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    Sunday, October 3, 2021

    Ace Attorney Weekly Poll [62]: Who is your favourite Defendant from The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles?

    Ace Attorney Weekly Poll [62]: Who is your favourite Defendant from The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles?

    Weekly Poll [62]: Who is your favourite Defendant from The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles?

    Posted: 02 Oct 2021 07:49 AM PDT

    [Aidan Kresnik] [OC] I drew Athena Cykes in Panther's outfit from Persona 5!

    Posted: 02 Oct 2021 01:45 PM PDT

    Trucy and Apollo eating hamburgers by grgrton on Twitter

    Posted: 02 Oct 2021 12:34 PM PDT

    OBJECTION‼️ [oc by me @gachaponz on ig]

    Posted: 02 Oct 2021 06:52 AM PDT

    Objectively one of the funniest moments of AAI2–*Ray and Miles run 3 feet and exit the room* *Miles is panting & out of breath just outside the door*

    Posted: 02 Oct 2021 08:02 PM PDT

    Today I drew Apollo and Trucy!

    Posted: 02 Oct 2021 09:04 PM PDT

    Phoenix Wright cosplay for sale ! (Please check comments for description and details).

    Posted: 02 Oct 2021 08:55 PM PDT

    Fanart of some artwork for TGAA (by me)

    Posted: 02 Oct 2021 10:37 AM PDT

    The game is afoot; let's dance, my dear fellows!

    Posted: 02 Oct 2021 07:29 PM PDT

    Inktober, LET'S GOOOOO

    Posted: 02 Oct 2021 12:28 PM PDT

    I got this cute picture commissioned by Startistdoodles on Tumblr

    Posted: 02 Oct 2021 04:28 AM PDT

    Strongest and weakest prosecution case?

    Posted: 02 Oct 2021 11:05 AM PDT

    Which case in the series do you think was strongest for the prosecution and which was the weakest?

    Here's my ideas

    Strongest cases:

    1-5: Defendant confessed, picture evidence and witness to the stabbing. Would have been over day 1 if not for Gant interrupting

    6-2: Signed 'confession', video evidence that was unknowingly tampered with, audience full of witnesses, true culprit on the other side of town

    DGS-3: Happened inside a confined space no one could enter or leave and had multiple witnesses to the circumstances. Only lost because of forged evidence. Also defendant was actually guilty this time


    2-1: 1 piece of actual evidence and the victim apparently misspelled his own fiancé's name

    2-3: defendant apparently defies laws of gravity and witnesses only saw shadows and not the defendant

    4-4: The second the tea cup was examined and the stamp was found there should have been a not guilty verdict. Simple as.

    submitted by /u/Ok-Succotash-1552
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    How would you feel if the next entry had no new pun names, and everyone just had generic name?

    Posted: 02 Oct 2021 10:09 AM PDT

    Phoenix Wright is dead, say hello to Michael Morris.

    submitted by /u/KaleBennett
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    Cosney Megundal and Mrs. Altamont by KotNarKot

    Posted: 02 Oct 2021 01:22 AM PDT

    Tier list based on the number of pressable statements in the mainline games

    Posted: 02 Oct 2021 05:05 AM PDT

    One of the Problems with T&T's Main Antagonist (Spoilers for the the Entire Ace Attorney Trilogy)

    Posted: 02 Oct 2021 01:19 PM PDT

    Trials & Tribulations is probably the most popular Ace Attorney entry in the series, attracting much love for the game due to its characters, setting, emotional moments, and most of all, it's way of amazingly tying all the loose ends throughout the entire trilogy. It's not called a fantastic finish to the trilogy for nothing, and it is certainly deserving of that remark. Trials & Tribulations is the first entry to introduce villains of both grand significance and much complexity that was lacking in the previous big bads, including our local coffee-loving prosecutor Diego Armando to the evil demoness Dahlia Hawthorne. It is because of this that I state here now that I have absolutely no objection to the love and reputation of Trials & Tribulations, it's truly a fascinating game that will not relinquish its popularity and significance in the Ace Attorney franchise.

    Today's star of the show is going to be Dahlia Hawthorne. As the title of this post implies, I have a problem with her. It's a pretty big problem. Now, while I am of the firm belief that from my subjective stance on an objective analysis, Dahlia Hawthorne is one of the better written main antagonists of the series, I find this flaw to be significant. I won't pad this introduction anymore, so what exactly is the flaw that I am talking about?

