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    Tuesday, October 5, 2021

    Ace Attorney ‘Draw The Character from ____’ except I can’t draw

    Ace Attorney ‘Draw The Character from ____’ except I can’t draw

    ‘Draw The Character from ____’ except I can’t draw

    Posted: 04 Oct 2021 07:54 PM PDT

    Hello from r/ProfessorLayton. Wishing you the best with the Final Smash Direct!

    Posted: 04 Oct 2021 03:37 PM PDT

    As you're probably aware, we're now less than 24 hours from knowing the final character for Super Smash Bros Ultimate. It's make-or-break for everybody's most wanted character, Hershel and Pheonix included. In these final hours before the reveal, I'd like to extend the hand of friendship, and bid you all good luck for tomorrow's presentation!

    submitted by /u/thekingweavile
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    Anyone notice how they deadass made Phoenix buffer in the HD versions? He looks like a chad now.

    Posted: 04 Oct 2021 06:25 PM PDT

    Let Phoenix Smash! (or have a Mii costume or spirits)

    Posted: 04 Oct 2021 09:20 PM PDT

    "Would Franziska Whip Them" tier list

    Posted: 04 Oct 2021 04:16 AM PDT

    20th Anniversary Logo Revealed

    Posted: 04 Oct 2021 08:18 PM PDT

    Tomorrow's the announcement for the final Smash character, so I sketched a little something to put my hope in, and probably continue depending on what happens. We'll see what goes down tomorrow!

    Posted: 04 Oct 2021 10:55 PM PDT

    Holy Crap is Tezuka!Maya Cute

    Posted: 04 Oct 2021 10:08 PM PDT

    Van zieks leg slam ��[OC]

    Posted: 04 Oct 2021 05:26 AM PDT

    The Kamados take the case!

    Posted: 04 Oct 2021 02:09 PM PDT

    The Kamados take the case!

    I think we can all agree it's been a very generous year for patient fans of Ace Attorney and Demon Slayer. Introducing the newest demon-slaying technique; Justice Breathing!


    submitted by /u/j0hnbr33zy
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    Concept art of TGAA2 (featuring smol Ryunosuke and Susato with her hair down)

    Posted: 04 Oct 2021 08:41 AM PDT

    An all purpose uncle (DGS2 massive spoiler)

    Posted: 04 Oct 2021 07:47 AM PDT

    The Great Ace Attorney Character tier list ( kinda serious )

    Posted: 04 Oct 2021 08:18 PM PDT

    Finished the original Ace Attorney Trilogy. First Thoughts

    Posted: 04 Oct 2021 02:49 PM PDT

    Least Favorite game: "Justice for All" is the easy choice because it's the correct choice. Sorry. "Farewell, my Turnabout" is a rightfully lauded case and deserves the high reputation it has, but the other cases are all weaker than the cases in the other two games in the series.

    Favorite game: Hot take time! My favorite game is NOT "Trials and Tribulations" but actually the original "Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney". My reasoning is simple. It has NO bad cases and two outstanding cases, "Turnabout Goodbyes" - my favorite case in the series - and "Rise from the Ashes", one of the S-tier cases.

    "Trials and Tribulations" is terrific and "Bridge to Turnabout" is an excellent case, definitely S-tier. "The Stolen Turnabout" is also the best filler case in the series. But I really, really disliked the fake Phoenix drama in "Recipe to Turnabout". How, HOW did Maggey Byrde not recognize that Furio Tigre - who looks and acts nothing like Phoenix except for the fact that they share a haircut - wasn't Phoenix? How did Gumshoe not realize this? The Judge???? I mean come on! He was Maggey's lawyer in a previous case! If this was a trial I would have used this fact as evidence to prove the plot point made no sense, which is a shame because otherwise the case works fine.

    I also didn't think "Bridge to Turnabout" hit quite as hard as "Turnabout Goodbyes". It was excellent, don't get me wrong. No complaints, S-tier case. But the defendant in "Goodbyes" is Edgeworth, who was in the middle of the best character arc in the trilogy, whereas the defendant in this was Iris, who we barely knew. Also the metal detector reveal is an absolute classic.

    That said I loved the reveal that Iris really did fall in love with young Phoenix.

    Overall: This series is great. It's heavily flawed for all of the obvious reasons people always give, but there is also absolutely nothing else that offers anything close to what Ace Attorney does, unless they're directly copying the formula it created. I'm a fan for life.

    After some thought over what game to play next, I'm playing "Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright" at the moment...because "Great Ace Attorney Chronicles" is in the mail. I shall be playing that next when it arrives, hopefully tomorrow. :-)

    submitted by /u/Senku2
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    Last chance for Phoenix in Smash.

