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    Wednesday, February 17, 2021

    Ace Attorney This edit was such a nightmare to make

    Ace Attorney This edit was such a nightmare to make

    This edit was such a nightmare to make

    Posted: 16 Feb 2021 05:50 PM PST

    I'm ready for tomorrow

    Posted: 16 Feb 2021 08:55 PM PST

    *SLAM* "Objection!!!" I made a LEGO Minifigure of Phoenix Wright

    Posted: 16 Feb 2021 05:36 PM PST

    I've made a lot of mistakes in my life...

    Posted: 16 Feb 2021 01:15 PM PST

    Do we think DGS will be announced or what?

    Posted: 16 Feb 2021 06:54 AM PST

    (nrmt) I made some fake AAI3/AA7 screenshots (4 images)

    Posted: 16 Feb 2021 08:23 PM PST

    I made cut-ins for Ema (AAI), Kay, and Palaeno! HD rips of these characters are off of The Ripping Resource.

    Posted: 16 Feb 2021 11:02 AM PST

    Beta Art for Ryuunosuke Naruhodou

    Posted: 16 Feb 2021 03:23 AM PST

    Realistic AA7 expectations

    Posted: 16 Feb 2021 05:11 PM PST

    I'm not here to give my own thoughts, but to instead encourage whoever reads this to evaluate what they expect from AA7. There's been speculation that the upcoming Nintendo Direct might finally announce the DGS localisations and AA7 for this year; I personally doubt we'll see anything on AA7 yet, but just in case, let's have a moment to lay our cards down and figure out what exactly we should predict to see in the next mainline Ace Attorney game. I'll conveniently break it into categories for you to focus on it point-by-point:

    Playable characters - Will it focus on one-character in particular? Or rotate between characters? Will a new lawyer join the cast? (I bet many of you will shake your head at all of my suggestions for new cast additions, considering how bloated the cast already is - however, many people had a similar reaction when Athena was announced for DD while Apollo's story was still unfinished. This thought exercise isn't necessarily about what you want from AA7, but what we can realistically expect.)

    Prosecutors - Will there be a new prosecutor, and if so what could their gimmick be? Would they be a main rival or just a one-off? Which prosecutors could return, and in what role?

    Assistants - How will the game make use of Trucy, Pearl and Maya? Who else could fill the assistant role? Will there be a new assistant? Will Maya be accused of murder again? Or will we finally see Spirit Channelling become a recurring thing for communing with victims, now that Maya and Pearls are both more than capable of doing so?

    Detectives - Return of Ema or Gumshoe? If both, how would they both fit into the game? Could there be a new detective?

    Villains - What would make the final boss notable and threatening? Would they have a connection to the protagonists? What other kinds of villains could appear in the game? Will they fall back on AA-series tropes (like having a Redd White/Atmey/LeBelle/Retinz style 2nd case killer? Another prosecutor-killer?) or will they offer something relatively new?

    Other returning characters - Who else could we expect to see again? Larry? Maggey? Iris? Juniper? Hotti? Will they have changed and developed since we last saw them, or would they remain the same as they were?

    Khura'in - Will it be ignored entirely? Relegated to a filler case? Have a concurrent plotline like in SoJ? Or could the entire game just be AJ:AA 2?

    DLC - What or who could make the DLC case marketable? Will there be more than 1 DLC case? Will we get more Asinine Attorney, and if so what might they be about? What kinds of costumes would you expect, and who for? Will we just get 1 costume pack again, or several this time?

    1st case and over-arching story - 3-1 lets you play as Mia defending a young Phoenix; 4-1 features a hobo-Phoenix stripped of his badge; 5-1 has the courtroom bombing, and 6-1 introduces the Kingdom of Khura'in. First cases have increasingly been used as key marketing material for demos and trailers, and thus trend towards being more bombastic and exciting. What could make 7-1 marketable? And how would it link to whatever you think the over-arching story of AA7 is about? Will the gang have to fix the legal system yet again? Will the Phantom and Thalassa storylines return back to the forefront, or again be neglected in favour of making the game accessible to newcomers?

    Final case - What factors could make the game's final case interesting and dramatic? Will Apollo be given a new backstory? How could the stakes be risen any higher? Or will they de-escalate? If so, how could the case still rival the likes of 6-5 with its lower stakes?

    Story Structure - Will we get 5 cases as usual, or will the case number increase again to 6? Will the game be told linearly like AA1 and SoJ, or non-linearly like T&T and DD? Any flashback cases? Fully interconnected like AAI2, mostly linked together or a string on unrelated "filler" cases à la JFA.

    Case complexity - With neither Takumi nor Yamazaki likely to head up the next game, which style will the new director borrow more influence from? Takumi's more plausible, down-to-earth mysteries and plots? Or Yamazaki's elaborate and grand storytelling tradition?

