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    Friday, March 13, 2020

    Ace Attorney Tfw the convention you were going to gets cancelled.

    Ace Attorney Tfw the convention you were going to gets cancelled.

    Tfw the convention you were going to gets cancelled.

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 04:12 PM PDT

    Low-budget Phoenix Cosplay, sorry for potato quality.

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 09:28 AM PDT

    All trial recent days belike:

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 02:33 PM PDT

    Edgeworth doesn't drive to work, he flies with his hair

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 07:55 PM PDT

    oh- maya? well just a maya drawing based off jelloapocalypse’s so this is basically ace attorney

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 08:15 PM PDT

    spawn of satan

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 10:37 PM PDT

    When Larry says that someone else is an idiot is serious business lol

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 02:59 PM PDT

    little dahlia sketch :)

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 01:06 PM PDT

    We all know Luke Atmey, but personally would like to meet his millennial younger brother

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 12:22 PM PDT

    Dont Atmey

    submitted by /u/timothysonofsam
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    A little sketch of Ema

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 10:32 PM PDT

    Got paid earlier then I thought so I decided to treat myself

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 06:35 PM PDT

    I did a fanart of Apollo and Trucy years ago, and this pic is a parody of what the AJ name stands for, hope you like this one :)

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 02:05 PM PDT

    I just noticed this cute Pink Badger with the Blue Badger. I want them both

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 01:58 PM PDT

    Drew some Artwork for our playthrough. Great game so far; love all the puns.

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 10:20 AM PDT

    Drawfee drawing Phoenix Wright Original Characters

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 06:01 PM PDT

    What good Ac Attorney fan games are there?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 07:47 PM PDT

    Especially ones where you take the main role as someone other than the main trio (Phoenix, Apollo, Athena). Also, has the ever been a My Cousin vinny Ace Attorney fan game?

    submitted by /u/ZechariyahIII
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    Has anyone else noticed that Hugh O'Conner and Sorin Sprocket look almost identical?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 10:22 AM PDT

    My Ace Attorney 7 villain showcase *Spoilers*

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 07:11 PM PDT

    Okay, so here is how my villain would present himself:

    "Mr. Justice, do you have anything else to say?" The Khura'inese Judge said.

    "No, Your Magistry." Apollo sighed. "I better figure out a way to solve this mystery, without bothering Rayfa too much."

    "Very well, Your Benevolence." The Khura'inese Judge called her. She was still giving over the loss of her good friend from childhood.

    "As much as we understand your loss, the truth is necessary for spite of the heinous deeds Her Fraudelence has committed against us." The Judge looked at her. "Please, may we see the insight of the spirit?"

    "My apologies, for letting my feelings get under the control over me." Rayfa looked down with her hand placed on her chest. "I will try to do it, as long as I don't let it worsen my skills to find the true perpetrator to justice."

    "That's a good girl." Apollo looked confident. "Come on, Rayfa. I know you can do it!"

    "O Holy Mother-"


    "That's enough, shrimp. Your time is over."

    "...! What the..?" Apollo and Nahyuta turned at the door.

    The Judge widened his eyes. "W-Why it's you!"

    The man presented himself to be a bit old with several wrinkles on his face, but the rest of his design certainly grabbed everyone's eyes. He wore a black cloak with a large necklace consisting of skulls mostly related to children, rebels, and other people executed under the DC act. He also had a dark-yellow lining, the Khura'inese pendant shaped upside down, dark-black boots with many lace straps, dark-gloves with bone fragments, stern eyes with dark-purple pupils, and many face tattoos are drawn on his face resembling of an ancient being.

    "A-Ah! Y-You!" Rayfa began to look angry.

    Nahyuta sees it too, he begins to frown in a bit of disgust. "It... It seems we have met again have we?"

    "...Not at all, but I've missed you both." He began to play on his skull necklace, after seeing Nahyuta he grins. "Ah! Nahyuta! We a nice surprise! I haven't seen ya in like... Two years."

    "...It almost makes me wish I've seen my wife before she 'expired'." He continued.

    Apollo began to look suspicious. "J-Just who does he think he is!?"

    "And well if it isn't Amara's sweet little child!" He turned on Rayfa, who was looked scared of him. "You've grown up haven't ya? The Holy Mother sure likes ya despite her heretical verses."

    "Um... Well, as a descendant from the Holy Mother, you should be ashamed!" Rayfa looked angrily at him.

    "I don't have the foggiest idea you're saying, maybe you should join me and I can turn those doubts upon you away." He offered while giving a slightly devilish grin. "You look interesting to me."

    Rayfa looked surprised, seemingly interested. "U-Um, w-well... I mean...


    Apollo slammed both of his hands on the defense bench, he looked at him dead seriously. "Before you make a decision on that, I'd like to know who you are!"

    "You didn't have to shout, ya know." He looked at Apollo with an uninteresting glare. "But I guess if you're curious, let me properly introduce to myself. My name is Zaran Nribhaya Arthin. I was the Former Chief Prosecutor for over twenty years until I resigned to let that trashbag of mine take to the stead."

    He continues, Nahyuta really doesn't like his guts. "But of course, I haven't seen someone from the Defense's bench in a long time. Not that I'm afraid of that, a good fight puts me in a nutritious mood."

    "Though, it's sad if you lose I wouldn't kill you." He continued playing with his skulls. "But I digress, I prefer to take this child with me to somewhere where she doesn't have to see." He then goes on. "She has to learn her lesson from seeing too many dead things."


