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    Sunday, July 25, 2021

    Ace Attorney I've been reduced to a babysitter!

    Ace Attorney I've been reduced to a babysitter!

    I've been reduced to a babysitter!

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 08:45 PM PDT


    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 06:27 AM PDT

    A trump-card like no other

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 06:34 PM PDT

    It makes me uncomfortable how long Edgeworth is portrayed here

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 04:08 PM PDT

    Phoenix & Maya FEH Concept.

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 09:38 AM PDT


    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 05:33 PM PDT

    Fairly new to art, just started a month ago but I love TGAA and with it dropping soon I figured I'd draw Ryuu

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 06:31 PM PDT

    The Truth about DD: Revealing Ace Attorney's Hidden Lore

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 08:14 PM PDT

    I like DD. So I was thinking about it recently, and I realized a shocking truth. I'll get straight to the point. We all assumed Yamazaki's team wrote DD, because, well, that's what it says in the credits! But is that really true?

    No, it is not: Kristoph Gavin wrote DD. After careful consideration of every possibility, this is the conclusion I've come to, and it answers many questions that have remained as unsolved mysteries—until today.

    As Ahlbi would say, "Allow me to explain!"

    How It Happened

    You're probably wondering, "How could such a crazy thing have happened?" To figure this out, we have to look back at the trilogy, specifically 3-5. When Phoenix is thinking about Manfred, he has this mental line:

    Phoenix: (He had a perfect win record for 40 long years... But now, he is gone from this world...)

    People have theorized that "gone from this world" means that Manfred is dead, or that he's an astronaut and currently in orbit. However, people have overlooked the third interpretation, that he has left "this world" and entered another world: specifically, our world, the real world. In other words, Manfred had left the AA universe and entered the real world.

    In fact, sometime after Dahlia's execution, this became standard practice for dealing with the most dangerous of murderers. To ensure that they can't cause any more trouble, they're loaded into a teleportation machine and sent on an inter-dimensional trip. And this is how Kristoph ended up outside the AA universe.

    After this happened, the only thing on Kristoph's mind was revenge against the characters who had defeated him, and that's when he came up with a plan: he'd blackmail Capcom into secretly letting him write DD's script, under the names of Yamazaki's team. And he had the perfect blackmail material to use. If Capcom didn't agree to his demands, Kristoph would leak the unused Gavin backstory to the public. Capcom had no choice but to cooperate, and so Kristoph was able to write DD.

    The Evidence: Characters

    Now that we've established a plausible scenario, I'll provide evidence to show that only Kristoph could've written DD. The first place we can look is the characters, specifically Phoenix, Trucy, Apollo, and Athena. Only Kristoph would've produced the final product that we now have.


    It's no secret that Kristoph has a low opinion of Phoenix. In 4-4, Kristoph makes several derogatory comments towards Phoenix. Here's the clearest picture of how Kristoph views him:

    Kristoph: I couldn't believe it. Phoenix Wright...? A second rate attorney who relies on luck and bluffs! [Zak] dismissed me... and went with that pitiful excuse for a man?

    It's a common opinion that Phoenix was Flanderized in DD. DD Phoenix seems to try to emulate his trilogy self, but he ends up as a caricature of his trilogy self instead. Bluffing becomes one of his major characteristics, although he only bluffed rarely in the trilogy. DD Phoenix is wacky and more incompetent than he was even in AA1 (repeatedly presenting key evidence to culprits aside). DD Phoenix flies by the seat of his pants, struggles through most things without confidence, and even whines a few times when his points are shot down.

    Trilogy Phoenix wasn't like this at all, so how did DD Phoenix end up this way? Well, let's look at Kristoph's quote again. "A second rate attorney who relies on luck and bluffs." If that sounds familiar, it should: that's exactly DD Phoenix. Kristoph predicted DD Phoenix. Or maybe it's more than that. Maybe... Kristoph wrote DD Phoenix.

    After all, who could create such a caricature of Phoenix but someone who already viewed him as a caricature and had a grudge against him? That's right. For his revenge, Kristoph wanted to show the world who Phoenix really was, from his perspective—an incompetent, one-trick lawyer—and that's exactly what we got in DD.

    But Kristoph didn't stop there. He exacted revenge on Phoenix in another way as well, and for this we need to talk about Phoenix's daughter.


    People familiar with Ace Attorney's lore will know that Trucy died right after the end of AJ. In fact, Kristoph is the one who killed her, indirectly, since it was Vera's nail polish that did it. And since Trucy died, Phoenix secretly replaced her with an android replica, which is what we see in DD. It makes sense. DD Trucy looks identical to the Trucy we knew, but she's lost all her personality, leaving her only to repeat her magic panties joke over and over.

