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    Wednesday, January 22, 2020

    Ace Attorney Stumbled across this and thought it was too cute to not share

    Ace Attorney Stumbled across this and thought it was too cute to not share

    Stumbled across this and thought it was too cute to not share

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 06:22 PM PST

    Lawyer Tier List Based on how long They Went unbeaten for

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 04:54 PM PST

    If Ace Attorney characters used social media Part 39

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 11:57 AM PST

    The Steel Samurai fans.

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 06:04 AM PST

    This line

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 09:52 AM PST

    “Prosecutor Miles Edgeworth”, 2019, twisty straws

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 03:01 PM PST

    I think most people overlooked this-

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 02:06 AM PST

    What an experience, Absolutely amazing!

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 01:32 PM PST

    Never forget the time Phoenix and this photographer guy stared down nova, who is a god, like “the fuck you gonnna do”

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 04:41 PM PST

    Another late night maya doodle~

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 08:27 PM PST

    Maya deems you guilty [OC]

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 08:09 PM PST

    If Ace Attorney characters used social media Part 40

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 07:43 PM PST

    Thoughts on Tyrell Badd?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 09:36 PM PST

    NaruMayo because Pearl made Nick blush about being Maya's 'special someone' and he didn't deny it owo

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 10:34 AM PST

    Ace Attorney Twitter 2

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 01:22 AM PST

    The AA Anime Review

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 02:18 PM PST

    Is the Ace Attorney Anime worth watching or not? This question has been thrown around a lot on this sub and other places, so by the end of this review, I'm hoping to provide a definitive answer. This is a long review. If you don't care about the details, TLDR at the bottom.

    Also, some spoilers for the trilogy, so go play the games already.


    The Anime is two seasons long. The first covers cases from AA1 and AA2, while the second season is just as long in length, but only covers AA3. Remember this fact: the second season is significantly less rushed than the first, and thus, it's widely agreed upon that it's much better quality.

    The show doesn't cover any games outside of the original trilogy (including Case 1-5, Rise From the Ashes), and it doesn't look like that will be changing any time soon. So if you're a fan of Apollo Justice...sucks for you. However, the episodes aren't all about cases from the trilogy. More on that later.

    The show was originally made in Japanese, but just like the games, there's an English dub. As far as I know, nothing is different about the two, save for the language. So, you're still getting the same experience intended by watching the English version. With all that being said, how good/bad is each aspect of the show?

    Game-based Plot: B+

    How faithfully does the anime follow the original plot of the trilogy? Simply put, it's nearly the same, with a few minor subtractions and major additions.

    No case is exactly the same as in the game. Because each episode is only 20 minutes long, the writers have to cut out some details from each case to fit the time. In the first season, this is bad enough to be a serious problem. There's obvious shortcuts and leaps in logic, making it hard for someone who never played the games to follow the story. They did a much better job in season 2 of following the cases faithfully and including more details. (This will be a common theme, seeing season 2 outperform season 1.)

    Sometimes, the writers make ever so slight changes to the way a case is presented. They alter a piece of evidence, a testimony, or an interaction with another character. This sounds like something that would piss off AA purists, but hear me out. Most of the changes they make aren't bad. In fact, it's a good thing there are changes in the first place. It keeps the viewer interested, not totally sure of how it will fit back into the overall story. After all, wouldn't it be somewhat boring if we knew everything that would happen?

    Anime-only Plot: A

    The anime isn't all just removing and changing things. Sometimes, they add their own story-lines, and even whole new cases into the show. And, surprisingly enough, it usually turns out great.

    Remember Viola Cadaverini from 3-3? The girl who was criminally underused, even though she had a fascinating story to tell? Well, the anime does her justice. Her relationship with Furio Tigre, and the tension that comes with it, is explored much more than in the game. This is one of the things the anime does well that the games can't do: while the games are told entirely from Phoenix's point of view, the anime can cut away from Phoenix and look into what other characters are doing, which ties the story together in a compelling way.

