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    Tuesday, September 21, 2021

    Ace Attorney Apollo Justice VA fact

    Ace Attorney Apollo Justice VA fact

    Apollo Justice VA fact

    Posted: 20 Sep 2021 05:17 PM PDT

    Got one of these physically in America!

    Posted: 20 Sep 2021 08:37 PM PDT

    I am very sorry...

    Posted: 20 Sep 2021 11:16 AM PDT

    Blackquill & Athena, kimono fashion

    Posted: 20 Sep 2021 11:05 AM PDT

    Pray forgive the discourtesy of presenting the definitive case and game rankings

    Posted: 20 Sep 2021 05:54 PM PDT

    Back when this series debuted on GBA, the familiar Objection balloon looked quite different back then.

    Posted: 20 Sep 2021 01:46 PM PDT

    Started this game 2 Months ago, and i am already a super fan

    Posted: 20 Sep 2021 09:23 PM PDT

    So i have known about ace attorney for a long time, when i was 10 yrs old, so in 2009, i remember watching my brother play it.

    I only just started playing 2 months ago, i always thought about playing it but was never fully motivated because i thought „eh, it's a lawyer detective game, fun but probably nothing too exciting"

    Boy was i wrong.

    In 2 months i already:

    Finished the trilogy, started playing investigations immediately after

    Created a reddit account with a special name

    Made godot my profile picture on every fuckin social media platform i use

    Got ace attorney as my lock screen and desktop wallpaper

    Bought a huge ass ace attorney poster which now hangs on my wall

    Learned maya's theme on Piano

    Am i crazy obsessed, or is it just good taste in videogames? Anyway, i am happy this game entered my life.

    submitted by /u/MilesEdgeworth19
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    Strange... why don't they just put their name right where should be and put them in description instead?

    Posted: 20 Sep 2021 05:56 AM PDT

    17th cup (Godot fan art)

    Posted: 20 Sep 2021 08:28 AM PDT

    Best Final Case (excluding 2-4 and 3-5)

    Posted: 20 Sep 2021 06:56 PM PDT

    I purposefully didn't include Farewell and Bridge since they'd obviously win.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/verfmsf
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    Something I appreciate about Chronicles...

    Posted: 20 Sep 2021 01:54 PM PDT

    ...is that it has a very specific artistic vision and commits to it fully, which I also think may work against the game months from now, when the hype cools down and people are more critical.

    To elaborate a little, I feel like the new trilogy games (AJ, DD, SOJ), in comparison to Chronicles, try to appeal to two different groups:

    1. People who want a new story with the mechanics of AA
    2. People who'll lose their marbles if Phoenix isn't at the center of the game People who prefer an experience that builds on and expands the world and characters of the trilogy

    So we have things like AJ, where the player character is a brand new attorney but isn't at the center of the story, or a game like DD, where trilogy characters and references share space with yet another new defense attorney, as well as an expansion on Apollo, and there tends to be a lot of debate as to the centrality of Phoenix in the story and whether there should've been more or less of it. In short, there's a clearer attempt to appeal to every part of the AA fanbase, but at the same time this prevents the games (at least AJ and DD, in my opinion) from totally pursuing either being completely new or totally linked to the trilogy (like AAI2 was, for instance) which divides fan response.

    Chronicles, on the other hand, picks audience #1 and sticks with it to the max. There are only about 4-5 references to the original trilogy, none of which are super important and could be written out without hurting the plot. The setting and tone are completely different: things are more grounded and realistic (by AA standards, that is), there are more political themes, there's generally less silliness (what with the judges being semi-competent and the murder plots being generally less absurd), and the soundtrack kind of embodies this shift in tone. It's a more grandiose affair, in many ways more informed by the tropes of the era of literature it's pulling from than AA at times. I mean, G-2 is literally (G-2 spoilers) a parody of a Sherlock Holmes story. I've seen a lot of complaints to the effect of "this feels like AA fanfiction" or "this doesn't feel like AA." Even the localization approach is different from the previous games, with a great diversity in accents meant to sell the setting, a faux-Victorian style, a softer approach to the localization of names, and the maintenance of real-life locations, not to mention the localizers went out of their way to make the characters implicitly bilingual, using "-san" at various points to indicate the Japanese characters were speaking Japanese v.s. English.

