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    Saturday, September 21, 2019

    Ace Attorney phoenix on his way to find AA7

    Ace Attorney phoenix on his way to find AA7

    phoenix on his way to find AA7

    Posted: 20 Sep 2019 05:43 PM PDT

    phoenix when maya's framed for murder again

    Posted: 20 Sep 2019 07:33 PM PDT

    Saw a new format and I'm using it

    Posted: 20 Sep 2019 09:52 PM PDT

    No Phoenix, that’s news to me

    Posted: 20 Sep 2019 07:52 AM PDT


    Posted: 20 Sep 2019 04:06 PM PDT

    New meme format?

    Posted: 20 Sep 2019 03:24 PM PDT

    Trucy no-

    Posted: 20 Sep 2019 05:46 PM PDT

    If Ace Attorney characters used social media Part 2

    Posted: 20 Sep 2019 10:34 PM PDT

    Wow! Phoenix Wright solved the case yet again! It's almost like he has a special power or something....

    Posted: 20 Sep 2019 10:33 AM PDT

    [OC] How do you guys feel obout this fighters pass? Would it be the dream? (The ULTIMATE Phoenix Wright Fighters Pass)

    Posted: 20 Sep 2019 09:53 AM PDT

    Detective Gumshoe cooperating as always [Little spoiler though].

    Posted: 20 Sep 2019 05:04 PM PDT

    What if Phoenix Wright didn't lose a certain case? Alternate timeline idea

    Posted: 20 Sep 2019 06:24 PM PDT

    Now well all know that in Apollo Justice, Phoenix Wright gets falsely accused for Kristoph's forged evidence, and that causes a spiral of things to happen...but what if that didn't happen? What if, for some reason, Phoenix Wright knew that given paper was forged evidence, and used another means, say, a writing imprint test, to figure out the true final page, and let Valant AND Zac be able to walk off free? Honestly, I was just going to joke about that's what DD was but then I genuinely thought about it for a bit, I thought how cool it would be how each character changes up a bit. Some characters get it better in this timeline, while others get it worse.

    Phoenix Wright: After that case, Phoenix Wright has been seen from a legendary attorney to a godly one. He has been revered as one of the best defense lawyers of all time. Because of this, he has become very rich and famous. Personality wise, he is essentially the same as before but he acts more professionally, and doesn't goof off as much (at least, not publicly). Lately, though, he's been feeling quite sad inside since his notoriety as a famous lawyer has isolated himself from the rest of the world, and he does not have any real friends outside of Maya, who is halfway across the world. Because of this, he decided to get a little nostalgic and get an assistant lawyer of his own. One that can not only be a wonderful successor, but also a real friend he can actually talk to. Besides, he's talked to Charlie long enough...

    Kristoph Gavin: After that case, Kristoph went into a fury of rage and hung himself a couple days after the case. The only people who knew that Kristoph did the forged evidence plan at all were Klavier and Drew Misham (and his daughter).

    Athena Cykes: Phoenix Wright's spunky Assistant, Athena became a layer after she saw how Wright was able to get one of her close friends, Simon Blackquill, a not guilty verdict. She wanted to give everyone that opportunity to have their voices be heard the same way Phoenix did to her and Blackquill. She still as a little trauma over the death of her mother, but it isn't as severe, and she's learning to cope through it healthfully. As a lawyer, she also wants to meet her childhood friend, but she can't face him off for a certain reason....

    Simon Blackquill: After Wright gave him a not guilty verdict, this now-veteran prosecutor was able to have a successful career, even to the point of now being Chief Prosecutor. Though he doesn't partake in court battles anymore, this intimidating-but-calm prosecutor with a weird sense of humor still seeks out the truth as much as he can, and is good friends with Athena, and sometimes gives some life lessons to her.

    Miles Edgeworth: Ever since Phoenix Wright has skyrocketed in fame and notoriety, Edgeworth's reputation has only gone downhill. Edgeworth hasn't won any single case since that incident. Edgeworth went from "Demon Prosecutor with a near-perfect record" to "Egotistical Grumpy Tutorial Prosecutor who is way too old to like Steel Samurai" just like that, as even the newest of rookies, such as Athena, were able to beat him in court easily. The only person who likes him now is well-known Chief of Police Dick Gumshoe, who is is good friends with. Edgeworth has become a lot more empathetic to gumshoe, and is HIGHLY regretful of his past actions towards him. Because of the constant losses, Edgeworth has become much more stressed and short tempered. (And the stress has gotten to his appearance too. People would be surprised to find out that he is ONLY 35. He also has a habit of pulling his hair when he is too stressed, thus the shorter, disheveled bangs) He still seeks out the truth though, and that's what's troubling him so much. He KNOWS that his suspects did it: he worked along Gumshoe's near perfect investigations and even saw them confess multiple times...but somehow ALL of them walk away scott-free. Either he's gone completely insane or Wright is forging evidence, and honestly, Edgeworth believes both has happened. (Edgeworth Loathes Wright but Wright doesn't dislike or hate Edgeworth)

