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    Wednesday, February 26, 2020

    Ace Attorney Honestly these voice actors made me forget I was playing a fan translation and felt like as if Capcom actually officially released it...

    Ace Attorney Honestly these voice actors made me forget I was playing a fan translation and felt like as if Capcom actually officially released it...

    Honestly these voice actors made me forget I was playing a fan translation and felt like as if Capcom actually officially released it...

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 05:53 PM PST

    Ace Attorney series in one sentence

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 09:03 AM PST

    Since my Apollo wallpaper got attention, here's a Phoenix wallpaper I did a while back! (MS Paint)

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 04:50 AM PST

    I just noticed the resemblance

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 06:09 AM PST

    What makes Ace Attorney so special to you?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 10:32 PM PST

    For me I was introduced to it by my friends when the games were first coming out and I have fond memories of them all laughing, joking, and having a really good time about it. Probably was the happiest period of my life. I also came to love the characters and can relate to the friendships they have with each other, especially in the original trilogy.

    submitted by /u/yaoigay
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    [Fanart] This was inevitable

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 07:46 PM PST

    don’t threaten me with a good time

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 08:10 PM PST

    [AA3] Does any of the computer jargon in Recipe for Turnabout make sense?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 05:15 PM PST

    When asked what Blue Screens Inc. does, the director Lisa Basil says:

    I will try to simplify it so that you can understand...We analyze the data management systems required by certain branches of industry and deliver optimum operating system and source-level components.

    And one of her programmers adds:

    I'm researching the impact of time-slicing common areas in multi-threaded code on logical access to shared global variables. Obviously, program structure heavily influences response time and performance, so the co-independence of global variables and memory overheads is vitally important to the success of the execution.

    Is this all mumbo-jumbo or is there anything resembling actual programming talk in there?

    submitted by /u/al_fletcher
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    Do you think it’s possible that the other ace Attorney games will be put on console?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 12:31 AM PST

    Right now the only game on ps4 is the Phoenix wright trilogy. Im still on trials and tribulations but i want to play more. Do you think capcom will ever put the other ace attorney games on ps4 or possibly ps5?

    submitted by /u/VonKaiser55
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    Locked in the 1st Game

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 06:21 PM PST

    Hey guys I'm new to the ace attorney world and I LOVE it. I actually want to be a lawyer and the game so far is really interesting with excellent stories IMO. I just have one problem on the 1st game and 3rd episode (Will Powers) Im stuck in the last part of the trial. I had gotten confused and was on my last health bar. I am the part with Dee Vasquez and she said something that messed me up (I did not select anything it automatically did it with the story) I lost health and I keep getting guilty. I am on the switch port and I see no way to restart the trial or chapter. Do I have to replay episode 3? I don't mind doing it but it just takes a while.

    submitted by /u/queenlymannerisms
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    Ace Attorney Tier List of Evil (Each tier is chronological)

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 09:13 AM PST

    Did you plead Guilty or Not Guilty? (spoilers for Justice for All)

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 10:28 AM PST

    im going to name my dog objection

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 08:32 AM PST

    taking every opportunity i can get to shout it

    submitted by /u/coolnarwhal88
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    Does anyone else feel like Apollo’s character arc is complete?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 01:13 PM PST

    I feel like SoJ really wrapped up Apollo's character arc. He found his way out of a tough situation After learning that Dhurke died and he kept going to learn that Ga'ran was the killer. He's now a lawyer in his own right, not just a student of Phoenix.

    submitted by /u/Zeldris_Percy
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    Creating a culprit

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 07:22 AM PST

    What kind of new culprit you want to have in the game(By the way,I called culprit is because you can create a sympathetic culprit)

    submitted by /u/KyleStyleSteel
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    Ace Attorney Dialogue sound effect?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 09:11 AM PST

    Is there a sound effect available online for the text as it types?

    submitted by /u/skiiingdude42
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