    The "new" episodes are also a welcome addition to the show. There's an episode that explores Phoenix, Miles and Larry's friendship as kids, that is shockingly emotional and well done. Another episode shows us how young Edgeworth became interested in being a prosecutor. And, most interestingly of all, there's a brand new turnabout that lasts for three episodes! They're not part of the original trilogy, which might turn some people away- but they're just as clever as the other cases are. They fit right in to the AA universe, and add a lot to the series.

    Pacing: C

    Part of what makes the Ace Attorney games so great is their well-paced writing. The best cases we all know and love (1-4, 2-4, 3-5, etc) are the longest. They're a struggle, one where we have to fight every second of a long battle to reach our satisfying conclusion. What if Engarde revealed himself too soon after we met him? What if we knew Von Karma was up to something right away? In the anime, we get answers to those questions: not good.

    You can't blame the writers too much. 48 episodes, each 20 minutes long, would never be enough to fit the plot of these immensely complicated trilogies, and capture all the emotions we felt throughout. But, I can't give out sympathy points. To me, cramming the first two games into the first season was an unforgivable offense.

    We got some good individual moments in the first season, but alas, the cases themselves mean a lot more than some good moments hastily glued together. The entire time, you can feel the cases hurtling towards a speedy conclusion, pacing be damned. It's a shame, too. The anime trying to fit 2-4 into just 4 episodes was insane, and as a result, it's perhaps the most disappointing case in the whole anime.

    The second season, at least, redeemed itself in this regard. There was a little bit of rushing through the cases that might be considered "filler", but the show thankfully took its time on the ones that mattered. 3-5 alone got 7 episodes, and the entire Dahlia Hawthorne saga got 10. I'd give pacing in season 2 a solid B, but season 1's pacing problems are unignorable.

    Visual Design: B+

    Excluding animation, The Ace Attorney Anime is quite appealing to look at. The characters are drawn nicely, with almost all of them appearing just like they do in the games. Even the characters that the anime invented look great. They fit right into the AA universe, as we can immediately tell a lot about the person's character just by looking at them. The character design clearly took effort, and it shows well on screen.

    Even better than that is the backdrops. I know it's weird to praise backdrops, but some of the scenery in this show is far better than I would've expected. The scene where Phoenix confronts Redd White in his office, with the sun setting ominously in the background, stands out to me as one of the best in the whole show.

    Unfortunately, being an anime, it also carries the burden of animating these scenes and characters with more than a few sprites. And it doesn't bode well...

    Animation: D

    This is one thing the show is severely lacking in, unfortunately. Things rarely move on the screen, and when they do, it's usually just mouths moving when people talk and hands flying during objections.

    It's ironic to criticize the anime for that, when the graphics of the game that inspired the show are...well...nothing to brag about. It doesn't change the fact that the visuals of the show can be really bad at times. When the show skips a walking animation in favor of characters teleporting across a scene, it's lazy, distracting, and takes away from the quality.

    As it would turn out, though, animation isn't the game's strong point either. Who would've guessed!

    Characters: A-

    The anime has a good understanding of who the characters are and what they bring to the table. So, even when they go off script and do/say something not mentioned in the games, their actions usually make sense and fit in with the story.

    Some characters are portrayed differently, to varying effect. One of the biggest changes in my mind is Edgeworth's portrayal. In the anime, he's shown to be a much more caring friend to Phoenix. In the game, though, he's more cautious and full of pride. I'm not sure which I like better, knowing that the anime's vision of Edgeworth seems a little too kind at times.

    Franziska is less of a jerk, Dahlia is even more of a jerk, and Maya is much more involved than in the games. She even comes up with a few objections of her own, which is very nice to see. Overall, the characters are done well, and do the series justice.

    Voice Acting: A+

    It is so easy to mess up a scene's intended emotions when translated into a different language. (Revenge of the Sith, anyone?) That's what makes the voice acting in the English Dubbed version so awesome.

