• Breaking News

    Sunday, December 19, 2021

    Ace Attorney Went and made my own ideas for hypothetical alternate colours for Phoenix Wright if he was added to Smash. Some ideas borrowed from BrawlFan1's video.

    Ace Attorney Went and made my own ideas for hypothetical alternate colours for Phoenix Wright if he was added to Smash. Some ideas borrowed from BrawlFan1's video.

    Went and made my own ideas for hypothetical alternate colours for Phoenix Wright if he was added to Smash. Some ideas borrowed from BrawlFan1's video.

    Posted: 18 Dec 2021 10:04 AM PST

    Ok hear me out

    Posted: 18 Dec 2021 06:57 AM PST

    O boi... this is messed up alright.

    Posted: 19 Dec 2021 03:41 AM PST

    mainline prosecutors ranked on how clean they are

    Posted: 18 Dec 2021 10:02 AM PST

    Made a game cover of my project instead of doing my project

    Posted: 18 Dec 2021 04:17 PM PST

    A very fitting and cute ad that was done for the Phoenix and Miles Nendoroids

    Posted: 18 Dec 2021 07:09 PM PST

    [DD Spoilers, kinda gory/creepy] Going through some old fan art I saved and found this - does anyone know who made it or what the hell is going on

    Posted: 18 Dec 2021 10:47 AM PST

    Which Payne do you want to see in an AA7?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2021 05:21 PM PST

    Used the power of editing to make Phoenix hunch over on his sprite like in the 3D games, what do you think?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2021 02:59 PM PST

    Headband Flying in the Wind

    Posted: 18 Dec 2021 07:47 AM PST

    The Ripping Resource, a website providing HD character rips, has just updated.

    Posted: 19 Dec 2021 02:05 AM PST

    If you are someone who likes to use Attorney Online, Objection.lol, or just makes fan videos in his free time, you might be happy to know that TRR has just updated, bringing to you a lot of HD rips. Some people just prefer to use DS sprites and the first 3D sprites they find, but in case you are searching for high quality, I would say this is the right place. Wanted to spread the news on reddit, and hopefully you can enjoy what the site offers you!

    Here's the site link if you want to check it out: https://www.rippingresource.com

    submitted by /u/Lemdavid
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    What Tier For AAI2-4, The Forgotten Turnabout?

    Posted: 19 Dec 2021 02:24 AM PST

    I forgot this case I have to say

    Actual Ranking:

    1. 3-5 : 9,27 (S-)
    2. 2-4 : 9,05 (S-)
    3. 1-4 : 8,68 (A+)
    4. AAI2-3 : 8,18 (A)
    5. 1-5 : 8,12 (A)
    6. 3-4 : 7,16 (A-)
    7. AAI-4 : 6,71 (B+)
    8. AAI2-1 : 6,71 (B+)
    9. 3-1 : 6,66 (B+)
    10. 3-2 : 6,58 (B+)
    11. 2-2 : 6,27 (B)
    12. AAI2-2 : 6,08 (B)
    13. 1-3 : 5,08 (B-)
    14. AAI-5 : 4,86 (C+)
    15. AAI-2 : 4,69 (C+)
    16. 1-1 : 4,59 (C+)
    17. 1-2 : 4,57 (C+)
    18. 3-3 : 3,98 (C)
    19. AAI-1 : 3,97 (C)
    20. 2-3 : 2,92 (D+)
    21. 2-1 : 2,71 (D+)
    22. AAI-3 : 2,25 (D)

    How ranks work?

    S+ = 10-9,75

    S = 9,75-9,25

    S- = 9,25-9

    A+ = 9-8,5

    A = 8,5-7,5

    A- = 7,5-7

    B+ = 7-6,5

    B= 6,5-5,5

    B- = 5,5-5

    C+= 5-4,5

    C = 4,5-3,5

    C- = 3,5-3

    D+ = 3-2,5

    D = 2,5-1,5

    D- = 1,5-1

    F = 1-0

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/DeadRev0lt
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    Are There Any Fringe Ace Attorney Opinions?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2021 11:39 AM PST

    By "fringe," I do not simply mean "unpopular." I mean an opinion so out there that practically no one will support you. I'm just curious, and I don't have any fringe opinions really. I'm just seeing if there are any such opinions on this sub. If you have any fringe opinions, write them down below!

    submitted by /u/AnythingMasterGabe
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    What do these cases have in common?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2021 03:10 PM PST

    What do these cases have in common?


    1. It's something objective (the answer isn't "These cases are good/bad").
    2. It only applies to these cases.

    if you can't see it well, the cases are:

    2-4 Farewell My Turnabout

    3-5 Bridge To The Turnabout

    4-4 Turnabout Succession

    5-1 Turnabout Countdown

    5-4 The Cosmic Turnabout

    AA12-3 The Inherited Turnabout

    DGS2-5 The Resolve Of Ryunnosuke Naruhodo.


    1.This is ordered here based on how much it applies from greatest to least (roughly). This is mostly a guess but I tried.

