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    Sunday, September 12, 2021

    Ace Attorney Look what I found!

    Ace Attorney Look what I found!

    Look what I found!

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 02:02 PM PDT

    The Ten Types of Ace Attorney Fans

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 09:19 PM PDT

    From my two years of experience in the AA fandom, dating back to 2019, I have made many observations. Now, I've compiled my notes and developed a foolproof system for categorizing the various types of AA fans.

    (This isn't meant to be taken seriously. This community is great.)

    There shouldn't be any spoilers, but you may want to be careful anyway.

    1. The Series As A Whole Enjoyer

    These are our role models. They're the type of guys to enjoy the series as a whole.

    The trilogy is iconic, they say, and it has such amazing stories and characters. It's why we have the franchise that we have! But wait, AJ, DD, and SoJ have great characters too, and they tell amazing standalone stories, not to mention some of the best mysteries in the series! But then again, the Investigations games have such refreshing gameplay and an interesting new direction for the series, and Chronicles takes old ideas and makes a whole new world out of them. I mean, how are they supposed to choose?

    In fact, do not ask The Series As A Whole Enjoyer to choose their favorite game. They'll burst out crying. Would you want someone to ask you to choose your favorite child?

    The Series As A Whole Enjoyer is great to be around. They're positive, empathetic people with a strength of mind that we mortals cannot comprehend. They always understand how you're feeling, and they have a relaxing presence that makes other people smile. They're the friends you want but don't deserve.

    May they never stop being the type of guys to enjoy the series as a whole.

    2. The Trilogy Fan

    They enjoy the entire series, similar to the Series As A Whole Enjoyer, but for the Trilogy Fan, nothing quite reaches the heights of the first three games. For them, the characters, the story, and especially the cohesion are something the series hasn't matched since. While there's some disagreement about the best game in the trilogy, these fans are united in their appreciation for everything the trilogy gave them, the memories of laughing and crying.

    Many eccentricities have been noted about the Trilogy Fan. For starters, they are known to add "pal" to the end of all their sentences. Whether they're encouraging the person they're addressing to be their friend, communicating that they have no hostile intentions, or reciting a mysterious mantra is unclear.

    Additionally, they are liable to eat burgers for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, with a side of coffee at each meal, carefully planned out so that they drink no more than seventeen cups each day. While their dedication to this routine is admirable, they may notice that for some reason they're unable to sleep at night. They don't mind, though. That just means more time to play Ace Attorney.

    Several other peculiarities have been attested, including an apparent correlation between hearing T&T's credits theme and sobbing loudly, but for the sake of space, I will not go into them in this report.

    The Trilogy Fan is a good friend, someone with strong belief in their convictions, even if you occasionally get tired of them waking you up at 4:00 a.m. with their obnoxious racket as they make their daily "Gumshoe return home for AA7" prayer circle.

    3. The AJ Fan

    For these fans, AJ is their favorite game in the series. Of course, they enjoy the rest of the series greatly, but for many reasons, be it the unique characters, grounded and subdued atmosphere, themes, or willingness to take risks, AJ is just special.

    These fans are an endangered species, though due to careful environmental preservation efforts in recent times, their population has been making a resurgence. They tend to live in small groups to protect themselves against the desolate world they wander through. Every night they dream of an AJ sequel that would have actually followed up on their favorite game's promising ideas, and every morning they wake up in a cold sweat, crushed, faced once again with the harsh reality that the miracle never happen.

    They are known to retreat into isolation in a distant forest to meditate. In such cases, they can be found staring at Klavier's dialogue and animations in an attempt to reach enlightenment and divine the deeper significance behind AJ's subtle writing. They will studiously note down the revelations that come to them, and after returning from their retreat, they will write several detailed Reddit posts with what they learned in an attempt to convert other people to their religion. While such attempts have a low success rate, nevertheless the AJ Fan is the most determined of anyone in the AA community and will never be demoralized.

    Do not, whatever you do, ask the AJ Fan why they like AJ unless you are prepared to endure a two hour-long (at minimum) monologue. Thankfully, the AJ Fan will be so enraptured by their own passion for the game that they will likely forget that you're there, and so you'll be able to slip away unnoticed if necessary. Keep the AJ Fan's feelings in mind before taking such an action, though. They're resigned to never being understood by the rest of the community, but that doesn't make it hurt any less when yet another person rejects their life's work.

    Occasionally, the AJ Fan may be found screaming the conspiracy theory that Trucy died after AJ and was secretly replaced by an android in DD and SoJ. If you happen to witness this, please try to comfort the AJ Fan, or at least remember to be sympathetic. They're still coping with their grief over how badly Trucy was ruined.

    Overall, the AJ Fan is a solitary, reflective person who acknowledges the problems with their game and loves it anyway, never being deflected by any amount of emotional suffering from their chosen path. They obsessively watch Pannenkoek and learn SM64 speedrunning in an attempt to figure out how to travel to the parallel universe where AJ2 happened. Alas, they haven't yet made a breakthrough, but rest assured that they will. Someday.

    4. The DD Initiate

    These fans were introduced to the series through DD, and as such have a unique perspective on the franchise. They appreciate DD's upbeat, corny tone and eccentric characters, but must every day endure the constant criticism towards the game from the rest of the community, which they frankly don't understand. They enjoyed the game for its characters, story, humor, and epic drama, so why does everyone else need to take shots at it over and over? In this respect, despite being opposites in many other ways, the DD Initiate commiserates with the AJ Fan.

    A related category is the fan who has either DD or SoJ as their favorite game, but did not necessarily play them first.

    The DD Initiate wonders why people playing the trilogy complain about how confusing investigations can be. With their slick investigation skills, the DD Initiate thinks, they'll get through the trilogy with no problem! (Note: I've been unable to secure a follow-up comment from any DD Initiate regarding their success with trilogy investigations after actually trying them.)

    The DD Initiate's favorite characters are Athena and Blackquill, and their absence in previous games significantly hampers their enjoyment. Likewise, they're annoyed by how useless of an assistant Maya is compared to Athena, and breakdowns are a consistent disappointment. What's even the point if all you do is throw your toupee? Why isn't he doubling in size and busting out some sick moves with a polka-dotted hula hoop?

    AJ is a particularly surprising game for the DD Initiate to go back and play. Phoenix is cryptic and morally gray, Apollo isn't angsty, Clay is nowhere to be seen, and... wait, Phoenix has a daughter?

    The DD Initiate is a fun-loving person who keeps their smile no matter what is thrown at them and appreciates positivity. They bring out the best in everyone. Just, whatever you do, don't accept a therapy session if they offer one. They're not actually trained in psychology.

    5. The AAI2 Fan

    For these fans, AAI2 is the pinnacle of the series. With its intricate, cohesive story, epic scale, connection to the trilogy, and likable characters, only T&T comes close in quality.

    Their favorite character is Edgeworth, and their goal in life is to be just like him. For instance, when they're trying to figure out what time it is, they look at a clock. At this point, they use Logic. They put together the facts that "a clock tells time" and "the clock says 7:04 a.m." to conclude that the time is, in fact, 7:04 a.m. They then pat themselves on the back for having their own lawyer superpower, shout "Eureka!" to no one in particular, straighten their cravat, and prepare for another day at work of abusing their subordinate.

    It has been documented that the AAI2 Fan will make "DeBeste" puns at literally every opportunity they get. It is currently unknown whether this tendency is a symbol of their group membership or an attempt at humor. The former option is likely, as the AAI2 Fan is known to be emotional. If you find them crying for no apparent reason, it's likely that they are listening to a track titled "Bonds ~ A Heart That Believes."

    As seen from the examples above, the AAI2 Fan is a rather unusual person, but they are well-meaning, even if, in an attempt to emulate their role model, they are harsh and reticent in expressing their emotions.

    Formerly, the AAI2 Fan was united with the DGS Fan in their desperate cries for localization, but now they are alone, abandoned, and Capcom refuses to acknowledge that their favorite game exists. This may be for the best, however. If AAI2 got an official localization and any of the names were changed, the AAI2 Fan would stage a mutiny.

    The AAI2 Fan may be shocked to learn that AAI2 is actually the second game in its subseries. They'd heard the Alba memes, of course, but they had no idea which game they came from.

