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    Sunday, August 1, 2021

    Ace Attorney Capcom Is Asking Players If They Want a New Ace Attorney Game

    Ace Attorney Capcom Is Asking Players If They Want a New Ace Attorney Game

    Capcom Is Asking Players If They Want a New Ace Attorney Game

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 07:32 AM PDT

    Life imitates art.

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 01:32 PM PDT

    POV: Herlock Sholmes Deduction Spectacular

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 06:21 AM PDT

    Finally finished my most complex cross-stitch to date

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 12:24 PM PDT

    The Hero of this Story

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 02:39 PM PDT

    My new Ace Attorney inspired tattoo, featuring leaves stolen from Charley and Mia's magatama! ��

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 05:57 AM PDT

    First Case Spoilers Great Ace Attorney. (Took me two hours to make this)

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 07:29 PM PDT

    We get to celebrate our language and culture during August, so here's ✨Phoenix Dimagiba✨����

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 03:22 PM PDT

    Case 4-1 Speedrun [OC]

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 01:52 AM PDT

    This made me jump

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 07:47 PM PDT

    I can't get over the fact that he's shorter than Nahyuta tho

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 01:45 PM PDT

    AA Mythbusters #1: Where Does Maya Live In The Trilogy?

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 07:46 PM PDT

    What's this? Another case of me unveiling misconceptions/unknown story elements in the Trilogy from the Japanese?

    Why yes, I am! I enjoy these, after all, and have decided to make this a pseudo series of sorts. Because knowledge is power, as is clearing up misconceptions about a work as large as AA Trilogy.

    So, anyway, a question which I see posited often is where exactly Maya lives. While the games usually tend to posit her living somewhere in relation to Kurain Village and/or Phoenix, there's a line in 1-2, literally the third line she has in the series, which throws this into question.

    ???: Well, LONELY. And it's all YOUR fault. Nah, I'm just teasing. I've been great! I'm finally getting used to having my own place.

    This line understandably causes a lot of debate with fans, so I decided to check the Japanese scripts...and found that the answer is in a localization mistake:

    もう! かわいい妹を1人でほったらかして、ひどいなー。


    だいじょうぶだよ! もう、慣れちゃったから‥‥1人ぐらし。

    Roughly translated:

    Hey! You're awful for leaving your adorable little sister all alone.

    Actually, I'm fine! I've gotten used to living...by myself.

    Notice the difference? In the Japanese, Maya never specifies owning her own place, just that she lives separately and alone from Mia. There is zero reference anywhere else to Maya having an apartment, but there is plenty of lines referencing "Mia left the village" and Maya saying she comes from the village, which put together strongly imply what Maya actually is talking about is just that Mia left the village some time ago.

    Now, the line is still technically inaccurate with later information. Takumi hadn't thought of Pearl and the rest of the Fey Clan stuff in AA1 (remember, at that point he didn't know AA would be expanded into a trilogy), so in hindsight it's a bit weird for her to talk about being alone when she's got an entire extended family where she lives (she could be just talking about her direct family, but she's so close to Pearl as is that she's still hardly "alone"). That, however, is basically irrelevant to actual question here though, isn't it?

    To really drive a nail into the heart of this situation, however, we need just look at a question asked in the 2005 fanbook to prove that Maya doesn't actually live in an apartment.

    03. Where was Mayoi living when she was working at the office? (Tokyo/Female/27 yrs.)

    Takumi: The idea for the first game was that she lived in the office (as the office was originally Chihiro's (Mia Fey). By the way, Naruhodō (Phoenix Wright) rents an apartment, and goes to the office from there every day. You can see traces of this concept in the opening scene of the episode Turnabout Tonosaman (Turnabout Samurai) in the first game.


    Now, it's important to note this isn't actually "canon". The Fanbook makes a point that anything stated within from the creators amounts to creator headcanons for the most part, and the characters have "no official settings" outside of what is directly stated in the games. Even this comment is just framed as the idea Takumi had at the time of writing AA1...but that in itself more or less proves Takumi never intended Maya to be living outside of the village in an official home capacity, let alone the obvious hints in the text itself.

    Conclusion: Maya does not have an apartment in Trilogy canon. Her official place of residence has always been Kurain Village.

    submitted by /u/RainSpectreX
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    TGAA Music is Gorgeous

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 12:22 PM PDT

    I just adore the approach that they took with it. It truly immerses you into the early 1900's style that the game is based on. Especially the English/London (I don't know the name of it and don't wanna search it up in case of spoilers) theme, it sets the tone of the location and people there and it gives it a sense of the stark contrast between London and Japan.

