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    Sunday, May 22, 2022

    Ace Attorney Since you guys seemed to like my last Sims post: we've got Dahlia!

    Ace Attorney Since you guys seemed to like my last Sims post: we've got Dahlia!

    Since you guys seemed to like my last Sims post: we've got Dahlia!

    Posted: 21 May 2022 10:12 PM PDT

    Which Ace Attorney lawyers would not be allowed to enter a real courtroom due to attire issues?

    Posted: 21 May 2022 03:10 PM PDT

    Mia is obviously out, but I feel like a large majority of the cast would be gone.

    I feel like the only person guaranteed to be safe is Winston Payne. I'd say Phoenix as well but who knows what they'd think of his spiky hair.

    As for Apollo and Athena, they could go either way, but Apollo is probably safer than Athena.

    Franziska isn't even in the equation because she doesn't let go of her whip long enough for them to judge her outfit (which wouldn't be acceptable anyways)

    submitted by /u/Wolfgalaxy63
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    Petco (by me)

    Posted: 21 May 2022 04:09 PM PDT

    I made some of the Fey girls in The Sims.

    Posted: 21 May 2022 04:12 AM PDT

    A Higurashi x Ace Attorney fangame that was released way back in 2006 is now playable in English!

    Posted: 21 May 2022 09:33 AM PDT

    just another court hearing nothing special haha (nsfw song lyrics)

    Posted: 21 May 2022 08:45 PM PDT

    Slam Slam fall in Slam. by me (FLASH TW!!!)

    Posted: 21 May 2022 03:33 PM PDT

    Farewell, My Turnabout is the best case so far. Here’s why:

    Posted: 21 May 2022 11:46 AM PDT

    Clarification: when I say "so far" I mean out of the first two games. I haven't played past those so this is very subject to change, but out of the first two games this is my favorite.

    So, spoilers for Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney and Justice for All. Please don't spoil me for any future cases.

    This is the best case for a lot of reasons. The first reason is that it breaks the traditional AA formula in more ways than one.

    Before this, Rise from the Ashes was hands down my favorite case. Ema Skye is one of my favorite characters and I love the parallels between Mia/Maya and Ema/Lana. I could go in and on about how great that case was but that's not the point.

    One of the reasons RFTA was a favorite for me was because Maya wasn't there. Shes also one of my favorite characters but it was so fresh and interesting to have a different assistant, and this is exactly why I love FMT as well.

    Maya gets kidnapped. This is a big deal for many reasons. First off Maya isn't your assistant, and you get a lot of time with Pearl which I really enjoyed. Having Maya get kidnapped was a really intuitive way to make sure she was out of the way while also being involved!

    Her kidnapping is also a big deal because it emphasizes the need to finish the trial in one day. That's never happened so far. The entire time you're wondering if you're going to be able to finish the case in time and then you can feel the stress as the case gets extended to another day.

    Also, every character is amazing. We have a lot of returning characters while also having the spotlight on new characters. I loved seeing returning characters and I felt like they were involved the perfect amount.

    Also a lot of people had character development. I liked seeing Edgeworth change and realizing that there's more to bring a lawyer than having a perfect record. After not seeing Edgeworth for the whole game I really enjoyed his return.

    I also liked Franziska's antics with Gumshoe lol

    One of the biggest plot twists that makes the case my favorite is the fact that your client is actually guilty. You can either get a good ending or a bad ending as well and that's fun

    Also Adrian Andrews is one of my favorite characters and she was in this. I liked her portrayal of mental illness and honestly I could make another whole post about her character in of itself. Also her backstory actually made a lot of sense and explained her motivations really well

    I also loved the soundtrack.

    I liked how much screen time Gumshoe got. It was fun to work with him and not against him

    Overall this is my favorite case so far because it goes against the normal case formula and pulls it off really well. The tension was carried really well throughout the case too so I didn't get bored like I did for done other parts of the games! The characters were realistic and some of my favorite so far. I hope the future games have cases like this

    submitted by /u/Air4ceW
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    Where to find “Ami Fey” court record entry?

    Posted: 21 May 2022 05:35 PM PDT

    I'm stuck on Justice For All Case 2, specifically Pearl's Psyche Lock. I know I'm supposed to present "Ami Fey" for the final piece, but I don't have it and don't know where to get it. I've both talked and presented every option I have, as well as restarted the investigation sequence and followed every step in a walkthrough.

    Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/ehside
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    Who would you most want to see return in the next AA game?

    Posted: 22 May 2022 02:35 AM PDT

    Starting Prosecutor's Path Today!

    Posted: 21 May 2022 01:37 PM PDT

    So, who do you think was smarter in the end?

    Posted: 21 May 2022 08:08 AM PDT

    Simon Keyes or Miles Edgeworth?

    submitted by /u/HiAttila
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    Review in the Sunset introduction: Turnabout presentation

    Posted: 21 May 2022 02:30 PM PDT

    Review in the Sunset introduction: Turnabout presentation

    Sora: Guys the vote are finished!

    Susy: oh yeah can we rage on The Kidnapped Turnabout

    J.D Phobia: pretty hype for that

    Sora: oh no the one we gotta do is the first turnabout...

    C the reaper: ... are people on reddit stupid?

    Sora: I don't know maybe cause it's the first review?

    Den: kinda corny if you ask me

    Sora: well let's get started! but first for this post let's introduce ourselves

    Sora: Owner of the account, God complex,Viridi mascott and spam her sprite, Persona fan (so mental illness)

    Susy: Second god complex, Is 4 foot 9/11 (we're french so we don't know but it's 1M50) but will tell you she does 5 foot 1, Can't stop being an assh**le

    Den: Smoking on that Kurokuma pack, Asian upbringing, Pink Hair is dream hair

    J.D Phobia: Get all the bi**es but bit**es a lot. his phobia is commitment, sunglasses to not see the tears in 3-5

    LinoWhite: yes he is white, SM kink, Main Leroy in Tekken like a wh**e

    Rosage: Gold dig the gold digger, Latina, Horny 24/7

    ThornyKiss: he is FABULOUSSSS, Actually the first AA fan, Your best gay friend without being gay

    Clover: Actually a pure soul, Shy but good looking, Your sister loves him has a \"friend\"

    C the reaper: Actually the oldest of the group, \"Investigation 1 is not that bad\", Didn't played a single AA until last year

    Quuen Jewerly: Will stab as a warning, Screams a lot, Wants the whip of Franziska

    Clover: wow we're actually quite a lot

    ThornyKiss: so we're gonna try to make the first blog has soon as possible hope to see you there.

    LinoWhite: but honestly why first turnabout

    Rosage: Sora actually gave no "good case" per say just Horrible to Okay one

    QueenJewerly: he is kind of a dick when you think about it

    Sora: i feel that it's gonna be something we talk a lot..

    Clover: see you soon Reddit

    Next chapter: Sunset-1: Turnabout Starter (The first turnabout)

    submitted by /u/SadCardiologist4463
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