    6. The One Who Actually Remembers PLvsPW's Existence

    They're a Layton fan.

    7. The TGAA Fan

    Data is still being collected on this species of AA fan. An addendum to this report will need to be written once sufficient information has been collected to draw accurate conclusions. However, the preliminary results suggest that the TGAA Fan faces unique challenges in social situations. These include referring to the legendary detective as "Herlock Sholmes," much to the bewilderment of those around them, and expressing a truly unusual attachment to wardrobes.

    The TGAA Fan, particularly the subset of the TGAA Fan that was introduced to the series through TGAA, can be compared to that one freshman who acts like they're a senior. They think they're so cool with how they slam tables with their leg and throw glasses of wine at strangers, but they don't even know the joy of presenting their badge yet. Fake fans.

    The TGAA Fan's ancestor is the DGS Fan, but such individuals have assimilated into the TGAA Fan, and they are now too elusive to provide any accurate description of them.

    8. The Trilogy Purist

    They are not to be confused with the Trilogy Fan. Whereas the Trilogy Fan is able to call the trilogy their favorite while enjoying most or all of the rest of the series, the Trilogy Purist is able to do no such thing. The trilogy is their favorite, and the rest of the series varies from complete garbage to acceptable garbage. The downvotes they receive daily for expressing such opinions in an aggressive and inflammatory manner serve as a treasured badge of honor.

    They wish the series had ended with T&T. On a related note, they ship Phoenix and Iris and will let you know that they ship Phoenix and Iris.

    They usually refuse to acknowledge that the trilogy isn't perfect. They will feel the need to explain away any criticism of the trilogy, no matter how minor, and will simultaneously find a reason to vocally criticize everything about the non-trilogy games, no matter how minor. (The things they like in the trilogy are sometimes the same exact things they dislike in the other games, but don't tell them that.) They may, however, show a soft spot for the parts of AAI, AAI2, DD, and SoJ that involve trilogy characters, and would prefer that the post-trilogy games stopped focusing on its new cast altogether.

    They also tend to be less harsh on non-trilogy games that were written by Takumi. Unless the game in question is AJ. They hate AJ. It's their sworn enemy. It ruined their crops and brought a plague upon their houses. It's advised that you don't say anything remotely positive about AJ in their presence.

    It may also be worthwhile to note that some legends tell that Yamazaki ran over their dog. Whether or not this claim is true is still under investigation. I'll keep you updated with the latest developments. In the meantime, may the Trilogy Purist learn to let it go, and move on.

    9. The Memer

    They were probably introduced to the series through objection.lol. For them, the funny lawyer man memes are their world. They give them a purpose in life and a reason to get up every morning, and their disappointment when learning that "You're not a clown, you're the entire circus" isn't a real quote was immeasurable.

    Their preferred mode of entertainment is to go on Discord and provoke arguments in order to secretly make an objection.lol out of it and maybe win a few Internet points in the process. Rumor states that they plan to creatively title their post "a real discord argument I had with my friend and decided to turn it into an objection.lol lol"

    Nothing wounds them more deeply than a refusal to participate in the argument. When such an injury is sustained, they will sulk dramatically for approximately ten seconds before going to a different server and repeating the same exact process. Nothing stands between them and an answer to the age-old question: is pineapple pizza actually pizza? I mean, look at it! Gross!

    When they're not on Discord making objection.lols, they'll be on the subreddit asking for character codes to make more objection.lols. When they're not on the subreddit—and, in fact, when against their will they're forced to go outside—they desperately search for fellow memers in the harsh wilderness that is life outside the Internet. Their preferred ice breaker when meeting someone new is pulling a picture of a stepladder out of their wallet and asking what it is, and they delight in telling the poor souls who didn't check their email that class has been rescheduled due to the instructor being sick. Invariably, they begin such conversations with, "Umm, actually, objection, dumbass—"

    The Memer hasn't yet discovered that Ace Attorney memes are not a universal human language, and so they're confused when their classmates stop talking to them for the rest of the year.

    "Welp, back to Discord," they sigh.

    10. The Horny One

    Pray forgive the discourtesy of them making it explicitly clear in a public forum that they wish for Franziska and Van Zieks to step on them, preferably both at once.

    Prosecutor hot.

    submitted by /u/AnonymousWaddleDee
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    Why do you gotta be so pure?

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 10:00 AM PDT

    I made this logo a few days ago and posted it to twitter. Decided to post it here as well. Oh and play Ghost Trick.

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 02:32 PM PDT

    Apollo is such a cinnamon roll…

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 05:44 AM PDT

    First time playing, what's this bar on the top right for?

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 12:28 PM PDT

    Since I never saw Mael's room being uploaded, you can have it here. I edited it out of screenshots.

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 08:38 AM PDT

    The Game is Afoot! Let us Commence shall we?

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 04:57 PM PDT

    Bropollo (fanart by me)

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 02:48 PM PDT

    What are things you don’t like about the trilogy?

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 06:36 PM PDT

    I saw a post about tho topic with the 3D era so I figured I'd do it with the original series

    submitted by /u/Richard-Patterson
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    SPOILER: Trials and Tribulations Phoenix perjury?

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 09:27 PM PDT

    Hello there, before you read, this contains spoilers from the first case. It is a short question, Phoenix lied multiple times during his testimony. Then, he told the court the truth of what really happened. Then Dahlia lied too, saying in her testimony that Phoenix pushed the victim one time. Then she fixed her testimony and she said he pushed him twice, then Mia accused Dahlia of perjury. But the judge let that pass. Isn't what Phoenix said a perjury too? Why no one spoke of it? Or it only applies when the prosecutor or the lawyer makes the accusation? Thx for reading, hehe.

    submitted by /u/Justaguy1434
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    What is the worst main AA game?

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 07:01 PM PDT

    Just a fun little poll

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/Cosmicrobus
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    If you know about r/fakedisordercringe, you know where this is going.

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 05:44 PM PDT

    Top 5 Returning Characters That Would/Wouldn’t Work as Victims in Ace Attorney 7 (Major Spoilers for Main Series and Minor Spoilers for Investigations games)

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 04:04 PM PDT

    One type of character that often gets forgotten about when talking about Ace Attorney characters, is the victims. This is because we rarely get to interact with them before their demise, and thus don't gain as much of an attachment to them as the culprits and supporting witnesses that we have to take down in court. It could also be attributed to the fact that they rarely get any posthumous development, leading to some of them even coming off as stock victims instead of feeling like dynamic characters themselves. Most of all, though, aside from some of the spin-off games, because of the no-spoiler rule, the victims can't be referenced in subsequent games, which in the worst of cases means that main characters often undo some of their character development as a result of them not being able to mention the deaths of characters that were close to them in later games. The most egregious examples of this are Franziska mentioning that it's inconceivable that a member of the von Karma family could commit murder in Investigations 1, and to a lesser extent Magnifi being treated as a good role model for Trucy in Spirit of Justice despite his actions in 4-4.

    While this might be a controversial take, I feel like one way of alleviating these problems would be to kill off a returning "main" character from a previous game in Ace Attorney 7. Since we were already exposed to them in a previous game, they would already have had plenty of screentime in the past, and we'd have already developed an attachment to them, which would give their death more impact than the average victim of the week. Due to them being a part of the main cast, they would likely be integral to the overarching narrative of the game as well, which would provide an opportunity to give them plenty of posthumous development as well, giving new insights into previous characters that we previously never would've seen. These two factors in turn would greatly impact the main characters arcs for the game, which could lead to some interesting character development, if done correctly.

    In this post, I'll be looking at 5 returning characters in the Ace Attorney series that could theoretically work as victims, and 5 that are commonly cited as characters that should be killed off that I disagree with. To make things more interesting, however, I won't be basing my decisions on how much I like a certain character or how likely they are to be killed off, so if I like a certain character, that doesn't necessarily mean that they wouldn't make for a good victim with a strong emotional impact on the story, and vice-versa. I'll also only be discussing characters that have appeared in the main series, as the Investigations games are too obscure to the point that any character killed off would only affect Edgeworth, who likely won't be playable in AA7, and The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles and the Professor Layton crossover are too far removed from the main series. Without further ado, here are my top 5 characters that I feel would or wouldn't work as victims in Ace Attorney 7.

