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    Thursday, January 23, 2020

    Ace Attorney The prosecutor and the great thief .

    Ace Attorney The prosecutor and the great thief .

    The prosecutor and the great thief .

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 04:46 PM PST

    Child Franziska from the Anime is so CUTE.

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 08:48 AM PST

    The REAL legendary prosecutor who is undefeated, Dogfred Woof Karma.

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 09:33 AM PST

    Enjoying some T&T

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 06:44 AM PST

    [OC] Some fanart of Trucy!

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 02:14 PM PST

    Just some art

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 10:30 AM PST

    Drew the prosecutors from my terrible memory. Now to go see what they actually look like, and shame myself. Enjoy!

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 12:11 PM PST

    Me and the boys about to get demolished by Phoenix Wright in court.

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 09:45 PM PST

    Just finished Farewell, My Turnabout (2-4)...

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 05:44 PM PST

    Holy fuck. I can't decide if I love this case or Rise From The Ashes more. Overall, Justice For All was a "meh" game, definitely not as good as the first. That's honestly probably due to the fact that Franziska is no Miles Edgeworth (and that's probably a good thing), but holy shit did the 4th case blow me away. I was right there with Phoenix when he would hold his hands on his head and struggle with what to do next, because this case has so much on the line. Either you prove a guilty man innocent and send an innocent, damaged woman to jail, or you let Maya die. This case completely saved the entire game for me. It's was heart pounding right from the very start, and hopefully it can keep that same energy going into Trials and Tribulations (which I've heard many times is the best of the original trilogy).

    submitted by /u/DankFlabulous
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    Why did you steal my hat Trucy?

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 11:11 PM PST

    (2-4) Does my choice right here matter?

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 04:01 PM PST

    I wonder where this would fit in the current political climate ��.

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 09:25 AM PST

    This Line

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 12:09 PM PST

    Has anyone noticed the similarities between Kristoph Gavin and Manfred von Karma?

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 06:03 PM PST

    Think about it. Both are ruthless, paranoid manipulators, who have had plans in the works for years (Manfred with Miles as a whole, Kristoph with Vera). Both are lawyers revealed to be murderers in the last case, notably by scars (Manfred's shoulder and Kristoph's hand), and their breakdowns are similar (Manfred slams his fist onto his desk and screams, then bangs his head against the wall. Kristoph slams his fist onto his desk and screams, and then laughs maniacally).

    Their personalities are also very similar. From Kristoph's wiki page:

    "Kristoph Gavin made a point of striving for perfection in all areas of life, particularly in court, where he considered the law and evidence to be absolutes upon which all judgments should be made. This gave Kristoph an extreme sense of self-importance and superiority, particularly over "common" citizens not involved in legal studies. This ironically drove him to compromise the law by finding loopholes, and he eventually resorted to forgery for the sake of fame and glory."

    And this, from Karma's wiki page:

    "Manfred was extremely arrogant, seeing defense attorneys as nothing more than annoying flies to be swatted... ...Manfred von Karma's most prominent trait, however, was his obsession with perfection and nothing less. He would do whatever it took to win a case, regardless of whether or not the defendant was actually guilty, even if it meant hiding undesired evidence, rigging witness testimonies - even going as far as retraining a parrot - and attacking Phoenix Wright and Maya Fey with a stun gun at one point."

    Their mutual hatred of Wright is also a notable point - Kristoph for Wright getting chosen over him due to a poker game, and Manfred for giving him his first 2 not guilty verdicts, exposing him as Gregory's killer, and just being a defense attorney.

    I thought it was an interesting theory. Thoughts?

    edit: "Not guilty," not "guilty". mb bae

    submitted by /u/doinkrr
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    First ace attorney meme - spoilers for AAI2 case 5

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 02:50 PM PST

    So I was playing T&T and I stumbled across this line. I think it's a meme reference.

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 06:09 PM PST

    Why does everybody hate Apollo Justice?

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 09:51 PM PST

    I can understand why he was disliked in the first game, seeing as how he was just a less experienced Phoenix Wright, but he got better in later cases (particularly 5-4 and 6-5) and had a lot of cool moments.

    Also, I keep hearing people say that he get's a new backstory every game, but that technically isn't true. Sure AA5 and AA6 gave different backstories, but it's not as if either of them actually replace or retcon each other. They aren't new backstories, just new parts of one backstory.

    submitted by /u/ZechariyahIII
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    Investigations 2 Patched Rom

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 08:26 PM PST

    I'm playing all the ace attorney games on my 2ds and my patched rom spits out random letters on twilight menu. Is there a fix?

    submitted by /u/powerfulaura
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    Look at this kawaii man!

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 11:48 PM PST

    Did Ace Attorney ever make any of you become a lawyer/law student? If it did, did you actually go through with it?