    But there's one issue with the android theory that has gone unanswered until today: why did Phoenix have an android built in the first place, much less do it secretly? It seems both uncharacteristic of him and contrived. But finally we have the answer. It's because Kristoph wrote DD's script. Not content with Trucy being dead, Kristoph made it so that a Trucy android was built to ruin her reputation as well. After all, Trucy gave Apollo the forged evidence, and from Kristoph's perspective, she helped Phoenix corrupt Apollo. Kristoph wanted revenge, and it was even sweeter for him that he could use the pain of Trucy's death to revert Phoenix to a caricature of his trilogy self while he was at it.

    It's not only the android situation itself, but also the way that other people react to android Trucy that suggest that Kristoph was the writer, intent on character destruction as only he would be. Phoenix barely interacts with Trucy, and even when they investigate together, you wouldn't know Phoenix was her father if Trucy didn't keep calling him "Daddy." This extends to other characters too. Barely anyone acknowledges Trucy's existence, even when she's held hostage as a damsel in distress, and she's about as relevant to the plot as the plastic spaghetti in the WAA. It's clear that the writer had a personal grudge against her, and we know who that writer must be.

    Sadly, Apollo didn't escape Kristoph's wrath either.


    You're getting the picture by now, so I'll keep this shorter. We know that Kristoph isn't exactly a Phoenix fanboy. What, then, is the worst insult he could possibly give someone? Making them a Phoenix fanboy. And that's exactly what he did to Apollo. Apollo, formerly in a rocky relationship with Phoenix, is now inexplicably back to the Phoenix fanboy he was in 4-1 with no mention of any troubles in the past. Why is he like he was in 4-1? Because that's the Apollo that Kristoph knew best. He wasn't there to see Apollo's respect for Phoenix shatter. It's only natural that Kristoph couldn't write what he didn't know, and additionally, making Apollo a Phoenix fanboy served as validation for Kristoph's disgust towards him.

    The other thing going on with DD Apollo is his Flanderization, not as bad as Phoenix and Trucy's, but still there. One of Apollo's major characteristics is now being loud, something that people consistently remark on. It makes sense for a quiet, elegant person like Kristoph to exaggerate Apollo's characteristics to show him as unrefined and unprofessional, unworthy of being his student.


    Now we come to a non-AJ character, and this one is simple. Why was Athena added when there was another protagonist introduced just the game before who needed development, in the same game that Phoenix was also returning as a playable character? Fans have wondered about this for years, but the answer is simple: Kristoph wanted to minimize Apollo and Trucy's screen time and make them less important.

    This is a general pattern that holds for the whole game. While writing DD, Kristoph was intent to acknowledge AJ as little as possible without erasing it from canon, both to get revenge on the people who wronged him and to downplay the events that led to his defeat. Klavier? A minor cameo who adds almost nothing. Phoenix? No trace of his AJ self. The Jurist System? Not even a sentence to allude to why it's gone. Kristoph used his role as DD's writer to efficiently accomplish his self-centered goals.

    Other Evidence

    Now that we've shown how only Kristoph could've created the strange phenomena we see with DD's characters, we should talk about the game more broadly. One interesting fact stands out: besides Apollo, only one other AJ character is relevant to DD, and that's Kristoph. Why would that be? Why would Kristoph, of all AJ characters, be relevant and not Trucy or Klavier? The answer becomes obvious when you realize that Kristoph is the writer.

    From the very beginning of 5-1, the first lines in the game, Kristoph gives away his identity by including a reference to himself. Compare this line from Apollo to Athena:

    Athena: Oh, Apollo! Y-Yeah, doing great! Like, hum-a-little-tune great!

    Apollo: Oh, yeah? Well, that's good to hear. Although... I could've sworn I heard your voice crack for a second there.

    To this line from Kristoph to Apollo in 4-1:

    Apollo: I-I'm fine! I got up at 5 AM to do my "Chords of Steel" voice workout! I'm fine!

    Kristoph: Ah, that explains it. I did detect a certain rasping quality to your screech.

    The reference here is clear. And then, of course, there's the famous Kristoph reference where Apollo mimics Kristoph's smug pose and repeats Kristoph's philosophy in 5-5: "Evidence is everything." Kristoph, wanting to restore some sense into the student that betrayed him, made sure to include his influence on Apollo when writing him.

    The entire Dark Age of the Law also serves to reveal Kristoph as DD's writer. Compare Kristoph's role in AJ to the role he is retroactively given in DD. In AJ, he's a normal person, a skilled defense attorney who is determined for everything to go his way. He's a symptom of the systemic issues in the legal system, but these issues have nothing to do with him. Come DD, though, he is retroactively and inexplicably the cause of the issues in the legal system. There was no indication in AJ of Phoenix's disbarment causing any broader problems. How, then, did Kristoph receive a sudden boost in importance? He gave it to himself. He was the writer.