    #5 Wouldn't-Marvin Grossberg:

    What can be said about Marvin Grossberg? That's a literal question, what is there to say about him? We know that he was Mia Fey's former boss and that he sold the information about Misty Fey to Redd White, but that's pretty much it. The only interaction between Mia and Grossberg that we got to see was in 3-1, where his only purpose in the story is to provide exposition that Diego Armando was poisoned 8 months prior, and to talk about his hemorrhoids. Similarly, in 1-2 and 1-4, his sole purpose is to provide exposition about DL-6, and be generally unpleasant to deal with due to being blackmailed by Redd White. In both of the games that he appears in, he doesn't develop any interesting relationships with the protagonists, which leads to him becoming the Winston Payne of defense attorneys, a pathetic and forgettable character that I'm not even sure Phoenix himself would remember at this point.

    While some might think that killing off a previous character that's generally unlikeable with a loose connection to Phoenix and Mia would be a good thing since no one would really care about his death, I'd argue the opposite. If there's no emotional impact from his death, then what's even the point in bringing him back to kill him off instead of just coming up with another victim? The reason why he's so low on the "wouldn't work" ranking is because, if he were to theoretically be developed in a Mia Fey prequel duology, he might be given some character development that makes him more likeable, thus giving his death more emotional impact, but as it stands now, he's better off being left in the original trilogy.

    #5 Would-Judge:

    Good ol' Udgey has been around since the beginning. From The First Turnabout all the way to Turnabout Time Traveller, the judge has appeared in every game that takes place in modern times except for Investigations 2, and has provided us with countless hilarious moments, from suspecting that Phoenix wants to hire de Killer to kill him in 2-4 to being tricked into thinking the Phantom is a literal ghost by Simon Blackquill in 5-4. Phoenix, Apollo, and Athena have all defended at least twice while he's been the presiding judge, so with a connection to all three protagonists, his death would certainly have some emotional impact for both the player and the protagonists.

    Considering the judge is such a comedic character, it's kind of hard to imagine him being a first case victim or final victim, but if he were a mid-game victim, he could be replaced with a harsher judge, perhaps one who actually is connected to the over-arching plot of the game. This could also provide an opportunity to learn more about the judge's family, as one of them could be accused of murder, and we would by proxy find out more about the judge himself, finally learning what his real name is! The reason why he's so low in this category, however, is because it's hard to imagine that the judge would be wrapped up in any conspiracies that would warrant him being killed, unless if maybe he got someone's relative found guilty when they were believed to be innocent by the culprit. Additionally, he could probably be better developed if he were a defendant rather than a victim, and he could simply retire rather than being killed off if they wanted to replace him with a new judge, but if handled properly, his death could give a nice send-off to a generally beloved character while giving way for a potential successor in his role that could shake up the dynamic of future games in the series.

    #4 Wouldn't-Pearl Fey:

    Pearl Fey is a character who arguably had the most potential to change over the course of the seven-year time skip, but it was unfortunately squandered. Once a child prodigy of the Kurain Channeling Technique, instead of maturing as a result of watching her older cousin Maya get accused of murder and kidnapped in Justice for All and being a pawn in her mother's murder attempt of her in Trials and Tribulations, she instead regressed to a near-identical version of herself when we first met her in Justice for All as a result of the dreaded no-spoiler rule. The subtle maturity that she had as a child has been completely removed from her character in favour of her sheltered nature being multiplied tenfold, to the point that that's essentially her only character trait. The only semblance of growth that we hear about her is from some internal monologue from Phoenix that states that she was like a big sister to Trucy, but we never actually get to see it, and with the characterization she was given in the 3DS games, it's really hard to believe that she'd be a role model for Trucy, who's shown to be more intelligent than her in Apollo Justice and The Magical Turnabout.

    Unlike Grossberg, who could work as a victim if given proper development, Pearl is the first on this list that I think would be an AWFUL candidate to kill off. All of the depth of her character was already killed off with the no-spoiler rule, so actually killing her would inevitably feel like nostalgia-baiting rather than fitting naturally in the story, which would lead to her inclusion post-trilogy feeling even more superfluous than it already does. More importantly, it's obvious EXACTLY who would be accused of killing Pearl Fey, and we don't need that to happen again. Honestly, I'd go a step further and say don't even make Pearl Fey a minor witness in Ace Attorney 7, and delegate her to being a juror or even limit her appearance to an optional escapade. This character was ruined enough by Dual Destinies, she doesn't need another major role that would infuriate the fanbase. If they want to incorporate the Fey Family into another game, let it be in a Mia Fey prequel or in a case framed around Maya being the Master of the Kurain Channeling Technique (as long as she's not the defendant AGAIN.)

    #4 Would-Larry Butz:

    Larry Butz, at first glance, might seem like another nostalgia-bait victim like Pearl Fey. Disgustingly flanderized after the first game, his only main character traits seem to be lusting over whatever woman he's pursuing this game and being a somewhat successful artist, and even when he could've been given some development like in I2-3 or Turnabout Time Traveller, he never truly learns from his mistakes, and falls into the same obnoxious rut of acting creepily towards women and being the most petty man in the room. What differentiates him from Pearl, however, is his direct connection to Phoenix and Edgeworth due to him being a childhood friend of theirs. In the first game, he was actually somewhat likeable, since he was the first defendant in the series and he came in clutch on the second day of 1-4, all the while having a loose connection to the overarching mystery of the DL-6 incident. This version of Larry was helpful and somewhat sympathetic, because he was the one that was being cheated on instead of doing something stupid that completely justified him being dumped.

    As a victim, Larry could work in a different way to all of the other victims in this category. While the other four characters would be somewhat tragic for both the characters involved and the player, Larry's reception would be much more mixed. On the one hand, Phoenix and Edgeworth would be saddened by their friend's death, and would do whatever it took to find the true culprit, and Larry's fans would likely be sad about his death. But Larry's detractors, myself somewhat included, would be satisfied if he were to die off, which would give off a positive strong emotional impact to his death, something the other choices on this list would never have. It was kind of tough to find five victims that would probably work out if they were to die in Ace Attorney 7, and the reason why Larry's only number four is because it's kind of hard to imagine his death having a lasting impact on the story if he were to be killed off early or as a satisfying final victim that would perfectly tie up the main story of the game, but he could definitely work as a mid-game victim. The Top 3 in this category would have a much larger impact on the main story of the game, which is why Larry landed so low on the list.

    #3 Wouldn't-Dick Gumshoe:

    Gumshoe is one of the most likeable characters in the series. His subtle growth in the first game from incompetent police officer to supportive ally was amazing, and although he was pretty much a static character throughout his subsequent appearances, it doesn't really matter, since he's such a useful character who also provides a lot of comedic relief to alleviate the tension during any given case. Although it took until the end of Investigations 2 for him to be fully appreciated, he's always had a close bond with the trilogy cast, and we have yet to see him interact with any post-trilogy characters aside from Klavier in the flashback portion of 4-4. A lot of fans want to see him return in Ace Attorney 7 as the main detective, but Shu Takumi has previously stated that the reason why he never made an appearance post time-skip is because he couldn't imagine how he could possibly mature over the course of seven years, which is why he was replaced with the more complex Ema Skye, and I honestly have to agree with this. It's hard to imagine Gumshoe working as the main detective anymore since Ema has her signature Forensics gimmick, which leads to more fun gameplay during the investigations that leads to more complex cases, and Ema's a much more dynamic character when compared to Gumshoe.

    In addition to the nostalgia-baiting argument, I'd argue Gumshoe as a victim would suffer from a separate yet similar problem than Pearl's no-spoiler issue, and that's the issue of him being such a static character that it's hard to imagine him changing significantly over the seven years aside from becoming more competent as a detective. Since he's so deeply connected to the trilogy cast, the only people who would be affected by his death in a major way would be trilogy characters, and thus characters like Apollo, Athena, and Trucy wouldn't really care if he died, which would lead to his death feeling kind of hollow. People love Detective Gumshoe, and they wouldn't mind if he came back relatively unchanged, but it's apparent that unlike Pearl, who had a lot of potential post time-skip, Gumshoe would never fit as a suitable replacement for Ema Skye after she was introduced as the new main detective, since she's so much more competent than him and a more compelling character with ties to both the trilogy cast and the new cast. It's also hard to imagine Gumshoe getting tied up in a greater conspiracy that'd get him killed, and I doubt very many fans would be satisfied if he were killed off just for the sake of it without tying into an over-arching plot. So I feel like the best way to make Gumshoe return would be in a DLC case where Ema's away in Khura'in or something and he's the only detective available, as well as optional escapades with the trilogy cast like with Pearl. Please don't ruin Gumshoe like you did with Pearl, Capcom!