    1. It has something to do with the characters.
    submitted by /u/Comicostar
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    The most surprising twist in TGAAC for me

    Posted: 18 Dec 2021 02:00 PM PST

    In G2-2, when Ryunoske ends the day with with the bombshell revelation that Shamspere does have remnants of his supposedly poisoned tea on the windowsill, which allows the cops to run a poison test on it and see that Soseki didn't touch it, I was 99% certain that Shamspere was his own poisoner and day 2 would open with Gregson going "Yeah so there actually was poison in the tea. Natsume definitely did it."

    If I bet on it, I would've lost a lot of money when day 2 opens with Gregson informing you that the soap tea actually wasn't poisoned and Ryunoske's theory had good grounds. I was thrown for a total loop.

    submitted by /u/JamSa
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    Whom do you like more? [TGAA2 and T&T spoilers]

    Posted: 18 Dec 2021 03:17 PM PST

    Pray forgive the discourtesy of sullying this subreddit with trifling polls, but I'm interested in you opinion

    Both defense lawyers turned into prosecutors (also both wore a mask haha), who were surrounded by darkness of revenge. I know Kazuma is more of a Mia/Miles parallel, but imo he also has quite similar bits with Diego. Personally I'm torn between these two. Godot's personality and antics are more unique, but Asogi's prosecution style is far more impressive

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    submitted by /u/etermellis
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    Hey, I’m Just Saying

    Posted: 18 Dec 2021 12:23 PM PST

    Why do people ship Franmaya. I don't understand it.

    Posted: 18 Dec 2021 05:38 AM PST

    I've noticed that Franmaya is one of the popular ships and it doesn't make any sense whatsoever on why people ship them. While something like Narumitsu makes sense (Mainly cuz unnessecary feelings and the fact that Wright became a lawyer just to meet him again) Franmaya literally makes no fucking sense whatsoever. Franziska and Maya had almost no positive interactions let alone any form of romantic interactions where they show some interest in each other. Even Pearl mentioned it when Franziska introduces herself to her.

    submitted by /u/SovietYakko
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    More Details about the 3D Case Maker and another poll

    Posted: 19 Dec 2021 04:56 AM PST

    The 3D case maker itself is a Unity project which will be downloadable. There you will be able to create your own cases, then export the case files so that it can be played through the client. The client will be available for Windows PCs and Android phones. It WON'T be on iOS since I can't make iOS apps on Windows and iOS in general lacks a download/file manager system which is essential for downloading and playing custom cases. There will be 3 ways to play the game: on screen controls, for cross compatibility, key bindings for PC and controller support as well. The first version will contain only the main characters that appeared in both the Trilogy and DD/SOJ. However, it will be possible to add custom 3d characters from any game or completely custom if you have the models. More will be added in v2. And finally, for the poll. Should I add the transcript/backlog feature or is it not needed?

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    submitted by /u/FCMakes
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    Weekly Poll [1]: Who is your favourite playable character?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2021 02:07 PM PST

    I'm out of things to complain about, so now let me ask for your favorite victim in the series, for the probably last time. (SPOILERS, Spirit of Justice)

    Posted: 18 Dec 2021 02:09 PM PST

    A few hours ago the previous poll ended with Metis Cykes getting 47 votes and winning as your favorite victim in Dual Destinies. The definite losers were alderman Rex Kyubi, who got 0 votes, and detective Candice Arme, who only got 1 vote, and it was my own. Anyway, time for the penultimate poll: victims in AA6, Spirit of Justice! After this one ends, an ultimate poll will begin: between the winning victims of the whole main series. Considering how many victims AA6 has (I've got too little poll options to fit them all), I'll only put here the ones the murder trials are focusing on. So no Archie, no Jove. But this aside... it's voting time!

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/iStalker204
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    Original trilogy reigns supreme

    Posted: 18 Dec 2021 03:56 PM PST

    All i'm gonna say. I'm a trilogy person because of many things within it that just fit the nature of aa games perfectly. Tell me i'm blinded by nostalgia if you want, but the original sprites and the animation just fit a courtroom game better than full 3d models, hd backgrounds, and orchestral music. The atmosphere of the earlier games just feel like they have more impact to me. Now the plot and the characters just cement it for me, nick is obviously nick, the face of the franchise, and back here it makes more sense for him to have the more rookie-like personality, because he is one. Then you have maya who is imo, the best assistant by far, despite the amount of trouble she gets into, edgeworth and godot who are undoubtedly the best prosecutors, and some of the best culprits in the series, including von Karma Gant Engarde Atmey and dahlia

    I rest my case. Feel free to disagree with me in the comments tho

    submitted by /u/dylnm7
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    Can anyone help me find a screenshot/drawing?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2021 10:41 AM PST

    There was a great screenshot from either DD or SoJ with Apollo and Athena at the bench, Athena looked pleased with herself and Apollo looked confused/despondent. I remember thinking it was a perfect encapsulation of their dynamic, but now I can't find the search terms in either google or reddit to find that picture. Does anyone remember what I'm talking about?

