monstrous-Turnabout
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    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 11:30 PM PDT

    What's up y'all? I'm a new fan to the series who bought the HD Trilogy a little bit ago. I finished it a little bit ago and I wanna play more. Any recommendations?

    submitted by /u/TheHostClone
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    Just installed Great Ace Attorney but whenever I open the app this screen pops up. What do I do?

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 05:29 PM PDT

    What is your opinion on Khura'in? *Spoilers*

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 08:02 PM PDT

    Do you like that setting more than Los Angeles? Would you rather play as a Khura'inese lawyer who could become the next Dhurke? And take cases either important or filler just for the sake while using the Divination Seance all the time?

    I like Khura'in, but it's not really as big as LA. Khura'in has many towns scattered around and it's an Enatic-Cognatic Absolute Monarchy full of Spirit Mediums and faith brings magic. Despite it being conservative, it has an interesting religion, language, and culture that I want to easily explore more.

    What do you think?

    submitted by /u/CamperorLOL
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    KSI be out here looking like Edgeworth

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 01:25 PM PDT

    Ranking Ace Attorney Games

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 06:25 PM PDT

    okay, let's settle this, what is everyone's ranking for all Ace Attorney Games (that you played atleast) ?

    here's my list, you're welcome to read my reasons for each game, I admit the write-up is long, I apologize for that.

    Didn't Play: The Great Ace Attorney 2 and Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright

    9.Ace Attorney 1: okay, the most controversial choice, probably will get alot of hate for it, before I start, I enjoyed every single game in the series, so none of the games are bad or even OK to me, the worst of them is decent.

    anyways, here's my reasoning, yes, it's the game that started it all, it shows major character development for the main characters, Wright, Maya, Edgeworth and Gumshoe, but the thing is .... the game pales in comparison to the rest of the series, and it's not a bad thing, cuz that means the series improved since the first game.

    The story of the game is really great, the first case does a great job introducing you to the gameplay, as well as Phoenix and Mia, the second case is a major plot twist by killing a main character already , and introduces to Maya, Edgeworth and Gumshoe, then the 3rd case gives you development for these 3, Edgeworth's objection during Dee Vasquez's cross-examination is one of my favorite moments in the entire series, and Gumshoe saving us from the mafia , then Turnabout Goodbyes seals the deal, being one of the best cases in the series, showing major development for Wright and Edgeworth into who they are today, and you even defeat a prosecutor with 40-years of experience , the stakes were never higher. oh and let me not count Rise from the Ashes, cuz I consider it a DLC case like Reclaimed and Time Traveller in DD and SoJ respectively, but if you ant to know my opinion, I liked this case the first time, but It wasn't a good replay, as it really dragged for more than it should have

    okay, after reading this article, you start to question, if I appreciate all that, why in the world is it the bottom of the list ? here's the answer: gameplay. the game has a great story, yes, but doesn't that apply to every other game in the series ? gameplay wise tho, this game was ....... not a very fun experience. The Investigations sections felt so hollow, which they thankfully fixed with mini-games like magatama in later games, the investigation sections were just a hindrance in the game, you had to sit through them to get to the trial, then you jump to the trial, the best part of the game, yay ... until you run into cross-examining White where you literally need to press every-statement twice to progress the game, and then they repeat that multiple times throughout the game, you had to do something just not logical at all to progress the game, which is a bad thing for a mystery game which requires you to think logically. I know I said I don't count Rise from The Ashes, but I will just mention it's flaws trivially, you had to press every statement for every cross examination in this case, which is an overkill.

    now, lets deviate from gameplay flaws abit, and go back to cases, other than the overarching story which I appreciate, the only great case is Turnabout Goodbyes, and Rise from the Ashes (the parts which it didn't drag in), The first two cases had little to no mystery, you even are told the killer, Turnabout Samurai had a good plot twist, but I'd say is mid tier at best.