    #3 Would-Lamiroir/Thalassa Gramarye:

    Despite this being only #3, I think Thalassa Gramarye is the most likely on the list to become a victim in the next game. She's deeply connected to the backstories of Apollo and Trucy, being their biological mother despite neither of them knowing, and she has a close friendship with Phoenix, having served as a juror in 4-4 and talking with him at the end of Spirit of Justice about finally telling Apollo and Trucy of them being siblings. Her ties to the Gramarye Troupe also tie in well with Trucy's arc of wanting to live up to her reputation as the inheritor of the Gramarye Magic Rights, and her relation with Valant, the only other surviving member of Troupe Gramarye has yet to be explored, as she only fully recovered her memory at the end of Apollo Justice. It's incredibly likely that she'll appear in some form in Ace Attorney 7 considering it was foreshadowed at the end of 6-5, but what form that will take is up for debate.

    On the one hand, I could see her as a defendant, being accused of murder in the last case and Apollo finding out that he's Trucy's brother and technically a Gramarye himself, but I think it would be actively more interesting if she's introduced in a case early on where you play as Phoenix with Trucy as the assistant, and Lamiroir is a witness in the case. At the end of the case, they'd tell Trucy the truth, but she'd say that she'd already pieced it together. Then later on in the game, she'd die, and either Apollo or Valant would become the defendant. Trucy and Phoenix would explain to him that she was his mother, and we'd once again continue the trend of Apollo's parents being dead. I genuinely think that this could work as a late-game or bonus case focused on Apollo, since it would finally tie up the Gramarye plot line that fans have been waiting to be resolved since 4-4 while simultaneously giving us a satisfying conclusion to Apollo's character development. Thalassa is mysterious enough as a character where I could buy that she'd gotten wrapped up in some conspiracy, or maybe she was being blackmailed by Retinz or something, which would explain why she didn't want to admit that she was Trucy's mother, but since Trucy had already gotten her inheritance by the time she regained her memory, she was forced to hide in plain sight as Lamiroir while hoping that Retinz wouldn't do anything to harm Trucy. But after the events of 6-2, she decided that she was no longer going to hide the truth from her children, only to be killed off by an associate of Retinz. This would be a clever way to allow a former villain to return while retroactively giving Lamiroir a reason for her silence on the matter for so long, and I could see her tragic redemption as a satisfying end to her character arc that would give a character that didn't have much depth before some much-needed development. I don't know how popular Thalassa is as a character, but I don't think too many people would be dissatisfied with this conclusion if it were done properly, especially if they were to bring either Kristoph or Retinz back as the mastermind behind the plot.

    #2 Wouldn't-Trucy Wright:

    Another major victim of character flanderization under Yamazaki's writing is Trucy Wright. In Dual Destinies, she was stripped of the manipulative and perceptive aspects of her character and reduced to being a cute magic girl that's positive in every situation whose only character trait is using her magic panties trick as a joke, which gets old very quickly. In Spirit of Justice, however, she regained some of her depth in The Magical Turnabout, where she was the defendant. That case developed Trucy's friendship with her brother Apollo, and gave some interesting Troupe Gramarye lore that further fleshed out her backstory after Dual Destinies nearly ruined her character like Pearl. One relationship that has yet to be fleshed out, however, is her relationship with her adoptive father, Phoenix Wright, as well as with Lamiroir, her biological mother.

    A huge part of Trucy's character is how she desperately wants to live up to her family's reputation as a magician, but an angle that hasn't been explored yet is how that relates to Phoenix, and how he feels about the whole situation. Does he agree with Trucy's career choice of becoming a magician, or does he want to also mentor her as a lawyer so that she could be his successor if he were to pass away? Has he been hiding the truth from Trucy because he found it difficult to break it to her, was there an external reason that was preventing him from telling her, or is he just a bad father? We really don't know, and that's an element of their relationship that desperately needs to be fleshed out. Trucy deserving to be a victim in the next game is an idea I've seen fairly often on this subreddit, and I can't say that I agree that she would be a satisfying victim. It would actively take away from such a compelling father-daughter dynamic that hasn't really been explored very often in this series, and I haven't seen a valid reason as to why Trucy should be killed off aside from people not liking her character, when in reality her being a victim wouldn't help to solve this issue, and would only end up with fans of Trucy's character being disappointed that she was killed off. That's a misconception I've seen fairly often, just because you don't like a certain character doesn't mean that killing them off would lead to a satisfying case, since if they don't provide any sufficient development for the main characters and take away an interesting relationship that they couldn't have gotten with another character, then there's no point in killing them off. While this sentiment is often said about Trucy, the epitome of this argument and why I hate it so much will be revealed in the #1 spot of this category.

    #2 Would-Kristoph Gavin:

    Kristoph is without a doubt the best villainous candidate to be a victim in Ace Attorney 7. I considered others like Redd White and Morgan Fey, but their stories are confined to the original trilogy, which means that bringing them back wouldn't give that much potential for a new character arc for the main characters, since it's been years since they've been a threat. But Kristoph was a threat even after he'd been incarcerated and also has ties to some of the characters in the present and was only arrested relatively recently in the timeline, so that would give him more of a reason to reappear in the next game than most other villains already. Bringing back Kristoph would undoubtedly make many fans happy, because he's generally seen as one of the most intelligent culprits in the series, but one of the biggest issues fans have with him as a final villain is that he only gets one testimony before being brought down by Apollo saying that Phoenix Wright introduced the Jurist System and that it's now the people that get to decide the verdicts. Additionally, it would be kind of difficult to escalate the stakes with Kristoph again, considering he's already killed someone while behind bars, meaning it would cheapen the impact if he were to just kill somebody again, so if he were to be brought back, it would have to be under other circumstances. If the main plot revolved around it, I think it would be satisfying if he ended up as a victim in Ace Attorney 7.

    This could play out in a few scenarios. The first one would be to have the tutorial case involve Kristoph being murdered in prison by a guard with his cellmate as the defendant. This kind of setting could work well for a tutorial, since there aren't many places to investigate in a prison, and it would provide intrigue right away with a final villain from a previous game becoming the victim, especially if Klavier were the tutorial prosecutor. The rest of the game would then revolve around a mystery that Kristoph had been investigating before he was arrested in 4-1, and Apollo and Phoenix would have to come to terms with the inadvertent consequences of them imprisoning Kristoph, and Klavier would naturally get more character development, questioning if his laid back approach to prosecuting was what caused him to be blind to his brother's true nature. The other scenario would be to have Apollo and Phoenix investigating a series of mysteries over the course of the game, and then in the final case, Kristoph is murdered in his prison cell. They gradually piece together that Kristoph was actually the mastermind behind the cases, sending letters to different criminals instigating them to commit murder with the help of an insider in the prison staff as well as a cellmate as an accomplice. Like my Thalassa Gramarye as the victim idea, Roger Retinz could be involved in this plot as well, and even be the accomplice who helped Kristoph plan out his other crimes. In yet another revisionist Apollo backstory, it turns out that Jove Justice wasn't actually his father, but Roger Retinz was. He blackmailed Thalassa into not telling the siblings about their true identities, and killed Kristoph when he sent out a clue that the two were related, all because Retinz didn't want to admit that it was a Gramarye that sent him to prison. That last bit with Retinz being Apollo's real father might be too ridiculous, but the rest still stands. Kristoph's character has enough mystique around him to carry a whole game if he were to end up as a victim, but could also end up as an incredibly satisfying final victim in the story to tie up Apollo's growth as a lawyer and as a Gramarye, and killing off a former villain would raise the stakes in a more personal way than just having the Wright Anything Agency go up against an entire monarchy. There was definitely a lot of untapped potential with Kristoph, and I feel like making him a victim who gets undone as a result of his own schemes would be an incredible way to have him return in a unique fashion.