    This is aside from the fact that there's a totally different approach taken to the storytelling. Chronicles is more like 1 big AA game, made up of two highly interdependent halves, v.s. the trilogy where each game builds on the one that comes before it, but are never entirely dependent on their sequel. Adventures particularly is more focused on setting up Resolve than it is being a standalone game, thus you have cases whose primary purpose is to set up future ones as opposed to be truly strong standalone episodes. I feel like Chronicles generally is the AA game that most warrants being looked at as a whole, v.s. as a collection of episodes (which is how the AA fanbase often judges games).

    Overall, it's just very different, and that's something I really, really appreciate. I remember someone saying that Chronicles is what would've happened if Capcom hadn't interfered so much with AJ, and I think, to an extent, that's true: it feels like the developers set out to do something totally different, and I think it really is different, but I also understand why so many people don't like that. As someone who loves orchestral music and the Victorian era and linguistics, Chronicles appeals to me a lot, but if you're in AA for wildly elaborate murder plots, high-octane silliness and a generally more colorful and video game-y tone Chronicles is not that, and I suspect that's what will divide audience response to it more in the future.

    That's not to say Chronicles executes its individual artistic vision perfectly by any means, but overall it feels very much like a new story with AA mechanics v.s. a continuation or spin-off of AA, and I personally love that - I'm a weirdo who likes Adventures more than AAI2 - but I totally understand why a lot of people just aren't connecting with it.

    submitted by /u/uru_silko
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    AA:PW vs PL

    Posted: 20 Sep 2021 08:14 PM PDT

    replaying phoenix wright vs professor layton i want all three of my save files to be completed and also i just love the game so much its amazing the art the music and the characters are all so amazing

    submitted by /u/winterrific
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    What's something that Phoenix would do, that Apollo wouldn't (and vice versa)?

    Posted: 20 Sep 2021 08:09 PM PDT

    Just beat the great ace attorney chronicles :)

    Posted: 21 Sep 2021 12:17 AM PDT

    Well Damon Gant, preferred a more famous catchphrase, from the press buttons and talk series.

    Posted: 20 Sep 2021 05:44 AM PDT

    Iris Wilson :p

    Posted: 20 Sep 2021 05:18 AM PDT

    more cosplay content :D

    Posted: 20 Sep 2021 12:27 AM PDT

    Looking Back on Turnabout Airlines

    Posted: 20 Sep 2021 02:23 PM PDT

    This is the 20th case so far, and that's probably the most iconic aspect of it. From what I've seen, it tends to be viewed as an okay or mediocre case, and is probably the least iconic case of the AAI duology. Let's see if it deserves to be forgotten or remembered by looking back on Turnabout Airlines.

    History With This Case

    From my most recent memories, I thought this was an okay case, it did some cool things but suffered heavily from missed potential.

    This case will be judged by its characters and case segments. Character criticism will revolve around the character's personality, role in the story, and their actions throughout the case. Case segment criticism will revolve around the enjoyability of any investigations or rebuttals and quality of the story being told during that segment.

    Court is now in session for the trial of Turnabout Airlines.


    Miles Edgeworth

    Miles is perfect here. I really like how this case ties his backstory with DL-6 and his fear of earthquakes and elevators into the beginning of the case, and having him defend himself when accused of murder is a great step up from him having to solve a murder in his office. With the longer timeframe and bigger cast of characters, he has more chances to showcase his smug yet stern personality, and there are more chances to showcase his critical thinking and problem solving skills.

