• Breaking News

    Monday, November 22, 2021

    Ace Attorney Round 26 of the Ace Attorney character elimination contest. Apollo Justice has been declared guilty, right on the top 5 spot. That means we have arrived at the final four!! Vote the next character to be eliminated today in the comments.

    Ace Attorney Round 26 of the Ace Attorney character elimination contest. Apollo Justice has been declared guilty, right on the top 5 spot. That means we have arrived at the final four!! Vote the next character to be eliminated today in the comments.

    Round 26 of the Ace Attorney character elimination contest. Apollo Justice has been declared guilty, right on the top 5 spot. That means we have arrived at the final four!! Vote the next character to be eliminated today in the comments.

    Posted: 21 Nov 2021 08:38 AM PST

    What would be the name of his band?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2021 02:22 PM PST

    It's cute that the Edgeworth and Van Zieks 20th Anniversary keychains have similar expressions

    Posted: 21 Nov 2021 09:53 AM PST

    The best part about finally finishing The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles for me is...

    Posted: 21 Nov 2021 08:51 PM PST

    being able to read the Ace Attorney wiki without fear of spoilers. Seriously, when I played the original games, I made the mistake of reading wiki pages of characters from early cases because I would think they have no relevance. But in this game, that could have spoiled so much stuff for me.

    submitted by /u/politicskritik4
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    Yeah ships are nice and all, but what are your favorite platonic relationships?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2021 01:46 PM PST

    Forget the OTPs, give me your broTPs.

    submitted by /u/tigerfestival_
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    Asked Nightcafe AI to generate a picture for "Ace Attorney"

    Posted: 21 Nov 2021 11:44 AM PST

    susato san (via https://www.instagram.com/p/CWi8y-RKk3c/)

    Posted: 21 Nov 2021 10:29 AM PST

    Fun fact! What happened to Phoenix Wright happened to me …kinda.

    Posted: 21 Nov 2021 11:47 AM PST

    Spoiler alert! I'm talking about Phoenix's background story to why he became a lawyer. Ok story time. When I was in school in the early years, one of my colleagues did something stupid and broke something. I don't remember what but I remember the teacher got mad to the point of asking in front of the class who the culprit was. The guy blamed me and I said I didn't do anything and that it was him. Then the teacher asked the class who it was, and they all pointed their finger at me and called me the guilty one even tho I literally did nothing and the teacher believed them and gave me an earful. Lol it was a very unfair and lonely feeling and unlike Phoenix, I had nobody to back me up.

    submitted by /u/rengorevaly
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    PSA: Did someone here lose a Godot commission at AnimeNYC?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2021 03:47 PM PST

    I left it with the booth owner, but I found it in an artist's portfolio book (I am dumb and forgot to get the artists booth number, but it was close to the front of the building and the artist was selling posters that were stylized like movie posters or ads. I told them they might want to reach out to the artist who did the commission on the back in case they had the purchaser's contact.

    Sorry if the details are unhelpful but I got very sad thinking someone got an awesome commission and it got lost.

    submitted by /u/steamedpopoto
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    I have fallen into a sprite spree and can't get out xDD I did Young Apollo and Athena in her normal outfit this time :D

    Posted: 21 Nov 2021 05:08 PM PST

    John Oliver reveals his favourite Ace Attorney character

    Posted: 21 Nov 2021 10:02 PM PST

    Has RT game changed this community at all?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2021 02:49 PM PST

    I made a 3d Render of the perfect Picnic for Maya

    Posted: 21 Nov 2021 03:08 PM PST

    Just started Trials and Tribulations. Hope nothing bad or sad happens!

    Posted: 21 Nov 2021 08:26 AM PST

    Why’s Apollo’s “backstory” in Dual Destinies held as high as “a whole new backstory”

    Posted: 21 Nov 2021 12:01 PM PST

    Maybe I missed something, or forgot something, but I feel like simply being friends with a guy who became a spaceman isn't really on the same level as "Magician mother, father and sister who he inherited powers from" and "Birthed in whole other country where dad died and foster dad took in and had step-brother who was connected to the queen of said place." I just don't get why it seems so many people say "Apollo was given 3 backstories". One of these things doesn't seem to be on the same level of importance to me

    submitted by /u/Zanythings
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    Idea for a Ghost Trick crossover

    Posted: 21 Nov 2021 04:45 PM PST

    Spoilers for Ghost Trick

    Since the courtroom stuff won't really work with the game changing ability to stop murders before they happen by possessing the dead bodies, let's say that Sissel's powers changed over the last decade so he has to possess the murder weapons.