    #1 Wouldn't-Phoenix, Apollo, or Athena:

    While I'm not entirely sure if fans who claim that Trucy Wright should be a victim are being entirely serious, I know for a fact that there are people out there who think that one of the three main protagonists should die, and I genuinely don't understand why. Each of the three protagonists have a unique set of characters associated with them, whether it's the entire trilogy cast with Phoenix, the Gramarye Troupe and Khura'in casts for Apollo, or the Cosmos Space Center and Themis Legal Academy casts with Athena. While killing one of them off would tremendously impact the series going forward, I don't think it would be for the better. I've already discussed some of the ways they could develop Phoenix and Apollo above, and Athena definitely has room to grow, with her history of studying in Europe and her relationship with Simon Blackquill, a close associate of her deceased mother. Killing off a main playable character would only serve to infuriate a significant portion of the fanbase who liked that character, and it would need to be done incredibly tastefully while neatly wrapping up their character arc to justify them being killed off, something that would be nearly impossible to pull off well.

    The other main downside to killing off a main playable character would be justifying it in the story, and there's no conceivable situation where killing one of them off would provide more positives than negatives. Take Phoenix, for example. He's the most marketable character in the series, and the longest standing protagonist in the series, with ties to not just the current cast, but the original trilogy as well. If he were killed off, in addition to all the controversy it would cause in the fanbase, it would take away the his potential as a mentor figure and father to Trucy, and the potential for trilogy characters like Franziska and Gumshoe to return, since there's no reason for them to come back if Phoenix isn't alive. In return, the only thing that would be gained would be Apollo and Athena learning to live without their mentor and maybe a little less nostalgia-baiting, but they could introduce nostalgia in other ways than bringing old characters back, like bringing back the Jury system or by introducing optional escapades to the main series, and Apollo and Athena have other arcs that they could go through, which would reduce the purpose of Phoenix's death to be little more than for cheap shock value.

    Apollo being killed off would make even less sense, since the Gramarye plot line would be left unresolved forever and it would cheapen his decision at the end of Spirit of Justice to open his own law firm in Khura'in. I don't like Apollo that much compared to the other attorneys, but even I can see that killing him off would cheapen the entire point of his character, being the face of the hope of the next generation of lawyers after Phoenix was disbarred. If he were killed off, it would essentially render the seven year time-skip pointless, and Trucy, Klavier, and Rayfa would be left without their most integral character, which would weaken their roles in the story as well.

    Athena is often the biggest target for this claim, and it's important to keep in mind that she's literally had only two cases where she's been playable, so of course she's going to be less developed than the other attorneys. I also hear the complaint that since her backstory was already explored in Dual Destinies, she doesn't have anywhere to go, to which I'll point you to both Trials and Tribulations and Investigations 2, who gave additional development to Phoenix/Mia and Edgeworth respectively despite all of their arcs being completed in the first game. You can always tell new stories with characters who've already had a complete arc and give fully developed characters new arcs that further flesh them out and make them feel like living-breathing people. In particular, I can see that Athena's relationships with Juniper and Blackquill have plenty of room for development, especially if they were investigative assistants to her, so the idea that Athena doesn't have any interesting characters to work off of is baffling to me.

    You get the point. Killing off any of the main characters would be a horrible idea, as the negatives would far outweigh the positives, and it would only serve to divide the fanbase.

    #1 Would-Lana Skye:

    I've already brought this idea up a few times before on this subreddit, but I think it would be a genius idea to kill off Lana Skye in the next installment. While she's only appeared in one case across the entire franchise, that being 1-5, the events that take place in that case, as well as the relationships that she develops lay the groundwork for a fantastic victim in the present day. In 1-5, it's mentioned that she was somewhat of a mentor to Mia in the past, having been close enough with her to praise her in front of Ema, which causes her to go to ask Mia to defend her sister, only to find Phoenix Wright instead. Throughout the case, she rigorously attempts to have herself found guilty, despite Ema's belief in her innocence. It's later revealed that Gant was blackmailing her because he convinced her that Ema killed Neil Marshall and threatened to expose her crime if she didn't do as he pleased, which led to her taking over as the new chief prosecutor for the district. It also happens that she's Edgeworth's boss, and in the case Edgeworth has to face his inner demons and come to the realization that his former creed of getting every defendant found guilty is eerily similar to Gant's ideology, even if he never forged evidence himself. In the aftermath of the case, it's revealed that Gant actually killed Neil to gain the title of chief of police quicker, but Lana still has to pay for her crimes, and she's found guilty of forgery and sent to prison for a few years. She sends Ema to live with a former colleague of hers, a coroner in Europe (Forensics Attorney in Japanese version) so that Ema can study to become a forensics investigator there, and Edgeworth also leaves at the end of the case due to his earlier realization. That may have come off as a summary of Rise From the Ashes, but all of these details are important in explaining exactly how Lana could be used as a victim in a way that would actively improve the narrative of not only Ace Attorney 7, but the entire series moving forward.

    After the events of 1-5, we know next to nothing about what happened to Lana Skye, but it can be inferred that she likely got out of prison sometime after the events of the trilogy but before Apollo Justice. We know that forgery of evidence doesn't give a very long sentence, as Adrian Andrews was out of prison 8 months after the events of 2-4, but it can be assumed that due to Lana's position, she would be held in prison slightly longer, but her blackmail from Gant was likely taken into consideration when she was given her sentence. I say it's likely that she was out of prison before the events of Apollo Justice because if Edgeworth was the Chief Prosecutor at the time, he would've tried to get her reinstated as a prosecutor, and since she was never called on in Spirit of Justice when there was a shortage of prosecutors, it can be inferred that once she got out of prison, there was no one with enough influence to help her get her job back as a prosecutor. This is of course all just speculation, and she might've just not been available because the plot demanded it. But in my version of events, she would've gotten out of prison right around the time that the supposed dark age of the law started, with Phoenix already disbarred, Edgeworth still a travelling international prosecutor, and Ema having failed her forensics exam before coming home. At this point, Lana would lose faith in the criminal justice system, and open her own private detective agency so that she could work on cases with Ema in a more discrete manner, although since her reputation had taken a toll due to her history of forging evidence, she wouldn't be very successful at first, but would gradually somewhat regain her reputation by the events of AA7. She would be investigating a case related to the over-arching story of the game, and would be found dead in her office by Ema Skye, who would subsequently be arrested for her sister's murder. This hypothetical backstory would explain why she's been absent from the sequel trilogy, since she didn't trust Phoenix anymore and lost faith in the legal system, while also being in-character with her personality in 1-5 and providing some intrigue both for fans who've played every game in the series and newer fans who are just starting with the original trilogy.

    Now that all of the groundwork has been laid and the general idea of how she'd die has been set, how would Lana Skye's death impact the main cast, and how could it carry the main plot of an entire game? Unlike every other victim in this category, who would only impact a maximum of two of the three main playable attorneys, Lana's death would have the potential to impact all three, as well as Edgeworth and Ema while also potentially changing the trajectory of the entire series. Edgeworth would obviously be saddened by his former boss's death, regretting not being able to save her from the forgery charges like he had been accused of back then, but he would play a background role in this theoretical story like he did in AA6, only showing up near the end of the game but being mentioned throughout. Phoenix would defend Ema in the first case, and would encourage her to continue her career as an investigator, and Apollo would by association be impacted by Lana's death due to working with Ema so often, but the two that could be the most affected by Lana's death are Ema and surprisingly Athena. This is because of the seemingly throwaway line in the epilogue mentioned above about the forensics attorney that took Ema in after Lana was arrested, who could be interpreted to be a prosecutor due to their ambiguous title in the Japanese version.