    Rhoda Teneiro

    Rhoda's okay. I didn't find her personality or suitcase business to be that interesting, and she feels like she's just here for the sake of having someone to accuse of murder so that Miles can investigate.

    Akbey Hicks

    He dead.

    Zinc Lablanc

    Zinc's good. While his general personality and role in the story didn't stand out much to me, he could get some good lines, and I like how his obsession for his property helps Miles realize how the victim died.

    Cammy Meele

    Cammy's good. While I like how she covered up the murder and how her knowledge of Borginian played into it, and she does have the world famous big booba, I feel her personality is the weakest of the new characters, since it didn't feel designed to be charming or interesting as much as it felt designed to contrast her more evil personality in the final segment.

    Franziska von Karma

    Franziska's awful. Like in 3-5, but to a worse degree, she still feels unnecessary and weaker than her last appearance. This case showcases her at her most annoying and abrasive, and these are the aspects I feel continue to hurt her character as what was once a target for meaningful development has now become a lackluster personality trait.

    What makes this my least favorite appearance of hers is both how obsessed she is with the von Karma name and her perfect appearance compared to every other appearance she had, and the fact that her joining Interpol could've been left of its own as a subtle touch of development, but because of her personality, it feels like an excuse for her to be in the case and continue her rivalry with Miles.

    Once again, the subtle changes don't matter to me if the obvious problems still exist.

    Dick Gumshoe

    Gumshoe's great. Like in the last case, while his connection to the case is basically just to be a detective, he still gets some great interactions with Miles and reactions to the events around him.

    Ernest Amano



    This is an alright cast of characters. The new characters as a whole are alright, and Miles and Gumshoe are once again the best characters, but Franziska did leave a heavy impact due to the quality of her characters and quantity of the entire cast.


    Investigations + Rebuttals

    This is perfect gameplay. I like that there are multiple investigations and rebuttals are that come one after another rather than one investigation and one series of rebuttals. A plane is a really cool location to investigate, and looking back, I feel they utilized the location nicely. And overall, I still find this style of gameplay to be far more engaging than the traditional gameplay.


    A perfect opening chapter. The opening cinematic is cool, and seeing Miles prove himself to be innocent of the crime is really cool. Like the last case, the structure and focus on logic of the AAI games allows for more impactful revelations to be made, and that stays true here with revelations about when and how the crime took place and how the outside environment played a part in it. And unlike the first segment of the last case, the ending doesn't feel anticlimactic or underwhelming. I have no complaints here.


    A perfect opening segment. Once again, the case is using its game's structure to its benefit while still findway to improve or evolve what the last case prepared.



    This is good gameplay. While the lack of an investigation does hurt the experience, and the amount of rebuttals isn't enough to make up for this, they're still good rebuttals, and I like the deductions made when talking to Rhoda.


    This is an okay chapter of the story. A lot of the revelations made feel like we're just telling information we already know to different people, and Miles proving he wasn't the culprit worked better before, but there are some good events like figuring out Rhoda buying her own suitcase and her being accused of the crime, and the story overall still does flow nicely, though I feel it would've benefited from being longer.


    This is an alright segment. Overall, it's a heavy step down from what came before, but nothing about it is bad yet, and it still has some strong aspects.

    End, Part 1

    Investigations + Rebuttal

    This is fantastic gameplay. This feels like it took what was missing from the last segment and restored it, though I feel that also hurts it a bit as I feel the segment had the fast transition from opening to gameplay so far, making it feel a bit overwhelming at times.


    This is a great chapter of the story. There were no major character events here, and like the gameplay, the emptiness of the last segment makes the information here feel overwhelming at times, but the revelations made here about the true crime scene and method of murder feel greater than in the last segment.


    A really great segment. While it's an improvement from the previous segment, and the best aspects of this segment are on par with the best aspects of the rest of the segments, this segment feels incomplete and is in need of a longer opening to ease into the bulkier aspects.

