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    Ace Attorney Ninth Case Maker Contest - Final Round of Voting

    Ace Attorney Ninth Case Maker Contest - Final Round of Voting

    Ninth Case Maker Contest - Final Round of Voting

    Posted: 05 Oct 2021 12:55 PM PDT

    Apologies for being late with the voting announcement; life intervened.

    Here are the top three finishers from the first round, the three which are the final nominees:

    Voting will last until Thursday, October 14, 11:59 PM EST using this form.

    Choose wisely, and good luck!

    submitted by /u/teamcrazymatt
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    real reason phoenix wasn't the last fighter �� (by @_osulan on twitter)

    Posted: 06 Oct 2021 06:29 AM PDT

    When Sakurai already put a spiky, black-haired character; you knew the dream was over...

    Posted: 06 Oct 2021 03:15 PM PDT

    Turnabout Bruh Moment

    Posted: 06 Oct 2021 03:17 PM PDT

    Edgeworth and Franziska (artist: Sweet Little Vampire)

    Posted: 06 Oct 2021 04:08 PM PDT

    objection.lol courtroom moment

    Posted: 06 Oct 2021 08:14 PM PDT

    Inktober... Also I'm bad at postinv on here

    Posted: 06 Oct 2021 08:29 PM PDT

    People are always making this connection, so I took it upon myself to visualize it

    Posted: 06 Oct 2021 03:57 AM PDT

    [AA1-6, AAI1-2] Giving AA Cases GAA "Adventure" Titles

    Posted: 06 Oct 2021 10:15 PM PDT

    1-1: The Adventure of the Emerging Firebird

    1-2: The Adventure of the Spiritless Sisters

    1-3: The Adventure of the Sham Shogun

    1-4: The Recollection of Miles Edgeworth

    1-5: The Legends Liberated from the Law

    2-1: The Adventure of the Misfortunate Memories

    2-2: The Adventure of the Boiling Bloodline

    2-3: The Adventure of the Postponed Proposal

    2-4: The Great Revival of the von Karmas

    3-1: The Adventure of the Everlasting Origins

    3-2: The Adventure of the Unmasked Impostor

    3-3: The Adventure of the Copycat's Cuisine

    3-4: The Adventure of the Bitter Beginnings

    3-5: The Reemerging of Phoenix Wright

    4-1: The Adventure of the Pocketed Playing Card

    4-2: The Adventure of the Streetside Noodle Stand

    4-3: The Adventure of the Incurable Encore

    4-4: The Recorded Reunion of the Gavins

    5-1: The Adventure of the Collapsing Courtroom

    5-2: The Adventure of the Treasured Yokai

    5-3: The Adventure of the Syngergistic Schoolhouse

    5-4: The Adventure of the Earthbound Astronaut

    5-5: The Dual Destinies of Athena Cykes and Simon Blackquill

    5-DLC: The Aquatic Anchor to the Past

    6-1: The Adventure of the Foreign Firebird

    6-2: The Adventure of the Troupe's Televised Tricks

    6-3: The Adventure of the Inspirited Reunion

    6-4: The Adventure of the Repice to Rakugo

    6-5: The Neverending Journey of Apollo Justice

    6-DLC: The Chronicles of the Broken Bride

    I-1: The Adventure of the Intruded Investigation

    I-2: The Adventure of the Airborne Earthquake

    I-3: The Adventure of the Reanimated Badger

    I-4: The Adventure of the Ancient Attorneys

    I-5: The Retribution of the Great Thief Yatagarasu

    I2-1: The Adventure of the King's Castle

    I2-2: The Adventure of the Criminalistic Canine

    I2-3: The Adventure of the Defense's Sweet Salvation

    I2-4: The Adventure of the Forgotten Fall

    I2-5: The Path of Prosecutor, Miles Edgeworth

    submitted by /u/KaleBennett
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    Front-Facing Payne

    Posted: 06 Oct 2021 02:20 PM PDT

    I introduced my artist friend to AA and he drew a Maya and an emo phase Edgeworth!