    After being acquitted, Ema would naturally be apprehensive of continuing her career as an investigator, and Edgeworth, seeing a close colleague of his struggling with the loss of a loved one, decides to call in said prosecutor from Europe to help due to the prosecutor shortage and Nahyuta being swamped with cases in Khura'in. This prosecutor would have a grudge against the Wright Anything Agency because she feels like they abandoned her close friend Lana, which caused her to lose her faith in the justice system. She would be like a more mature version of Ema, having an interest in Science but despising prodigies like Athena and Phoenix, who she believes to be frauds for not being able to protect Lana. While they could stop here, they could even go a step further by giving her a connection to Athena. Both Ema and Athena studied in Europe, and since she studied abroad at such a young age, it's not unimaginable that Athena had family living in Europe that she stayed with before she became a lawyer. They could make it so that Athena's mom studied in Europe as well, and had connections with Lana's colleague, since Lana and Metis would be roughly the same age if Metis was still alive. This new prosecutor could theoretically have a grudge against Metis because of some past incident instead of the entire Wright Anything Agency, and be taking her frustration out on Metis's daughter. Either one of these circumstances would cause Ema to distance herself from the playable lawyers, and maybe even cause her to be conflicted on whether or not she should still consider them her friends after they couldn't save her sister, which would carry on throughout the game.

    Regardless of which form her grudge against the Wright Anything Agency would take, it's obvious that Lana's death would have the potential to bring about some character development in some key characters while also expanding on the Skye sisters' lore by taking pre-established facts about the sisters and fleshing them out to provide an interesting new dynamic within the main cast. You would think that this would come at the cost of Lana never being a rival prosecutor that we have to go up against or having Ema and Lana investigating cases together, but because of details mentioned throughout the series, this actually isn't the case at all! SL-9 finishes on February 19th, 2015, and Mia Fey's defense of Phoenix Wright occurs on April 9th, 2014, which would leave about 10 months of Mia Fey interacting with Lana Skye as a detective before she becomes a prosecutor, and a little over two years before Mia Fey is murdered. In a theoretical Mia Fey duology, the first game would take place in Late 2014-Early 2015, and would deal with Mia opening up the Fey and Co. Law Offices, maybe some Fey family history cases and Mia interacting with Lana as a detective. Then, the second game would take place in Late 2015-Early 2016 and could be more about corruption in the legal system, how a former ally in Lana has turned into a ruthless Chief Prosecutor that she has to go up against in court from time to time, eventually culminating in a case that's related to one of Redd White's associates wherein Lana is the prosecutor. The associate is arrested, but Redd White decides to keep a closer watch on Mia, and then a few months later would be when she'd be murdered. This would provide an opportunity to posthumously expand on Lana and Mia's relationship and simultaneously provide what I think would be the best use of Lana as a prosecutor while respecting the timeline and the fact that every main series game introduces a new prosecutor. If the story of AA7 were to play out as I described, then it might also increase the chances of Ema Skye having her own solo game, since her larger role in the story of this hypothetical AA7 would bring about two different possibilities for an Ema Skye Investigations game, those options being to have a sequel game to AA7 where Ema questions what it means to be a Forensics Investigator with a few flashback cases involving Lana, or having a game that takes place around the time of Dual Destinies where Ema is studying up to become a Forensics Investigator. This would arguably be even better than seeing them work as a prosecutor-detective duo, as we'd actually get to see Ema's internal monologue as she's interacting with her sister and maybe even have Lana as an assistant during one of the cases.

    It's for all of these reasons and probably some more that I haven't thought about that Lana Skye would be the best possible candidate for a returning victim, if I had to choose one for Ace Attorney 7, as her death would provide character growth in both herself and many of the main characters through Ema, and thus a strong emotional response in the player themselves, because Lana Skye is a relatively popular character despite only showing up in one case, and her death would ultimately allow for a Mia Fey: Ace Attorney series and an Ema Skye: Investigations game to be more likely to be made, in addition to being more marketable due to her being a presently-deceased character that would be returning. While her death might be controversial at first, I feel like the positives far outweigh the negatives, and it might be just the shake-up the series needs after Spirit of Justice put the main series' story in a precarious position. I'm interested in hearing your thoughts and opinions in the comments, and if you think there are better or worse candidates as victims than the ones that I've described.

    submitted by /u/TheRawk01
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    (OPINION) The Great Ace Attorney 1/2 have the best annoying characters in the whole series

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 04:36 AM PDT

    Imo, TGAA 1/2 have some of the most entertaining and greatest annoying characters is any Ace Attorney game, ever.

    For example, Sal Manella and Mike Meetkins (AA1)... super annoying and I hate em' both.

    The whole circus from Turnabout Big Top from Justice for All. All of them get on my nerves, including Acro.

    Larry Butz in any game he's in. The whole 'my girlfriend is another country' running gag shits me.

    But William Shamspere? (from both TGAA 1/2). He's a character I want to hate soo bad, but he's got some of the fucking funniest animations I've ever seen. And just the way he interjects Shakespeare quotes in every conversation is comedy gold.

    The Skulkin Bros would seem like they're annoying just out of principle. But the way they're like 'oi bruv' and 'a skulkins never sulkin' is funny af.

    And Holmes/Sholmes probably has the most ADHD of any character in the whole series, but his goofy animations and hilarious dialogue sell it for me.

    What are your thoughts?

    submitted by /u/NickleRevs
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    Case art is evolving

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 11:45 PM PDT

    Which game had the best pun names?

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 06:17 PM PDT

    Should I buy the Ace Attorney Trilogy HD for $16.99 on iOS iPhone?

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 08:31 PM PDT

    I was able to find a few posts about this topic but they are old or don't address my specific concerns.

    I decided to try the HD trilogy's first free episode on my phone.

    I really love it! I was about to purchase the rest but wanted to see what others thought. I keep seeing a lot of negativity about this particular port. Sound issues. Complaints about the sprites. Music not right.

    I have never played any other Phoenix Wright games. I don't have anything to compare them too. I wasn't fussed about the look of the game. I thought it was rather charming.

    I don't have any other mobile way to play the games short of buying a handheld.

    Given this information is $16.99 worth it for the trilogy?

    submitted by /u/lakija
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    Every Ace Attorney character ranked by how much I remember of their existence

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 11:43 AM PDT

    What type of art did Phoenix study?

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 08:14 AM PDT

    Shu Takumi thinks Phoenix was studying to be a Shakespearean actor. Kumiko Suekane thinks Phoenix was studying to become a manga artist.

    What other fun answers can you come up with?

    submitted by /u/uru_silko
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    What would you say to more serious and dark Ace Attorney game? I'm talking ESRB/PEGI 18+ level dark and serious

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 02:20 PM PDT

    Something I noticed about the culprits in the Great Ace Attorney duology (no names)

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 02:30 PM PDT

    Every single one of them besides McGilded from 1-3 and Dr Sithe, and even then Enoch Drebber fills in for her despite not being the culprit, complete with his own very brief sad posefrom 2-3has a detailed confession after their breakdown, almost all with a defeated pose, most notably all the final villains (including GAA1-5's accomplice). This hasn't been a thing for the final villains since AA1 where the culprits don't have defeated poses and Layton vs.

    submitted by /u/Armiebuffie
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    How would you want Ace Attorney to end?

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 12:08 PM PDT

    I think Phoenix passing down the baton to his successors would be nice. How about you? How do you want this franchise to end?

    Let your imagination run free in the comments.

    submitted by /u/SoyMilk141
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    Looking Back on Bridge to the Turnabout + Final Thoughts on Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 06:25 PM PDT

    We've reached the end of the GBA trilogy. While this case does have people that don't like it, and some spinoff cases are about tied with this case, this is undoubtedly the most popular mainline case. Time to finish this era of the series by looking back on Bridge to the Turnabout.

    History With This Case

    While I've never remember my initial thoughts of this case in major detail, I can say that they were far more positive than my most recent memories. I considered this case to be okay. I could recognize some of its great aspects, but regardless of my opinion now, my past opinion was a result of heavy bias and lackluster criticism, that I'll hopefully be free of in this review.

    This case will be judged by its characters, trial segments, and investigation segments. Character criticism will revolve around the character's personality, role in the story, and their actions throughout the case. Trial segment criticism will revolve around the enjoyability of the cross examinations, and quality of the story being told during that segment. Investigation segment criticism will revolve around the enjoyability of the general investigations, and quality of the story being told during that segment.

    Court in now in session for the trial of Bridge to the Turnabout.


