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    Saturday, November 20, 2021

    Ace Attorney I had to do a double take when I saw this pokestop at my college

    Ace Attorney I had to do a double take when I saw this pokestop at my college

    I had to do a double take when I saw this pokestop at my college

    Posted: 19 Nov 2021 11:42 PM PST

    The Susato Takedown I really wanted to see happen in TGAA2 (by @bmno on Twitter)

    Posted: 19 Nov 2021 11:17 PM PST

    By request, Gina & Gregson (And Toby Cause Why Not) have been added to my Minecraft world.

    Posted: 20 Nov 2021 12:54 AM PST

    Miles Edgey-Poo

    Posted: 19 Nov 2021 06:54 PM PST

    So Apollo in DD huh

    Posted: 19 Nov 2021 06:04 PM PST

    If you had to kill off on one important character for the next game, who would it be

    Posted: 19 Nov 2021 05:32 PM PST

    Most surprising final culprit in the main series (spoilers for the main 6 games)

    Posted: 20 Nov 2021 05:26 AM PST

    has anyone ever ripped the TGAA 3D models before?

    Posted: 20 Nov 2021 04:55 AM PST

    as the title says, i'm wondering if anyone has ever managed to rip the 3d models from the game files, i would like to study them (sorry if this is not the correct flair)

    submitted by /u/PlanetJoneses
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    I NEED C O D E S (objection.lol)

    Posted: 20 Nov 2021 01:45 AM PST

    so, i need codes, characters, music, ANYTHING. comment if you got any spares

    submitted by /u/Derijay10
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    I think that partially the reason the handling of racism in GAA:C is controversial is down to a key trait in appearing in no characters.

    Posted: 20 Nov 2021 06:04 AM PST

    Specifically, British-Japanese heritage and intersection with racism from potentially both countries.

    For all Japanese characters in Britain, there still has to be a criminal conviction to rule an escape back to Japan completely impossible if the racism gets too much, and all Japanese characters leave Britain for now at the end of the series.

    For all the Japanese cast is like a dangerous adventure - there's still the chance to go back to their birth country if they want to after it all.

    They did flirt with this idea of Britain/Japanese with Iris, but this a feint for the idea that she still has a mass murderer father.

    However you would never know this if Iris didn't want you to!

    On the other hand if Gina had both British/Japanese visible heritage the conversation becomes a lot more complicated - are the main characters going to try bringing her back to Japan, will she experience racism from Japanese citizens and so on.

    Basically theres a difference between temporarily living in a foreign country and experiencing racism versus having grown up there all your life and potentially having no way out.

    The Gregson-Gina plot line becomes insanely more interesting then - like is he taking her to France to broaden her horizons and see she doesn't have to stay in the UK etc

    submitted by /u/InterestingComputer5
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    Replaying Original Trilogy

    Posted: 19 Nov 2021 02:50 PM PST

    So I'm currently in the middle of playing 2-4 in the Original trilogy and I am LOVING this game! So much fun, characters warm my heart, and putting all the pieces together at the end is so satisfying. However, from what I know of the sequel games, they feel like they'd make me upset so I don't really want to play them. In that case, what replay value is there to these games? I imagine it's less fun when you know all the plot twists and answers, but also I don't really want to say goodbye after I wrap up this last game. Worth it to replay or no?

    Quick edit: I really do appreciate all the responses and advice, including the parts that say don't listen to negative reviews of the sequel games. However, I don't want to play the sequels not because they're bad, but because something about them independent of their quality as games would upset me, if that makes sense. Really appreciate it!

    submitted by /u/surge_aura
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    Most underrated thing out there : orchestral versions of AA themes from PLvsPW:AA

    Posted: 19 Nov 2021 02:52 PM PST

    This is so epic, I could listen to these all day long. My favorites :

    - Courtroom lounge

    - Objection

    - Cross examination allegro

    - Logic and tricks

    - Confess the Truth

    - Cornered

    submitted by /u/AceIlyushin
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