    Posted: 06 Oct 2021 03:44 PM PDT

    Some easter eggs/references in Great Ace Attorney

    Posted: 06 Oct 2021 03:59 PM PDT

    What "quality-of-life" or special features do you want to see in future games?

    Posted: 06 Oct 2021 08:24 PM PDT

    I'm going to try to keep this spoiler-free, but if anyone thinks it should be spoiler-flaired, please let me know.

    What kinds of features have you seen in past games that you want to see in whatever Ace Attorney game comes next? I've gotten to play Chronicles, and I just replayed parts of DD and AJ recently, so I have some thoughts:

    1. I love the little notes on locations in Chronicles. There's so much less aimless wandering because when you open the list of locations, someone accompanying the player character will say something like "We haven't explored this place yet" or "Are you sure we're done investigating here?" That is so helpful, and I really miss it when I go back to play other AA games.
    2. AJ has such great forensic science and detective segments. I remember loving it the first time I played. I don't think the more recent games have the same kinds of features, and I miss them.

    I'd love to hear everyone else's opinions!

    submitted by /u/LonelyJazzCupcake
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    Best Female Assistant in Ace Attorney

    Posted: 06 Oct 2021 10:02 PM PDT

    Asogi Kazuma, I love that cloak he has, had to draw it !! [OC]

    Posted: 06 Oct 2021 05:40 AM PDT

    GTA IV intro but with Ace Attorney.

    Posted: 06 Oct 2021 11:30 PM PDT

    Why does this clock have a guillotine?

    Posted: 06 Oct 2021 04:59 PM PDT

    guess what I drew? surprise! it's the Gavins, again

    Posted: 06 Oct 2021 09:13 AM PDT

    Turnabout Big Top Glitch

    Posted: 06 Oct 2021 09:19 PM PDT

    I am stuck at E3: P1 Investigation and cannot get Ben to spawn at the entrance no matter what.

    First off, I have looked at every single post regarding this same glitch on the subreddit and have done all of the following: presented all profiles/evidence to everyone, gotten the poster from the room, restarted episode two times.

    No matter what I do I have Moe's room spawn as soon as possible after talking to Gumshoe about the eyewitness and can never interact with Ben. I am playing the trilogy on switch and have been on this for hours doing trial and error/restarting the entire episode/game, etc.

    Is there anything I can do besides watching the rest of Justice for All on youtube skipping to Trials and Tribulations?

    submitted by /u/Avatar8885
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    [OC] I am telling you that a shrimp fried this rice!

    Posted: 06 Oct 2021 11:10 AM PDT

    My thoughts on Ace Attorney Chronicles (full spoilers for both games)

    Posted: 06 Oct 2021 02:54 PM PDT


    I recently finished the Great Ace Attorney Chronicles. The only other Ace Attorney game I have completed is the full Phoenix Wright trilogy so I was excited to play this duology. This post will be about my thoughts on only the first game, but I will refer to spoilers from both so be warned.

    Case 1-1: This was a very start to the saga, albeit a tad too long. Brett was a fun villain, particularly with her 'SHUT UP' objection. The witnesses were a little annoying but I enjoyed the animations of the general with a baby on his back. There was the perfect balance of the game teaching you while you solve the mystery on your own in this case.

    CASE 1-2: I won't lie, this case bored me to tears. If it was a third shorter, I'd enjoy it a lot more. But I found it far too long overall and I didn't enjoy the characters of the culprit and the crewmates. However, Herlock was fantastic in this chapter.

    CASE 1-3: This chapter was great. It jarred me that this was another chapter of all-trial, no investigation, but I still loved it. McGilded was a fantastic mysterious force, the introduction to Stronghart in his clockwork HQ (and his banging theme song) was great, and the jury was a fun surprise for me. The surprise ending of the case ending unresolved and McGilded ending up killed added to my excitement.