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 05:42 PM PST

    I've always found law interesting but now getting into aa it makes me wanna actually presue it as a career and try to change how unfair the system is

    submitted by /u/Luwunix
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    What are some AA characters you’d like to see go against each other in court and why?

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 11:05 PM PST

    What characters do you think would be interesting to put against another in a court case? Here's some of mine:

    •Apollo vs Sebastian- I think it would be cool to see these two against each other and see the kinda dynamic they'd have since they both have their own idols with Phoenix and Edgeworth

    •Gregory vs Franziska- This one is interesting to me because of how Gregory and Franziska could act to each other during court given the circumstances behind both of them

    •Winston vs Gaspen- I know this is weird but I think it would really be interesting to see how they would act going against one another in the case and how they would be different in personality

    What do you think? If you also like the vs I stated but for a different reason, explain why, it's cool to see your thoughts too!

    submitted by /u/FloofBoi64
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    In Defence and Offence of Prosecutor Blackquill

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 04:39 PM PST

    The Phoenix Wright series has a healthy variety of rotating prosecutors. From Edgeworth to Gavin, each entry in the series manages to offer someone unique and fresh to give the player some motivation to be the best lawyer they can be.

    Everyone has a favourite however one prosecutor I see get tremendous flack is Dual Destinies Prosecutor Blackquill aka "The Bird Man." Blackquill is a very strange entry into the rotation, a man serving jail-time, he is called to the stand during the introductory phase of the "Tenma Taro Case." He's an angry, mysterious, dangerous man who has no issues cutting down those who either stand in his way or disagree with him in anyway. The general consensus for Blackquill is that he is extremely difficult to like and is therefore regarded as the worst Prosecutor in the series.

    This hatred for his character is not unwarranted, in fact every single claim against his character I actually agree with 100%. He is indeed a very stubborn man, and his obtuse method of speech can be extremely grating especially for longtime fans of the series. Most prosecutors beforehand either have that rival bravado or are good frenemies. Blackquill in many ways actually reminds me of Karma's daughter Franziska, an extremely arrogant perfect princess who things she runs the courtroom because she has a whip and a sharp tongue. Strangely enough, Blackquill also has a weapon as well, a Samurai sword to be exact and just like with Franziska and her whip he uses his sword multiple times on people in the courtroom. He even has a pet bird, whom he also uses to sick on people. In fact there's an instance where Apollo was about to utilise his "Surging Eyes" ability however he sends his pet to attack him and is unable to use it during a trial so Athena has to use her "Mood Matrix" instead.

    In terms of the negatives, my issue with Blackquill is his sheer ridiculousness. The series has had many crazy characters, as it should because this is a video game and video games are suppose to be fun regardless of mood tone or theme. That being said for a series that tries its best to stick to the realm of reality Blackquill does have a habit of shattering the immersion for me on numerous occasions personally. The big thing for me is the sword, you literally have a man serving jail time for a serious crime and not only do they let him be a prosecutor in the courthouse they also let him lug a samurai sword around? Not just the sword either they also let him have his pet bird in the courthouse as well and he actually sicks it on people including Phoenix and Apollo when something isn't really going his way or he wants to throw them off. These elements are the major turnoff factors for me because if a convict is able to speak on behalf of the law and tout a weapon around AND a dangerous animal I just can't take him seriously in any way shape or form and it makes me believe the courthouse is run by Toads from the mushroom kingdom hence why the security sucks so bad.

    All that being said, and as crazy as this may sound after everything I just said, he's also one of my favourite prosecutors. I despise him, but I love that aspect about his character. Every prosecutor before him I could never really bring myself to outright hate them or treat them like rivals. Blackquill to me is one of those characters you love to hate and it brings you great joy to take him down hence why I both despise and enjoy seeing him on screen. Every time I hear "SILENCE" I both roll my eyes and get pumped to take him down. Its that good kind of hatred, the hatred for a character that actually has character development and is specifically designed to test your patience and psyche you up whenever you overcome them. Unlike Spirit of Justice Nahyuta a prosecutor I just outright did not like and did not want to look at or even deal with, Blackquill I despise with a fiery passion but on that same token I can't imagine Dual Destinies without him.

    submitted by /u/JunkhogMakison
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    We settled on a name for our babygirl

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 02:01 AM PST

    Babygirl is due in february and I'm happy my husband, too, fell in love with the name Maya. I already suggested the name way earlier in pregnancy but now we already decorated and personalized her room and some of her things with her name, so no backing down anymore ;-)

    I still remember playing my first Ace Attorney game on my broken DS and can't wait for her to be old enough to tell her about the origin of her name!

    submitted by /u/cinnamonsmell
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