    New Hardware - With AA7 being the first game in the series being developed for home consoles as well as for a multi-platform release, how will the game take advantage of the new hardware? Fully voice acted perhaps? Maybe just circumstantially voice acted, like the crossover, or possibly just voiced bubbles. Will the art style build from the DD/SoJ framework, or evolve similarly to DD's overhaul from AJ, complete with new character and location designs to take advantage of the more powerful graphics? What kind of gameplay mechanics could be added? Or will the game stick with the familiar roster? Will we get AAI-style investigations with full 3D environments? Will AA7 fail to substantially innovate with the times?

    And finally - Do you believe that you will be impressed with AA7, whatever it ends up being?

    The point of this post, to clarify, isn't to be negative or pessimistic, but to simply be critical on the trends which recent games have warned us about this franchise. It's funny at the moment to joke about Maya getting accused of another murder, or Apollo getting another backstory, but it won't be so funny once it actually happens again. We've largely been tolerant on the series' many lazy writing crutches (mostly because the stories still end up being quite good regardless), but it's equally OK to be critical about things you love, even if only to figure out what you could have loved even more. With a new lead director (whoever it ends up being), AA7 is free to move beyond the frequent recurring faults of both Takumi and Yamazaki's storytelling; I have every hope that it does, but also the nagging expectation that it won't.

    (Inspiration for this post came from this wonderful comic.)

    submitted by /u/galactar7
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    After becoming attached to Maya Fey when she was in her teens, I’m terrified for the day where the Court Record lists her age as 30+.

    Posted: 16 Feb 2021 04:41 PM PST

    Time flies, man...

    submitted by /u/heisedren
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    [Spoilers for all games] Least useful / Most damaging testimony?

    Posted: 16 Feb 2021 07:00 PM PST

    There's testimonies by investigating officers incriminating your client, there's testimonies by the prosecution's witnesses digging them deeper, there's incredibly vague testimonies, even by your client, that don't tell you anything, then there's these, where you both learn nothing and if anything get into even deeper trouble.

    I'm going to say that Anonymous TBD (ergo Datz's) testimony in 6-3 is probably the the most worthless and damaging one since it is 1) a complete lie, 2) even the lies are used to incriminate Maya, earning you a Guilty verdict on Day 1.

    What do the esteemed fellows of the sub think?

    submitted by /u/al_fletcher
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    where to acquire AA games

    Posted: 16 Feb 2021 10:12 PM PST

    anywhere i can get apollo justice, dual destinies, spirit of justice and TGAA? the last time i played was a decade ago (the trilogy) and i thought the franchise was discontinued.

    it wasnt until the 3DS releases of the franchise that i knew that there more to the games. i gave away my consoles prior to this knowledge so i really didnt have anything to play with back then.

    submitted by /u/ryuushinki
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    Jacques Portsman

    Posted: 16 Feb 2021 08:30 PM PST

    Why I like him:

    His charisma, egotistical, and "positive" attitude make him such a fun prosecutor to compete against. I don't think there's a prosecutor like him. (Maybe Sebastian or Klavier?) Yeah, he's like a mixture of Sebastian, Klavier, Athena, and Manfred.

    One good trait about him is that he is really good at adaptability. He's willing to change his logic and reasoning just to fit his narrative or reach his goal even if it made him look bad in the end. He may seem like a "Manfred" clone because of what he says in the opening cutscene but I have some doubts.

    This may be getting into "headcanon" territory but believe that he would:

    • Either get the defendant found guilty through any means or drop the charges before the defendant is found innocent and prosecute someone else so he doesn't technically "lose". (Manfred would never do the latter)
    • Use Bluff Tactics like Phoenix Wright.

    Such a shame we never saw more of him besides I-1 and the ending of I-3.


    Then Turnabout Ablaze came along and made everything confusing. The opening cutscene didn't allude to him being a part of the smuggling ring but wanting to win so it's like they just changed in motivations mid-way through the game.

    Anyways what are your thoughts on him?

    submitted by /u/Comicostar
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    Phoenix Wright Icon by me. (I felt bad for the Magatama cuz I don't know how to do lightings but here ya go)

    Posted: 16 Feb 2021 03:23 AM PST

    I'm a mistake.

    Posted: 16 Feb 2021 06:35 PM PST

    My thoughts on DGS

    Posted: 16 Feb 2021 06:01 PM PST


    Honestly, I'm amazed. I just finished the game and I am so glad I played it.

    The soundtrack is great, the cases are great, the characters are great, in fact there was not a single character that I hated in the entire game.

    Here are my thoughts on each case

    Case 1: This is (IMO) the best opening case outside of Turnabout Trump from AJ. I like the fact that you defend yourself, and I like that while Asougi is next to you and helps you, he doesn't carry you throughout the trial.