    Posted: 04 Oct 2021 01:10 PM PDT

    I really want Phoenix in Ultimate, to the point where I made a full video about it. However I know how unlikely it'll be, but all we can do is wait till tomorrow. I'm still hoping but with caution.

    submitted by /u/GemMaster100
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    which cross examination style do you prefer.

    Posted: 04 Oct 2021 01:33 PM PDT

    left out summation examination (jury questioning) because i only wanted to ask about the 2 involving witnesses.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/masterdudeguy123
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    How Blackquill Counters Arguments

    Posted: 04 Oct 2021 04:59 AM PDT

    In an effort to analyse how prosecutors act, I created a template of their possible behaviours, which can be found here. I've then been creating analyses such as:

    A note on the trilogy trial flow vs 3DS trial flow:

    • The exchanges in the trilogy appear less thorough, getting through the key points much quicker and with less discussion on each aspect.
    • In the trilogy, most defence claims are a series of prompts, where each successful prompt is either successfully countered and leads to a new prompt, or the prosecution cannot counter it. In 5-2, each prompt leads to an exchange of smaller objections with no player input until either the defence and prosecution come out on top. This inflates the number of counter arguments a bit, of all kinds.

    How Blackquill Counters Arguments

    Note: All information on which this is based can be found in the spreadsheet.

    Blackquill's first case shows him utilising a variety of tactics, touching on every type, including a lot of manipulation not directly pertaining to the template and not covered by it.

    Blackquill manipulates people on several occasions, some of them directly pertaining to his case and some not.

    • Pertaining to the case:
      • Blackquill utilises the superstitions and appearance of the Mayor to make him look like a lunatic who might be possessed by a demon.
      • Blackquill manipulates the defence into countering their own argument at least once.
      • Blackquill manipulates the mayor into confessing to protect his daughter.
      • Blackquill tries to manipulate the court into believing the Mayor was actually possessed by a Yokai when the defendant pretends as much.
    • Outside of the case:
      • On both trial days Blackquill convinces the judge to deliver the opening statement, through different methods.
      • Blackquill convinces Athena she should take a jog to relax and prepare for the guilty verdict.

    Blackquill conducts a thorough examination of the crime scene preparing counterarguments to most questions arising from it. (This probably also shows the detective is decent.)

    • Blackquill identifies that a contentious issue would be who struck the Mayor, if he had been rendered unconscious after the strike.
    • Blackquill has already devised explanations for the lack of fingerprints on the statue and how the Tenma Taro traces were left on the scene.
      • However, he failed to identify that the traces at the scene had to have been left after the alderman and mayor were out of commission.
    • Blackquill ascertains motivations that match the state of the scene.

    Blackquill's questioning of the witnesses wasn't altogether thorough, and he has nothing prepared for their cross-examinations.

    • By all appearances, Blackquill has not questioned Jinxie beyond establishing her alibi, or at least not investigated the alleged Tenma Taro she saw.
    • Blackquill only established Filch and Florent's alibi, and that they saw no third parties.
      • It's clear Blackquill believed the crime scene would conclude his case, and that the witnesses and security cameras would prove no third parties to be present.
    • On the second day, Blackquill is surprised by new evidence from the defence's side, derailing his entire day and case.

    When caught off-guard, Blackquill is skilled at improvising, as most of the case takes place discussing hypothetical scenarios he had not foreseen.

    • He identifies the various areas in which the witnesses' sightings do not match the defence's theory.
    • After just finding out about the key, he can counter most attempts to break the locked room.
    • Blackquill is occasionally willing to concede points and just adapt his case to include them.

    After things go wrong for him, Blackquill can often come up with entirely new theories from the available evidence to make a new case. (He usually recovers his confidence once he finds a new counter.)

    • After testimony is collected on the sightings Blackquill comes up with a new theory where Jinxie is responsible for the traces and sightings so as to create a fake third party and help her father.
    • Once the fox chamber key is revealed to have been found inside the room Blackquill immediately recognises this would create a locked room and no third party could have been involved.

    Blackquill is willing to use incorrect means to secure a verdict.

    • Blackquill does not want to allow another day lest the defence take the opportunity to forge evidence (I... cannot tell how genuine the claim is).
    • Because Blackquill had already successfully broken the defence's case, he's willing to make the claim the Mayor was possessed by a Yokai just to take his act as a confession.
      • He does not actually believe this, and doesn't even attempt to defend the theory, stating with confidence that in any case it was either the Mayor or Jinxie who left the traces, and that means the defence has no case.
      • On the following day he immediately takes back the Yokai claim (since there's no longer the issue of giving the defence an extra day?).
    • However, Blackquill never objects to further questioning of witnesses. (Including the defendant.)
    • Blackquill occasionally covers for the witnesses, but does so through logical deduction. He ignores the testimony and comes up with an explanation as if the witness weren't there:

      • "It's true the witness was watching TV, but they could still hear."
      • "It's true the statue was a secret, but as the aide of one of the involved parties, it's no surprise he'd know."
      • He's unwilling to let witnesses ruin his case with lies.