    The characters sound exactly like we imagined they'd sound in the game. Phoenix is the most "normal" voice of them all, but you can still hear the naivety that comes with his character. Edgeworth sounds wise beyond his years. Despite being 19, Maya has the voice of a 10 year old, which fits in perfectly with her goofy nature. The Judge is the easily swayed, raspy old guy we all know and love. And Gumshoe is just plain hilarious. He's noisy, short-sighted, and instantly makes any scene better just by being there. Best character in the whole anime goes to ITS DA CAHHPS.

    Music: A

    The Ace Attorney Anime has its own soundtrack. Most notable among it, they have remixes of the first game's soundtracks for "Objection" and "Cornered." These are damn good, and certainly not the only thing the OST has to offer. It features tracks conveying all kinds of emotions, from suspense, to hopelessness, to victory. I don't really have much else to say about it, except that the music is really great- typical for anything Ace Attorney related.

    Iconic Scenes: B-/C+

    I first started watching the anime so I could see my favorite scenes from the games play out on screen. The anime seems to know exactly when these scenes appear...sometimes, anyway.

    I can think of good scenes and bad scenes. Phoenix first asking to defend Maya is a brilliant, heartwarming scene. Then again, Phoenix reuniting with Maya after she's kidnapped is played off so nonchalantly, you'd forget it even happened. Engarde begging for a guilty verdict is awesome. But, all of 2-4 is pretty bad. I hate the anime's version of 2-4, can you tell?

    I guess this speaks, on a wider scale, of the show as a whole. Sometimes, the anime absolutely nails it. Other times, it falls flat. But, all things considered, I feel the good outweighs the bad. And, just like the games, the anime makes sure to top it all off with a satisfying resolution.

    TL;DR: Is it worth a watch?

    Yes. If you're a fan of the original trilogy, it's absolutely worth your time. You won't like everything in the show (you especially won't like 2-4) but there is certainly plenty in it for you. It adds to AA in a positive way, giving voices, personality, and great moments to the cast of a great story. It's not just a copy of the trilogy- when they branch off from the game, they do it well. There are things that the anime does better than the game, and for such an awesome game, that's really saying something.

    Overall score: B+. Don't be fooled by the American education system, that's actually pretty good!

    submitted by /u/kahootmusicfor10hour
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    [Entire series spoilers] Organized List of Victims in Ace Attorney and Causes of Death

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 05:51 PM PST

    Detective Gumshoe About to Get in a Car Accident

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 02:16 AM PST

    A new player joins the game

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 09:05 AM PST

    What’s something unique you’d like to see used as a murder weapon?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 03:43 PM PST

    Forget guns and knives and miniaturized statues of Rodin's "The Thinker," those have been used too many times!

    What's something that you think would make for a reaaaally interesting murder weapon?

    I'm walking around right now and I've been seeing hella giant blocks of ice that used to be snow, and I gotta say, given the fact that ice is gonna melt eventually, I think that'd make for a very juicy murder weapon.

    What ideas do you have?

    submitted by /u/timothysonofsam
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    Ace Attorney Remixes by Mercurius FM - Court Begins and Objection!

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 02:09 PM PST

    Original Content-Who's the best gangsta?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 02:55 AM PST

    Is there any way to play The Great Ace Attorney 1&2 on computer?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 08:01 PM PST

    Like, emulated on Citra with translations or something? Much appreciated.

    submitted by /u/bobhob314
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    Help! I made a mistake

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 07:51 PM PST

    So, I just started playing the Ace Attorney series because my friend told me to.
    I finished playing turnabout samurai a couple hours ago
    I was on the turnabout selection screen and instead of pressing the 4th new turnabout, I accidentally pressed turnabout samurai and now I can't go back
    I am playing the trilogy version and I am just wondering if there is any way to go back or if I have to do turnabout samurai again? (I do not want to)

    submitted by /u/PHDTombstone
    [link] [comments]

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