    End, Part 2


    This is fantastic gameplay. Much like the second segment, the amount of rebuttals is underwhelming for a segment made up of only rebuttals, but this segment has the benefit of more moments of utilizing evidence and a brief moment of investigating. I just feel some Logic utilization or another rebuttal would've benefited the experience.


    This is a fantastic final chapter of the story. While there were no major character events, the revelations still feel impactful, like how Cammy's knowledge of Borginian played into the murder, and like the last case, I like how this case closes off the main story but introduces a new aspect to be resolved later in the game, this being Ernest's son being kidnapped.


    A fantastic final segment. While it's not as good as the opening segment, it's still an improvement from the more recent segments and a satisfying conclusion to the case.

    How I Would Improve

    If I were to try and improve this case while retaining most of its original identity, I would make two changes.

    1. I would either get rid of Franziska or improve her personality. Franziska's personality has always been my biggest problem with her, and because the attempts to develop her throughout the games have been far more subtle than any other returning character, having her most defining trait worsen overtime ultimately devalues the subtle attempts to make her better. It's part of why I feel she's at her best in 2-4: because her development was more obvious and prominent, it could stand on its own and overcome the negative aspects of her character.

    2. I would combine the second and third segment. These segments feel incomplete without each other, as the former feels like it lacks an ending, and the latter feels like it lacks a beginning, and like a lot of my issues with split trials and investigations in the mainline games, it's harder to judge these aspects as more than the sum of their parts.

    Final Verdict

    This is a really good case. While there are some aspects in every department that hurt the overall experience, one of those aspects being my least favorite of the series, I found myself enjoying and appreciating this case a lot more than I initially did, thanks to its great story, solid cast, and fantastic gameplay. It definitely could've used some improvements, but I feel the end result is still worth cherishing.

    7.5/10, it's going between 1-2 and 2-3.

    Case Rankings

    4-1 (9.5/10)

    3-4 (9.25/10)

    1-4 (9.25/10)

    3-5 (9/10)

    2-4 (9/10)

    3-1 (8.75/10)

    I-1 (8.75/10)

    3-2 (8.5/10)

    2-2 (8.5/10)

    1-5 (8.25/10)

    1-3 (8.25/10)

    4-2 (8/10)

    1-2 (8/10)

    I-2 (7.5/10)

    2-3 (7.5/10)

    4-3 (7.5/10)

    1-1 (7/10)

    4-4 (7/10)

    3-3 (6.5/10)

    2-1 (6.25/10)

    Previous (I-1)

    submitted by /u/KaleBennett
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    What do you think of Apollo Justice?

    Posted: 20 Sep 2021 06:02 AM PDT

    A quick sketch of the "Kazu"s from two of my favorite games!

    Posted: 20 Sep 2021 09:00 AM PDT

    If another Apollo focused game was made and acted as a semi-sequel to a previous game, which should it be a sequel to?

    Posted: 20 Sep 2021 07:27 PM PDT

    I don't remember this crossover (GAA 1-2 spoilers)

    Posted: 20 Sep 2021 01:38 PM PDT

    Character motivation confusion (4-4)

    Posted: 20 Sep 2021 08:11 AM PDT

    There are 2 characters whose motivation I just plain don't understand. Zak and Magnifi Gramarye.

    I know that people are just going to say they're jerks but there's being selfish and there's going out of your way to inconvenience people with no gain.

    I just don't get why Zak chose to hide the diary page which could help his case nor do I get why Magnifi shot himself in a way that incriminates Valant after apologizing for the grief he caused them.

    On a smaller scale, I also feel like Kristoph was too well prepared having obtained the diary page if Zak didn't even choose him as an attorney, how did Kristoph know that the diary page would be conclusive evidence? The diary page only became conclusive evidence once Phoenix was able to prove Valant was a suspect, without that, it only removed the possible motive Zak had for killing Magnifi.

    submitted by /u/Nddit
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