    That way, there could be multiple layers of tension and an implementation of the timer system into the courtroom, as you not only have to defend the innocent client and unravel the murder, but you also have to complete this all within X amount of time (let's say 2 days instead of just 1 so the pacing of investigations/trials isn't crunched to nothing) of the murder.

    Here's an example of a potential case:

    Phoenix gets shot and killed by an unknown assailant but the gun that killed him is missing. You have a segment where you play as Apollo or Athena, meeting the defendant, investigating the crime scene, and feeling sad that the main character just died.

    Then there's the trial portion, where you have all the classic Ace Attorney courtroom gameplay with Ghost Trick references sprinkled in, like having some characters from the game as witnesses, and/or having one of the three detectives from that game as the lead detective.

    You could implement a timer system to bring up the drama, with you having a limit amount of time or actions past a certain point in order to get the culprit declared guilty and to get them to fess up the location of the murder weapon.

    Then there could be another investigation where you have to locate the weapon and trick it. That would transition to the ghost trick segment, where you manipulate the environment in various ways in order to eventually save Phoenix's life, ultimately reverting his death.

    submitted by /u/NessTheGamer
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    MINOR SPOILERS: von Karma’s fate?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2021 02:05 PM PST

    I know that in JFA, Franziska mentions her dad (Manfred von Karma) is no longer around, presumably meaning he's dead. But I forget, do we ever get official confirmation that that's what she meant?

    I'm pretty sure Dahlia Hawthorne was executed and we visit Kristoff Gavin in prison at one point (been awhile since I've played the games I'm referencing).

    submitted by /u/OctoSevenTwo
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    If you could add a jury and summation examinations to a case without them, which case would you add them to? It can be for any reason, serious or joking, logical or absurd.

    Posted: 21 Nov 2021 10:27 AM PST

    Let's make a case together! Rules are below

    Posted: 21 Nov 2021 03:13 PM PST

    I hope this is allowed so here we go!

    Here are the rules:

    1. No spoilers for any other games

    2. We're our own characters so no role-playing as other characters

    3. I'm the judge so pls don't pretend to be a judge

    4. Don't be rude to eachother (by that I mean no discrimination against eachother)

    5. Continue the original thread (the thread that started on my comment)

    6. No harming eachother (in role-play) the prosecution is not going to harm the defense or I'll throw them out of the courtroom

    7. The first and second comment work on the defense (first is defense and second is the assistant), the third comment is the prosecution, the fourth will be the defendant and the rest will be the witnesses. I am only allowing 15 people/1 attorney, 1 assistant, 1 prosecutor, 1 judge (me), 1 defendant 10 witnesses and a murderer who I will DM so for now we'll just say 10 witnesses

    8. The defendant is innocent. So the prosecution (sry) has to lose or do they?

    9. The titles will just be "Prosecuter", "assistant", "defendant", "Defense", "Your honor/Judge" and we'll ask for names, occupations and pronouns of witnesses

    10. I will act as a witness but 10 people can act as witnesses making it actually 11 witnesses

    11. No basing your character off of a canon character (it's not that bad so I won't mind too much if you do

    12. If you want to ask a question or something do the spoiler that thing. (If you want to know how this is what you do: > ! [Insert your question] ! < but without the spaces inbetween the ! and the </>

    13. Reply to the last comment in the thread when role-playing unless you have a question abt a certain comment or someone has made a comment with a question bc then you reply to the last comment in the role-play

    14. My comment will be the comment you start the thread on.

    15. When role-playing please use speech marks on what your saying. Example: "Objection! Your honor we've been looking at this case the wrong way!"

    That's all the rules.