    Dahlia Hawthorne is often regarded by the community as a clever manipulator, having an incredible ability to deceive others. After all, her deception had been a key segment of Dahlia's fake kidnapping plan, when she threw herself off the bridge. She had also manipulated others to escape her crimes of killing Valerie Hawthorne (by tricking Terry Fawles), poisoning Godot (by tricking Phoenix Wright), and nearly escaped killing Doug Swallow (by tricking Phoenix Wright again).

    If the above paragraph is all I described to an Ace Attorney fan who has not yet played T&T, they would easily come off with the impression that Dahlia is a very dangerous person, someone whose true intentions you can never know. She could come off as a master of deception, one capable of making others follow her evil plans without them even realizing it.

    But if some of this about Dahlia being a "clever manipulator" feels a bit off to you, then you're right, it does. It's because she isn't. Why do I say this? Because throughout the series, Dahlia is only able to manipulate half-witted idiots simply because she is physically attractive, while almost any other character not taken in by her charms are able to see through her façade almost immediately (such as Godot and Mia).

    Because of this, her manipulation is essentially just a whole pile of bullshit. Plotwise, she mainly manipulates Terry Fawles (who is implied to have a intellectual disability) and Phoenix Wright (who at 20, is just a dumb lovestruck simp). To a lesser extent, she manipulates the Judge and Winston Payne, neither of which are shown to be very bright in the first place. Throughout the trial (pick 3-1 or 3-4, either of them work), she feels completely ingenuine and fake, overdoing several aspects of her act. Hence, her ability of manipulation, if we even want to call it that, cannot be attributed to her own ability to deceive others, but simply her physical attractiveness. If you put Dahlia Hawthorne in any other body, she would fail spectacularly.

    But I'll give some credit where credit is due. Having Dahlia rely on bullshitting a lot makes me feel more motivated to take her down simply because I really don't want her to get away with something because of this dumb reason that she's able to fool the court. But the issue is, this is her only weapon. This is what she relies on from the beginning and what she relies on in the end. I can take some of it seriously, but when its all she depends on, it ends up being kind of annoying.

    Now, what are the grander implications of this? Well, for one, Dahlia comes across as less intelligent, cunning, and deadly as a villain. Much of the success of her crimes is attributed to her beauty, rather than her ability. While this would be more than satisfactory for a starter villain in 3-1, as a main antagonist, she feels a bit lacking. For someone whose crime life has relied on manipulation so much, I believe that ironically, 3-5 is her best appearance, when she's only manipulating the court for the shortest amount of time (by pretending to be Iris), because then and only then, does she not rely on her beauty to deceive the court.

    The second is that the game really does feel like treating her as someone very dangerous because she is good at deception. In fact, it's a key point in the relationship between Phoenix and Dahlia. Allow me to explain:

    Phoenix's expanded characterization in T&T is built on a premise of a history of betrayal. In a shocking turn of events, Phoenix Wright found out that his girlfriend, Dahlia Hawthorne, who he had loved so deeply, never loved him in the first place and hatched a murder plot to erase him. Of course, in the end, this shocking revelation turned out to not really be true, as Iris, impersonating her sister, had loved Phoenix just as much as he had loved her. The problem is that this isn't set up very well.

    In 3-1, we have seen Phoenix constantly believe in the innocence of Dahlia Hawthorne. It's not necessarily inconsistent with his character, Phoenix always wanted to believe the best in people and as a result, had a tendency to be a bit naïve. But 3-1 Phoenix isn't just naïve. He's a complete buffoon who fails to see the obvious red flags about Dahlia's true nature. Like seriously, if a random woman came up to me and gave me a necklace in the name of love, I would be both baffled and suspicious. Instead, Phoenix falls for her instantly. Dahlia is also incredibly suspicious during the trial, constantly trying to seduce the Judge to cover for her constant lying in court. Both Mia and the player at this point, pretty much know that Dahlia has to be the killer, but Phoenix keeps on denying it all. Even after 3-1, Phoenix continues to believe in Dahlia while Mia just simply shakes her head.