    I also like how when you say something to put the guilt on the true killer, instead of the prosecution asking for the evidence or some other BS, the true killer would just counter you my disproving you're statements with there own evidence.

    Also their breakdown is amazing.

    Case 2: This was an enjoyable case. I like how similar in the previous case, you keep on being the suspicious on because of the locked room mystery. I love the introduction of Sherlock Holmes and how it is only an investigation case like Edgeworth's spinoffs.

    My only complaint is that the killer is very obvious, considering how they refuse to testify about anything

    Case 3: To me, this whole case felt like an O.J Simpson reference and I liked that. The suspense of wondering if your client is truly innocent or guilty was amazing. Also like how this is the case where Gina is Introduced.

    Case 4: Ah, the filler case in this game. But that doesn't mean I don't like it. And Holmes comes back! Hooray!

    Anyway, I like how the >! attempted killer isn't even sure if they were the one that caused the act!< While IMO this was the weakest case in the game, it is not a bad one.

    Case 5: Great. Just great.

    The fact that the killer barley has screen time before the trial segments and that they have a very villain like motive makes it amazing. The way that Van Zieks acts is like if Edgeworths Morales were mixed with Von Karma's personality.

    The only complaint I have is that this case has a lot of the "Prosecutor asks for evidence" BS and that They only mention once that a wanted man is a juror

    Overall, amazing game andI'm glad I played it. I hope the sequel is just as good.

    submitted by /u/darkkiller1234
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    My Idea For An Asinine Attorney Game

    Posted: 16 Feb 2021 10:58 PM PST

    I've been thinking about the Asinine Attorney cases from Spirit of Justice, where you play a non canon case that's a bit more obsurd than what you would get from a normal case. After posting a poll about if people would enjoy an Asinine Attorney game, I decided to write up some plot summaries for new Asinine cases.

    They're not as complex as how the Wiki would describe a case, but I think there's enough detail to get an idea of what each case would be like. If you enjoyed the Asinine cases from SOJ, let me know if you like the way these sound.

    Some new names are new characters and other names are characters that haven't been named before, so I'd like to hear if you think the names fit the characters.

    Episode 1: The Reluctant Turnabout

    Phoenix Wright has to defend Winston Payne who has been accused of forging evidence for another trial. The claim was made by his brother, Gaspen Payne, who is prosecuting this trial after returning from Khura'in out of shame.

    The witnesses are Detective Dick Gumshoe who was the detective for Winston's original trial and testifies about what led them to believe there was forged evidence, Winston's daughter Cyan Payne who testifies about work her father had been doing which could be connected to the forgery, and Kristoph Gavin who was brought in by Gaspen due to his connection to Phoenix and their history of forged evidence.

    The Judge is not sure if the charges are valid or not, but Klavier Gavin appears, due to Gaspen telling him about bringing in his brother, and says they can use the jurist system.

    The jury either decides that Winston is guilty leading to jailtime and his prosecutor's badge being taken from him, or not guilty leading to him thanking Phoenix and asking for a job at the Wright Anything Agency.

    Episode 2: Turnabout Judiciary

    Phoenix Wright has to defend the Judge, Joaquin Judge's right to be a judge. A complaint was submitted by Annie Versiley who was falsely accused of grand theft and served jailtime for a year until the case was reopened and the correct verdict was delivered by Joaquin's brother, Josiah Judge who is overseeing this trial. The prosecution is Miles Edgeworth.

    The witnesses are Detective Dick Gumshoe who testifies about Joaquin's history of wrong verdicts, Joaquin's wife, Jude Judge who testifies pleading not to take his job, the prosecutor, Annie who testifies about her grand theft case being blatantly obvious and that the defendant shouldn't have been able to call the wrong verdict, and the defendant, Joaquin who testifies about doing the best that he can do.

    Since Josiah can't decide a verdict due to the connection to both sides, the jurist system is used again and the jury decides either to take Joaquin's job leading to him working at Tres Bien, or let him keep his job as he thanks Phoenix and offers to call a not guilty verdict for every trial of his that he oversees.

    Episode 3: What's A Turnabout?

    Phoenix Wright, assisted by Trucy Wright, has to defend Apollo Justice who has been accused of assaulting Athena Cykes and giving her amnesia. The claim was made by Juniper Woods who was visiting Athena when she saw Apollo standing by her unconscious body. The prosecutor is Simon Blackquill.

    The witnesses are Detective Ema Skye who testifies about what she found at the crime scene, Trucy who testifies about why Apollo was going to Athena's place and what he had told her, Juniper who testifies about what she saw and why Apollo was suspicious, Athena who testifies about what she can remember before and after recovering her memory, and Dustin Crops, a delivery man who testifies about delivering a birthday cake and hearing a crash from inside Athena's home.

    The court is left with the information that Apollo was at Athena's house for his birthday and that there's a possibility that Athena had gotten amnesia from accidentally hurting herself while preparing the party.

