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    Ace Attorney "I don't need friends"

    Ace Attorney "I don't need friends"

    "I don't need friends"

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 10:57 PM PDT

    Herlock Forglmes

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 10:00 AM PDT

    So I accidently let TGAA run for over 10 days

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 10:04 AM PDT

    The prosecution would like to present evidence to the defense directly.

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 05:12 PM PDT

    Edgeworth you sussy baka

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 10:31 AM PDT

    [OC] I drew a Smug Edgeworth Cat!

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 01:45 PM PDT

    Replaying Apollo Justice on mobile, can't believe they left this in

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 11:42 AM PDT

    I loved the first case in TGAA!

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 08:05 PM PDT

    Just started playing the first game in Chronicles today and I'm already having a blast. The first case was much more fun and extensive than I was expecting of the tutorial case. I felt it was a really good introduction of both the characters as well as some of the themes I assume will be involved in the game (the political struggles between Japan and Great Britain, treatment of the Japanese from a British person, Susato's involvement as a woman). The whole Auchi/Payne parallels and setting up the history between his family and the Naruhodo family were humorous as well. There's also the mystery of Jezaille's motive, which I hope will become a plot point later.

    For the case gameplay, it's not like Ace Attorney is a notoriously difficult series but I still felt satisfied with going through the case. The realizations like seeing the burn mark on Dr. Wilson's wrist, the poison affecting Dr. Wilson because of his dental work (I actually jumped out of my seat in excitement when I realized this as Jezaille drank the poisoned water), finding the coin underneath the steak signifying the switched plates, etc. The witnesses were fun, and the graphics (all the other AA games I've played on handheld, this time I'm on my PS5 with a good sized tv) and music were both really nice.

    I've been wanting to play these games for ages so I'm glad they finally got an official western release, I can't wait to continue and see the other characters, cases, and Ryunosuke's arc over both games.

    submitted by /u/Shradow
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    Yet another case tierlist

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 06:50 PM PDT

    It’s a teacup.

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 12:05 PM PDT

    Van Zieks / realistic take by me @ephemeraldraws

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 08:07 AM PDT

    A valuable lesson I’ve learned from Ace Attorney

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 03:11 PM PDT

    I know that almost everyone has been accused of something they didn't do at least once in their lives. False accusations will easily put anyone on the defensive, and then the accuser would retort with: "If you didn't do it, then why are you so mad?"

    Ace Attorney shows a way to deal with this annoying situation. If that person is dead set on accusing you of something you didn't do, then like the prosecutors say, the burden of proof is on the accuser. They made the accusation, so they are responsible for proving it. Not you. If they don't have proof, then you can tell them that they're full of it and end the conversation.

    submitted by /u/No-Balance-2226
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    The Great Ace Attorney is painfully slow.

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 12:01 PM PDT

    I'm in the middle of case 4 in TGAA1. Thus far the game has been infuriatingly slow at times. Things that could be explained in a single sentence often take full paragraphs. And points are repeated to the point of being annoying.

    Is this a trend that will continue for the rest of the game, and it's sequal?

    I'm really liking the story and overall having a decent time, but this is excessive. Don't remember the previous titles being this long winded.

    submitted by /u/Werotus
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    Why do people dislike TGAA-4?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 06:21 PM PDT

    While scrolling through this subreddit I've seen a lot of talk that it's universally disliked. While it's certainly not the best TGAA case I really enjoyed myself all throughout. Lovable defendant, good witnesses, excellent scenario. So I just want to hear everyone's thoughts. What's up?

    submitted by /u/NotBeriClever
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    The Most consistently surprising character in Chronicles...

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 09:29 AM PDT

    ,,,Would have to be Tobias Gregson. Seriously, every time I think I figured his role in the story, he always surprises me. At first he was the slightly more serious version of Gumshoe, not dumb, but prone to comical behavior. His interaction to Iris seem to cement this. But then in Case 5, he actually worked with the killer to get government info. It seemed they made Graydon an obvious culprit to disguise the fact that Gregson would be working with him. Have to admit, it was surprising to see coming.

    Then in the second game in case 3, they seem to fit back the comic-relief Gregson, with the added interaction of him mentoring Gina. Gregson payed the price for his action in the Lestrade's trial, and back then he was just coming across as following orders so it's easy to forgive and forget (god know Gina did easily).

    But then the game throws another curveball by having be a victim. His was by far the most shocking death. I legit not expect a character we met in one game to be the victim in the next one (Well there was Jezaille Brett but she was different). And from that point on we learn just how much Gregson did for his country that working with Graydon seems small.

    The fact that he was a willing member of the professor's conspiracy always amazed me. Like Gina, i kept expecting him to have been framed, but no, he legit took parts in all those murders by his own free will. At his appearance in the credits confirmed it all to be true.

    Gregson might not be my favorite character, but I do love his writing the most. I just love how the Takumi plays with our expectation of our detective characters, and thus constantly make him surprise us with the role he play. Just wanted to bring this up

    submitted by /u/superdrama11
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    Reminiscence Theme Tier List [AA1-6, AAI1-2, GAA1-2, PLvAA]

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 10:49 PM PDT

    The Real Reason DGS1-5 is So Long

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 10:09 AM PDT

    Short thoughts on TGAA 2 case 1

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 10:38 PM PDT

    I've been looking but I can't find a big thread to discuss this, so I figured I'd make my own post to let my thoughts out.