    In 3-3, we see that now, the much more mature Phoenix hasn't changed his belief in Dahlia. Phoenix doesn't go and look back on all this and think "oh hey what an idiot I was" (and he was an idiot), no, he genuinely feels betrayed and used by someone he had once so deeply trusted and loved. He genuinely believed that Dahlia was a good person, and still feels that Dahlia was someone who was worthy of his trust, only to have been completely backhanded by her. Obviously, the implication is that there is some depth to this relationship that we never got to see. And that's the problem! We didn't get to see it.

    So how am I supposed to take this relationship seriously? After all, the only thing Turnabout Memories paints is a college student Phoenix who once maintained a youthful idiocy and was gullible enough to fall for the clearly suspicious actions of Dahlia Hawthorne, who gave a necklace as a love gift randomly to a complete stranger. The answer is that I can't, especially when we have Phoenix spouting some nonsense which reinforces the very limiting image that Dahlia is some idealistic beautiful feminine doll, such as this line.

    PHOENIX: Toilet!? My perfect little Dollie doesn't poop!

    While one might see this line (and the many other lines like this) as just simply comic relief, for which it was designed to be, there's a far larger meaning to all of this. See, lines such as this don't imply depth in a relationship, they just imply that Phoenix melts for a pretty woman for which he holds a very idealistic image of. And this is all Turnabout Memories ever shows this relationship as, but there's just so much more to unpack here, especially considering that the rest of the game treats this relationship to have a depth that we just simply don't see. See, if we got to see more of this relationship, maybe we could get more of an idea why Phoenix trusted his girlfriend so much, which would make the cornering of Dahlia Hawthorne in 3-1 much more impactful, seeing how Phoenix's characteristic trait of unwavering trust had been mercilessly used against him. It also makes Dahlia seem much more manipulative and menacing, as her ability to fool others can be credited to her own ability of deception and misdirection, rather than because she's pretty. It also makes us feel empathetic towards Phoenix, and makes the final plot twist of the entire game, where Phoenix's ex-girlfriend was actually a woman who had done her acts of kindness out of love rather than manipulation feel much more satisfying and relieving. I blame simplifying Dahlia's manipulative ability to her seduction powers for this oversight, and I feel that much of the development for Phoenix's character suffers as a result of it. While the Iris plot twist at the end was very touching, I could not help but feel that we never got to see a good reason as to why Phoenix trusted Dahlia so much besides that he was stupid..

    Villains like Matt Engarde and even Damon Gant come across as much better manipulators. They're not overdoing their personalities, and while Engarde feels genuinely nice and naïve, Gant feels charismatic and kind, especially when it seems like he's trying to help you as the defense. I don't understand why they couldn't make Dahlia feel more like these villains, especially for one that relies so heavily on manipulation for her plans in a way much more than almost any other villain in the series.

    So how would I improve Dahlia Hawthorne? First of all, I really like her design. Keep that. But firstly, don't overdo her manipulation abilities too much. It's okay to have a few spikes where she feels a bit ingenuine, but make her feel more like Matt or Gant in terms of hiding their true identity. Secondly, expand into the relationship between Phoenix and Dahlia (or in actuality, Iris). If we get to see Iris do genuine acts of love towards Phoenix, it makes the whole betrayal feel a lot more impactful, while we also get to see why Phoenix could trust someone that much.

    And look, I know I complained a lot about Dahlia Hawthorne, but I still really really like her. I think she's one of the stronger villains in the AA franchise. And naturally for me, I am going to complain more about flaws in a villain that I care about than a villain that I don't care about. (AAI)Lance Amano is undoubtedly a much much worse villain than Dahlia Hawthorne, but I don't really care to talk about their flaws and why they is a subpar villain because I don't care about them whatsoever in the first place.

    Anyways, what are your thoughts about this?

    submitted by /u/AnOppositeReflection
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    I made a cover of Beyond Deduction's Logic! Ft. Chromatic Apparatus -- This was my first time playing any AA game, and I really fell in love with it, especially the music! I cannot wait to play the Phoenix Wright games next!

    Posted: 02 Oct 2021 01:12 PM PDT

    (OC) Me with Athena Cyke’s clothes!