    8.Investigations 1: I admit, case wise, this game isn't any better than Ace Attorney 1, the first 3 cases: 1 case is too obvious, the second and third are a good mystery, but neither are as good as Turnabout Samurai, so I guess it's kinda a tie when compared to the first 3 from AA1, the 4th case is god-tier, the 5th case is great, but dragged too long (thanks to Tree-Man), the story is also all connected together like AA1, the only difference is gameplay, I admit I really enjoy Investigations games gameplay more than the main series, it just merges the cross-examination part with investigations and mini games part, it offers alot of variety, instead of having to sit through an hour or so of Investigations to get to the court part, also I love the Logic and Little Thief sections, maybe without them I would've put it lower than AA1, not much to say here, the story is great, I loved playing as the improved Edgeworth who seeks the truth, and Franziska is at her best in this game and it's sequel, I love Kay and Lang, Detective Badd was so badass (no pun intended), Calisto Yew was a really good villain, although same can't be said about Quercus Alba.

    7.Justice For All: now for the second most revolutionary game after the first (which of course introduced us to the series), it introduced a lot of elements which they followed for the rest of the series, we got introduced us to the Magatama, which drastically improved the Investigations sections, made them less of a hindrance before the court sections, and more of part of the mystery, you had to solve some mysteries outside the court as well.

    It introduced us to the pattern theys till follow until now, with a prosecutor every new game, although Franziska is one of the weakest main prosecutors (she later on becomes one of my favorite characters tho, thanks to the Investigations games), and we got 2 days cases instead of 3 days, with longest court sections and longer investigation sections (which I don't mind since, again, Magatama).

    now to talk about the cases, while the story doesn't connect that well like the rest of the games on the series, and Turnabout Big Top was .... not that great, that's the nicest way to express my opinion about it. Reunion, and Turnabout and Farewell, My Turnabout really made up for that, Reunion was one of my favorite non-last cases in the franchise (come on, we all know the last case of every game is simply a masterpiece, they're a tier of their own to me), and Farewell, My Turnabout is one of my favorite last cases, the case was simply crazy, the impossible happens and we get a guilty client, Shelly De Killer is pure awesomeness, seeing the truth-seeker version of Edgeworth was so satisfying, let's not forget the ending and that breakdown

    6.Apollo Justice: now for the most underrated one, I can see why people don't like it so much, Wright hogging the spotlight and Turnabout Serenade. just Turnabout Serenade in general. I admit I don't like this case too, Lamiroir and Klavier made it more tolerable tho, anyways.

    let's start with the characters, once again, a colorful and great cast, we got Apollo, even tho his redeeming traits come from later games, he wasn't too bad here, Trucy is great, Klavier was a nice change of pace, for the first (and last time so far), the main prosecutor isn't evil and will do anything for a guilty verdict, Klavier actually triers to help you find the truth, he's more like Edgeworth post-AA1, and the detective is Ema, who doesn't love Ema, then we get Kristoph, our mentor who is a psychopath, he's one of the best villains in the series imo and ofcourse, we got Phoenix, the hobo ex-attorney who got unfairly disbarred.

    now for the cases, while Turnabout Serenade is a bloodbath, and Turnabout Corner is one of these mid-tier cases, I must say, Turnabout Trump and Succession really make up for that, like Justice for All it had 2 bad cases and 2 good ones (so it was really hard for me to rank them), the overarching plot was really good, the last case was really unique with the MASON System , Turnabout Trump is my second favorite first case in the series, so these 2 cases bring the game higher on the list.

    5.Dual Destinies: the first 3DS game, Phoenix Wright gets his badge back, Apollo Justice gets major character development and Athena Cykes starts her career. getting to play as 3 lawyers was a really unique experience, since we usually play as a one character for most of the game and sometimes play as another character for a past case or 2, but here we alternate between 3 main characters in the present. then we got Simon Blackquill, my favorite Prosecutor Rival in the series after Edgeworth, and we got Foolbright, who was really hilarious. not too fond of the 3 new awesome characters we got ? don't worry, we get 2 returning characters, Edgeworth and Pearl Fey , so it got everything.