    But Kristoph wasn't satisfied with only being in the background. No, he wanted to be in the foreground, one of the most important characters in the game. And so he self-inserted himself... as the Phantom. The game pretends that the Phantom's identity is unknown, but considering all the other evidence, it's obvious that it's Kristoph. They even both have scars on their right hands. The Phantom was Kristoph's version of a power fantasy, so he could revel in the feeling of destroying Phoenix, Trucy, and especially Apollo's lives. The only reason he allowed the Phantom to be defeated in the end is to avoid players suspecting that something strange had gone on in the development process.

    And now some miscellaneous details. As we see in this official art, Kristoph likes to read. It's therefore a natural conclusion that he would like to write as well, something that becomes even more plausible when you consider his sophisticated and even poetic style of speech. He clearly has an aptitude for literature, and as a defense attorney himself, he would be perfectly capable of writing a mystery game.


    So there you have it. It's been a secret for far too long, but we finally know the truth that Yamazaki's team didn't write DD, but Kristoph Gavin. And to be honest, despite his self-centered and vindictive motivations for writing, he's a pretty good author. I wouldn't mind him returning for AA7.

    submitted by /u/AnonymousWaddleDee
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    So we've established that young Layton is Apollo, what about his very feisty assistant dressed in yellow that kinda gets introduced out of nowhere?

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 02:49 PM PDT

    [source in comments] Sherlock reacts to his new name

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 12:39 PM PDT

    What do you want?

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 09:38 AM PDT

    Ace attorney characters ranked by how good they are in each game they appear in (Inspired by another post from like 2 hours ago)

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 04:18 PM PDT

    I just have so much in trouble sending my mobile savestates to my ds, also my first game of the series ( Sorry for my bad english, Im from Spain)

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 07:20 PM PDT

    Where do you think Ace Attorney goes from here?

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 09:22 PM PDT

    So, Chronicles is starting to come into the hands of people through pre-orders, and I think there here is a crucial impasse on what is going to happen with the series.

    I'm putting this poll up specifically for what I think are "plausible" choices Capcom has regarding how to continue the franchise. Explain your reasoning on why you picked what you did in the comments or, if you picked "other", what you're thinking of.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/RainSpectreX
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    Someone made me realize I never posted this on Reddit. Persona 5 Protagonist looks a bit older than I remember...

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 12:39 AM PDT

    Decided to draw a beaten-up Phoenix and Maya.

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 10:45 AM PDT

    Finished the Ace Attorney Trilogy!!

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 10:46 AM PDT

    That was a ride from start to finish, and I loved every moment of it.
    It feels weird because I feel sad that it's over, but also happy? It has to be by far one of my favourite games and I look forward to playing the following titles

    submitted by /u/coatiiiiii
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    I just finished the original trilogy like six months ago and I’m already nostalgic for it

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 07:29 AM PDT

    The characters, the settings, the mysteries. God damn I love these games so much. I finally understand what people mean when they say they wish they could get amnesia just to experience something again. This was probably the best gaming experience I've ever had. I haven't gotten the chance to play the other entries yet but I'm pretty sure one is releasing on Switch next week. I will be buying it immediately. I don't have anything super important to say but I don't know anyone else that's played them so this is the only place I could talk about it lol

    submitted by /u/International_Bat851
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    Will Ace Attorney Chronicles have a Spanish translation?

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 05:10 PM PDT

    Just out of curiosity. I preordered it today

    submitted by /u/No-Balance-2226
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    Do you think if TGAA3 was ever made, there would be a joke about the Japanese Sherlock and English Herlock having different names, like someone misspelling his name in a letter?

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 12:49 PM PDT

    How do I play "Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright" on pc?

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 07:06 PM PDT

    I might be dumb but I haven't been able to find it in the Google Play store on my emulator and googling surprisingly gave no results.

    submitted by /u/ItzMonday
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    Who would win in a battle?

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 08:08 PM PDT

    Tier list of victims by reason why they're victims.

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 08:26 AM PDT

    New feature in Chronicles: talk to another person in the same location.

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 07:45 AM PDT

    In Trilogy, each location has a fixed character Phoenix can interact with. To talk to another character, Phoenix have to move. Example of a typical case:

    • To talk to Maya, move to Wright and Co. Law Office.
    • To talk to Gumshoe, move to Criminal Affairs Department.
    • To talk to the defendant, move to Detention Center.

    Granted, there are cases Phoenix can interact with another character without moving, but after a scripted event, Phoenix is stuck with the new character.

    Chronicles allows interacting multiple characters in the same location. To switch character, select Examine, then examine the person of interest. Depending on their mood, they may or may not interact with Naruhodo. Example in Herlock's house:

    • Assuming Naruhodo is initially talking with Iris.
    • To talk to Herlock, look around the house to find him, then examine him.
    • If he is not in mood, he will ignore you, and Naruhodo returns with whatever character he was talking with previously (Iris in this case).
    • Otherwise, he will talk. Interaction will be identical, gameplay-wise.
    • To switch back to Iris, examine her.
    submitted by /u/DBClass407
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