    Posted: 02 Oct 2021 02:15 PM PDT

    Anyone else very against aa7 being a reboot? /aa7 hopes

    Posted: 02 Oct 2021 11:36 PM PDT

    I hear a lot of talk about how the story has gone on long enough and it's time to abandon ship. I respect it, understand it, and disagree. I've actually been pretty hyped for a hypothetical ace attorney 7 recently.

    There's a lot of existing characters that could fill the future of ace attorney. Athena could head the new trilogy, juniper could come back, The bitch from 4-4 with that drew stuff could return and be so good I remember her name! Robin and… the blue guy could also come back! Simon could be the new edgeworth, and while I don't think they'll skip the trend of adding a new prosecutor every game, fan favorites could still return.

    And all the characters that people complain have been here too long have already been successfully written out. Apollo's in kurain, Edgeworth can only prosecute in special scenarios now, and Phoenix can be the mentor from now on. but if he dies in case two id honestly drop the game

    I mean Apollo's totally gonna come back thinking about it since there's the whole thing with him mom, but after that he's done.

    Phoenix can't leave because money, which I don't mind tbh he's my favorite character. At most he'd probably get the intro and filler cases.

    Wow this is messy. Basically what I said is: there's a lot of characters that can still develop, and old characters have believable reasons to be sidelined or absent, so a reboot is not needed in my opinion.

    Now totally unrelated ace attorney 7 hopes.

    Don't-go through the athena is mega weak thing again, she's had a few cases by now. She should be at least had Phoenix level by now.

    Have Phoenix be there, and be important without overshadowing athena. Like his role in aj but without him being a terrible version of himself and stealing the final case. Like a Mia who never got bonked

    Add penalty's to the mood matrix.

    Stealing from chronicles, this could be a good time to bring jurors into mainline, but only to be used once per case at most. I like them in chronicles but they used it so much I felt it didn't matter when clients were declared guilty

    More than one dlc case. These could satisfy all fans. There could be an Apollo case in kurain, and Phoenix can defend a tennis racket for murdering a SNES.

    And last: please don't bring back franbitchka von karma, unless she's changed to not be an insufferable, selfish, egotistical, childish, entitled, whip happy brat.

    Actually screw that let's just make a Larry dating simulator spin off

    submitted by /u/Richard-Patterson
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    Theory! Phoenix is in better shape than Edgeworth, especially during the original trilogy.

    Posted: 02 Oct 2021 04:58 AM PDT

    The reason I think Phoenix is in a better overall shape is because he drives his bike everywhere and doesn't have a car, unlike Edgeworth who drives a fancy sports sedan. Not to say that Miles is out of shape, but I would bet that Phoenix is in better overall shape, has more stamina due to pedalling everywhere and consume as many sweet things.

    I just can't imagine Edgeworth not drinking his tea or coffee without at least some sugar, and I would bet that he has a small pastry every afternoon at his office. Nothing major, just something small. And I would imagine that Miles drinks black tea as his tea of choice, while Nick probably drinks green tea instead without much if any sugar and if he does eat pastries, they're savory instead of sweet.

    submitted by /u/JonVonBasslake
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    Only i think Damon and gendo ikari from Evangelion look a lot?

    Posted: 02 Oct 2021 03:42 PM PDT

    Do you think Thalassa will survive AA7?

    Posted: 02 Oct 2021 11:56 PM PDT

    I mean, this dead parent rule is quite popular in this game. Do you think she will die, or will they expand her character?

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/Vivid_Conclusion_742
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    Needed to complain about the case I'm on. (Spoilers!)

    Posted: 02 Oct 2021 08:58 PM PDT

    Ok so I'm currently on The Adventure of the Clouded Kokoro. My complaint is that despite Ryunosuke proving that the knife belonged to Joan and John that Van Zieks fires back with the argument of "If it fell down their window then how did it hit the victims back?" Ok sure but let's say that Natsume did do it, how do you suppose he got a hold of the Garridebs knife? Also, are we going to ignore that Ryunosuke just proved that the knife was indeed thrown out of the window? We can't say it wasn't now. It wouldn't make sense to say so. I just feel this twist was a bit of a stretch but I'll keep playing to see how it unfolds.

    submitted by /u/24hourcinderella
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    OC inspired from Ace Attorney

    Posted: 02 Oct 2021 02:31 PM PDT

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