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    Saturday, March 20, 2021

    Ace Attorney Since ya'll like Wright jr- here they are with Missile 👀👌

    Ace Attorney Since ya'll like Wright jr- here they are with Missile ����

    Since ya'll like Wright jr- here they are with Missile ����

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 07:27 AM PDT

    Gina Lestrade

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 03:35 PM PDT

    Low budget Lotta Hart cosplay... nailed it!

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 09:34 AM PDT

    SPOILERS FOR PW:T&T !! So I redrew that one Dahlia sprite

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 03:44 PM PDT

    I guess since everyone wants to kill me now I might as well visit my best friend Larry, he may have terrible luck, but in the inside he is a good guy he wouldn't hurt a fly.

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 09:20 PM PDT

    Yes they made a achievement out of the "stepladder" inside joke for the Xbox release of the trilogy.

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 07:58 AM PDT

    Here's Acro's concept art ����

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 07:00 AM PDT


    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 06:15 AM PDT

    Theory: Godot is in the credits for Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney *MAJOR SPOILERS for Trials and Tribulations*

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 06:11 AM PDT

    First, I should say that I've only played the original AA Trilogy and Apollo Justice thus far. So if anything from the later games disproves my theory, please don't spoil anything, just let me know to "wait until later!"

    The main credits of the first game always puzzled me. Who are the characters talking to about Phoenix? Why do some seem to recognize the person? You could write it off as just a humorous gimmick where characters talk to the "player," but after Trials and Tribulations, one person in particular makes sense to me here.

    I believe Diego Armando, AKA Godot, is the one interviewing the characters during the credits. After waking from his coma, Diego learned about Mia's tragic death, and sought to find info about this "Phoenix Wright" bloke who worked under her. Thus, he went around interviewing people who knew him or who had recently interacted with him: friends, acquaintances, defendants, witnesses, etc.

    One interaction that stands out to me is the scene with Marvin Grossberg, who greets the interviewer with "Hmm? Oh, it's you," indicating that he knows them. He does in fact know Diego, as both he and Mia worked at Grossberg Offices in the past. Another person of interest is Gumshoe, who tells the interviewer about Edgeworth, implying they may know him as well. Diego does know Edgeworth, as he was at Mia's side when she faced the prosecutor in her first ever trial. Diego likely hoped to gain info from Edgeworth about Phoenix, and possibly info about the trial for Mia's death, since Edgeworth was the prosecutor for said trial. Finally, there's Penny Nichols, who tells the interviewer about Maya and what she's up to. It makes sense that Diego would care about where Mia's younger sister was, and Penny's remarks about Maya standing under a waterfall and being in a remote place could have helped prompt him to look deeper into the Fey family, who become the focal point of the game Godot appears in.

    You might ask, "Why didn't Diego just go to Wright & Co Law Offices to meet Phoenix?" I think Diego was still in shock, angry, and grieving. He wasn't yet ready to face Phoenix directly, so he took his time and gathered info on him and his trials. He needed this to prepare, so he could challenge Phoenix in court, as a prosecutor. And that's what he did. Diego Armando eventually donned the mask of Godot, and became a prosecutor to face off with the person who he felt failed to protect Mia. And the rest is history.

    So that's the theory that's been keeping me up for years. It's not particularly important or major, but I feel it holds a lot of meaning for Godot's character. Civilized debate is welcome, and if I'm straight up wrong or missed something, feel free to shatter my dreams. Just please don't spoil anything from Dual Destinies or Spirit of Justice! Thanks and cheers! ~

    submitted by /u/KwK10
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    I made wallpapers....

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 01:27 PM PDT


    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 02:08 PM PDT

    Cosplay at school!

    No, I didn't cosplay but someone did! So I live in the UK and at my school, we have a day called own clothes day (ik the USA wear their own clothes everyday). So i was in my regular clothes and I was really excited cuz this guy in my year, likes to cosplay anime characters it seems. Last time, he dressed up as Jotaro from Jojo and I was so impressed and also hyped lol cuz Jojo is one of my fav animes. So i was excited and then I enter school and I WAS SHOOK AF. HE DRESSED UP AS EMA SKYE!!!!!! I know many people probs made fun of him but I was proud lol!!!! I finally had someone who also likes Ace attorney at my school lol so i had to ask him some questions about ace attorney and it was chill. Honestly, even though he's not the greatest kid in school, we share similar taste in anime and games lmao

    submitted by /u/ohnellyitsmelly
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    I did a tier list of some AA characters, feel free to disagree but please dont be a.....you know....about it, ok?