    I liked it overall! Definitely shorter than the first case from the first game. I thought the way things slowly got unraveled was a great for a tutorial case.

    Memo's animations were great. Susato taking the attorney role was a good twist and her objection and persuit themes were very weird? But in a good way? They grew on me.

    I do have a bunch of cons, though...

    First of all, this is personal opinion, but Memo was definitely NOT the same as Brett. I understood his frustration and he explains how the avenues for "fairness" were all closed. Killing her was the last option to dish out justice.

    I obviously don't condone killing, but I strongly believe he should've been treated better.

    Secondly: most Susato animations here are obviously re-used Ryunosuke ones. Most work, but some don't (namely the slapping cheeks one, her face doesn't move)

    As for the ending... Very intriguing. But I'm worried. I did notice how odd it was that the cat was suddenly in Herlock's home back in case 5. And how they hinted about a case we didn't see in this trial. AND that case 4 in the first game had 2 random characters.

    But I am worried this case will kill the pacing. I get the case seems to hold relevance to important events... But why a flashback NOW?

    Lastly, regarding the music. I hope this changes, but I'm super disappointed most music is reused as well. I was hoping for new music! We heard all this in the first game!

    submitted by /u/Frank_Cap
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    SPOILER: Something I appreciate in The Adventure Of The Unspeakable Story

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 06:35 AM PDT

    I was born with Duane's Retraction Syndrome which affects the movement in one or both eyeballs and therefore it is impossible for me to cross my eyes.

    Having come across the whole stereoscope thing in The Adventure Of The Unspeakable Story, I knew this would come into play at some point and I got worried that I would have to look at a guide as to how to progress when it did eventually come up.

    Played up to the first Summation Examination thus far, where you have to cross your eyes at the two photos that Sholmes' camera took on the night of the murder and it turns out that the player has the option to move on (by telling Iris that you find crossing your eyes difficult and she brings out a stereoscope and tells you the answer.)

    I was happy I was able to progress without looking up a guide and risking spoilers and I was extremely happy that the developers took this puzzle into consideration for those who have difficulty crossing their eyes. It's little things like that make me love this series more.

    submitted by /u/AceTeacher
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    TGAA... gets better, right?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 11:31 PM PDT

    I already feel like a jerk from that title, but stick with me. Tried to keep this vague enough to not be spoilery outside of the things in spoiler tags.

    I love the Ace Attorney games. The only game that really disappointed me was Investigations 1, and that game still has one really amazing case. I've heard for ages that DGS was an incredible game so when TGAA came out I obviously jumped right on it.

    And... I really, really didn't like the first case. I really like the setting and historical tone, I like Ryunosuke and Kazuma a lot, the music and the animations are great. But the actual case felt like the worst tropes of Ace Attorney mashed together. Encyclopedia Brown logic, the last minute evidence drop that saves the day, the obviously guilty witness who's too important to be bothered/really has to get to another engagement, the threat of the trial being over and you being on your last chance about 8 different times. Plus there's the totally random reveal in the late trial of the series of thefts, and Iyasa Nosa being the thief, and him having a wholly unearned villainous breakdown after one question confirms that he is in fact the thief. , which felt extremely pointless. I like that it was a first trial that has more than two characters and doesn't just show you who did the murder up front, but overall, outside of the totally content-less opening cases of 1-1 and 2-1, this might be my least favorite opening case in the series.

    ... But this game is really good, right? I've always heard that, and I'm not somewhat with particularly controversial Ace Attorney opinions (besides "5-2 is a good case actually", I guess). Do people generally like DGS1-1? Am I the weird one here? It's very possible. I'm just hoping I'm not going to be disappointed.

    submitted by /u/Kouunno
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    [ART] Chibi Godot (but make it catman)

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 08:50 AM PDT

    [TGAA:R Case 2 Spoilers] What even was this leap of logic?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 09:04 PM PDT

    I have absolutely no idea as to how you were supposed to know to present Olive Green when Zieks asks you to name the true culprit. There is absolutely nothing to even hint that she's involved in any way other than "she had some poison that she tried to drink earlier, maybe that poison is strychnine?" (Oh, and also the meta answer of "she hasn't featured in the trial yet.")

    Did I miss something? Because this felt like one of those completely out of the blue Ace Attorney Logic(tm) Moments to me. I somehow got through the entire first TGAA and then Case 1 of this game without a single (egregious and/or memorable) instance of those, so I'm pretty disappointed to run headlong into one here.

    I spent my nose in a guide for the rest of the case because I was low on health and nothing about her involvement (beyond motive) made sense to me, so there were more, albeit lesser, weird answers I just couldn't grok... as crazy as the first Natsume case was, it still made more sense than this. Gonna be pretty low on my hypothetical eventual tier list.

    submitted by /u/RaisonDetriment
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