    Phoenix Wright

    Phoenix is perfect here. His reason for coming to Hazakura Temple makes sense, and his interactions with Iris and her potential connection to Dahlia are a great reason for him to stay. Him falling down the burning bridge trying to run across it to save Maya is still tense even when I know it's gonna happen. Once he's out of the hospital after letting Miles take over for him, he gets a ton of great scenes interacting with Iris, getting information out of Pearl and Larry, learning about Dahlia and Iris being related to Pearl and Morgan, and being confronted by Godot for the death of Mia and potential death of Maya.

    After revealing the Iris at the witness stand to be Dahlia and ridding her for good, for the first time in the series, he has to cross examine Maya, and finish a case with no one by his side to help him, but he wins in the end, with Godot being convicted but saved, Maya and Pearl's problems mostly put to rest, and him proving himself as an ace attorney, not by fighting for a guilty or not guilty verdict, but by fighting for the true verdict, no matter what that truth may be. I have no issues here.

    Maya Fey

    Maya is perfect here. Despite her not being in the case outside of the beginning and end, the context of what she did at the Training Hall and Garden is fantastic, having to defend herself from Dahlia and seeing Godot protect her. Once its revealed she was channeling Dahlia the whole time, she has to deal with the death of her mother, being cross examined by Phoenix, and committing perjury for the sake of protecting Godot, but by the end, she still manages to stay strong.

    Pearl Fey

    Pearl's fantastic. While I can't say I'm a fan of her personality, both regarding her thinking Phoenix and Maya are a thing, and the way she talks about Morgan, since I think they were handled better in 2-2, everything else about her character is amazing, from her connection to the case and to Dahlia and Iris, to how she was going to help murder Maya without knowing, to how she feels like a failure when she wasn't able to channel Dahlia.

    Sister Bikini

    Bikini is great. She's a really fun, charming character to talk to casually with the jokes she makes about her looks, to the point of making her name something related to body image, and while she doesn't feel as important to the story as someone like Iris, she still feels sympathetic for how the events are hurting her emotionally.

    Sister Iris

    Iris is perfect. Her shyness is a really charming trait, even when knowing what she's trying to hide. The things she does to help Dahlia throughout all her crimes showcase how attached she is to her sister despite the terrible things she does, and her interactions with Phoenix and Miles perfectly showcase the tragedy of her life and give her enough background to feel like a mainstay character despite this being her first appearance. The ways she's tied into the story, both past and present, is incredible, and even though she gets arrested for helping cover up a crime, her happiness feels like a weight has been lifted from her shoulders. And I didn't care much about this before the replay, but I actually like her going out with Phoenix in 3-1 when he thought it was Dahlia.

    Misty Fey

    She dead.

    Larry Butz

    Larry's great. I feel his motive for testifying as a witness is weaker than it was in 1-4 since I feel more could've been done to showcase him as a subordinate to Misty, and that hurts a part of his character since I feel he's at his best when showcasing how much he cares about his friends, but he's still a fun character to interact with and see how he works off of characters like Miles and Pearl, and the way he's actually connected to the case is pretty cool.

    Miles Edgeworth

    Miles is perfect. Getting to play as him for the first time ever in the series is incredible, and it makes his interactions with charaters like Larry and Gumshoe better since we get to see his inner thoughts. The case's connection to DL-6 gives him a greater reason to be in the case outside of taking Phoenix's role as a defense attorney, but that also works on its own due to his views on defense attorneys throughout his life. Despite him not having any major stakes in the case, he still shows signs of being affected by events like Phoenix being hospitalized, DL-6's ties to the case, and the earthquake allowing Iris to escape.

    Dick Gumshoe

    Gumshoe is great. While he doesn't have any major character events here due to his role in the story basically being just the case's detective, this case has some of the best interactions between him and Miles during Miles's investigation and trial, along with some great interactions with other characters like Phoenix and Bikini.

    Buttered Popcorn

    The new Judge is good. He's not as charming or fun as the old Judge, but he's showing more of an original personality with more moments of dumbfoundedness like seeing Franziska's whip or Larry claiming flight is possible.

    Franziska von Karma

    Franziska's a bad character. It's cool to see her back, and there are good moments of her with Pearl and Maya, but she feels the most annoying and unnecessary here out of all her appearances. Her whipping is more constant due to both being the first prosecutor and joining Phoenix in the investigation, and it never feels warranted. Miles said she should have her whip in court despite the Judge trying to take it, only to make jokes to himself about the whip and how much it controls Franziska.

    This is the point where the whip became a problem rather than a distraction, because this case tried to develop her from JFA by having her do what she wants for her own sake rather than Manfred's, yet because she feels less in control of herself than in JFA, and because her role in the story is "substitute prosecutor" and "assistant detective", it ultimately ruins any development she could've had outside of some confrontations immediately followed up with a whip strike. This is my least favorite appearance of hers.


    Godot is perfect. His motive is incredible, being a culmination of protecting Maya to prove he could've protected Mia in 1-2 if he wasn't in a coma, getting revenge on Dahlia for ruining his life regardless of who was channeling her, and several uncertainties of what his motive really was given how damaged he's become emotionally and physically.

    His attempts to keep himself from getting convicted not because he's guilty, but because Phoenix would be the one to prove it showcases his denial of Mia putting her trust into Phoenix after he "failed" to save her, making his confrontations at the Hazakura Temple heavily impactful and his breakdown and confession tragic, yet reassuring that he's finally at peace and over his grudge. He's my favorite culprit so far.

    Morgan Fey

    Wait, she was in this case?

    White Cheddar Popcorn

    The old Judge is perfect. The interactions he has with Phoenix and Godot are still great, but this case does more to make him a developed character by having him reflect on Dahlia's cases, having him research the Kurain Channeling Technique, and establishing the new Judge as his brother.

    Dahlia Hawthorne

    Dahlia is perfect. The way she's connected to the story and murder despite being dead is incredible. She's just as narcisstic as she was in 3-1 and 3-4, but her innocent personality has been improved since everyone sucking up to her been substituted with everyone thinking she's Iris. Her motive for trying to kill Maya, and the ways her plan was ruined are all fantastic, with her breakdown after realizing she failed her final task because of the people that got her executed in the first place being incredible.

    Mia Fey

    Mia's good. She's more of a plot device in this case than a character, but while the plot she's a part of is fantastic, I feel her appearance in the case was underwhelming. She only appears to watch Dahlia realize she lost to one of Mia's plans, but I feel she appears too late to leave a major impact, and it honestly felt more like an excuse for Godot to say Phoenix can't do anything without a woman stepping in at the last minute, considering this is the only motivation Mia has to let Phoenix finish the case by himself.

    I think I would be more satisfied with her appearance if she either had more of a presence in the case by editing Pearl's issues with channeling and her plan to save Maya to give her more interactions with Phoenix, Maya, Dahlia, Godot, and possibly Miles, or if she didn't appear in the case at all like in 1-4 to emphasize Godot's anger of her being dead and Phoenix having to beat the case alone. So despite the great things she offers to the story, I can only call her good.


    This is a really great cast of characters. While it is held back by some bad and below-great characters, there are several fantastic old characters that either come close to, match, or top their previous appearances, and new characters that get strong inclusions.

    Part 1-1: Investigation


    This is an okay investigation. Much like 2-4, the first segment is short and takes place before an actual investigation, meaning not a lot can happen, and therefore, not a lot of fun can be had, with the only points of interest being one examined environment and one presented profile.


    This is a perfect opening chapter. The opening cinematic is cool, the new characters and locations get good introductions, Iris's psyche locks and Maya's mom on the scroll make me want to keep going, and unlike 2-4, I think this segment knew that the best time to end, right after the body is discovered ans Phoenix fell off the burning bridge.


    This is a great opening segment. While I feel the gameplay does suffer from the split investigation, the story manages to do everything right without ever feeling unengaging or anticlimactic.

    Part 1-2: Investigation


    This is a perfect investigation. Now that the murder has happened, there can be more time dedicated to examining the locations of Hazakura Temple, which is a great location. There's more evidence to find and psycholock trials to go through, which are consistently fun and engaging.


    This is a perfect chapter of the story. Getting to play as Miles and having him take over as defense is great, the segment does a fantastic job setting up the mysteries with Iris, Larry, and the Inner Temple, and it does a great job moving the story forward in an engaging, interesting manner.


