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    Thursday, October 3, 2019

    Ace Attorney It took me a little but here

    Ace Attorney It took me a little but here

    It took me a little but here

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 06:12 PM PDT

    Seductive Tonate

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 07:50 PM PDT

    decided to draw dahlia in a different outfit, and I’m kinda happy with it

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 07:02 AM PDT

    Who’s your favorite prosecutor? Mine’s Blackquill

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 06:26 PM PDT

    Who agrees?

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 01:19 AM PDT

    Made a little thing in Ace Attorney for the club Instagram

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 06:48 PM PDT

    Can someone put AA music over a real court case?

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 10:07 PM PDT

    Please it's the last hope I have

    submitted by /u/Perfect_Idiot
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    My first drawing - MS Paint rules!

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 04:00 PM PDT

    My first drawing - MS Paint rules!

    I made this about 4 years ago when I worked at a call center, made adjustments in between calls. This is literally my first drawing that I've been even slightly proud of and I think it came out pretty well! Done free hand in MS Paint.


    submitted by /u/HerrMilkmann
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    I just finished DGS (FULL GAME SPOILERS)

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 06:21 PM PDT






    Hah. Hahaha. What. What just happened?

    What was that ending!? Why do I have triple the amount of questions I had!?!?

    I did predict the Morse code thing, but I didn't think Chrogray would be the "big bad"... I mean, technically speaking, Megundal was... Uh...

    Things that shocked me:

    - Chrogray being Megundal's murderer.

    - Van Zieks mentioning being betrayed. And knowing that I have to wait until the sequel to find out what that whole thing's about.

    - Holmes... doing... that... The bailiff thing. Although I was happy to see him.

    Uh... let's just move on to things that I am mad that I didn't get answered. (Only... some... of a lot... of questions...)

    - Why exactly did Holmes not let Iris publish the manuscript?

    - What exactly was Asougi's mission?

    - Demiglaski... was he actually bad or not?

    - The rest of the telegram!?

    - Heck, the telegram itself!? I know they're going to at LEAST reveal some of it, but...

    - ...So the British government does know Japanese. Huh...

    - What's wrong with Hosonaga?

    I loved so much about the case but I am so, so confused and I hate that I have to wait another year at least... maybe more... and I know they're also not going to answer every single question I have.

    ...I wish the DLC was translated... ah well.

    Some final thoughts:
    Ryuunosuke is my favorite protagonist (playable defense attorney-wise). I love him and he needs a hug. Or fifty.

    Megundal is literally my most hated character of all time. Not just in Ace Attorney. Of all time. He's a really good character, but I hate him... so... much.

    Susato is surprisingly great. Not my favorite assistant, though. That honor still goes to Kay. For now.

    Sherlock Holmes best detective. Maybe. Probably.

    Music. Good. Also, this game has the best atmosphere (although AA1 and SoJ are pretty close).

    Final Case Ranking: 2>3=5>4>1

    Final Series Ranking: 2nd or 3rd favorite game in the series. (Currently competing with Ace Attorney 1 for 2nd.)

    submitted by /u/ShadowMSC
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    I LOVE Ace Attorney. I want everyone else to also love it, so I made a video proclaiming my love (and ranking 1-6).

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 11:14 AM PDT

    Inktober 2019 Day 2- Mindless I decided to draw Franziska Von Karma calling Detective Gumshoe a "Mindless fool".

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 11:59 AM PDT

    Judge appreciation thread. Share your favorite moments.

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 06:22 AM PDT

    What happened to Culprits afterwards.

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 02:05 PM PDT

    After the Judge declares that "Not Guilty verdict" for our client, we rarely told what happens to the true criminal afterwards. But it's still fun speculate - So put your ideas/stories of what sentence Culprits received and what their lives were like if they were released. Make it as funny or depressing as you like.

    For spoilers - Put the name of the Game next to the spoiler bar, which should contain the Culprit's name and your story idea. That way people can easily select which ideas they want to read without being spoiled.

    submitted by /u/Mellowix
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    i hope someone gets it (have mercy, making memes help me cope with the exams)

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 06:23 AM PDT

    My favourite prosecutors

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 08:28 AM PDT

    My favourite Three are:



    •Professor Layton

    Who are yours?

    submitted by /u/Archer-Sword
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    Almost finished trilogy on switch. Is ios the best place for the rest?

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 08:01 AM PDT

    And do any of the ios games have controller support? I've enjoyed playing on the big screen, I could airplay to my apple tv or play on my ipad pro at a distance.

    submitted by /u/graeme_b
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    How do you make fake cases?

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 05:14 AM PDT

    How do you make fake Phoenix Wright cases like done so here https://youtu.be/uX5VOHiWYFA


    submitted by /u/AnimuFanz
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    Capcom 3DS eShop sale

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 11:56 AM PDT

    Hi! I noticed that Capcom's had a few sales throughout the years and I was just wondering if anyone knows, roughly, how frequently those sales happen? I've really been wanting to get AJ, DD & SoJ but with so many great Switch releases coming up I wouldn't mind having to wait a little longer for a discount haha.

    submitted by /u/optimushwang
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    Wright Wednesday-Rise from the Ashes Part 5

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 10:17 AM PDT

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