      Overall, his preferred styles of arguing are:

    • Pointing out inconsistencies in logic.

    • Coming up with a new theory to adapt to new facts which the defence needs to try and slowly dismantle, taking even the defence's claims to be advantageous to his own case.

    • He often entertains hypotheticals and lets the defence build their case, before asking for evidence.

    By contrast, some methods he employs less:

    • He usually does not come up with information unknown to the defence, and some of the times he does this the information is also unknown to him.
    • He covers for witnesses on occasion, by pointing out logical explanations to how things could work regardless of the witnesses' claims.
    • Because he entertains hypothetical theories, he doesn't dismiss a lot of information as irrelevant.

    These are the aspects which I feel most stand out in regard as to how Blackquill usually acts. Do you feel there was some aspect which I should've focused more on or something I missed from my own information?

    I have a conclusion of my own to present from this information. In contrast to Franziska, whom I did previously, Blackquill prosecutes a lot of cases, and the degree to which he applies each of the techniques naturally vary with the case. As such, the results shown here are not comprehensive, I believe, though they do paint and adequate picture of his moveset.

    submitted by /u/Tiagofvarela
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    Question about Case 1 for Great Ace Attorney

    Posted: 04 Oct 2021 06:03 PM PDT

    I just finished the first case of the first great ace attorney game, and I wonder without spoilers do we ever find out why Brett killed Dr. Wilson?

    submitted by /u/CloverChiaki96
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    How would you feel about a medium prosecutor?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2021 06:11 AM PDT

    Someone who channel witnesses, the victim, and even other dead prosecutors to help her in a boss rush scenario.

    EDIT: Even if you just channel other prosecutors, it's a great way to face an entire legal team of lawyers at once to increase the challenge - with them replacing as they breakdown or need fresh perspective.

    Your opponents can use teamwork too.

    submitted by /u/InterestingComputer5
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    Balloons were not “new technology” in the 1890s

    Posted: 04 Oct 2021 07:11 AM PDT

    I just started Great AA: Resolve, Case 3 and there is one point that irrationally annoys me.

    Hot air balloons are being treated as basically UFOs by Ryunosuke, and explained by Iris as one of the era's novelties.

    In fact, manned hot air balloons had been around for over a century at the time when the game is set. Even dirigibles already existed, with the first steam-powered prototypes appearing (ironically) in the actual London Great Exhibition of 1851.

    I know this is a ridiculous nitpick given the nature of the game, but it just struck me as totally unnecessary.

    submitted by /u/eypandabear
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    Phoenix Wright loses all his Social Credit TM (Epic FAIL!!!!)

    Posted: 04 Oct 2021 04:51 PM PDT

    I've finished PLvsAA, and it was a delight (a convoluted spoiler-containing review)

    Posted: 04 Oct 2021 09:13 AM PDT

    Not gonna lie, after beating Chronicles I faced with some inexplicable boredom. I lowkey started to miss character and the world they were living in. And that's when I was reminded of a game about another Naruhodo visiting London! So I decided to give it a try

    I must say this was the first time I met Professor Layton and Luke. They eventually grew on me: Luke is utterly adorable kid and Layton is a lowkey badass (but the fact how he is prone to constantly talk about puzzles is still funny). Seems like this duet is as epic as Phoenix and Maya. So these two tandems made an interesting blend and their interactions sometimes were funny and believable. Also I felt that both Phoenix and Maya took some smart pills - except for the very first trials, that is. I figure it can be explained with how the writing was improved. Nick isn't an insane bluffer he was in early trilogy and 3DS. So he was rather level-headed and experienced, but not more than Layton, of course. He got some new expressions and voice clips which were decent enough for early 3d AA games

    And oh, boy. Playing PLvsAA made me realise how MUCH I missed Maya. Really. Susato is competent and everything, but sweet adorable bubbly Maya and her music theme is always joy. She had her moments here and there, and her friendship with Luke and Espella was really nice. Her voice acting was slightly off-putting though, way too adult for her.