    The trial uses the jurist system again due to indecision and the jury decides Apollo is either guilty and he goes to jail, or not guilty and everyone goes back to Athena's home to celebrate Apollo's late birthday.

    Episode 4: The Perfect Turnabout

    Phoenix Wright has to defend Franziska von Karma's right to keep her whip and use it on people. The prosecutor is Victor Timm assisted by every single prosecutor that was available at the time.

    The witnesses are Detective Dick Gumshoe who didn't really try that hard to find evidence for Phoenix and Franziska's case and testifies about his history with Franziska and her whip, Larry Butz who testifies about his history with Franziska and how she won't let him draw her for his stories, and Miles Edgeworth who testifies about his history with Franziska and how she utilizes her whip only when necessary.

    The Judge was too scared to give his final verdict so the jury decides Franziska either has to give up her whip leading to Phoenix being her final target, or can keep her whip leading to Phoenix being her target, but not her final target.

    Episode 5: Turnabout Patriot

    Phoenix Wright has been called in by the president, John Smith, after Congress had been arguing about whether or not the country should be renamed to Japanifornia due to the recent influence Japanese culture has been having on the country. Phoenix has to defend the country's current name, being assisted by Trucy Wright and Athena Cykes.

    The prosecutor is Miles Edgeworth and his assistant, Maya Fey, who are for the name change due to their love of Japan and Japanese influenced media like the Steel Samurai and Pink Princess. The evidence from both sides will be used in an election where the U.S. citizens will vote to decide on if the name is changed or not.

    The witnesses are Detective Dick Gumshoe who is helping Edgeworth find evidence for the change out of fear that his salary might get cut if Edgeworth loses and testifies about why it's a good idea, Sal Manella who testifies about his reasoning for working on the Steel Samurai and other Japanese influenced media, and Rayfa Padma Khura'in who was visiting America with Apollo Justice and Nahyuta Sahdmadhi and testifies about both Japan's effect on the development of Khura'in and the influence Japan and The Steel Samurai had on her country's own show, The Plumed Punisher.

    The case ends with the country either deciding to change the name to Japanifornia, and also change L.A. to Neo Olde Tokyo after a request from Maya and Sal, or the country remaining America with Maya and Edgeworth being mad at Phoenix.

    Episode Special: Turnabout Leftovers

    The porkbun trial from the Spirit of Justice prologue.

    If you have any feedback, questions, or criticism towards the cases, I'll try to answer answer as soon as possible. Do you think this or a game like this could work or would they be better off as bonus cases for mainline games?

    submitted by /u/KaleBennett
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    I have littered this subreddit and my PC once again with a tierlist. This time it's about how much I want to see each character again. (Fight my opinion if you want xD)

    Posted: 16 Feb 2021 02:18 PM PST

    I Wish They Stuck To The Original Coloring For The Sprites In Trilogy HD

    Posted: 16 Feb 2021 07:49 PM PST

    Favorite "Un-Ambiguous" Culprit?

    Posted: 16 Feb 2021 05:29 PM PST

    Big oops: I put the wrong person for spirit of justice. Pretend it was "Peace Loving and Understanding.

    BTW I consider an "Un-Ambiguous" Culprit where the game doesn't try to hide who the killer is from the beginning.

    You can argue that Furio Tigre is kind of ambiguous but that would mean people would assume that phoenix wright is killing people. He's identifiable enough IMO.

    I will count Kristoph here as well despite the opening cutscene being weird.

    The Fabulous Gang:

    Redd White

    Richard Wellington.

    Florent L'Belle

    Kristoph Gavin from 4-4

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/Comicostar
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    Should Ace Attorney 7 have an anime opening before moving on to the cases?

    Posted: 16 Feb 2021 07:28 PM PST

    Like most anime video games, ranging from shonen material or not, should Ace Attorney 7 have an anime opening before proceeding to the games?

    This is my take for anime opening, but more of an inspiration from DBZ:

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/Keyz051
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    A Maya Fey Mii I made a while back

    Posted: 16 Feb 2021 08:29 AM PST

    2-2 lil question

    Posted: 16 Feb 2021 08:32 PM PST

    so phoenix says that miney couldn't have been in winding way because she would have seen pearl who was there at the time of the murder. if that's true, how come pearl didn't see morgan burn maya's clothes in the incinerator?

    submitted by /u/Sabesaroo
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    If the Wright Anything Agency was different besides a legal agency, what do you think it should be?

    Posted: 16 Feb 2021 07:44 PM PST

    Martial Arts Dojo for my selection. I can imagine Phoenix Wright and the CEO Trucy, including his proteges Athena and Apollo to be good warriors in the Martial Arts field. For example, Dragon Ball.

    What's yours and why?

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/Keyz051
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