    ALSO at some point someone made an actual drawing of the screenshot, which was also great, and if anyone knows who the artist was or where I could find the drawing that would also be great.

    submitted by /u/Augustus--
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    I’m graduating law school today! Instead of typical pics or graduation announcements I made this. Thought this sub would enjoy. (See comments)

    Posted: 18 Dec 2021 05:48 AM PST

    My Opinions on "Turnabout Big Top" after having finished DGS2

    Posted: 18 Dec 2021 02:47 PM PST

    Brief Introduction

    I've been putting this off for way too long, this is easily the most infamous case in the series besides Turnabout Serenade and is probably the most hated overall. A lot of people genuinely hate this case and think it's probably the worst case of all time, and is usually the beginning of what people consider to be "Third Case Syndrome". But there are people who genuinely do like the case. So is this case truly the worst case in the series? Or is it unjustly hated and actually a solid case?

    Case Overview

    The introduction cutscene looks really good, it's dramatic and great . The premise of this case is great as well, a murder at a circus could warrant a lot of interesting mechanics that allow a lot of stage tricks to reveal itself (like The Magical Turnabout). We end up also hearing the first main problem in the case, the ABSOLUTELY HORRIFYING SOUNDTRACK. It's probably one of the most annoying soundtracks in the series and once you play the case you won't be able to unhear it.

    We also get to learn about our defendant, and here's my 2cd problem with the case. A lot of the characters are excessively unlikeable in general. Ben/Trillo and Max Galactica are some of the most uncomfortable characters in the series for reasons I won't really go into (But I will put a spoiler over). I understand cultural differences from Japan and America, but this is a bit too far for me. A lot of this case's plot is essentially boiled down to two older adults simping over a 16 year old. For people in Japan this might come off as fine for some people, but in the West this is VERY unacceptable and it's a major turnoff here. Localization is really difficult but there could be ways to fix this and it's very uncomfortable for me. Moe is unironically the best part of this case because he does get solid development through the case, as well as Regina Berry. But the problem is, is that both of them has MAJOR problems in their personality, Moe being excessively annoying and Regina being extremely grating for me. Acro is probably my favorite character in this case, his actions aren't right in any way, but he's sympathetic due to being placed in a bad situation that seems almost impossible.

    The investigations aren't much better, the setting is something I will give praise for though. It's unsettling and it works to their favor. But I genuinely had to put on other music to replace the circus background theme, it makes the investigations way more tedious and ear grating. The actual investigations though, they're really not that good at all. It falls flat a lot of the time and a lot if it doesn't pique my interest. I do think Phoenix fighting a literal monkey is probably my favorite part of the case besides the other 3 good things I've said about this case.

    The case logic is probably the worst in the series barring Turnabout Serenade though, I'm very sure a person who LITERALLY CANT USE THEIR LOWER BODY STRENGTH can lift a bust and somehow magically smash the bust on his head, get a cape on it and then lift it back up into his room. That's absolutely the worst part of this case besides the actual core drama between characters. This isn't a jab of me liking weird and absurd parts of ace attorney, I think something like Spirit Channeling is fine and I do actually like the core mystery of The Adventure of the Clouded Kokoro (Because unfortunate things do happen at the worst times), this is really pushing it. I don't really want to get into the meat of it because the gameplay is pretty annoying as well, and definitely isn't fun for me. We do get to know that Edgeworth is alive but overall, I didn't have a great time.


    • Some characters do get actual good development
    • Acro


    • The very uncomfortable drama at the core of the story (Especially for being a very character driven case)
    • Most of the characters are REALLY annoying
    • The Music in this case makes silence sound better
    • This case just feels like it takes forever to do anything substantial


    If I'm being honest, I don't think this case is the actual abomination of the world. I think it does have well done aspects in it and I definitely don't think it's the worst case in the series. However, these good moments are like trying to find a chocolate chip in a chocolate chip cookie, except you put 3 chocolate chips in dough that's the size of Turkey. But in contrast the chocolate chips are still really good. But I digress, this case is just really insufferable for me and doesn't work in my book.

    The List

    1. ???
    2. ???
    3. ???
    4. ???
    5. ???
    6. ???
    7. ???
    8. Turnabout Goodbyes (Verdict: EXCEPTIONAL)
    9. ???
    10. ???
    11. ???
    12. ???
    13. ???
    14. ???
    15. Rise from the Ashes (Verdict: Stellar)
    16. ???
    17. ???
    18. ???
    19. Reunion, and Turnabout(Verdict: Really Gosh Dern Good Brudder)
    20. ???
    21. ???
    22. ???
    23. ???
    24. ???
    25. ???
    26. ???
    27. ???
    28. ???
    29. ???
    30. ???
    31. Turnabout Samurai (Verdict: Fun, but flawed )
    32. ???
    33. ???
    34. ???
    35. ???
    36. ???
    37. ???
    38. ???
    39. ???
    40. The First Turnabout (Verdict: Meh)
    41. ???
    42. ???
    43. Turnabout Sisters (Verdict: Dislike)
    44. ???
    45. ???
    46. The Lost Turnabout(Verdict: Horrible)
    47. ???
    48. Turnabout Big top (Verdict: I'm Sorry I just couldn't get into this case at all)
    49. ???
    50. ???

    submitted by /u/NaotOwO
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