    What do you think of the music?

    submitted by /u/aceofmufc
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    The Great Dev Blogs Volume 6: The Resolve of a Producer

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 10:48 PM PDT

    Kazuma Asougi in the Genshin Impact style!

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 09:40 AM PDT

    Completed Adventure? Take a break, and read Randst Magazine.

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 07:30 PM PDT

    Back in 2015, Randst Magazine served as DLC for Adventures. It is essentially slice-of-life visual magazine; no gameplay. Can be treated like a manga for some players.

    It is preferable to complete Adventures first before reading these. May be watched before playing Resolve; none of the issues contain spoilers for Resolve.

    submitted by /u/DBClass407
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    GAA4 is really irking me... (Fairly big spoilers)

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 06:53 PM PDT

    Not because of the racism, which I think the localisation has done a really terrific job of handling tastefully. But instead because of John and Joan.

    Their entire relationship is based on a hideously abusive premise that is played for laughs throughout. And given that John is physically disabled, the fact that he is slapped, beaten and scalded by Joan so frequently throughout really makes me feel uncomfortable, especially because he doesn't seem to have done anything wrong. This would be fine-ish if the case ended with some more complex or emotional development, but instead we're just supposed to believe that he still loves her and their relationship is fine, even when she's in prison. I really dislike the way the domestic abuse is treated here, especially involving a disabled person. Makes me really sour on an otherwise passable case. Anyone else feel this way?

    submitted by /u/Catorpedo
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    The answer to why people seemed to be able to read Ryunosuke's mind lies in a DLC case that may never be localized (legal issues, or at least based on leaks). Occurs midway between the first two cases of Adventures, and probably after Randst Magazine Issue #1. Please turn on CC, by the way.

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 08:10 PM PDT

    The pc community has already started to enhance the game.

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 11:19 AM PDT

    May it be higher quality musics or 60 fps patch (also fixes cpu load)

    This is great to see.

    Use at your own risk of course, seems there are issues.

    submitted by /u/SnowflakeMonkey
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    Susato as a "straight man" to Ryunosuke's dialogue

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 06:37 PM PDT

    Original title was

    Playing as Susato in GAA 2-1 was amazing. I think she's much more interesting as a protagonist than a sidekick.

    but removed for spoilers in title.

    Maybe this is just a kneejerk reaction to just finishing 2-1 and starting 2-2, but Susato just isn't as interesting in 2-2 right now (I'm in the investigation portion).

    I am going to be critical of Susato here, but keep in mind that I really loved Susato in 2-1 and the game as a whole.

    It's just, as a sidekick, she feels a bit... bratty? My friend described her as the "prodigy" type.

    Here's a piece of dialogue from 2-2 that shows what I mean:

    Garrideb: The only redeeming feature of that room is the cheap rent. Anyone wanting to live in a place like that is either broke or has a badly screw loose.

    Ryunosuke: (So hard to choose which category Soseki-san would fall into...)

    Susato: ... Mr Naruhodo. That's a little rude.

    Now, if this conversation took place in 2-1 where Susato was the protagonist, she would be the one thinking these thoughts instead, and it would probably be fine. In fact, I would love if Susato delivered a line like this.

    Which makes me think, am I just prejudiced against sidekick characters in AA?

    But I also feel like Susato's response in this scenario is a bit... boring. It's just like the generic "goody-two-shoes" straight man act, similar to something Pearls would say, I guess?

    If Maya or Trucy was the sidekick instead, they would probably say something different, but even if they delivered the same line, it would be more interesting. Maya and Trucy are usually the "immature" ones to Phoenix and Apollo, so when Phoenix and Apollo are the ones getting scolded, it's funny imo.

    But when Susato does it, it feels like she's just playing the stereotype.

    Do you agree? Disagree? I have no idea what my main argument but these were just my rambling thoughts about how Susato is one of my favorite protagonists but a weaker assistant.

    (Susato in 2-1 was cool, idk why I think that but she's just cool to me. I tried to draw parallels between Athena and Susato, but Athena is the same as Maya and Trucy, the ones who get scolded, so the comparison didn't really hold up)

    submitted by /u/WizardXZDYoutube
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    I could've sworn there was an ask blog starring MS paint drawings of Miles Edgeworth called poorly drawn or badly drawn edgeworth I think, but I can't find it? Does anyone know where I can find it?