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 06:40 PM PDT

    Ace Attorney Manga

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 10:15 PM PDT

    Not sure where else to go with this but....

    I have all 5 volumes of the official Ace Attorney manga in English and 3/4 volumes of the investigations manga in English as well. In addition to that, I have the two casebooks, volumes 1 and 2 (the Miles Edgeworth files) in English too. In Japanese, I have the 4koma manga and the fourth volume of investigations.

    I've been wanting to scan + upload what I have so others can read it (and hopefully translate what I have in Japanese to English) since I can't find them online in their entirety anywhere. Where would be the best place for this?

    submitted by /u/gbrllmllr
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    I'm trying to play The Ace Attorney Trilogy on Steam, but it keeps crashing? Is there a fix for this that is known?

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 07:11 PM PDT

    So I made it to about the first day of the trial for Turnabout Goodbye, and saved and exited the game so I could work on household chores. When I went back to play more, the game wouldn't allow me to play it, and had an error pop up, with the name, "Crash_2021-03-19_190148" It wont allow me to open or play the game at all it seems. Is there any way to fix this issue?

    submitted by /u/koko19x
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    Every cue sequence from the Ace Attorney Pachislot app

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 04:58 PM PDT

    That's it, let's settle this once and for all

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 05:16 PM PDT

    So, the link didn't work...

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 11:23 PM PDT

    I thought it wouldn't, honestly. I don't have any apps that allow for easier text-sharing, so I decided to give a condensed form of the plot for Episode 1 of my Athena Cykes: Ace Attorney. If it was the full script, it would take forever. I also have yet to pick a name for this episode, so if any of you could give a name, that would be great.

    Athena Cykes enters the courthouse with a nervous expression on her face. Her boss, Phoenix Wright, was busy with another case (likely not a murder), and Apollo Justice, her former colleague, was still in Khura'in. Nevertheless, she meets with her client, Letta Downs, who insists that she is innocent. Athena says that she believes in Downs, but only after a certain Simon Blackquill tells her to do so. Blackquill was not the prosecutor assigned to the case, but he would be watching from the gallery.

    The trial begins, and one of the Paynes (I'm not sure which one) is at the prosecutor's bench. Athena remembers Payne regardless (just to show how similar their personalities are), and Widget blurts out "ARROGANT JERK!" once again. Payne taunts Athena, as is typical of him when facing a "rookie," and submits the first two pieces of evidence: the victim's autopsy report and the murder weapon, a metal trophy used to bludgeon the victim, Lloyd Alfrend. Payne then calls his first witness: Justin Kidd.

    According to Kidd, the murder happened while a show was going on. The show information, which included the itinerary, was added to the Court Record. As expected from a tutorial case, Kidd's testimony automatically contains a hole. Athena points this out, and Kidd says that he was "just kidding" when he testified, angering the judge. He testifies again, and Athena presses him. In his testimony, Kidd claimed that he did not return to the crime scene after finding the body. He came back at 9:30 PM, after the show was over. Athena counters by saying that the show was still going on at 9:30, since it wasn't supposed to end until 11:00 PM. However, Payne says that the show ended at 9:00 PM because of the murder, just as Athena was going to accuse Kidd. The evidence stacks up against Downs, and Athena begins to doubt herself, as per usual. Payne even presents a letter allegedly written by Downs, in which Downs said that she was going to get her revenge on Alfrend for assaulting her six years prior. Despite her best efforts, Athena finds herself in a seemingly hopeless case.

    But once again, the Twisted Samurai appears to help her. This time, Simon insists that he cannot help Athena for the trial's entirety, saying that she needs to learn how to stand in court by herself. The only advice he gives is to find a hole in Payne's argument, saying that the prosecutor may have dropped his guard. Payne taunts her again, calling Athena "the most pathetic rookie I've ever seen." He tells Athena to reconsider being a lawyer, and Athena struggles to get him out of her head. Athena thinks for a second, heeding Simon's advice, and believes that Payne may have overlooked something. She questions Payne about the time gap between the time of death (between 6 and 7 PM) and the discovery of the body, which happened at 9 PM. She again tries to indict Kidd, saying that he had the perfect opportunity to kill Alfrend. Additionally, he would have every reason to leave the crime scene if he's the killer. Kidd insists that he is innocent and is asked to testify once more.