    "I'm afraid not. Her Benevolence was educated to look at the victim's soul from their point-of-view." Nahyuta frowned at him as he continued. "There isn't anything grotesque to look at. So how about you leave us be and continue our trial for the victim's hommage."

    "Heh. That's exactly the thing I need from Dhurke's boy." He replied Nahyuta felt a little bit shocked.

    "I-I beg your pardon?" Nahyuta gritted his teeth. Apollo sees it.

    "Nahyuta..? What's gotten into you?" Apollo suddenly looked scared.

    "You always told me, that Defense Attorneys and criminals were nothing but scum." He then explained with a malicious Ax-crazy like manner. "Wasn't that something I learned from your Aunt? Who was my only pupil?"

    "P-POHLKUNKA!" Nahyuta was blasted back with many beads falling on him.

    "In any case, I want her to come with me to teach her something that suits her nicely." He then tried to grab Rayfa's hand. "This whole Dance of Devotion thing along with Pool of Souls is driving me bored."

    "B-But I have yet to do the favor!" Rayfa protested.

    "Sorry, but you don't." He grabbed her as his hand felt like a chain strapped to her arm. "Come with me, we are leaving this wretched place."


    "And who do you think you are to judge that!" Apollo shouted. "You don't have any royal permission by law to remove an important soul in this case!"

    "I'm afraid the Defense has a point, Chief Arthin." The Judge said looking stern. "You may let go of Her Benevolence at once!"

    "...You really think I can just do that and forget all this happened?" Zaran chuckled viciously. "All of you just think you're in control here, but I would love to see you all expired through suffocation by mustard gas!"

    "We'll see about that!" Apollo points to him. "If you're so confident, we want to hear your reason in testimony!"

    "...Tch, let's get this game started." Zaran grinned as he commenced.

    Witness Testimony
    - Why she has to be re-educated -

    What do you think? Does this seem well? If it does, then what will happen next? Any questions?

    submitted by /u/CamperorLOL
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    Discussion | Mia Fey: Ace Attorney game(s) ?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 03:12 PM PDT

    so, I was thinking of characters who can get a spin-off game or series, there are many good choices actually, but I think the one with most potential would be Mia Fey.

    it would take place between Turnabout Memories (April 2014) and Turnabout Sisters (September 2016)

    since that's 3 years, I think there's actually enough for a Trilogy, so here are my ideas:

    Mia Fey: Ace Attorney

    • It would focus around her time in Grossberg Law Offices, so Grossberg and possibly Robert Hammond can be your co-council
    • It takes place in 2014, so the main prosecutor would be Neil Marshall and the Detective would be Lana Skye, since that takes place before SL-9.
    • The overarching plot would be a set of cases which the late Diego Armando was trying to uncover, similar to Trials and Tribulation with Mia and Dahlia.
    • So you play as Diego in the tutorial case with Mia by his side, the case would happen shortly before Turnabout Beginnings, when Mia first joined Grossberg Law Offices, I think it makes sense if she joined way before her first case, like Athena in Dual Destinies when she joined 6 months before her first case, and Diego gets another case, either the 4th or a section of the 5th
    • and ofcourse, the 5th case would have Mia solving the mystery.

    Mia Fey: Ace Attorney 2

    • The second game, it takes place in 2015.
    • by the end of the 5th case in the 1st game, Mia leaves Grossberg's office and founds Fey & Co. Law Offices, she asks her sister, Maya Fey for help, so she's her co-council throughout this game.
    • the Prosecutor would be Lana Skye, it'd be interesting to see the detective from the previous game become the prosecutor for this one, it'd be interesting to see Mia interact with cold post-SL-9 Lana Skye.
    • the Detective can be Bruce Goodman, I can't think of anyone else, Gumshoe is more of Edgeworth's partner, so as long as he is in the country, Gumshoe would stay with Edgeworth.
    • The Overarching Plot would naturally focus on Lana's sudden transformation as well as Mia growth into a veteran Lawyer.
    • we can get to play as young Grossberg for a case maybe as a bonus, maybe a case similar to the Inherited Turnabout where you play as both Grossberg in the past and Mia in the present to solve the case.
    • by the end of the game, Maya leaves to start her spiritual training, and Phoenix joins Fey & Co. Law Offices.

    Mia Fey: Ace Attorney 3 (Optional)

    • The more I think about it, I think 2 games would be enoughl, I don't have many ideas for the 3rd game anyways, but here goes nothing.
    • It takes place in 2016.
    • The Overarching Plot would be Mia trying to expose Redd White, and she solves alot of cases with him indirectly involved, and maybe she gets a lead about her mother's whereabouts, maybe even meeting Elise Deauxnim (she would either not recognize her, which is unlikely, or she would recognize her but respects her decision and decides to not blow her cover)
    • Phoenix Wright can be her co-council throughout the game.
    • I'm not sure about the Prosecutor or Detective for this game, it can stay as Lana and Goodman, or even original characters

    that's all my ideas. ofcourse, I'd be glad to hear your own ideas, and your thoughts about mine.

    submitted by /u/nouratef
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    Watch The Shield of Justice by Team Turnabout from the beginning, this time, with glorious HD 3D models!

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 12:58 PM PDT

    He said the line! (Conflict of Interest-4 spoilers)

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 12:59 PM PDT

    How Would You Improve Jacques Portsman?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 03:52 PM PDT

    submitted by /u/ASpellforProtection
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    We at Team Turnabout remade the whole first episode for the sake of it!

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 01:36 PM PDT

    Gumshoe enters the wrong courthouse.

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 03:47 PM PDT

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