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 09:48 PM PDT

    [The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles Case 3 Spoilers] Thoughts on Case 3

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 02:26 PM PDT

    So here I am again, after having published my thoughts on the second case of the game earlier today. I basically went right on to the third case and just kept on playing, so I want to share my thoughts again, especially because they contrast pretty heavily with what I said before.

    Once again SPOILERS for case 3 in TGAA, Game 1. Please don't spoil the rest of the games in the comments.

    First off, I am really glad that I kept playing this game. If you've read my other two posts, you'll know that I thought that Case 1 was pretty weak, especially the way the crime was committed and that case 2 had a bit of an unsatisfying resolution, even though I greatly enjoyed the characters. Now I am very happy to report that I thought case 3 was absolutely fantastic. It really has the potential to become one of my favourite AA trials. As I have listed my points in some form of arbitrary structure before, I will do so again.

    Once again, I really liked the characters in this trial. The defendant, the prosecutor, the judge, the jury and the witnesses were all very entertaining with their own quirks and features (I especially didn't expect this from the jury, which seemed like complete throwaway characters at first glance).

    I want to point the judge out especially, because at some points in the trial he actually connects some points himself and asks the witnesses valid questions. I always appreciate a smart judge.

    The jury mechanic with the "Scale of Justice" is also a really cool addition, imo. Yes, the whole events of the trial are still scripted but it adds a new layer to everything that happens in the trial and it really got the tension up when they were all voting on guilty pretty early on.

    The prosecutor is also really cool, he could have had a bit more screen time maybe, but I am sure I'll see more of him in later trials. Also, it's always really cool when at the end of a trial you start working together with a prosecutor a bit instead of being only fierce rivals. He reminded me a bit of Inquisitor Barnham from PL vs PW in some ways, a game I played to death when I was younger, and that maybe also makes me like him even more.

    Something that I found to be super refreshing was that there was no hand-holding in this trial whatsoever. If there was a contradiction somewhere, even if it didn't seem like it, you had to figure it out by yourself. This also made the trial significantly harder than the last two for me, as I finished those both all five reputation points (is that what they're calles) and I actually finished this with only one left.

    The carriage in the Court Record changes. How cool is that?! I love this so much. That you can actually figure this out by yourself and then already know about it when it comes up blew my mind. This is without a doubt the coolest piece of evidence I have seen in an AA game to date.

    There came a point in the trial where I had no idea what was going on. And I think, that's a good thing. The fact that the defendant is definitely guilty of something is clear and yet I had no clue how he did it and how the girl played into it. Of course, the most plausible solution is just, that he killed the guy and paid the girl to testify for him, but at certain points in the trial I was right there with Ryunosuke, just confused about what was happening and I loved that. In many of the trials in this series you can figure out at least a bit of what happened and you know what will come up, but this became a pure rollercoaster of emotions.

    Now to the only thing which I think is a bit sad, not that it's a flaw, just something I thought about while playing. I really hope that this game has a "traditional" AA case, meaning a trial-investigation hybrid. Even though the trial was very entertaining and I didn't get bored at all, investigation sequences between trial parts do a lot to give the player time to breathe and something else to do for a while. I expect to see this in the future, as it's one of the only ways attorney and prosecutor can interact outside of court, but I really thought that in the third case of five, we'd go back to 'normal'.

    As for the outcome of the trial, I don't really mind that there was no clear answer to who actually did it. It seems clear that the defendant guy definitely had something to do with it and to me it seems as if it will come back in the future, especially given the surprising ending cutscene of the chapter (I really wonder if it was the rich guy that burnt to death or if he was maybe just faking it or destroying evidence or whatever). I don't expect the next chapter to deal with him again but maybe one in the sequel? I am very interested to see where this game takes me next. Again, I would appreciate if others gave their opinions on the case as well :)

    Edit: Something I forgot to mention. I think it was a good choice to focus on the fact that the people who are ruled to be the murderers in the end actually do get executed. I remembering playing Trials and Tribulations and when that came up, I was a bit stunned while thinking of all the people I had unknowingly helped to their deaths (even though there's some inconsistencies about that in the games I think but I'm not quite sure). I is good to know what the fate of those convicted actually is. (as a side note, Capital Punished was and is still practiced in Japan so they should at least know it's a thing. However, I do understand that he still feels unqualified to defend someone on something that serious.)

    submitted by /u/GameAiming
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    Phoenix Wright now has ptsd, and both athena AND apollo are confused

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 10:53 PM PDT

    Drip background based on u/anita6artania's image post from 2 years ago

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 01:06 PM PDT

    He's so HOT!!!!!

    Posted: 01 Aug 2021 12:07 AM PDT

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