    Kidd claims that he saw the victim (who was not quite dead yet) at 6:30 PM and didn't call the police right away because he didn't have his cell phone. While he was looking for a phone, he returned to the crime scene. By then, the victim had died. He saw Downs fleeing with the murder weapon, found a phone, and called the police. Athena presses him twice, first on why he left the show, to which Kidd replies that he heard a scream, then on why he didn't have a cell phone, to which Kidd replies that he had lost his phone earlier in the week. Kidd tells Athena that he lost it while setting up for the show, and Athena asks that Kidd add that statement to his testimony. She then presents an alternate theory, saying that Kidd was simply looking for his phone when he found the victim. Kidd finally tells the truth, saying that he never actually heard a scream. He insists that he still saw the victim and culprit, to which Athena responds that there's no way of knowing that the murder took place during the show. Payne, however, says that Athena still has no evidence suggesting that Downs is innocent. Once again, Athena finds herself in a hopeless situation. To make matters worse, a disappointed Downs (her name is a play on letdown) takes the stand in order to confess to the murder. Downs claims that she saw the body and had the murder weapon in her hands at the time of the incident. Believing Athena has no right to call herself "Athena Cykes, attorney at law," she tells the judge to render his verdict. The judge decides to end the trial, unless either side has an objection. Naturally, Payne has no objections.

    Suddenly, Athena raises an objection, ordering the judge to continue the proceedings. When the judge asks why, Athena says that she heard some discord in Downs' heart during her confession. She requests a therapy session, and the judge fulfills her request. Payne also lets it happen, just to rub it in when nothing comes of it. Before that, the judge adjourns the court for a twenty-minute recess.

    Back in the defendant lobby, Downs wonders why Athena objected. Athena explains that, as her defense attorney, she must trust her client. Downs, however, has none of it. She also wonders why Athena requested a therapy session, as she isn't mentally ill. Athena tells Downs of her heightened sense of hearing, but Downs doesn't believe Athena. Suddenly, an angry Trucy Wright appears in the defendant lobby, who tells Athena that she should be practicing magic with her. Trucy agrees to let Athena continue the trial, but she becomes Athena's co-counsel in order to monitor her movement. Trucy says that she needs to ensure that Athena doesn't escape again, something that Athena has done many times in the past. Athena notices that the recess is almost over, and the three enter the courtroom.

    Court reconvenes, and Downs takes the stand. She delivers a confession in the form of testimony, and Athena begins the psychological analysis. Athena quickly detects an unusual emotion: sadness. When Downs mentioned meeting the victim, she felt sad. However, Downs said that she killed him. When asked to explain this inconsistency, Downs replies that the sadness originated from a letter found on Alfrend's person. The letter happened to be from Downs' mother, who had recently died. Payne uses this to argue a motive, saying that Downs killed Alfrend for the letter. Athena, however, doubts that and presents the trophy as evidence. A trophy went missing at 5:30 PM, and the murder weapon was a metal trophy. Thus, one can conclude that the missing trophy was the murder weapon. However, what Payne said would not suggest a premeditated murder; in other words, Downs would not have planned to kill Alfrend prior to the incident. However, Payne recalls the previous letter and asks the judge to declare Downs guilty. However, the judge decides not to render a verdict, as Athena has yet to finish her therapy session. Trucy tries to help Athena, which causes Athena to think of Phoenix. Athena remembers how Phoenix taught her and Apollo to believe in their clients until the bitter end. Athena remembers how Phoenix believed in her during her trial, and Trucy remembers how Apollo believed in her during her trial. The judge asks if Athena is willing to concede, and Athena refuses. The mood matrix segment continues.

    In her updated testimony, Downs claims that she killed Alfrend for the letter before reading it. She cried when she did so, and Athena spots another inconsistency. According to Athena, Downs felt no sadness when she read the letter, which directly contradicts her testimony. Downs admits that she did not read the letter, and Athena asks how she knew that the letter was from her mother. Downs tells Athena that Alfrend told her a day before the murder. According to Downs, Alfrend was going to deliver the letter to her at 6:30 PM. Her noise level drops again.

    Downs mentions the murder weapon in her testimony; which, for some reason, causes Athena to hear anger in Downs' voice. Payne says that she was angry at the victim, but Athena counters by saying that Downs did not mention the victim in that statement. In fact, Athena begins to believe that her anger was, somehow, directed towards the murder weapon. Payne thinks this is ridiculous, but it turns out to be true. Downs mentions a man before retracting her confession. She says that Alfrend was a close friend of hers, and that someone had blackmailed her into grabbing the murder weapon. This leads Athena to call Justin Kidd back to the stand.