    Sebastian Debeste: As the self proclaimed "sworn rival of Athena Cykes," this up-and-coming prosecutor is NOT to be taken lightly. Sure it may look like he's just bluffing with cazy out-of-this-world ideas that couldn't POSSIBLY be true, but it turns out most of the time these ideas ARE true, and he is able to turn entire cases around just like that. As such, he is a formidable opponent for Athena. Despite his rather pompous and overconfident attitude in court, Debeste is a genuinely nice guy, abeilt, a little weird. He takes his rivalry with Athena VERY seriously (he turns ANYTHING the two do together as a competition to see who is the best, and Athena grows to be just as competitive with him) but he never goes too far with it. Debeste emphasizes that competitions between the two MUST be on fair terms. (For example, if Athena gets Traumatized, Debeste waits for her to regain her compusure before he can continue "After all, if my sworn enemy wouldn't be able to hear my GENIUS idea, then what's even the point?")

    Pearl Fey: Pearl first met Athena when she was charged with murder and Athena had to defend her. After that, the two became close friends, and Pearl has become Athena's legal assistant. She ran away the village of Kurain after she refused to be the master of the Kurain Channeling technique, insisting that she wants to go her own way in life, and that they should give the title to Maya instead. She currently lives in Larry Butz's mansion since she can't afford to live on her own. Although she decided to step away from tradition, Pearl is still the sweet and sensitive girl we all know. She just has different interests. Pearl also has the ability to channel spirits, and her magatama helps Athena when she's interrogating suspects in investigations.

    Detectives Bobby Fullbright and Ema Skye: These two detectives accompany Athena and Sebastian on their many cases. Most of the time Ema works as a forsenic scientist under Fullbright, but sometimes she works as a detectice (and forensic scientist) for her own, separate cases. Allthough these two seem to bicker alot, at the end of the day, they get along and are pretty good pals. Also This Fullright is the real deal, and never died! The phantom is pretending to be someone else whose dead body hasn't been found

    Dick Gumshoe: Speaking of "pals," Gumshoe was actually able to make it up the latter and is now chief of police! Because Edgeworth has been failing more and more, Gumshoe saw his failing as his own fault, and tried harder and harder as a detective for Edgeworth's sake. Known as "The father of justice" by his subordinates, he is able to conduct near-perfect investigations and always catch the right man. Or at least, the right man before the defense shows up. Gumshoe is also the mentor for both Fullbright and Ema, and loves them both equally.

    Larry Butz: Still the same talented-but-financially-struggling guy who can't get a GF we all know and love. He won a mansion, and he hopes that he can share it with his future GF and ten kids, but for now, he just lets his friends hang out here.

    Simon Keyes: A patron of Larry's art. He also makes art, but it's a lot more...let's just say... "absract..."

    Apollo Justice: Becuase Kristoph wasn't there to presuade him to be a lawyer, Apollo went with his second most financially fulfilling career: being a politician. With his snazzy haircut, charming personality, clever name, and booming voice, Justice has all the traits to lead a city, at least, so he thinks. In reality, he is really scared because he has never been in a leading role like this before, and doesn't know where to start, so he masks his insecurity with a charming, confident personality that the voters will love. His campaign as mayor of Japanafornia city grinds to a sweeping halt as he as accused of murdering his rival candidate. It's up to Athena Cykes to defend his innocence and find the real culprit!

    Trucy Gramarye: Trucy is quite the experienced magician working at the Tipsy Scales bar as a magician. Although her career may look small now, she's actually the direct descendant of Troupe Gamarye, a famous group of magicians. All she's doing is preparing for when the inevitable spotlight shines down on her.

    Maggey Byrde: A Bartender at the Tipsy Scales. This is just one of many jobs that she works at in order to pay rent.

    Klavier Gavin: After he realized that he was played for a fool by his brother and after said brother killed himself, Klavier fell into a deep depression and quit his job as a prosecutor. Since he wasn't able to apply for any other job, Klavier lives on the streets, playing on his acoustic guitar in hopes that someone would be kind enough to give him some spare change. He still puts on a smile whenever someone shows up, though. A performer has to put on his best face, even if the audience is just a passerby.