    now for the story, It was really great, after a not so good first case admittedly, we get a most interesting cutscene of Apollo leaving the office for a mysterious reason , which already gets you invested in how the main story of the game will go, then we get another okay case, probably one of the worst, but atleast it introduced us to Athena, Blackquill and Foolbright, and we play as veteran Apollo who can win cases on his own without bullshit, so the main characters and the twist at the end kinda saved this case from being an entirely bad experience.

    now after the first 2 cases, we finally get to the juicy stuff, Turnabout Academy, a really good case, in my opinion, playing as Athena, not much to say without spoiling the case. now for the last two cases, well, it's a final case, what would you expect. we defend 3 different clients, we play as both Apollo and Phoenix, we get Edgeworth, we know about Athena's past, we get a major plot twist with the Phantom's identity, although the one bad thing about this case is we never see the real Phantom. and not that it counts in my ranking as I promised earlier, but Turnabout Reclaimed was very good too.

    one last great thing about this game: Mood Matrix. one of my favorite mini-games in the series, it was very unique and different. and ofcourse, the Magatama and Bracelet come back from the previous games, one of the good things about playing as 3 different Lawyers.

    4.Spirit of Justice: now for the good ones, I had trouble ranking these 4 games, atleast 4 cases, if not all 5, in these games were very decent. the game takes uniqueness one step further and it takes you to an entirely different country, which means different characters, different story, and even a different court with the Defense Culpability Act , we get Ema back, more Ema is always golden to me. I really loved Dhurke, Rayfa and Datz, although Nahyuta is my least favorite main prosecutor rival in the main series (he isn't bad, the others are simply better), and ofcourse, the return of our favorite spirit medium little friend. the game felt really unique and different, especially the Khura'in cases.

    now for the cases, we start with The Foreign Turnabout, not the best mystery ever, not the best villain either, and it doesn't compare to the 3 epic first cases (Memories, Trump and Target), but the case did a really good job introducing us to the stakes and uniqueness of this new country, everyone hates you, it felt satisfying to slowly prove to them lawyers aren't as bad as you think, and slowly working your way into your client's trust, you are introduced to the Divination Seance minigame, another one of my favorites. and then the next case ? Trucy is the defendant and the office is about to be closed, not to mention the epic villain< , also the change from Khura'in to Japan/US back to Khura'in is so refreshing. the third case, we go back to Phoenix in Khura'in, surely the stakes can't get higher, right ? >!nope, Maya is the defendant, Wright and Maya are on the verge of death, the case is confusing from start to finish, and it turns out to be a suicide , then we move on to the fourth case, the stakes aren't as high, but we play as Athena and we get some Blackquill bonding time , and the case is all about psychology, which is something different from the ace attorney franchise, so from a case about Magic to Priests to Psychology, if this is not variety, I dunno what is. now for the final case, this case is the Bridge to the Turnabout for Apollo, it's simply phenomenal, I know alot of people say it's really wrong, but it doesn't really drag, it's just so much is happening in this case, it could've been split into two if it weren't for them having to stick to 5 cases only, the whole Revolution vs Government stuff was great, and it was satisfying to bring down Ga'ran in the end, although Nahyuta's development didn't make any sense.

    3.Trials and Tribulations: It was too hard to choose between this one and Spirit of Justice, but there's one factor that affected my decision: Godot. both games are great from start to finish, both games have great overarching plots that are a great close to Phoenix/Apollo's story arc, the only thing T&T does remarkably better is the main prosecutor, Godot is such a great character, there's not much to say about the rest of the cast since it's the same as the first 2 games.

    every case was great, The Stolen Turnabout is really unique, a case about larceny, I loved Atmey and Ron's plan to get accused of theft to get alibi for murder then we get Recipe for Turnabout, which was really confusing, and one of these good mysteries you can't easily figure out, and the Xin Eohp was really hilarious.

    now for what really made the game what it is. the Turnabout Memories, Turnabout Beginnings and Bridge to the Turnabout Trilogy of cases, they connected together well, the Mia and Dahlia rivalry is done really well, playing as Mia as a different experience, since she's the first character we play as in the series other than Wright, then they even drop a bigger surprise, Miles Edgeworth: Ace Attorney the final case connected everything in the trilogy, lots of major twists, and the emotional confrontation in the whole series at the end. this is the best game in the main series, and they couldn't have done it any better.