    Kidd wonders why Athena wishes to indict him but testifies anyway. His testimonies are terrible, and Athena picks them apart. While Kidd denies any connection to Downs, Athena proves that the two were acquainted. Eventually, Athena deduces that the letter from Downs' mother was actually forged. Kidd breaks down, but the question of the blackmailer remains unanswered. Additionally, everyone begins to believe that the blackmailer and the true culprit are one and the same. Due to the many unknowns, the judge decides to suspend proceedings, and neither Payne nor Athena object. Downs, however, immediately gets angry.

    Back in the defendant lobby, Downs is angry because Athena allowed the judge to suspend proceedings, even though Athena knew she was innocent. She believes that Athena is the worst defense attorney ever and wonders why she hired her. Then, a man appears in the defendant lobby. The man introduces himself as Grayson Felton, another defense attorney. He offers to defend Downs in Athena's stead, and Downs accepts without hesitation. Thus, Athena is left thinking about the events that transpired, and whether or not she deserves to be a defense attorney.

    That is all for Episode 1. I know it's a cliffhanger, but it's something new.

    submitted by /u/AnythingMasterGabe
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    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 10:35 AM PDT

    After extensive research on Discord, it's time to present my updated list of codes for HD Investigations characters. This list also includes a couple of characters from other games who are not available on their respective sections of objection.lol yet.

    The following characters are complete:

    • Calisto Yew: YVVNUR
    • Colias Palaeno: ZJLBKF
    • Dane Gustavia (Young): PJBCQN
    • Dick Gumshoe: UIGKZY
    • Delicia Scones: LOQPFP
    • Ema Skye: XFIRYU
    • Frank Sawhit: IBNULS
    • Franziska von Karma (Young): QGDUHF
    • Jacques Portman: ZOICOE
    • Gregory Edgeworth: RBPPFA
    • John Marsh: KECXAU
    • Kay Faraday: IUWUFR
    • Kay Faraday (Amnesiac): DZJQRK
    • Klavier Gavin (Young): PXROVR
    • Lance Amano: ZCJBAV
    • Larry Butz (Steel Samurai): ZXBRSW
    • Larry Butz (Laurice Deauxnim): KBZXTF
    • Maggey Byrde: HRRILQ
    • Manfred von Karma: DFPSZT
    • Mike Meekins (Blue Badger): ATDFXH
    • Miles Edgeworth: EKBPLD
    • Nicole Swift: WEZFGW
    • Phoenix Wright: MIEIJJ
    • Raymond Shields: DUMMCX
    • Raymond Shields (Young): LQOTWF
    • Sebastian Debeste: RQEJMD
    • Shadi Smith: WIGXHT
    • Shi-Long-Lang: LJQCDW
    • Shih-na: TICFFI
    • Thalassa Gramarye: EPUDRW
    • The Judge: GJZOXJ
    • Turner Grey: AIIPAQ
    • Tyrell Badd: WUEUDO
    • Tyrell Badd (Young): LKTAFM
    • Will Powers: ITFHFO
    • Zak Gramarye: WNXCEL

    There's also a couple of characters I intentionally left out. These characters are not yet complete.

    They are:

    • Franziska von Karma: GEPPNZ (incomplete)
    • Horace Knightley: DTXWNV CNQXVD (incomplete)
    • Justine Courtney: FESSHP (uses the DS sprite of the overruled speech bubble)
    • Lotta Hart: RTUBCO (complete character but the outlines of the sprites are messed up)
    • Quercys Alba: IPNSKM (missing true breakdown)

    Fun fact: Did you know that there's a particular Discord server whose members have been making HD "custom" characters (not really custom, just animating the original AA chars), yet refuse to release them to outsiders, because you don't share the same nationality as them? Claiming that these characters are "their pride" and that they are "server exclusive"? Fortunately, they are not very good at keeping intruders out.

    You're welcome. :)

    P.S. No, I don't claim credit for creating any of these characters. I can only take credit for my effort in finding these codes.

    submitted by /u/maltron66
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    I don't have art skills, but I have math skills, so here Trucy's name in binary code

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 03:00 AM PDT

    01010100 01110010 01110101 01100011 01111001

    submitted by /u/FriseFuzzy
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    This doesn’t make sense to me (DL-6 Incident)

    Posted: 19 Mar 2021 06:33 AM PDT

    Ok, so the Fey family lost credibility because of the DL-6 incident right? Because Misty Fey channeled Gregory Edgeworth, and he said that Yanni Yogi shot him. They got discredited because Yogi got Not Guilty.

    However, Yogi got Not Guilty because of "temporary insanity!" This does NOT mean he didn't do it. It just means he isn't being charged criminally because he didn't have control over his actions. Why would this discredit the Fey family???

    BTW, yes I know that it was not actually Yogi that shot him.

    submitted by /u/ambergirl9860
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