    A perfect investigation segment, but much like 2-4's Part 1-2, while I feel this segment works on its own, it would've been beneficial to make this and the last segment just one continuous segment.

    Part 2-1: Trial

    Cross Examinations

    These are perfect cross examinations. The amount of contradictions and methods to find them are great, and remain consistently fun and challening.


    This is a perfect chapter of the story. It's consistently engaging, the revelations are major, the new Judge and Franziska's return are cool, and seeing Miles serve as a defense attorney is incredible.


    This is a perfect trial segment. There's not much else I can say except I have no issues here.

    Part 2-2: Trial

    Cross Examinations

    These are perfect cross examinations. Much like the last segment, they're fun, challenging, and varied.


    This is a fantastic chapter in the story. The revelations about the murder and what Larry saw are impactful, and while there aren't any major character events, the opening scene with Iris's psycholocks is cool, and this is a great sendoff to Miles as a defense attorney.


    This is a borderline perfect trial segment, and while the character events aren't as great at the previous segment's, everything else is basically on par.

    Part 3-1: Investigation


    This is a perfect investigation segment. Revisiting the Training Hall and discovering the Garden offer new interesting avenues of investigations on par with first investigating the rest of Hazakura Temple, and the variety in the evidence and conversations does a great job keeping me engaged, even with the lack of evidence presenting and one psyche lock trial.


    This is a perfect chapter of the story. The variety of characters to interact with and learn more about, Phoenix reclaiming his role as defense, the trick locks in the Training Hall, Iris and Godot's appearances, discovering a new potential crime scene, findind Pearl revealing Elise to be Misty, the multiple trick locks and Iris's psyche locks, and so on. It's all fantastic stuff.


    A perfect investigation segment. It offers a lot to the story, the gameplay is still fun, and the split investigation doesn't hurt it in any way.

    Part 3-2: Investigation


    Another perfect investigation, substituting the intriguing investigating of locations for a variety of conversations, a ton of evidence presenting, and long psyche lock trials.


    A perfect chapter of the story. So many amazing things happen or are revealed here: Dahlia and DL-6's connection to the case, how Iris played affected 3-4, Phoenix and Miles's conversation, Morgan and Pearl being related to Iris and Dahlia, Phoenix having to get information from Pearl, Godot's final confrontation of Phoenix in front of Pearl and Larry, and so on.


    Another perfect investigation segment, and my favorite segment so far.

    Part 4-1: Trial

    Cross Examinations

    These are perfect cross examinations. Like the previous two trial segments, the challenge is high, the contradictions and mystery solving are varied, and it's consistently fun and engaging.


    Another perfect chapter of the story. Phoenix and Godot returning to defense and prosecution after skipping the last trial, revealing the true location of the murder and how the body was moved, tying it all back to Dahlia as she reveals herself to not be Iris; it's all fantastic while the rest of the case keeps moving the story forward.


    A perfect trial segment, on par with the first and slightly better than the second.

    Part 4-2: Trial

    Cross Examination

    This is a good cross examination. This segment is more of an interactive cutscene compared to previous segments, which means while the brief moments of gameplay are fun, there's not much of it.


    This is a fantastic chapter of the story. Like I said before, this is more of an interactive cutscene compared to previous segments, so while it does hurt the gameplay, the story is still incredible, with events like Dahlia's testimony as her true self, breaking down the theory of Maya being the culprit, and Dahlia's breakdown, though I feel Mia's return was a bit underwhelming.


    A great trial segment, though I feel this would've benefited from it and the last trial segment just being one segment.

    Part 4-3: Trial

    Cross Examinations

    These are perfect cross examinations. Several fun contradictions to solve, on top of having to cross examine Maya for the first time in the series. I have no issues here.


    This is a perfect final chapter to the story. Cross examining Maya, unraveling the mystery of Misty's murder, defeating Godot all on our own after all the badgering, Godot's motive and breakdown, Maya staying strong for Pearl. All of this is fantastic stuff, and I almost felt myself about to cry at certain points.


    A perfect sendoff for the case, with some of the best gameplay and story events in the series so far.

    How I Would Improve

    If I were to try and improve this case while retaining most of its original identity, I would make two changes.

    1. I would either get rid of Franziska or change her personality. She has no connection to the case itself outside of her rivalry with Miles and Phoenix, so having her be hellbent on beating one of them with the only difference being it's for her own sake and not her father's doesn't work for me because she can't develop as a character. Having her retain the aspects of her character that were portrayed as flaws or annoyances in JFA was a bad decision to me considering some of these aspects like her whip are the worst they've ever been, and even if there's some subtle development I'm missing, it doesn't matter to me if the stuff that's obvious about her is terrible.

    2. I would have the segment format match that of 3-2 and 3-3: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4-1, Part 4-2. A majority of my issues with the segments themselves are a result of a lack of content or impactful events due to these split trials and investigations, so by combining 1-1 with 1-2, 2-1 with 2-2, and 3-1 with 3-2, these issues would hopefully be gone, and even if these segments feel too long or bloated, I'd rather have segments with too much content than have segments with too little content.

    Final Verdict

    This is a fantastic case. While I can't call this my favorite case since, much like 2-4, there are several issues I have that hurt the overall experience like the segment format and some underwhelming character appearances, the heights of this case are incredible, with several characters appearances that are either my favorites or on par with my favorites, fantastic gameplay, and one of the best stories I've ever seen. So while I don't think this case is as good as 1-4 or 3-4, this is an incredible end to the game.

    9/10, it's going between 1-4 and 2-4.

    Case Rankings

    3-4 (9.25/10)

    1-4 (9.25/10)

    3-5 (9/10)

    2-4 (9/10)

    3-1 (8.75/10)

    3-2 (8.5/10)

    2-2 (8.5/10)

    1-5 (8.25/10)

    1-3 (8.25/10)

    1-2 (8/10)

    2-3 (7.5/10)

    1-1 (7/10)

    3-3 (6.5/10)

    2-1 (6.25/10)

    Final Thoughts on Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations

    A lot of my biases I used to have against certain characters and cases have been resolved thanks to this replay, and I can't think of any issue that plagues every case, so all I can really comment on as an issue with the game is 3-3. This was definitely a heavy hitter regarding my issues before and now, since having the middle of the game be not only mostly disconnected from the game, but having it be my least favorite case in the game does partially take away from the quality of what came before and after it.

    If this case were either better, or had a greater connection to the case than just foreshadowing Godot's colorblindess and developing characters like Maggey and Gumshoe in ways that won't matter by the end of the game outside of the credits, the issues with its placement would matter less, and even though 1-3 and 2-3 are also the most unnecessary cases in their respective games, I feel they work better since both of them weren't the lowpoints of the games, and 2-3 isn't the middle case of the game, it's the second to last case.

    Something else I feel is worth mentioning is how inconsistent the segment format has been throughout these games.

    PW started with one trial in 1-1, then started going back and forth between investigations and trials with 1-2 having two pairs, and 1-3 and 1-4 having three pairs.

    JFA introduced consecutive trial segments with 2-1 having two trials, with 2-2 and 2-3 taking 1-2's format but having double the trials, and 2-4 doubling the investigations.

    T&T used 2-1's format for 3-1 and 3-4, 3-2 and 3-3 used the 1-2/2-2 format but with the doubled trials being saved for the second half, with 3-5 taking 2-4's format but adding an extra trial to the end.

    Then when PW was rereleased, 1-5 was added with the 1-3/1-4 format, but the first two trials were doubled while the last trial was tripled.

    It would've been really interesting to see these games use the same segment format rather than introducing a new format with each entry.

    With these topics out of the way, this is a great game, and my favorite so far. 3-3 may be my second least favorite case so far, but it's in between two great cases and two fantastic cases. This game has favorite first case, my favorite second case, and my favorite case, thanks to how much it evolves and improves the aspects of the last games, with only minor missteps. Almost everything it introduces and takes from the previous games is fantastic, and I'm definitely glad I gave this a replay as I likely would've never recognized how great this game is and how satisfying of a conclusion this is to the GBA trilogy.

    8.5/10. Onto Apollo Justice.

    Game Rankings

    T&T (8.5/10)

    PW (8.25/10)

    JFA (7.75/10)

    Previous (3-4)

    submitted by /u/KaleBennett
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