    2.The Great Ace Attorney: so Trials and Tribulations is only the 3rd best ? how can you surpass such a perfect game ? the only way to do this is to change the formula, and this is what the next two games did. The Great Ace Attorney is so phenomenal, and it's really frustrating to me that I have to wait for ho knows how long for the second game to be translated, but it's worth the wait hopefully.

    the game takes place in, not only a different country, but a different time period, the game starts in Japan, everything is the same gameplay wise, except for more than one witness on the stand, it feels different tho since this is early 20th century Japan. you have a mentor figure and you face a Payne, a similar manner to start the game to AA1 and AJ, the first case isn't the best ever, but it used a trick only this case could use, which I appreciate, with Jezail using Japan's ignorance at the time to get away with murder but we manage to win the case somehow, although it's worth noting, Naruhodo isn't even a law student, it was all so sudden for him, so you start from absolute zero, which is different indeed.

    then the game starts to get REALLY good, on the second case we get another case of main character dying , and we are introduced to Susato, one of the best assistant characters, and Sherlock Holmes, the best detective in the series arguably (which is a feat, considering we got the likes of Gumshoe, Ema, Foolbright and Badd), and we are introduced to my favorite mini game in the series so far, Joint Reasoning, it's so lit, it's both hilarious and satisfying to solve, the case ends with a twist, playing on our expectations the main character dying ... by accident ?! no conspiracy ? no White ? no Dahlia ? no
    Ga'ran ? just an accident ?

    then we move to the third case, we are introduced to the court system and prosecutor rival of this game finally. and it was worth the wait. Van Zeiks is Miles and Simon combined, the best two prosecutors of the main series, and he's definitely in top 3 along with them, we thrown into the case right away and we can't even verify if our client is innocent or not , we get to see the Jury System, which changes everything, talk about changing the formula, it drastically improves the court sections (which I thought was impossible, considering how good they already were), and we have yet another twist at the end, our whole life was a lie we were lead to believe we are finding contradictions and solving the case to clear our defendant's name, but it was actually the defendant forging evidence to help you without you knowing

    then the fourth case, our first real case, which is kinda very late in the game, but hey, Naruhodo didn't get time to learn about being a lawyer from Asougi, he's learning the hard way, the case isn't the best, but with the colorful cast, and new gameplay elements, it was still a funny experience, they played by our expectations yet again with yet another accident, when will we get an actual evil murderer ?!

    and ofcourse, for the final case, they always have to make the final case the best in the game, don't they ? the stakes become higher as Holmes get injured, Susato has to leave England the case connects well with the third case , the ending was such a cliff hangar too.

    overall, it was a great game, with alot of twists, even tho I played this game the latest, it still found ways to surprise me.

    1.Investigations 2: now for the last game on the list, the best Ace Attorney game so far. Investigations 2. this game is pure perfection. every case is appealing, rarely any boring moments, the game connects well together.

    first, we are introduced to new rivals, and they're great characters, Sebastian Debeste and Justine Courtney, their role in the story was so great, especially the last 2 cases, we ofcourse get the same cast as the first game, Edgeworth, Gumshoe, Franziska, Kay and Lang.

    now for the cases, Turnabout Target is my favorite first case in the series, you confront Shelly The Killer. in the first case. are you kidding me ?! , we are introduced to yet another great game mechanic, Logic Chess, it's a bit similar to Mood Matrix with observing the opponent's behaviour, it really fits Edgeworth too, then you confront Horace Knightly, a pretty good character imo, not much can be said about the first case, you know, being the first, so let's move on.

    the second case in the game, takes place in prison, which is different, different is usually welcome. until we find Knightly is the victim ?! I kinda feel bad for sending him to prison now. we are introduced to a colorful cast of witnesses, including Frank Sahwit, who would've thought we'd see him again it feels like anyone could've done it.