    CASE 1-4: Meh. This was the first investigation/trial case in the game, so I was excited. However, this case was dull. Joan was an awful character, constantly abusing her husband while it was played for laughs. Roly and Pat were incredibly annoying, and Soeski was also annoying.

    The fact that the crime was an 'accident' was pretty interesting, but it felt underwhelming considering that this was our first 'full' trial/investigation chapter and 1-2 also had a crime that was an accident. I would have liked a proper antagonist; something that the second game succeeds in.

    CASE 1-5: What jarred me about this case was the fact that this was the final case of the game and they were only just introducing the core group dynamic of everyone living in Baker Street. I understand this is a duology, but it felt odd to have spent 20+ hours in the game (nearly halfway through the duology) and only just getting the core group together.

    However, this case was brilliant. I enjoyed the slice of life segment at the start, albeit the pawnshop segment dragged a tad too long. However, once the crime was committed I fell in love with this chapter. The trial was amazing. The Skulkin brothers were hilarious, the Jury was so randomly useful it was funny, and the unravelling mystery was great. Graydon appeared to be a boring villain at first, but the reveals about him were great and he became one of my favourite villains. Plus, the Skulkin brothers were amazing.

    Having to reveal Gregson's corruption was brutal yet satisfying, and I liked the fact we had to remember his animations (such as whispering to Graydon and shaking Luigi Skulkin) to reveal him.

    Overall: I enjoyed this game a lot. Despite 1-2 dragging on and 1-4 being pretty bad around the edges, I loved the characters, world, mysteries and gameplay mechanics such as Herlock's deductions and the jury debates. 1-5 was a major source of redemption for my opinion of this game, because it finally cemented the core dynamic of the Baker street group while also tying together the previously unsolved 1-3.

    Side Notes:

    For how important Iris is in the duology, is interesting we only properly meet her in 1-4.

    The Judge is amazing. Compared to the Phoneix Wright trilogy Judge, he is actually competent at his job. He treats the defence and prosecuytion equally and is always open to a proposal if it can lead to more truth, while shutting down conjecture, whether from the defence or prosecution.

    Barok Van Zieks is an amazing charatcer. Him being a dick to Ryunosuke makes his devlopment in the second game more meaninful. I enjoyed how Van Zieks wasn't portrayed as a 'I must win at any cost lawyer' and he actually wanted to learn the truth as well, sometimes siding with Ryunosuke's proposals.

    The music is amazing!!!

    I utterly knew Stronghart would be evil from the moment I saw him. He had huge Gant vibes

    submitted by /u/plutarch4
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    young klavier my beloved...

    Posted: 06 Oct 2021 08:27 AM PDT

    Let's discuss; who's the more powerful villain? (NOT who the better-written character is)

    Posted: 06 Oct 2021 10:28 PM PDT

    I'm not talking about who the best-written personality of these people, I wanna hear y'alls thoughts on who here would be able to throw their power around the most in-universe. Not tryna start a fight, I just wanna know what others have to say.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/FaraKay
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    Two lawyers stand against each other in court. Who would win?

    Posted: 06 Oct 2021 12:25 PM PDT

    How much is AA7 Postponed?

    Posted: 06 Oct 2021 11:39 AM PDT

    We all still remember the massive Hack of Capcom where a lot of Information got stolen.

    One particular was a plan of upcoming Ace Attorney releases.

    In this one it got stated that TGAAC is finishing development in Q4 of 2020 and gets released in Q1 of 2021.

    Afterwards the TGAAC Team helps by AA7 which appears to be finished at Q3 of 2021.

    But as we know, due to Covid the dates have changed a little, because we got a Trailer of TGAAC in Q2 of 2021 and TGAAC got released in Q3 of 2021.

    With that my Question is, what do you think how much is AA7 postponed and do you think we still might get some information this October, since we're close to the 20th Anniversary of Ace Attorney and we don't have any information about celebrations yet.

    I would love do hear your thoughts!

    submitted by /u/Fabian_Wright
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