    Mike Meekins: A court baliff. He may look stupid and clumsy, but he's more competent that you think. Maybe it's because it's actually the Phantom using the deceased Meekins' identity to gain Intel on others' whereabouts on him

    Aura Blackquill: You didn't think Wright would save simon(blackquill) without a convicted killer, would you? Well, in order to get Simon a not guilty verdict from the UR-1 case, Phoenix Wright made the accusation that Metis was killed due to one of Aura's robots malfunctioning, which convicted her a charge of accidental manslaughter. Even though her sentence is much lighter than that of murder, Aura still was enraged. The fact that Wright had the GALL to say that she was the one who killed Metis, the one person who was most important in her life, made her hate Wright and Athena, and distrust the legal system entirely. And just when things seemed to go rock bottom, she gets accused of murdering a fellow inmate. This is the final client. Not only does Athena have to prove Aura did not kill that inmate, but she also has to prove that she also isn't to blame for the UR-1 incident as well. That is the only way she can save Aura. Athena wanted to become a layer to save people, right? So now, she has to do the same thing to Aura that Wright did to her and Simon.

    So, what do you think?

    submitted by /u/UltraGamerBoy1889
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    Nico Nico Heccin Nii

    Posted: 20 Sep 2019 03:32 PM PDT

    So, i am playing AAT&T and i have a question.

    Posted: 20 Sep 2019 04:25 PM PDT

    Its Just me or playing with Edgeworth (as a defense attorney) seens to be a lot more easy than play with Phoenix. When you played you felt the same way or iam crazy?

    submitted by /u/vitaotd2
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    Fun fact: in Japan, judges also have badges, just like defense attorneys and prosecutors! (Judge badge for AA7)

    Posted: 20 Sep 2019 10:11 AM PDT

    Help installing great ace attorney English patch

    Posted: 20 Sep 2019 02:58 PM PDT

    Out of all the Cross-Examination music in the series, which game has the Moderato version better than the Allegro version, and vice versa.

    Posted: 20 Sep 2019 02:54 PM PDT

    Ranking Culprits

    Posted: 20 Sep 2019 12:21 PM PDT

    In this post, I'll rank the culprits from each AA game I've played/watched from best to worst.

    I'm putting each game in its own seperate spoiler tag so that new players / players who haven't played all the AA games.

    AA1: Manfred > Gant > Yogi >> Vasquez >>> White > Sawhit

    JFA: de Killer > Engarde > Mimi >>> Acro >> Wellington

    T&T (my favourite collection of culprits in the main series): Atmey = Godot > Dahlia > Tigre

    AJ: Kristoph >> Daryan >> Alita >> Magnifi

    AAI (my least favourite collection of culprits): Yew >>> Alba > Portsman = Lance > Meele

    AAI2 (my favourite collection of culprits): Simon > Blaise >> Knightley > Roland > Gustavia

    DD (my least favourite collection of culprits in the main series): Rimes > Phantom > Means >>> Tonate >>> L'Belle

    DGS 1: Crogley > Megundal >> Jezail >> Joan >>> Nikomina

    SoJ: Retinz = Ga'ran >> Pees'lubn = Atishon >>> Pierce > Tah'rust and Beh'leeb >> Geiru

    submitted by /u/9k4_endlesssummer
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    Wich character do you want to make a "come-back" in a new AA game? As a witnesses, defendant, cameo or as a major character?

    Posted: 20 Sep 2019 11:26 AM PDT

    We know that characters such as Oldbag and Lotta made appearences in other cases/games as witnesses. The same go to defendants like Larry and Will. So... wich character that never appeared in other games do you want to make a "come-back"? In my case... that'd be Debeste (witness - major character), I really wanted to see how he grew up as a prosecutor in any future games, the same goes to the other major characters in Investigations 1 & 2.

    submitted by /u/bobdosmthing
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    What are some bad Ace Attorney characters due to poor writing. And how would you improve them?

    Posted: 20 Sep 2019 05:14 AM PDT

    AA has alot of interesting characters, but some are.......... Which characters almost were good. And how would you try to fix them?

    submitted by /u/SlutyLasagna
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    Athena should’ve been named Artemis

    Posted: 20 Sep 2019 04:40 PM PDT

    I'm very new to these games, I've only completed the first game and are half way through Justice For All, so I had no idea who Apollo and Athena were. But after some looking up, I discovered them. And the only thing that was going through my head was, "Dam, they that missed the opportunity to have Athena called Artemis..."

    submitted by /u/Depressed-dumbass
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