    Now here's everything you need to know:

    The victim's name: Justace Ded (pronounced: Just-as Dead)

    The relationship between the defendant and the victim: They were married.

    The time of death: 7:38PM-9:11PM

    The cause of death: A stab wound to the chest.

    The evidence you have:

    The crime scene photo which shows the victim soaked in blood holding a knife which has the Defendant's enitial on it.

    Said knife with the enitial on it.

    The autopsy report.

    A hair pin with the defendant's enitial on it but it doesn't belong to him.

    The reason why the defendant was arrested: The murder weapon has their enitial on and the only person who interacted with the victim the whole night was the defendant.

    Edit: To get your role you need to reply to my comment. And the questions I say. For example if I say: "Is the defense's assistant ready?" If you want to be the assistant to the defense reply to the comment and say something like "The defense bench is ready" or such as. Don't comment saying the role you'd like

    submitted by /u/Dora_Queen
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    Great Ace Attorney 2 Question: When does the new music kicks in?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2021 03:45 PM PST

    I am a diehard fan of the music for the games. I literally bought the original trilogy completely for it's music. I am dying.

    This entire game, all the way up the first trial on the 3rd case (Where I am at currently), does not have music except the tutorial section for some reason????? Am I just going to have to listen to the first games music the entire time or are they saving it for the end some strange reason?

    submitted by /u/Gintheawesome
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    If you could make your own Sebastian-centric game…

    Posted: 21 Nov 2021 12:46 PM PST

    Sadly, it's unlikely that Capcom will ever actually make a Sebastian-centric AA/AAI game, because the only game Sebastian currently appears in (AAI2) was never localized and would therefore run the risk of spoilers for audiences outside of Japan. Which really is a shame, because Sebastian's character development was one of the best parts about AAI2, and even now he still has so much potential to become even better and maybe even star in his own game (if AAI2 ever gets out of its localization limbo).

    IMHO, Sebastian deserves better as a character, so I thought I'd take a moment to explore what a hypothetical AA/AAI game starring Debeste might look like.

    So without further ado, if you could make your very own Sebastian Debeste-centric game…

    When would you set it?

    Immediately after AAI2, during the Dark Age of the Law, after SoJ, etc.

    Would you start off with Sebastian as a full-fledged prosecutor (whether brand new or veteran), back in training after Blaise's big reveal to him in Forgotten Turnabout, or at some other point in his career?

    Would Sebastian have any sort of "special power(s)" like most AA protagonists have? If so, what would it/they be?

    Would Sebastian acquire any of Edgeworth's logic-themed "powers" (Logic and Logic Chess), and/or would he develop any other "powers" of his own? If the latter, how would the new "powers" work in-game, and what might their applications be?

    Would your hypothetical game feature any of the popular Sebastian-related headcanons in the AA fandom? If so, how?

    Becoming Edgeworth's protege, befriending Kay Faraday and/or Klavier Gavin, etc.

    What kinds of storylines and/or general plot concepts would you feature?

    What kinds of cases might Sebastian take on? How would they impact Sebastian's character development? What other characters might make an appearance, and how? And so on and so forth.

    Do any other potential details come to mind that aren't covered in any of the previous questions?


    REMINDER: All spoilers must be marked as per the rules. This thread has not been spoiler-tagged as a whole because it is not specifically dedicated to discussing any particular spoilers. However, I recognize that some spoilers are likely to come up in this thread, so be sure to mark them accordingly. (See the RULES for more details.)

    submitted by /u/Crown_Of_Pencils
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    r/AceAttorney, your votes have spoken! Congratulations to Pursuit ~ 2001 being the top-voted Pursuit theme in the Pursuit Poll series!

    Posted: 21 Nov 2021 12:37 PM PST

    If I have to be saddled with this knowledge, then all of you do as well.

    Posted: 21 Nov 2021 08:51 AM PST

    Conan Doyle spoilers below.

    I freaking love Gina, and I found it adorable that I thought that she named Toby after Tobias Gregson.

    Turns out the reason that Toby is called Toby is that there is a dog called Toby in the Sherlock Holmes books.

    I still like to think she named him after Gregson though.

    submitted by /u/CherryHavoc
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