    now for the third case, one of the best non-final case in the series, you play as Gregory and Miles at the same time, and it's Gregory's last case before DL-6 , the case is so tricky, and a good mystery, the case starts with Dane Gustavia possibly dying, is he a victim of a serial killing ? it looks like Hall did it ? she probably did. nope, she's a good person and Gustavia is the villain , the case is so good, it even makes Larry look like a tolerable character.

    then we got the fourth case, Kay got amnesia ?! , it seems that Edgeworth's career is o the line ... and he does lose his badge , the murderer is kinda obvious, but how did he do it, and how do we beat him ? if only someone would help us ... Justine Courtney: Blaise Debeste, I indict you , we also get Ema, more Ema is always better.

    and last but not least, the last case, you should know this by now, it's definitely awesome, everything comes in full circle, every single case in the game is connected without even realizing it, we confront a shocking mastermind, and we get a satisfying moment with Sebastian depending on himself and confronting his father , everything makes sense

    overall, the game is very well done, gameplay wise, story wise, mystery wise, character wise, even music wise (I didn't write much about music, now that I think about it, but it was great throughout the whole series)

    thank you for reading, please share your own rankings

    submitted by /u/nouratef
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    Very messed up and potentially confusing question...

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 01:47 PM PDT

    Hypothetically, if Maya got pregnant, and then channeled somebody...what would happen?

    submitted by /u/timothysonofsam
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    Floor plans for my fanfiction. I mean, why not post it?

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 10:00 AM PDT

    My cover fanart for the fanfiction I'm writing, Collapse of the Turnabout! Hope it turned out well.

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 05:48 AM PDT

    Corona Time! You know what that means!

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 09:05 AM PDT

    Look at the Objection Now (Ace Attorney series x Busta Rhymes Mashup)

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 09:38 PM PDT

    Which are your top 3 fav pursuit themes?

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 10:38 AM PDT

    Mine are AAI(duh), JFA, and T&T

    submitted by /u/JackBackKKC
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    how do i play DGS help

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 04:50 PM PDT

    from what i've read and the screenshots i've seen it looks like a really good game and i'm in love with sherlock holmes and i really really really wanna play it but i have no idea how.

    is it too complicated to get it on android? can i play it on an emulator? i have a 3ds, should i play it there? i tried to read the instructions in the fan translation page but i didn't understand a thing 😔 can any of you help me?? also, should i play DD before this one?

    why is sherlock so handsome?

    submitted by /u/SopaLaSopa
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    What do people think about the Ace Attorney Trilogy collections?

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 08:28 AM PDT

    I just wanted to see how many people share my opinion, being that I feel the updated vectorised graphics are horrific. It doesn't look too awful on the 3ds but the bigger it gets the worse. It might be because the original games left such a profound impact on me and the gba graphics resonated so well with everything else.

    There's just something very cheap looking compared to the original's fantastic sprite art https://imgur.com/a/qcPQ0dU -keep in mind it looks even better at native resolution

    https://imgur.com/a/AgE9wGS -also keep in mind this image gets expanded futher

    Is this opinion controversial? Am I mentally impaired for thinking it? What do you think?

    submitted by /u/ArkanAliveInSomalia
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    What do you think is going through some the AA character’s heads on a daily basis?

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 10:03 AM PDT

    What do you think is on a character's mind daily? Here's some I've thought about:

    Phoenix: Thinking about if he'll ever have a normal case for once and if he'll have any money for rent or for whenever Maya asks for a burger

    Maya: Thinking about some Steel Samurai headcanons, getting burgers from Phoenix, and her spirit channeling training

    Pearl: Thinking about how she can get Phoenix and Maya to project their love for each other lol

    And lastly

    Apollo: Thinking about if he's doing fine or not, hoping he's not on cleaning duty of the toilet, and practicing his Chords of Steel in his head (also thinking about Athena and how they held hands once during an investigation)

    submitted by /u/FloofBoi64
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