    Speaking of Espella. She's the main heroine in the story, so she was fleshed out the most. I have overall a positive opinion about her, but it really feels like she's creator's pet, to the point that the whole affair of Labyrinthia was dedicated to her (and I personally would like if she wasn't that much connected to the project, but I'll talk about that later). And one more thing is that Espella takes the cake as the biggest troublemaker in AA - she was a defendant THRICE in a single game she were in. And even in one and onlt case where she wasn't tried, she managed to create problems for her friends by sacrificing herself... Sorry, Maya and Ryunoske, you're not a match to this girl. Still, her story was touching and as a character, she's rather cute and alway tries to do her best and she's not irritating.

    Labyrintia's (the mystical town where the story unfolds) folks for the most bear some resemblance to TGAA witnesses. As a whole, it's funny to see how authentic but different both settings - Victorian England and Medieval-like Labyrinthia are. In the latter here I would like to talk a little about the main 'rival' of the game - Inquisitor Barnham. After all Ace Attorney games it was i bit weird to see a simple nice dude as an opposing counsel. He's not even that arrogant and he hasn't some sad past. Just a person willing to protect his town, that was a nice change. On the other hand, it would be great if he was fleshed out a bit more, especially in the finale. Though I liked his motorboat!

    Gameplay is something new, obviously, puzzles are fun and everything. And before dwelling into more specific parts, I would like to say again, how much in common this crossover and Chronicles have, and that couldn't be different I guess. The crossover was released before TGAA, and basically by the same team (Takumi, Nuri, even the composer iirc). And what's more, it was nice to see the rudiments of TGAA gameplay here: we can observe other witnesses and pit two testimony statement - however, this does happen once in a trial. And one more nice touch: in the 4th case there was a little animated bit where Phoenix was moving around in exact same manner as Ryunoske when he refutes jurys' claims!

    Regarding the story (the Story, see what I did here), I quite liked it too. For me, all of the 3 cases in Labyrinthia were heart-wrencing. The way the second case ending was really grim, I felt bad for Kira. Like, the whole scene of burning people alive for witchcraft was eerie and honestly lowkey shocking.

    The third case - the Golden Court - did the same ten times stronger. The case itself is interesting and overly sad because of whole deal with profesor Layton who's turned into gold. It was painful to see Luke in that state. Also, the culprit in the case - Jean Greyerl is stellar too, as is her backstory. And her male facade was done way better than in DD. And of course the final cutscene... Of course no one believed that Maya will die in a crossover-non-canon game, but boy did I feel bad for Phoenix. That was really a disastruous experience for him, as well as for Luke, which united them.

    The final case and its twists were amazing and kinda unexpected. It was a bit tedious to examine 10 (!) witnesses simultaneously, and overall the case was a tad long. Though it provided me with my favorite character in the game: Darklaw, otherwise known as Eve Belduke. In the beginning she gave me some fem!van Zieks vibes. Like Barok, she's extremely attractive, a bit hostile and intelligent enough (for playing two roles for 10 years). The moment I saw her behind the inquisition stand I figured out that she will be Bezella (as it often happens in AA with final opponents), and it actually was true! In some sense, that is... Well, her and little Espella's story was dreadful and memorable. I really hope these two girls will get some therapy after that. Also I was almost glad to see typical Takumi-esque trope of sealing the memories within for the sake of sanity. But I felt that Eve was forgiven for framing Espella a bit too fast.

    And one more thing about the entire game twist a.k.a the Labrelum inc. It caught me off-guard, though experimetal settlements isn't a completely new trope in media. Still, the story about the bell and the drug and tricks presented as magic (yet again Takumi's calling card) was ingenious.

    However, from this whole thing comes my biggest gripe about the game. Once you learn about the whole truth about Labyrinthia, the witches' magic isn't the only one that fades away. On the retrospect, the whole thing about witch trials, the fact that because of you a person can end up in the fire is a bit devalued in retrospect. I've told here how I found the outcome of VS-2 grim and dark, but that doesn't make much sense anymore. No one really died in the game, aside from Newton Belduke and the whole town, but it was rather an exposition, rather than something that happened in the game. No way it's a complete deal-breaker about the game, but I can say that PLvsAA is a more of one-off experience because of that.

    What I can say? I am very positive about this crossover! It was indeed a delightful experience and I'm glad that I picked it up

    submitted by /u/etermellis
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    This might just be me but I think (rather wishfully) that they'll announce a 4,5,6 remastered collection for the anniversary

    Posted: 04 Oct 2021 10:37 AM PDT

    [AA2&3 SPOILERS] Saddest moment (part 2)

    Posted: 04 Oct 2021 11:35 AM PDT

    Well I'll be, the last poll caught me by surprise. If there's any other moment you have in mind then comment, make sure it comes before the sixth option because this is still part 2.

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    submitted by /u/Abdussalam_dalati
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